Sunday, February 5, 2012

Special Education Update - 2/7/12

The Special Education Update scheduled for the School Committee meeting on Tuesday, Feb 7, 2012

FPS SPED Update 20120207

The full agenda for the School Committee meeting can be found here

Student head Injuries and Concussions

The presentation scheduled for discussion at the School Committee meeting on Tuesday, Feb 7, 2012

FPS_Student Head Injuries and Concussions_20120207

The draft policy and procedures document for student head injuries and concussions

FPS_Draft Concussion Policy Procedure Appendices_20120207

The full agenda for the School Committee meeting can be found here

Spring 2012 Recreation Programs

The Franklin Recreation Dept brochure for Spring 2012 programs is available:

Franklin Rec Brochure Spring 2012

You can register online at the Recreation Dept page

Hopedale company donates, installs solar panel on Franklin church


Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:


via The Milford Daily News News RSS by Alison McCall/Daily News staff on 2/4/12


Second Generation Energy, based in Hopedale and specializing in solar panel installation, began putting up 44 solar panels on First Universalist Society's roof this week, partly to advertise the benefit of solar panel energy to the community, and partly out of neighborly spirit.


Things you can do from here:


Saturday, February 4, 2012

School Presentation video link

The video for the Town Council meeting is now available for viewing on-demand.

Follow this link:

You can watch the video and follow along with the slides here

Wadsworth Diary - Feb 4, 1858

Very Pleasant & Warm. Father went to Rev. Thayers after the wagon & I went after Jos. Oxan. Than we drawed birchwood from the Rockwood lot. Drawed 3 cords with oxan & 1 with horse. Jos was away part the day. Went to writing school in eve with Sarah.

In the 1850s, on a busy working farm in the southern part of Franklin, a man named George Wadsworth started writing in a journal about everyday events. When he filled that journal, he bought another, and filled that up too. Two dozen journals, and 27 years later, he had written about almost everything that can happen in a small New England town. His words were lost to history until 1986, when town resident Gail Lembo came across some of the journals at a yard sale. 

From the Franklin Historical Museum website   

Note: The vote to continue was close but positive for continuing: 13 for, 10 against. The diary skips Feb 1892 and picks up again in April. What I have done to keep with the February period is go back to one of the earlier years in the diary, 1858.  

Date Set for FHS Debt Exclusion Vote!

Dear Franklin Friend,
It's official. Tuesday, March 27 is our "now or never" opportunity to say YES in a town-wide vote in support of building a brand new, fully furnished and equipped 21st century high school in Franklin  --with a state reimbursement rate of nearly 60 percent.
The Franklin Town Council approved the voting date during their meeting Wednesday night, and councilors unanimously and unequivocally endorsed a YES vote. During the past week, the Franklin Long Range Finance Committee, the Franklin Finance Committee and the Recreation Advisory Board also publicly endorsed the project and urged residents to vote YES for FHS on March 27.
More than 200 of your friends and neighbors have stepped forward as YES vote supporters so far. They recognize that Franklin has a Real Need for a new facility that will:
·        Meet all future needs, including 20 percent more educational space; 21st century classrooms and science labs with integrated technology; an 830-seat auditorium/theater; a 17,700-square-foot gym and 6,000-square-feet-indoor walking track; full compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act for access and special education.
·        Remove Franklin High from accreditation warning status.
·        Provide modern resources that will give our kids the best chance for success in an increasingly competitive academic environment and economic marketplace.

The Right Time to seize this opportunity is now, when we can take full advantage of historic low construction and borrowing costs. If the debt exclusion vote does not pass:
·        Franklin will lose the chance to build a new high school with a state reimbursement rate of nearly 60 percent.
·        Franklin taxpayers will pay 100% for repairs to keep the building safe and operational.
·        Accreditation officials will consider moving Franklin High onto probation status.
·        Our property values and tax base will be threatened.
Please mark your calendars and let your friends and neighbors know that The Right Time is March 27 to go to the polls to vote.
Visit to learn more about why there is a Real Need for this project and why the new FHS deserves your YES vote on March 27. Please share this email with your friends and neighbor here in Franklin.  It is important that all of us have the information we need to make a good decision.
To those who are already volunteering and have contributed financially, thank you. To those who have not, we need your active support and donations, and we welcome questions. You can email us at, or visit: for more information.

Thank you!

Citizens for a New Franklin High School
Vote Yes for FHS on March 27! A Real Need. The Right Time.

