Showing posts with label author. Show all posts
Showing posts with label author. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Author to visit the three Franklin Middle Schools in November

Download your copy of the flyer:

Author to visit ALL THREE Franklin middle schools in November
Author to visit ALL THREE Franklin middle schools in November

Saturday, May 18, 2019

“had a feeling that there was a story hiding in that idea”

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin:
"Susan Hamilton can trace her beginnings as a serious writer to a particular college assignment. 
“My freshman writing professor challenged us to write ‘something creative,’” she says. 
Until then, most of her writing was for school. This time, the assignment was a tipping point. 
“I enjoyed the story I wrote so much, I set out to write a novel,” the author shares."

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)


Related post

You can find Shadow King on Amazon

and Goodreads

Friday, January 4, 2019

Franklin Author Book Sale Specials

Franklin author Susan K Hamilton has some book sale specials announced that I found via the Twitter stream. We had shared the release of Shadow King in November 2018.

Franklin Author: Susan K. Hamilton fantasy genre novelist

"The ESCAPE! Anthology released yesterday and is currently in the Top 50 on Amazon for both Short Stories and Anthologies. Special $2.99 price until Jan. 6! Grab your copy today, you'll be glad you did!#shortstories #anthologies #amreading #books"

"Buy the Amazon Kindle version of Shadow King for just $0.99 through 12/12/19!
Grab a copy today!"


Saturday, November 24, 2018

Franklin Author: Susan K. Hamilton fantasy genre novelist

Dark fantasy readers will find themselves spellbound by Susan K. Hamilton’s Shadow King (Oct. 2, 2018, InkShares). In the midst of a tumultuous Boston, a Fae Seer, Seireadan, begins to fall for Aohdan, the Fae Patriarch of the city’s criminal underworld. Despite her best intentions to stay away from him, the fierce passion begins to consume them both. While Aohdan to expand his power base, Seireadan searches for the Fae who killed her family, straining their still-new relationship. Soon, they’ll both have to make choices that will drastically change the course of their lives.

SUSAN K. HAMILTON: Susan K. Hamilton is the author of three novels in the fantasy genre: Shadow King, Darkstar Rising, and The Devil Inside (forthcoming in 2019). Shadow King landed on the Top Ten finalist list of the 2016 Launchpad Manuscript Competition out of over 1,000 entrants from 24 countries, and was published by Inkshares in October 2018. 

The Devil You Don’t reached the Top 25 finalists list the following year and will be published under the name The Devil Inside. Susan lives near Boston, Massachusetts with her husband and cat. An avid equestrian, you can often find her at the barn when she’s not writing. She rediscovered her love for writing at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst when her writing teacher freshman year told the class that their last assignment was “to write something creative.”

You can find Shadow King on Amazon

and Goodreads

Monday, September 24, 2018

Library: Journalist and Author Ted Reinstein - Sep 24

Journalist and Author Ted Reinstein scheduled to speak at the Franklin Public Library on Monday, Sep 24, 2018 at 6:30 PM.

Journalist and Author Ted Reinstein - Sep 24
Library: Journalist and Author Ted Reinstein - Sep 24

Library: Journalist and Author Ted Reinstein - Sep 24
Library: Journalist and Author Ted Reinstein - Sep 24

Ted also spoke in 2014 at the Library. At the time the enthusiastic group who listened and wanted to buy his book, went across the street to the Ginley Funeral Home parking lot where he sold copies of his book. Maybe the capability to sell books on the Library grounds has changed. It was being talked of during the renovation of the Library. We'll see.

Ted in the center of the Franklin book buyers!
Ted in the center of the Franklin book buyers!
The post in April 2014

Monday, August 27, 2018

Franklin Library: Ted Reinstein - Sep 24

Journalist and Author Ted Reinstein is scheduled to speak at the Franklin Public Library on Monday, September 24, 6:30 PM

This was shared from the Franklin Library page

Ted spoke in 2014 at the Library. At the time the enthusiastic group who listened and wanted to buy his book, went across the street to the Ginley Funeral Home parking lot where he sold copies of his book. Maybe the capability to sell books on the Library grounds has changed. It was being talked of during the renovation of the Library. We'll see.

