Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Live reporting - Closing



Pfeffer - has the Senior Center had another leak?
Mercer - There have been three different freeze ups since the Senior Ctr opened, all due to design flaws, there are fixes being put into place to avoid this in the future

Vallee - I got a call from the Globe about another community that is withdrawing from the Norfolk County Association
Nutting - we pay a lot of money to belong to the County. I can't really comment without fully understanding what the reporter was saying. I don't know how to get rid of a County. The assessment comes on the Cherry Sheet

Pfeffer - a number recieved anonymous letters, if you can't put a name to the letter we can and won't respond

Mercer - we are starting to go vertical, exactly on schedule

Kelly - we seem to be getting more of them than ever before, we also have a microphone here, without a name on it, we cannot respond to it

Vallee - parking meters, she is giving tickets 24x7, is what she is saying,please look at this issue
Bissanti - does she have a uniform?
Nutting, yes in winter it is covered

Negotiations, Litigation, Real Property, as May Be Required

motion to adjourn

Live reporting - Legislation


1. Resolution 13-05: Hoffmann Farms, A Private Definitive Subdivision Acceptance of Covenant with Owner
motion to approve, passed 8-0

2. Resolution 13-06: Appropriation: Town Clerk - Advertising
motion to approve, passed 8-0

3. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 12-695:Changes to § 185-31. Site Plan and Design Review – 2nd Reading
motion to approve, passed 8-0 via roll call

streamlining the site plan for the developers and the Town

4. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 12-696:Changes to § 185-20. H. Signs. Sign Approvals - 2nd Reading
motion to approve, passed 7-1 via roll call (no - Vallee)

5. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 12-697:Changes to § 185-45. N. Administration and Enforcement. Design Review Commission - 2nd Reading
motion to approve, passed 7-1 via roll call (no - Pfeffer)

Live reporting: Audit for 2012

Melanson Heath & Co., 2012 Audit

up to Page 12, MD and A, management discussion and analysis
Page 13
summary of future view

Page 15
unassigned fund balance $4,289
modest improvement over prior year, about 4.2% of general fund, auditor look at that number

stabilization accounts, fund increases due to actions voted but not yet spent

$15M vs. a year ago of $11M, $3M of that was committed 

Page 17 helps to understand why the increase in unassigned fund balance
change in fund balance seen here, majority of this is timing

there is a good deal of info in the footnotes
there is interest in OPEB, if you choose I could talk for hours on it

In the management letter, recommendations begin on Page 3
follow up to prior year, more formal risk process, formal = written

The Town has provided responses to the issues raised, we think what has begun is off to a good start

On Page 4 - issues 2 and 3 will be addressed collectively, billing collection and assessment of funds, no segregation of duties present

on Page 5
Policy on handling fund balances, deals with spending prioritization
there are different constraints on the source of funds, determine which buckets of money shold be used first, would help provide guidance on what to do, what to use

Page 6 - prepare for GASB 68
the handling of the Norfolk County unfunded liability would need to be added to the books
an informational comment, I can not anticipate what that number would be
it is likely to be a large number, liabilities will go up, assets will go down

Powderly - yes,I did notice the quicker turnaround
does this happen often? 

Nutting - we didn't have staffing, one clerk was doing both, we can resolve that with staffing and the outsourcing being looked at.

Risk assessment,the small towns will consider and accept the risk

Gagner, the risk assessment will be a multi year process, we have looked at the Treasurer and Comptroller depts, and once we have ours down, we'll expand to others

Nutting - eventually every department will go through the process, 

Many more appointed treasurers

Live reporting: Treasurer/Collector

Jim Dacey, Treasurer-Collector

Discussion on current proposal as drafted to start the work to move the position to an elected one

Kelly - can we handle this as we do the school principal?
Nutting - that is the recruitment process, does the council start getting involved every time something comes up. When I recommended the promotion of the current chief, we did that local as we had a candidate

Nutting - when someone comes in from the outside it is a different story, as soon as you get a committee it becomes an open meeting

Powderly - this is changing in general terms, the fine details of the process remain to be defined. While it is an elected position in some communities, the size of the budget does become the determinant?
Dacey - yes, the size of the budget is a key factor

Mercer - you get to choose the candidate and bring it to us?
Nutting - yes, there is a check in balance, we need to keep politics out of it. That would be true of any appointment

Dacey - to get the best possible candidate then we need to have it appointed

Jones - I think we need to let the voters determine this. I don't think we should take a position from the public.