Franklin, MA: Affordable Housing Lottery

There is an Affordable Housing Lottery coming up for units in 55+ housing at Meadowbrook Heights

Details contained here:

The lottery application can be found here:

Note email subscribers will need to click through to Franklin Matters to view the document

Friday, February 3, 2012

Wadsworth Diary - Feb 3, 1858

Very Pleasant & Warm Went to meeting al day. Rev.J. Thayer preached. Olive Sayles & Mrs. Carlton were taken into church. It was communion, no meeting this eve. There was notice given that there would not be any regular service in fournoon.
Written upside down: but prayer meeting instead at (?) commencing next Sabbath. Sarah stayed at home.

In the 1850s, on a busy working farm in the southern part of Franklin, a man named George Wadsworth started writing in a journal about everyday events. When he filled that journal, he bought another, and filled that up too. Two dozen journals, and 27 years later, he had written about almost everything that can happen in a small New England town. His words were lost to history until 1986, when town resident Gail Lembo came across some of the journals at a yard sale. 

From the Franklin Historical Museum website   

Note: The vote to continue was close but positive for continuing: 13 for, 10 against. The diary skips Feb 1892 and picks up again in April. What I have done to keep with the February period is go back to one of the earlier years in the diary, 1858.  

School Building Committee presentation

The presentation slides as shown during the Town Council meeting on Wed Feb, 1 2012

I have already seen several of the design photos (and have shared them here) so the part of the presentation that really caught my interest were slides 6 and 7 where the Jim Jordan described the design features of the Ray Memorial Library building and then showed how they incorporated them into the new building.

The dollars and important facts around the project begin with slide 10 and clcse with the tax rate details on slide 13.

Slide 1

New FHS Slide 1

Slide 2

New FHS Slide 2

Slide 3

New FHS Slide 3

Slide 4

New FHS Slide 4

Slide 5

New FHS Slide 5

Slide 6

New FHS Slide 6

Slide 7

New FHS Slide 7

Slide 8

New FHS Slide 8

Slide 9

New FHS Slide 9

Slide 10

New FHS Slide 10

Slide 11

New FHS Slide 11

Slide 12

New FHS - Slide 12

Slide 13

New FHS Slide 13

Franklin saves money by refinancing bonds

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via The Milford Daily News News RSS by Alison McCall/Daily News staff on 2/2/12

Thanks to lower interest rates, the town is saving money by refinancing old bonds.

Things you can do from here:

Additional information from the Town Council meeting on Wed Feb 1, 2012 can be found here

Franklin students to show art at Patriot Place

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via Wicked Local Franklin News RSS by Heather McCarron/STAFF WRITER on 2/2/12

Art show
Two Franklin High School seniors are getting a practicum in the world of event planning and art exhibitions, working with the Artist's Studio and Gallery at Patriot Place to share their peers' creations there.

Things you can do from here:

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Wadsworth Diary - Feb 2, 1858

Very Pleasant & Warm, some clowdy in afternoon. Went to Mrs. Frosts after the clothes. Split & got in some wood. Took care of the bees, we thought were dead. They got quite lively. Put up 10 bushl of my potatoes (Davis seedlings) for Clary & c & c. Went to Lycium in eve. Haid full house. Question was, Resolved that the power of Eloquence is grater than the power of Wealth. Decided in the Negative.

In the 1850s, on a busy working farm in the southern part of Franklin, a man named George Wadsworth started writing in a journal about everyday events. When he filled that journal, he bought another, and filled that up too. Two dozen journals, and 27 years later, he had written about almost everything that can happen in a small New England town. His words were lost to history until 1986, when town resident Gail Lembo came across some of the journals at a yard sale. 

From the Franklin Historical Museum website   

Note: The vote to continue was close but positive for continuing: 13 for, 10 against. The diary skips Feb 1892 and picks up again in April. What I have done to keep with the February period is go back to one of the earlier years in the diary, 1858. 

Town Council - 02/01/12

The collection of posts reported live from the Town Council meeting on Feb 1, 2012

Town Council Chair Bob Vallee missed the meeting but sent in a letter to the editor to the paper which was read during the meeting by acting Chair Tina Powderly

"nothing less than historic"

"Now is the right time," Finance Committee Chairman James Roche said. "Now the costs are lower and the payback doesn't start until four years down." 
Officials last night contended that because the models have been thoroughly vetted by state and independent contractors and are meant to be complete plans, the chance of additional costs, above the town contribution of $47 million, is negligible. 
"The way I look at it is, if I was going to re-do my house and I only had to pay for 40 percent of it, and someone else was going to pay for 60, I don't think there are too many people in here who wouldn't take that," Town Councilor Robert Dellorco said.

