Showing posts with label objectives. Show all posts
Showing posts with label objectives. Show all posts

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Master Plan committee member to join the Q&A sessions next week (video)

I shared the following to those who are on the mailing list for the Franklin Q&A sessions held monthly. With the Master Plan 'final draft' out for review now & feedback due by Dec 2, it is also important to bring this to your attention.


On the "watch list" , you'll recall that we have been following the progress of the Master Plan Update Committee's work. They revealed the goals and objectives a couple of months ago but those were all "motherhood & apple pie" respectfully. The key things to look for would be the action items.

Master Plan process overview, we are at the last steps of review
Master Plan process overview, we are at the last steps of review

The action items were just revealed in the final draft. Feedback is due by Dec 2. In addition to the quick review of what has happened in the past month, we'll have a member of the Master Plan Committee for each session to help spend some time on this important planning doc. 
  • Melanie Hamblen is scheduled to join us Monday 
  • Eric Steltzer is scheduled to join us Wednesday
As we have discussed, the Master Plan outlines the goals and objectives for the Town to take over the next 10 years. With the actions spelled out, we can see if we agree, or disagree, or if there is something NOT in there, propose to add it. For example, are the housing action items what we want & need? 

Master Plan page with education action items
Master Plan page with education action items

To help with your prep for this opportunity, the link to the "final doc" is provided, as well as the video link to the feedback session held Thursday, Nov 14
The Franklin Q&A sessions are scheduled for

When: Monday, Nov 18, 2024 at 6:30 PM  

Where: Franklin Public Library (Community Room) and via Zoom


When: Wednesday, Nov 20, 2024 at 11:00 AM  

Where: Franklin Senior Center (2nd floor conf room) and via Zoom

If you want the Zoom link to participate remotely, please use this form, or check with the Senior Center front desk, or email me (shersteve at

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Master Plan Update: Implementation Program: Strategies and Actions - Traffic, Community Services, & Housing

Over the next couple of days, sections of the Master Plan Update "final draft" will be shared to prepare for the Public Hearing scheduled for Thursday, Nov 14. 

The presentation and hearing will begin at 6:30 PM in the 3rd Floor Training Room of the Municipal Building. Franklin TV is scheduled to broadcast the event (and record for future viewing).


Key Issues and Opportunities

This document outlines the major challenges currently faced by the Town of Franklin. These key issues, along with potential opportunities, are instrumental in understanding and shaping the Town’s Master Plan update. Additionally, they contribute to the formulation of the town’s vision, goals, and strategies for the next ten to twenty years.

Implementation Program: Strategies and Actions

Master Plan Strategies are intended to inform decision-making and ensure that community development aligns with the goals of the master plan. These strategies are crafted through an assessment of current conditions, emerging trends, and future projections for the community. Once established, these strategies serve as a framework for decisions related to land use, zoning regulations, transportation infrastructure, and various elements of community development.

Master Plan Action Items represent specific tasks required to achieve the goals and objectives detailed in the master plan. They are individual steps necessary to implement the guiding strategies and achieve the desired outcomes.

Given the complex table structure of the detailed implementation plans, I have broken out each section in a single PDF for easier reading by topic.


Community Services


The last 3 sections will be shared tomorrow

The full Master Plan Update final draft report can be found on the Town page ->

Master Plan Update: Implementation Program: Strategies and Actions - Traffic, Community Services, & Housing
Master Plan Update: Implementation Program: Strategies and Actions - Traffic, Community Services, & Housing

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Master Plan Update: Community Mission Statement, Vision, & Goals

Over the next couple of days, sections of the Master Plan Update "final draft" will be shared to prepare for the Public Hearing scheduled for Thursday, Nov 14. The presentation and hearing will begin at 6:30 PM in the 3rd Floor Training Room of the Municipal Building. Franklin TV is scheduled to broadcast the event (and record for future viewing).


3. Community Vision and Goals

The Master Plan Mission Statement and Vision include the core values and goals that guide community development and decision-making.

Mission Statement

Franklin is an inclusive community that strives to support its citizens, land, and businesses in a sustainable, fiscally responsible manner. We value high quality education, the arts, cultural, historic, and agricultural resources, and the superb delivery of public services, now and into the future, for residents of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds. 

We are committed to creating a sustainable community by protecting open spaces, recreation, and natural resources while promoting balanced growth that enhances the pluralism of our community. We work to promote various housing opportunities, as well as to attract and retain businesses, both profit and non- profit, that grow our economy, create jobs, and contribute to a vibrant downtown center and community. 

We continue to work to improve and enhance the safe, healthy, and efficient movement of people and goods within Franklin, and across the regional transportation network, by providing a range of integrated and sustainable transportation options.


Our vision of Franklin is to be a vibrant, inclusive, pluralistic, innovative, and sustainable community.

Pillar Goals

The six pillar goals, or overarching goals, of the Franklin Master Plan are:
Housing Diversity
Complete Neighborhoods
Neighborhood Connectivity
Vibrant Downtown
Natural/Historic Conservation and Accessibility
Resource Efficiency
Master Plan Goals

Master Plan Goals are the objectives that a community aims to achieve through implementation of a master plan. The goals are typically broad and long-term in nature, and they guide the implementation of policies and strategies that will help achieve them.