Bissanti - do you feel that on a day to day basis, that you need to be in the trenches?
Dacey - my role is very hands on, there are things I do that no one else in the office does. Tax taking, investment choices, it is very hands on. My assistant is buried right now with the work that she has to do. If she would be the one to support the new treasurer, she would be hard pressed

Powderly - while moving from elected to appoint, the residents don't loose their voice. The Councilors hear from folks all the time. That won't change. I will always favor a Franklin resident, if I have to choose between three Franklin resident and some one who is very well qualified, for the stability of town I would go outside. It is a hard choice. No one can tell us more accurately than you what is needed. That is the most convincing argument. It can be seen as taking power away from people but I don't see that.

Jones - I think the voters are smarter than we think

Dacey - the problem is when someone is in for a week and messes things up, you won't be able to recover from it. It was almost three years before I go the job down pat.

Live Reporting - Town Council - Feb 6, 2013

Present: Mercer, Dellorco, kelly, Powderly, Vallee, Pfeffer, Jones, Bissanti,
Absent: Roy

November 28,2013, December 19, 2013, Executive Session
motion to approve, passed 8-0

This meeting is being recorded by Franklin TV and shown on Comcast channel 11 and Verizon channel 29.This meeting may be recorded by Franklin Matters.






Teens Set to Run 4th Annual Charity 3v3 Soccer Tournament

The 2013 Soccer for Smiles to be held during school vacation in February promises fun for all participants while supporting a terrific local charity, the Random Smile Project. The Soccer for Smiles team is looking for contributions from local businesses and individuals as well as players from ages 5 to high school. The tournament is round-robin style and will be held February 18th, 19th, and 20th at Carpe Diem Field on 34 Saxon Street in Franklin, MA.

Soccer for Smiles 3v3 Tournament

Soccer for Smiles was formed in 2010 when four teenagers combined their love for soccer with their interest in contributing to the earthquake relief fund in Haiti. Colin Berg (16), Tim LaRowe (15), Alexa Frongillo (16), and Cobi Frongillo (15), coaches at the Franklin Soccer School, came together to plan and host their first charity soccer event. The teens were struck by the devastation faced by the people of Haiti after the earthquake. They realized also that many people in their local community were in need of support and felt that they could make an impact through a fun, athletic event with children. This led them to partner with the Random Smile Project whose mission is to provide a bridge of support to people going through difficult times.

With increasing participation of over 100 young players in each of three years the tournament has been great fun and very productive. Raising over $2,000 for Haiti, they recognized the power of soccer and charity. Over the last two years, the team focused on local charities and each year outpaced the previous year’s income. In 2011, the tournament raised over $4,000 for the Random Smile Project ( In 2012 the group chose beneficiaries of RSP and Team Isabella, helping a local girl and her family; contributions exceeded $5,000.

This year, the organizers of Soccer for Smiles look to go even higher hoping to get more participants over three days. Working again with the Random Smile Project, they aim to raise over $7,500. For more information and registration forms, go to or email them at .

Franklin Library: Fun Club - Mardi Gras Party

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via Franklin Public Library by Franklin Public Library on 2/5/13

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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Live reporting - Finance Committee - 2/5/13

Present: Smith, Goldsmith, Dufur, Quinn, Roche, Dewsnap, Feldman, Aparo, Huempfner
Absent: none

Citizens Comments - none

Approval of minutes from Jan 8th, motion to approve, seconded, passed 9-0

Action item:
Town Clerk advertising $1,000
proposed to move from free cash

motion to approve from free cash, seconded, passed 9-0

DPW Road Capital Plan
Mike Maglio, Asst Town Engineer

roadway inventory conducted and road ratings created
update the database yearly
determines the capital plan based upon the ratings

206 total miles, approx. 30 miles are unaccepted roadways

approx 23 miles are private roads, with another 18 miles  that are State roads

avg rating for roads is currently 76, would like to get up to about 80. That number tends to be a good one for communities of our size

if we attempted to upgrade all the roads at once, it would cost about $48M

$1.2 M per year would keep us just holding steady
$2.0 M would get us gradually to an 80 rating by 2022

The town is doing a lot of planning that folks don't always see
The Long Range Planning Committee reported that roads were one of the major issues to be addressed.

The DPW does work with the gas company to coordinate road work
There is a bylaw passed a few years ago that once a road was re-built, it is not to be touched (unless an emergency) for five years. 