Ted in the center of the Franklin book buyers!
Ted in the center of the Franklin book buyers!
The post in April 2014

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

In the News: Franklin author at Library; MDN editor at Library

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin:

"The Franklin Public Library, 118 Main St., will host local author Arlyn Halpern on Tuesday, June 5 at 6:30 p.m. 
Halpern, a psychotherapist and writer, will give a talk about her new memoir, “Dancing into the Light.” It’s a heartwarming tale of her journey from a challenging childhood in suburban Chicago to self-discovery and greater wisdom through dance, living in three countries, and intensively studying mindfulness and meditation in India and the U.S. with a Buddhist master. It’s a compelling tale of love, loss, adventure, humor, and personal and spiritual growth. 
“There are many joyful and funny experiences (in the book) - dancing in a carnival at age 15 and falling in love to name a few,” says Halpern."
Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

In the News: Franklin author at Library; MDN editor at Library
In the News: Franklin author at Library; MDN editor at Library

"We value our readers and those connected with the communities we cover; that’s why we would like to hear from you in person. 
Come share your thoughts and story tips at Coffee With The Editor events planned for Milford and Franklin this month. 
Milford Daily News Editor-In-Chief Anne Brennan and Multimedia Journalist Scott Calzolaio will be at the Franklin Public Library, 118 Main St., from 10 a.m. to noon Wednesday, June 6. 
The Milford Daily News staff will be on hand from 10 a.m. to noon on Wednesday, June 13 at the Daily News office, 197 Main St. for a second Coffee With The Editor event."

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

In the News: local author to speak at Library June 5

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin:
"The Franklin Public Library, 118 Main St., Franklin, will host local author Arlyn Halpern on Tuesday, June 5 at 6:30 p.m. 
Halpern, a psychotherapist and writer, will give a talk about her new memoir, “Dancing into the Light.” It’s a heartwarming tale of her journey from a challenging childhood in suburban Chicago to self-discovery and greater wisdom through dance, living in three countries, and intensively studying mindfulness and meditation in India and the US with a Buddhist master. It’s a compelling tale of love, loss, adventure, humor, and personal and spiritual growth."
Continue reading the article online

In the News: local author to speak at Library June 5
In the News: local author to speak at Library June 5

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

High School - College: Social Media Part-time Summer Work

Arlyn Halpern, Franklin resident, psychotherapist, and author writes:
"I am looking for a mature high school or college student who might want a part-time job this summer. I have been looking for someone who is good at social media and could assist me in getting the word out about my book through Facebook, Instagram, etc., as well as assisting in some other office tasks."
Arlyn is scheduled to talk about her book at the Franklin Library on June 5 at 6:30 PM. You can find more about her book "Dancing into the Light: A Spiritual Journey of Healing" on her page

If you have interest in the social media work, please contact Arlyn at

Social Media Part-time Summer Work
Social Media Part-time Summer Work

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Book Signing: "Run. Think. Repeat.: Funny, Thought-Provoking, and Totally Random Thoughts" - Nov 9

Franklin’s Kim Rezendes celebrates the release of her first book, Run. Think. Repeat.: Funny, Thought-Provoking, and Totally Random Thoughts from a Mom on the Run, with a special signing at THE BLACK BOX in downtown Franklin on Thursday, November 9 from 7-10 p.m. A compilation of short stories about life, food, family, and small town roots, the book grew out of thoughts and observations Kim had while running. Each story comprises a chapter in the book, with some being poignant, others inspirational, and most funny and fun.
Franklin’s Kim Rezendes celebrates the release of her first book
Franklin’s Kim Rezendes celebrates the release of her first book

The book morphed out of Kim’s blog and Facebook posts, with encouragement from friends and family who enjoyed her humorous writing style and related to her stories. Kim spent a year compiling the pieces while continuing to write new material. Written in conversational style, often as a stream of consciousness, the book’s chapters fall into four sections: FamiLove, “Her”story, Think. Thank. Thunk., and Randumbs.