1. Work to revitalize Franklin’s Downtown core and adjacent neighborhoods.
2. Support the creation of mixed-use Neighborhood districts throughout Town that integrate small commercial uses near residential areas.
3. Boost tourism by highlighting, enhancing, and expanding amenities, events, and attractions.
4. Build organizational capacity to support and strengthen the Town of Franklin’s business retention and attraction initiatives, activities, and strategies.
5. Encourage the redevelopment of underutilized properties and otherwise explore opportunities to expand Franklin’s commercial and industrial bases.
6. Adopt strategies that will promote workforce development, attract skilled workers to the region and increase employment options for the Town’s current residents.

1. Increase Housing Diversity to encompass a range of housing types, sizes, and price points to accommodate the diverse needs and preferences of residents, including Innovative housing solutions, such as tiny homes, co-housing communities, accessory dwelling units (ADUs), and co-living arrangements, to offer housing options suited to specific needs or lifestyles within the community.
2. Expand and Enhance the Downtown and Neighborhoods by prioritizing them for housing development and investments in neighborhood character that include improving infrastructure, amenities, community engagement, and quality of life for residents.


1. Preserve and enhance existing unprotected natural and open space resources in Franklin.
2. Encourage development of diverse housing options in areas of Town where property is underutilized or needs redevelopment, and where public transit is available.
3. Promote mixed-use development in appropriate areas.
4. Encourage expansion and retention of current businesses and attraction of new businesses in appropriate locations.
5. Provide guidelines on Franklin character and develop a more clearly defined review process.
6. Make the permitting process more transparent, streamlined and in alignment with overarching Town goals.
1. Protect, preserve, and enhance Franklin’s natural environment and biodiversity through land and water management, regulation, and public education.
2. Provide quality arts and cultural resources as a vital part of the creativity and growth of our community.
3. Preserve and protect community historic resources while respecting and planning for future growth.
4. Advocate for the preservation and protection of Franklin’s natural, cultural and historic resources.
5. Implement growth management, sustainable development and low impact development techniques to preserve, protect, and enhance the Town's natural, cultural, and historic resources.

1. Increase public awareness of and access to open space and recreational resources.
2. Preserve and enhance existing unprotected natural and open space resources in Franklin.
3. Provide opportunities for inclusive and accessible passive and active recreation to meet the community’s evolving needs.
4. Implement sustainable practices in the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of Franklin’s public parks and playgrounds.
5. Work to obtain the funding and other resources necessary to implement the open space and recreation goals, objectives and actions outlined above.

1. Regularly reference and use the Master Plan in developing annual budgets and prioritizing capital improvements, programs and services.
2. Obtain  sufficient  resources  to  implement  the  Master  Plan’s  priority  capital improvements, programs and services.
3. Maintain, update and expand the Town’s utilities, infrastructure and facilities to satisfy the demands of the Town into the future in alignment with previously established plans for conservation or preservation.
4. Superb delivery of public services.
5. Maintain the quality of Franklin’s municipal buildings, public school facilities, and all other town owned properties, and utilize facilities as effectively as possible.
6. Ensure the superb delivery of public education, from Pre-K through adult.

1. Make the Town increasingly more walk-able and bike-able by creating and maintaining safe interconnected pedestrian and bicycle routes between key destinations within Franklin, including residential areas, Downtown, employment centers, commuter rail stations, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and commercial areas.
2. Work to improve existing, and develop new, public transportation for the Town's residents and visitors, as well as the business community and their employees.
3. Improve and maintain the Town's public roadway system to assure adequate service, maximize public safety, accommodate desirable growth, and serve existing and future land use patterns.
4. Improve vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrian circulation in the Downtown and neighborhood areas.
1. Decarbonize all Town/school buildings and facilities.
2. Adopt and support sustainable development policies and practices.
3. Support and encourage sustainable practices among residents and businesses.
4. Strengthen resilience to climate change impacts.
5. Support programs to reduce waste.

Implementation Program: Strategies and Actions

Master Plan Strategies are intended to inform decision-making and ensure that community development aligns with the goals of the master plan. These strategies are crafted through an assessment of current conditions, emerging trends, and future projections for the community. Once established, these strategies serve as a framework for decisions related to land use, zoning regulations, transportation infrastructure, and various elements of community development.

Master Plan Action Items represent specific tasks required to achieve the goals and objectives detailed in the master plan. They are individual steps necessary to implement the guiding strategies and achieve the desired outcomes.

The next level - strategies and actions will be shared tomorrow. If you want, you can go directly to the full plan and review those sections

Master Plan Update: Community Mission Statement, Vision, & Goals
Master Plan Update: Community Mission Statement, Vision, & Goals

Friday, November 8, 2024

Master Plan Update Committee Meeting - November 14, 2024 - Your input is critical. Do you approve of the proposed changes?