Trying to narrow the width of the roads to reduce the storm water handling

What has been the average road budget?
Not sure, let me check and get back to you. I have been here year and a half and just gettign into the budget business

Can you explain the accepted road process?
Has to do with the final as-built reports and acceptance by the Town Council
Working to get some of those identified and accepted into the process
We would be plowing and doing that kind of maintenance but not physical road repair work

Most of the paving is through contracts
we'll do some of the smaller tasks but the larger roads are better done by contractors

Q - how did the sidewalks account for so much/
A - can't repair them, mostly replace. Hadn't done this particular slide so not sure exactly what the calculation was

Tabling the OPEB valuation discussion (J Nutting not here)

Susan Gagner - not much to add just yet, the Governor's budget is out and we are scheduled for more local aid, if that holds it is very open to discussion

Intending to get budget at end of March

Per Jeff Roy, there will not be a local aid cut for this fiscal year.

Tri-County assessment is up, we have more kids enrolled there

Special election cost
There will be a primary and election, whether the state picks up the cost is open

Jim Dacey
we may come back to you for an increase in the processing of the parking tickets
have written only $20K of tickets, had budgeted only $3K for the processing
will be looking to see what it will be before year end and may come back in Apr/May with a number that should be good

Excise tax bills will be going out next Monday

Annual report will be reviewed at the Town Council meeting
Management letter to be addressed regarding action items
esp. a policy for fund balances

May be a requirement to put the unfunded pension liability on the balance sheet
The county has not presented that number to us
it will be interesting to see, all net assets will go down when it is added

Clarification on the asset versus liability and the balance sheet
we are funding the liability but not booking it (pension)
we are not funding the liability (OPEB) but booking

motion to adjourn

Franklin Historical Museum: All Aboard!


The Franklin Historical Museum will host a talk on the history of the Southern New England Trunkline Trail, SNETT.

Guest Speaker Ron Clough of the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation will give a presentation and discuss the history of SNETT which was designated as part of the National Recreation Trail in 1994.

Franklin Station

Join us for an informative look at the Southern New England Railway and trains in Franklin’s history, and learn about the ‘Ghost Train’.

Sunday February 17 @ 1:00pm, 80 West Central Street, Franklin

The science of NFL Football

The Library at Dean College has started publishing a blog. Their most recent post shares a series of videos produced by NBC on the "Science of NFL Football". Just because the Super Bowl has officially ended the season doesn't mean there is no more football!

Queue the videos!

You can find the series of 10 short (about 3-4 minute) videos here:

They don't provide a way to embed the video so you will need to follow the link. For school teachers to leverage this for their classes, there is a way to login via Blackboard and download the videos for free.


The Dean College Library blog:

The Dean College Library post on the football videos

The Science of NFL Football series

These videos and more are also available at (search for "football"). Note I did not have success in actually viewing the videos on this site. They seemed to take forever 'loading'.

Rep Jeffrey Roy - Office Hours

State Representative Jeffrey Roy (D-Franklin) announced today that constituent office hours will be held as follows:

Medway – Tuesday Feb 5th = 8:00 AM at the Medway Municipal Building, 155 Village Street, Sanford Hall, 2nd floor, Medway, MA

Franklin – Saturday 16th = 9:00 AM at the Cake Bar, 17 East Central Street, Franklin, MA (Parking on street & in the rear)

Medway – Wednesday 27th = 6:00 PM at Starbucks, 67 Main Street, Medway, MA 02053

Christopher Yancich, his legislative aide, will be accompanying him.

Representative Roy stated that all office hours are open to any residents of Franklin and Medway who may have questions or concerns that they wish to bring to his attention. Walk-ins are welcome, no appointment necessary. He looks forward to hearing from you.

He also invites all constituents to call him at his State House office at (617) 722-2425, stop by Room 437 in the State House, or email him at

House rejects governor's call for local aid cut

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via Wicked Local Franklin News RSS by GateHouse Media, Inc. on 2/4/13

The House today rejected Gov. Deval Patrick's request for the power to make a 1 percent local aid cut and advanced legislation aimed at snapping this year's budget back into balance.

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Registry of Motor Vehicles Unveils

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via Commonwealth Conversations: Transportation by Klark Jessen on 2/4/13

MassRMV ScreenshotMassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles Division has transitioned to a new website making it the first motor vehicle administration in the nation poised to accept advertising in order to generate new revenue.

With more than 16 million website visits per year, the switch to offers limited advertising opportunities, and allows the RMV to develop clearer navigation to let customers perform their transactions with renewed confidence.

"This is a great example of MassDOT's continued emphasis on making our services more user-friendly," said MassDOT Secretary and CEO Richard A. Davey. " makes online transactions simpler for the customer and gives us additional revenue opportunities."

During 2012, Registry customers performed more than 3.4 million transactions online, up from 2.9 million transactions in 2011, ranging from license and registration renewals to citation payments to signing up to become organ donors. Advertisements will be limited to select informational pages and are not on customer transaction pages.