Born and raised in Franklin, Kim still lives in her hometown surrounded by family and childhood friends. Her writing reflects Kim’s appreciation for small-town community and old-school perspective. The stories are highly relatable and honest, with a real-life view. Local readers may well recognize familiar people and places, while others will find in Kim’s anecdotes much that reminds them of their own lives, family, and experience.

Director of the Little Music School at the Franklin School for the Performing Arts (FSPA), Kim is also one of FSPA’s earliest alums. She notes that Run. Think. Repeat. celebrates longtime relationships with teachers and fellow students who remain some of her closest friends. Working with FSPA’s youngest learners, Kim draws a connection between her own powers of observation and those of the children she teaches: “Children notice things that others don’t and they verbalize things that others might not. Parts of my writing are musings on common situations and circumstances. I pay attention to everyday things that we’re surrounded by and I’m inspired by them.”

Kim finds her writing to be a relaxing process that helps clear her head and put things in perspective. “In the classroom, I do the same thing,” she says of her shift in outlook. “If something is not going as planned, I try to focus on what is going well and not sweat the small stuff.”

The feedback from readers has been what Kim hoped it would be. “It’s an easy read,” Kim says. “There’s so much heavy in this world, the book allows people to stop thinking about all the craziness.”

Released by MindStir Media, Run. Think. Repeat. is available for purchase at THE BLACK BOX book signing or via online retailers and Barnes & The $14.99 paperback is also sold locally at The Spotlight Shop, 34 Main Street, in Franklin. 

THE BLACK BOX is located at 15 West Central Street in downtown Franklin; visit to learn more. 

For more information about Run.Think. Repeat., visit

Monday, October 16, 2017

Franklin Candidate for Town Council - Eamon McCarthy Earls

Eamon McCarthy Earls (EME) and I (FM) sat down at Panera Bread to talk about his candidacy for the Franklin (MA) Town Council in the election scheduled for Nov 7, 2017.

FM - Tell me a bit about yourself, your family, and your life here in Franklin? What is your Franklin story?

EMEI grew up in Franklin, attended public schools here and graduated from Franklin High School. My family lives in Franklin and I have many friends throughout the town. Growing up here, I became interested in our community's history from talking with lifelong residents such as Stella Jeon, or Howard and Sandy Crawford. I was inspired by their stories to research and write a history of the town from colonial times to the present day that I published in 2012.  Today, I'm also a homeowner in Franklin, invested in our town's future and committed to seeing this community thrive.

FM - What experience or background will help you to serve in this role? What do you bring to the table that helps to set you apart from the others?

EME - I am well prepared for our complex financial and environmental challenges with an MBA and a bachelors degree in geology from UMASS-Amherst. Town Council is a new way to serve my town, building on the work that I did as an Associate member of the Franklin Historical Commission, helping to set up the Town Museum in 2010, that now anchors our Cultural District. In addition, I've had other longstanding involvements in town whether collecting used bicycles or supporting the Charles River meadowlands initiative.

FM - What do you see as your role's biggest challenge and do you have any suggestions on how we can resolve it?

EME - Engaging the public is one of the biggest challenges, which requires active outreach on the part of the Council. Councilors complain that nobody cares so they just do what they want. I want to encourage a more active citizenry and more people getting involved in our community.

More transparency is needed so that citizens can find the services they need, express their concerns and participate. Some of this can be accomplished through new technology, even potentially apps. But above all, councilors need to be out talking to citizens and not just a select few.

FM - As you know, Franklin has applied to the state for an official Cultural District designation in town. What do you feel is the role of arts and culture in Franklin, and what is your plan to advance that agenda?

EME - It's a great opportunity to invigorate the downtown as a destination for residents and for visitors from out of town. The exact shape of it will evolve overtime, but between the town museum, our historic library and the resources of Dean College as well the Franklin Art Association we have a great foundation.