The Master Plan Committee will be meeting on November 14, 2024 in the third floor training room at 6:30PM.

Master Plan Update Committee Meeting - Nov 14, 2024
Master Plan Update Cmte Meeting - Nov 14, 2024
What will the future of Franklin be like? How will we deal with traffic, new buildings ... 

The Master Plan as drafted sets out the goals and objectives for the Town of Franklin to implement over the next 10 years. 

Your input is critical now. Do you approve of the proposed changes?

Come review the draft of the Master Plan and tell us what you think!

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Master Plan Update Cmte slides completion dates from Sep 2024 to Jan 2025 (video)

Tapping into the Master Plan Update Cmte meeting underway, good news for us is that they are going to slide their completion dates to provide more time for the objectives and implementation details. 

Discussion of adding dates through the end of this year with target to go to Planning Board in Jan 2025, and Town Council also in Jan 2025.

Much discussion around staff and dept review dates and time lines (i.e. giving town staff enough time to do so)

They didn't explicitly discuss but I am hoping that they also allow for time for community review & comment before going to Planning Board and then to the Town Council. 

Dates for meetings for the remainder of 2024: motion to approve additional meeting dates as follows: ** Sep 3, Oct 2, Oct 23, Nov 6, and Dec 11. ** Voted via roll call and unanimously passes 

Meeting closes at 8:20 PM

Franklin TV replay available ->

Master Plan Update Cmte slides completion dates to Jan 2026 (video)
Master Plan Update Cmte slides completion dates to Jan 2026 (video)

Thursday, June 13, 2024

June 12, 2024 Master Plan Committee Postponed to July 10, 2024

June 12, 2024 Master Plan Committee Postponed

The June 12, 2024 Master Plan Committee meeting has been postponed. The new date for the hearing will now be  July 10, 2024 at 6:30PM.

Shared from ->

June 12, 2024 Master Plan Committee Postponed to July 10, 2024
June 12, 2024 Master Plan Committee Postponed to July 10, 2024

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Master Plan Public Hearing scheduled for June 12 at 6:30 PM

Town of Franklin - Master Plan Committee
June 12, 2024 6:30 PM

Public Hearing Outreach – Draft Goals

The agenda doc doesn't provide any more clues as to what the draft goals might be for discussion> it does provide info on remote participation for this session ->

Master Plan Public Hearing scheduled for June 12 at 6:30 PM
Master Plan Public Hearing scheduled for June 12 at 6:30 PM

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Master Plan Update Cmte struggles discussing mixed business vs. neighborhood, vs. village (audio)

FM #1223 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 1223 in the series. 

This session shares the Franklin Master Plan Update Committee meeting held on Wednesday, May 29, 2024. The meeting was conducted in a hybrid format with most in the 3rd floor training room and a few participating remotely

Quick recap:

  • Subcommittee Reports - They did get through the round of updates from the subcommittee chairs (with 1 exception). Most had not met since the prior meeting anticipating a new meeting to review the discussion from tonight (later in the agenda) 

  • Review Goals for each element - They started and deviated multiple times in the intersection around housing, economic development, transportation. (This is not unlike any other discussion in the general community around what it takes to make Franklin a better place.)

  • Public Hearing prep - spent some time to reach consensus on the presentation for the public hearing scheduled for June 12. Sentiment to get the objectives that drive the goals out well in advance of the meeting didn't seem to reach consensus due to timing and to approach. Some wanted to get goals agreed to before getting into objectives, yet the objectives help explain the goals. We'll wait and see what comes out before the public hearing.

The recording runs about 1 hours & 59 minutes, so let’s listen in. Audio link ->



The Franklin TV video for this session -> 

The meeting agenda -> 

The Master Plan page -> 


My full set of notes captured during the meeting -> 


We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio ( or 102.9 on the Franklin area radio dial. 

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.

How can you help?

  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors

  • If you don't like something here, please let me know

Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.

For additional information, please visit  or 

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana"  c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.

I hope you enjoy!


You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Master Plan Update Cmte struggles discussing mixed business vs. neighborhood, vs. village (video)

The Master Plan Update Committee met as scheduled on Wednesday, May 29 commencing shortly after 6:30 PM. Chairperson Glenn Jones opened the meeting with members present and participating virtually and a few missing due to other Franklin commitments that night.
Quick recap:
  • Subcommittee Reports - They did get through the round of updates from the subcommittee chairs (with 1 exception). Most had not met since the prior meeting anticipating a new meeting to review the discussion from tonight (later in the agenda) 
  • Review Goals for each element - They started and deviated multiple times in the intersection around housing, economic development, transportation. (This is not unlike any other discussion in the general community around what it takes to make Franklin a better place.)
  • Public Hearing - spent some time to reach consensus on the presentation for the public hearing scheduled for June 12. Sentiment to get the objectives that drive the goals out well in advance of the meeting didn't seem to reach consensus due to timing and to approach. Some wanted to get goals agreed to before getting into objectives, yet the objective help explain the goals. We'll wait and see what comes out before the meeting.
The Franklin TV video for this session ->