Saturday, November 9, 2024

Getting Festive in Downtown Franklin - Saturday, Nov 23 at 8:30 AM

The Franklin Downtown Partnership and the Franklin Garden Club are joining forces to decorate the downtown for the holidays on Saturday, November 23 from 8:30 AM to 11 AM. The FHS Boys and Girls Hockey teams will be on hand to help install wreaths, bows and greenery. 

The effort is organized by Eileen Mason, Franklin Garden Club member and FDP member. Please email Eileen Mason at to let her know you can help.

Students: if you have community service hours to satisfy, this is the perfect opportunity to earn your hours. You will get a note documenting your service.

Thank you to the Franklin DPW for their help in cleaning out the containers on the bridges and providing new potting soil.

“We’re a group of volunteers dedicated to making the downtown area festive during the holiday season,” Mason said. “The decorations make Franklin even more inviting to residents and visitors, and help draw people downtown to enjoy our local shops and restaurants.”

Stay up to date and follow the Franklin Downtown Partnership on Instagram and Facebook at:

Getting Festive in Downtown Franklin - Saturday, Nov 23 at 8:30 AM
Getting Festive in Downtown Franklin - Saturday, Nov 23 at 8:30 AM
The Franklin Downtown Partnership (FDP) is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization made up of more than 350 business owners, residents, and community leaders working to revitalize downtown Franklin. Residents can join the Downtown Partnership for $25. The Partnership manages events like the Strawberry Stroll and the Harvest Festival, and initiatives such as spring beautification, streetscape design, greenspace, alley murals, and sculpture projects. For more information go to

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