It's both an economic development opportunity and a chance to increase the quality of life for residents through new opportunities for visual arts, performing arts. Our existing town codes could be seen as blocking the creation of certain art galleries and antiques businesses that might otherwise be a great element in a cultural district.

FM - Would you like to add a closing statement?

EME - All of the people on the council boast about the same things, bringing in business, reducing taxes, almost the same line the entire time. With the 250th anniversary of the town coming up, it's time to take stock and see if we have the right mix of business and how it may evolve over coming years with the changing demographics of the town. Will the town grow in a way that matches its schools and infrastructure? What are we doing to understand and manage that for the long term. Some of the approaches have tended to be tactical, bringing in specific employers or dealing with the problems of a single property. Active town council that shapes the long term agenda. It's not clear exactly how long it will take to clean up our Superfund site and finally get some closure on our polluted Grove St. brownfields.

Clearly there are public health challenges too, the continued challenges of opiods and the growing threat from new tick-borne illnesses. We should be making sure that our local public health infrastructure and schools are equipped to deal with these things.

As a town councilor, I will rise to meet these challenges and work to make the Council a transparent, responsive and engaged group that talks to citizens and works closely with other parts of town government such as the School Committee.

Eamon's email address is and his campaign Facebook page is @eamon4newftc.

Offer to Candidates 2017

From the FM archives: 

Eamon's presentation at the Historical Museum on his book

and info on his book Franklin: From Puritan Precinct to 21st Century ‘Edge City’

Noteworthy: This information is intended to help the Franklin voters when we all head to the ballot box on November 7. The interview candidates have had an opportunity to review the text before publishing to ensure the accuracy of our discussion. 

Franklin Election Collection - 2017
Franklin Election Collection - 2017

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Franklin Public Library: pancakes, potluck, and book sale - Aug 12

Pancake Breakfast with Author Josh Funk, Saturday, August 12, 10:30 AM

Franklin Public Library: pancakes, potluck, and book sale - Aug 12
Franklin Public Library: pancakes, potluck, and book sale - Aug 12

Cultural Diversity Potluck, Saturday, August 12, 2:00 - 4:00 PM

Cultural Diversity Potluck, Saturday, August 12, 2:00 - 4:00 PM
Cultural Diversity Potluck, Saturday, August 12, 2:00 - 4:00 PM

Franklin Public Library Book Sale, Saturday, August 12, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM (and then the 'bag sale' on Sunday from 9:00 AM to noon)

Franklin Public Library Book Sale, Saturday, August 12, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Franklin Public Library Book Sale, Saturday, August 12, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM 

This information was shared from the Franklin Library webpages

Saturday, April 15, 2017

“I think a good use of public money is to fund innovation”

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin:

"Award-winning author and illustrator Peter Reynolds toured the Franklin High School’s arts academy this week and spoke to its students about approaching challenges creatively. 
Reynolds, the author of such children’s books as “The Dot” and “Ish,” visited the Franklin Arts Academy - a program within the high school that approaches education through an artistic lens - on Thursday. 
Reynolds said he appreciated the arts academy’s approach to instruction, noting that he was often bored in school and would turn to drawing as a way to entertain himself. He said he was inspired by a math teacher who noticed him drawing in class and urged him to use his art as a way to explain math concepts to his fellow students. A comic book came out of that effort, and the teacher further encouraged him to develop it into animation."
Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

author and illustrator Peter Reynolds (Rep Jeff Roy Photo)
author and illustrator Peter Reynolds (Rep Jeff Roy Photo)

For additional photos from Representative Jeff Roy

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Franklin Library: Author Susan Kapatoes - Dec 3 - 2:00 PM

The Franklin Public Library will host author Susan Kapatoes on Saturday, Dec 3 at 2:00 PM.

"Greetings to all :) 
Throughout my life, I have had the unexpected opportunity to experience certain events that can be described as divine intervention. In a beneficial manner, I have been allowed to feel the omnipresent energy that is moving through our amazing universe and permeating our everyday lives. I felt compelled to write about these graceful times in order to help people expand their consciousness and connect to their own inner power in a positive way.