Read more:

Related posts:

Live reporting from the Town Council meeting on the School Building Committee presentation

the Q&A that followed the presentation

The high school project collection is found here

In the News - wallet thief, summons issued

Area officers team up to catch alleged wallet thief

Discarded Drugs Destroyed

Hundreds of pounds of discarded drugs destroyed.

Click here for press release.

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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Live reporting - closing

capital budget coming forward on next agenda
bylaw changes coming forward on future meetings



- running out of battery storage will update post meeting -

O. EXECUTIVE SESSION – Negotiations, Litigation, Real Property, as May Be Required


Live reporting - action items

1. Resolution 12-05:Appropriation: Franklin High School
motion to approve, passed 8-0 via roll call 

2. Resolution 12-06:Setting Date of Debt Exclusion Ballot
motion to approve, passed 8-0 via roll call

sets date for March 27, 2012 for ballot question vote

3. Resolution 12-07:Ballot Question
motion to approve, passed 8-0 via roll call

five minute recess

4. Resolution 12-08:Refunding Bond Order
Jim Dacey - Treasure/Collector
motion to approve, passed 8-0 via roll call

Nutting we will have saved over a million dollars with what we did recently and this

Saved 698,000 in Sep
When we did the analysis these didn't qualify but with the rates continuing to change, this is now an option to save another $500,000

Thanks to former Councilor Steve Whalen for instigating the first one

5. Resolution 12-09:Appropriation: Debt - Principal
motion to approve, passed 8-0
a book keeping transaction due to the refinancing above

6. Bylaw Amendment 12-673:Amendment to Sewer System Map - 1st Reading
Motion to move to second reading, passed 8-0

Bill Yadisernia recommends approval
this is a connection not an extension of the sewer main itself

Live reporting - School Building Committee Q & A

Q - how has the floor plan changed from the model?
A - It has changed significantly due to the local requirements, the rooms are clustered in four areas on each floor

Q - ADA compliance
A - all fully handicap accessible, everything in the building is fully compliant

Dellorco - When I first got on the council I wasn't sure about what to do but now that I have seen the insides I think it is a good deal. If I were to build a house and have someone pay 60% of it, I can't see how I couldn't take that offer.

Bissanti - Some have questioned whether Franklin can afford this, I think this is a project that Franklin can not afford not to do

Kelly - People worrying about exploding cost overruns, they could not be more misinformed. Cost overruns will not be a concern. The second thing I have heard is now is not the time. If we do not do it now, Franklin will loose this reimbursement. This are not facts to scare, this is a reality. Look at the example of Uxbridge. They lost 30% of home value and surrounding towns lost about 20%. Do you want this to happen to your home in Franklin too?

Pfeffer - sometimes the decision you have to make is the hardest or the most costly, when the state is going to give us 60%, this is the right decision

Jones - Will existing technology be reused from the high school?
Mercer - yes
Nutting - planning starting to see what can be reused from the building and fields

Apr - Jun = pre-qualifying the contractors
Aug - bids open
Oct - construction should start
Fall of 2014 should open
demolition and field construction should start after opening

Roy - article in Atlantic Monthly this month helps to put the issue in focus, historical charts for manufacturing in the US. About 6 million manufacturing jobs disappeared. Factory floors look completely different from years ago. This has a lot to do with what we need today. Better buildings make better students. Horace Mann would be proud of what we have done. We are also home to the first public library.

Powderly - three resolutions are before us, one ballot question doesn't include the dollar amount, but another resolution does provide the cap.

Sch Comm Chair - Paula Mullen
asks for endorsement of this project

Finance Committee Chair - Jim Roche
unanimous recommendation from the committee

  1. contractors are hungry, prices will below
  2. borrowing costs will be low
  3. paying back starts 4 years out

From every aspect in Town, it is the right time to do this

Long Range Financial Committee Chair - Doug Hardesty
is the plan that is before us going to get Franklin into a better place
Monday the committee voted unanimously
a no-brainer with the 60% reimbursement
cost efficient facility with a track record of being successful
explored the MSBA reimbursement process, credit analysts report from Moody's - got  AA1 rating

Craig Haba
excited to be here, representing Citizens for a New Franklin High School
about 700 registered supporter and 100 volunteers currently

Powderly - this opportunity is nothing less than historic, there are many positives - record low costs, record high reimbursement, improves educational opportunities, a media center, supports integrated learning, easy first floor access to public spaces, directly improves property values