" is now the official website of the Registry of Motor Vehicles where customers may perform 35 different transactions safely and securely," said Registrar of Motor Vehicles Rachel Kaprielian. "We work hard to drive customer traffic to the web, so we recognize our obligation to make this mode of service delivery as convenient as possible."

In September, MassDOT conducted usability testing on the new website design with customers at its Chinatown Branch. Based on customer reviews, navigation bars were redesigned, terminology was changed and special alerts affecting branch operations have been pushed to the forefront at customers will initially see promotional ads for MassDOT and RMV services while a contract with the advertising vendor, Municipal Media Solutions is finalized. In its first year of operation, the advertisements are expected to generate about $65,000 in new revenue.
Online advertising supplements current advertising partnerships, including those used in RMV mailers to defray mailing and productions costs. A closed-circuit RMV TV network, MVN, targets ads to those likely to be conducting business in Registry Branches and offers PSA time for relevant RMV news and updates.

Things you can do from here:

Monday, February 4, 2013

Big fund raising day for Franklin non-profits!

This Saturday, Feb 9th, will see two major fund raisers for Franklin based non-profit organizations.

1 - The Random Smile Project holds their 6th Annual Gala from 6:00 PM to midnight at the RI Convention Center, Providence RI.

Random Smile 6th Annual Gala Event
Additional details and tickets can be purchased online

2 - The Franklin Food Pantry will be conducting its 3rd Annual Phone-a-thon using the facilities at Dean College.

Franklin Food Pantry - new logo

Additional details can be found on the Food Pantry webpage

New roof on King St

The fire damage from September 2012 is getting repaired. Robert Catalano's residence at 12-14 King St.

14 King St under repair

and a second view

14 King St under repair - 2nd view

The Sep 2012 story

Franklin Library: Teen Advisory Board


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via Franklin Public Library by Franklin Public Library on 2/2/13


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“It’s a game and a history lesson all wrapped up in one”

Mark Brady, a teacher at Horace Mann Middle School, uses a board game to help with teaching history.
“We can’t bring them back to Mesopotamia, Egypt or Greece, but this (Catan) brings it alive,” Brady said. “One student was so frustrated because he was winning at one point, and the other kids froze him out and wouldn’t trade with him. He said flat out, ‘I now understand why people go to war." 
Brady pitched the idea to administrators with help from Tricia Metrick, a science teacher. A grant from the Franklin Education Foundation, a community group that raises money for teachers, purchased the games for classes in sixth, seventh and eighth grade. 
Mark the experiment as a success, says Robert Vacca, who teaches eighth-grade world history. Vacca observed one of Brady’s classes and saw immediately that Catan was connecting with students in a way that a textbook never could. 
“The kids don’t even realize they’re learning,” he said. “It brings the curriculum to life and, in the process, brings their learning to a higher level. They have to analyze and interpret situations, and, really, that’s what history is all about."

Read more: Franklin educator uses board game to teach historical lessons - Franklin, MA - Wicked Local Franklin

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Jim Dacey makes the case for Treasurer-Collector as an appointed position

This internet radio show or podcast is number 102 in the series for Franklin Matters.

In this session, we synchronize the audio and presentation document on the major arguments for moving the Treasure/Collector position to an appointed rather than elected position.

You may recall that there were Home Rule charter changes on the ballot for the Nov 2010 election. The technical changes to the charter were passed by better than a 3-1 margin while the question to move the Treasurer/Collection position to an appointed one failed by almost a 2-1 margin.
Question 4 - technical changes to the charter
Yes - 8443
No - 2596
Blanks - 1790
Question 5 - switch to appointment of Treasurer/Collector
Yes - 4339
No - 7421
Blanks - 1069
The full set of results from Nov 2010 can be found here

Now that sufficient time has passed, Jim Dacey the current Treasurer/Collector is bringing the discussion forward again. His presentation to the Town Council on Jan 23, 2013 laid out the arguments to have the next Treasure/Collector appointed by the Town Administrator and voted on the by Town Council rather than determined by the Franklin voters.

I have taken the recording of Jim's presentation and synchronized it with the presentation document so you can follow along. I also included the question and answer period that was part of the meeting.

So without further ado, here is Town Council Chair Bob Vallee introducing Jim Dacey:

The reporting from the Town Council meeting on Jan 23 can be found here

Notes of the full Town Council meeting can be found here

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This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but I can't do it alone. I can use your help.

How can you help?

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If you don't like this, please let me know.

Thank you for listening.

For additional information, please visit
If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana"  c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission

I hope you enjoy!