As a result of my life experiences, I enjoy writing books with a spiritual and uplifting theme. In regards to my educational background, I hold a bachelor of science (B.S.) degree in Nutrition and a masters degree in Healthcare Administration (M.H.A.). As a complement to my formal learning, I have also studied holistic healing modalities which help to promote balance and optimal well-being in a person's life."

Franklin Library: Author Susan Kapatoes - Dec 3 - 2:00 PM
Franklin Library: Author Susan Kapatoes - Dec 3 - 2:00 PM
This was shared from the Franklin Library webpage

Friday, April 8, 2016

In the News: "Bible doesn't say that", Elks Care 5K, Sheriff speaks to Town Council

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin

The Bible doesn't say that
The Bible doesn't say that
The author of “The Bible Doesn’t Say That!” will speak in Franklin on Monday, April 11, starting at 7 p.m., at the Franklin Federated Church,171 Main St., Franklin. 
An internationally acclaimed teacher, author and translator, Dr. Joel M. Hoffman brings “fresh insights and interpretations about religious life in the 21st century.” Well known for engaging both academic and popular audiences alike, Hoffman looks back through 2000 years of revisionism to the text as it originally was.

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

"The Franklin Elks will hold its fourth annual Elks Care Elks Share 5K Road Race Walk and Run at 9 a.m. May 7 at the Franklin Elks Lodge, 1077 Pond St. 
The event will feature a 5K road race and walk through the neighborhood with trophies for the top three finishers in various age categories. Refreshments will be provided and T-shirts will be supplied to all who register online by May 1"

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

"Norfolk County Sheriff Michael Bellotti spoke before the Town Council this week about strategies to prevent recidivism among area offenders. 
Bellotti, speaking at the council's Wednesday night meeting, said it is important to connect offenders with services before their sentences are up. 
"We hear time and time again - up to 90 percent of (offenders) have alcohol or drug issues," he said, adding that other problems - like a lack of housing or vocational skills - contribute to offending or re-offending. "What we try to do is assess where their deficits are."

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The Bible Doesn't Say That! - Acclaimed author to speak April 11 in Franklin

Spend an evening with Dr. Joel M. Hoffman as he presents a talk titled The Bible Doesn't Say That! on Monday, April 11, 2016 at 7:00 PM at Franklin Federated Church, 171 Main Street.

What does the Bible really say about violence? About marriage? About men and women? The Bible has been reinterpreted and misinterpreted almost from the day it was written, so most people reading the Bible now have very little sense of the original text. Come listen and learn as Dr. Hoffman peels back 2,000 years of revisionism to take a look at the Bible as it was originally composed.

A popular and engaging speaker, Dr. Hoffman focuses on bringing the Bible to life and is known for his "fresh insights and interpretations about religious life in the 21st century." An internationally acclaimed teacher, author and translator, he presents to churches, synagogues, community groups, and university audiences across the world. He holds a Ph.D. in linguistics and has served on the faculties of Brandeis University and Hebrew Union College.

The Bible Doesn't Say That: 40 Biblical Mistranslations, Misconceptions, and Other Misunderstandings
The Bible Doesn't Say That: 40 Biblical Mistranslations, Misconceptions, and Other Misunderstandings
Hoffman is the author of the popular books "And God Said: How Translations Conceal the Bible's Original Meaning" and "The Bible's Cutting Room Floor: The Holy Scriptures Missing From Your Bible." Writing under the pen-name "J.M. Hoffman," he has also authored the thriller series "The Warwick Files." His latest book, "The Bible Doesn't Say That: 40 Biblical Mistranslations, Misconceptions, and Other Misunderstandings" hit the bookshelves on February 16, 2016.

The event is sponsored jointly by Temple Etz Chaim, Franklin Federated Church, The Parish of St. Mary (Roman Catholic), St. John's Episcopal Church, Franklin United Methodist Church and The First Universalist Society of Franklin.

Admission is free, although donations are welcome.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Franklin Library: A weird MA evening with Jeff Bellanger

Jeff Belanger will be talking at the Franklin Library on Thursday, May 14th at 6:30pm

Jeff Belanger - a weird MA evening
Jeff Belanger - a weird MA evening
For more about Jeff you can visit his webpage

Library Sign - Jeff Bellanger
Library Sign - Jeff Bellanger

Monday, May 4, 2015

Franklin Library: Author C.E. Zaniboni - May 7

Author C.E. Zaniboni is coming to the Franklin Public Library on Thursday, May 7 at 6:30pm.

From Zaniboni's website:
"ICED AT MIDNIGHT is a murder mystery that is appealing to a wide range of readers with down to earth old Maine characters in real life situations with typical dialogue of the region. The protagonist is a real laid back kind of guy who finds himself deeply immersed in an unusual murder in his hometown. As the novel progresses he finds out who his friends really are with a surprising twist concerning the dead young FBI agent with a carrot in his ear and why he was in Gammil’s Point, Maine."

Author C.E. Zaniboni - May 7th
Author C.E. Zaniboni - May 7th

Some of the content was shared from the Franklin Library page here

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Franklin Library: Kevin Gardner - author of "The Granite Kiss"

Kevin Gardner, author of The Granite Kiss is scheduled to speak at the Franklin Library on Thursday, Apr 2 at 6:30 PM.

Author Kevin Gardner describes the granite kiss as "that inevitable experience in stone work when a fingertip or two fails to escape the contact point between two large stones on the occasion of their first meeting." In this elegant, literate primer on the fundamentals of building with stone, Gardner distills 30 years of experience in building, restoring, and repairing traditional New England-style dry stone walls into principles and practices that are adaptable to a wide variety of designs and circumstances. 
Gardner addresses the inherent design challenges that arise when working with the typical rounded, hard-to-use fieldstone of New England; gives valuable advice on acquiring materials, preparing the site, and laying out a footing; outlines the basic principles of constructing single-, double-faced, and retaining walls; and reveals how to build walks, patios, planters, ramps, foundations, wells, steps, corners, pillars, and stiles. He considers the mythology of the stone wall and its place in the New England imagination: why we revere the miles of old farm walls that wander through our woods and fields, and why we are driven to preserve, restore, and duplicate them.

The Granite Kiss author - Apr 2, 6:30 PM
The Granite Kiss author - Apr 2, 6:30 PM

This event was shared from the Library webpage here

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Reminder: Neal Sanders - Oct 7th

Friendly reminder

The Friends of Franklin Library are pleased to present local 
Author Neal Sanders. 
Join us as we welcome Neal as he gives 
his presentation on Murder Mystery writing styles 
with horticulture ties.

WHEN: October 7, 2014

Neal Sanders
Neal Sanders
WHERE: Alumni Restaurant and Bar,
391 East Central St, Franklin,
the Plaza across from the Big Y.

TIME: 7 PM – 9 PM

COST: 1 Can good or Toiletry Item for the Franklin Food Pantry

There will be Raffles and refreshments with Coffee, any other appetizer or beverage can be ordered off the menu at the customers expense, full bar! So grab a glass of wine and listen as Neil gives his presentation.

Book Clubs Welcomed!

About Neal Sanders

Neal retired from the corporate world in 2005 with an idea that he might try his hand at penning fiction. Eight books later, he's established a track record as a writer of exceptionally well-written and intricately plotted mysteries. 
His forte is strong, independent women. Sometimes they solve crimes, sometimes they commit them, but they're always interesting and someone you'd like to get to know better. Gardening also figures into many of Neal's stories, as do strong doses of humor. 
Neal and his wife, Betty, make their home in suburban Boston where their two-acre property has been part of the Garden Conservancy's 'Open Days' program and featured in the Wall Street Journal. He chronicles their garden and his views on gardening in his widely read blog, 'The Principal Undergardener'.

For more about Neal visit his website