Thursday, December 20, 2012

In the News: Site plan, Tri-County award

Former Rep Vallee honored during meeting as well.

Franklin bylaw change planned

Plan Ahead for Holiday Travel

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via Commonwealth Conversations: Transportation by Klark Jessen on 12/19/12

Westwood, I-95 South, New Travel Lane, November 15, 2012MassDOT encourages residents and visitors to drive safely and use public transportation where possible during the upcoming holidays.

As always, I-90 Exit 9 connecting I-84 to Connecticut and New York experiences heavy traffic on peak holiday travel days. Drivers are encouraged to consider travel during the early morning or after 8 p.m.  Traffic congestion is also typical at the I-95 and I-495 Turnpike interchanges along with I-495 and I-93 northbound leading into New Hampshire.
To avoid cash tolls, EZPass on the Go transponders are available at all 11 I-90 Service Plazas.  

MassDOT's Traffic and Travel Resources page includes links to all MassDOT travel resources.
Visit MassDOT's online traffic camera webpage with more than 90 live traffic cameras throughout the highway system. The cameras refresh every 10 seconds to provide real time traffic views.  The 511 traffic alert system alerts customers to traffic conditions throughout the holiday weekend.

Free coffee will be served at all 18 MassDOT service plazas courtesy of McDonalds, Burger King, and Gulf between 10 p.m. on Christmas night, Tuesday, December 25, until 5 a.m. on Wednesday, December 26, and between 10 p.m. on New Year's Eve, Monday, December 31, until 5 a.m. on Tuesday, January 1, 2013.

In case of wintry travel weather, motorists should drive with headlights on, observe posted speed limits, never drink and drive, make sure everyone is using a seatbelt and be on the lookout for changing weather conditions. More information on safe winter driving is available at the MassDOT website.

The MBTA Christmas Day through New Year's Day holiday service schedule includes a Sunday service schedule for Tuesday, December 25 and Tuesday, January 1, 2013.  The T provides additional trains and FREE service after 8:00pm on New Year's Eve, December 31.  Check out the full T schedule at

Things you can do from here:

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

live reporting - Closing

I would like to echo the comments for having a top notch School Administration, they made several updates over the weekend to

Vallee - you're going to meet with those three people (Jones, Pfeffer, Bissanti) and the Planners
Nutting - yes, that's why I wanted some time to do so

Roy - meeting with NationalGrid, making progress
Bissanti - and interesting meeting, my first, communication was fleshed out as the problem, they know that now.
Nnutting - the Union loop feeds six towns, they are putting together a 1-4 year plan to upgrade that, they are also looking to site more equipment in the town which will help. The DPU will assist us in keeping on eye on this

Powderly - possibility of online banking to improve the online payment options
Nutting - Jim Dacey is looking at and RFP for this, perhaps we'd have something for next fiscal year

Roy - thanks to Jeff and Tina for putting together that notice, it was a mind boggling event. It is important to ensure our community that their children are safe. It is a frequent topic of concern. i get sworn in and will be attending a meeting shortly thereafter.

Bissanti - I want to echo what Jeff Nutting said, the schools, teacher, principals did a great job handling this. I am getting good comments back from others who go to the schools. I can't understand how these things occur. We may not understand. It is a tragedy.

Jones - I appreciate the letter as read tonight. I was emotionally effected by the event esp with five children of my own. I do feel comforted by the fact that the Schools, teachers, principals, Administration go out of their way to take care of the children.  Merry Christmas, enjoy the holidays.

Pfeffer - tonight we celebrated a former Rep, it was a great tribute to him and his family.

Powderly - any update on the fuel assistance money?
Nutting - Bob Fahey and the Food Pantry

I was able to take part in the Friends of Franklin wrapping party, gifts were wrapped within 45 minutes.
happy holidays and happy new year to everyone

Dellorco - Our staff does a great job, there are alot of folks that do a great job looking out for the safety of the children.

Mercer - I echo the comments of my fellow councilors, happy holidays to all

Negotiations, Litigation, Real Property, as May Be Required
approve via roll call vote, 8-0

Live reporting - Legislation


1. Resolution 12-75-R: Town of Franklin Net Metering Power Purchase Agreement Authorization
motion to approve, passed 8-0

2. Resolution 12-85: Appropriation - Technology-Consulting
motion to approve, passed 8-0

Nutting - due to requirements for state level reporting, request to outsource some services and to hire someone to backfill the position to cover what we need. The world is becoming more technical not less. A new technology can bring us to a complete standstill. It is short money for a big bang.

3. Resolution 12-86: Appropriation - Health Insurance Payroll Withholdings Account
motion to approve, passed 8-0

Susan Gagner - in FY 12, some money was charged to the employee account in error. The Town had a surplus closed out to Free Cash. Looking to take the money back to cover the account. If found earlier, it could have been done with an accounting transfer

4. Resolution 12-87: Appropriation – Kensington Estates
motion to approve, passed 8-0

Nutting -a four lot subdivision was proposed off Beach St, one developer sold it to another who didn't finish the road. This amount will cover the work, the DPW will cover the work in the summer of 2013

5. Resolution 12-88: Acceptance of Gift - Recreation
motion to approve, passed 8-0

Nutting - a small donation, we'll send a thank you

6. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 12-695:Changes to § 185-31. Site Plan and Design Review- 1st Reading
motion to table 12-695, 12-696, 12-697 to next meeting , passed 8-0

7. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 12-696:Changes to § 185-20. H. Signs. Sign Approvals- 1st Reading
8. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 12-697:Changes to § 185-45. N. Administration and Enforcement. Design Review Commission- 1st Reading

Live reporting - Citizens Committee update

Larry Bennedetto

the committee was going to have a final report tonight but the committee has decided to stay in business as there are some things remaining to do

We have been working with the T on the train station, it is a mess down there and we are trying to do something with it.

I heard tonight that Jim Vallee is willing to work on the committee, so we may come back to change the membership

Live reporting: Public Hearing - Site Plan and Design Review



1. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 12-695:Changes to § 185-31. Site Plan and Design Review
2. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 12-696:Changes to § 185-20. H. Signs. Sign Approvals
3. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 12-697:Changes to § 185-45. N. Administration and Enforcement. Design Review Commission

Overview from Jeff Nutting
how do we make this process simpler? If an existing space and not changing much, how do we make it easier; no site plan or limited site plan. We think it is a fair proposal to streamline the process. Currently all have to go through the full process. If there are tweaks required, we can do so between the 1st and 2nd reading.

Bryan Taberner, Director Planning and Community Development
Beth Dahstrom, Town Planner
Gus Brown, Building Inspector

Currently only one process in place, the Planning Board is stuck forcing all proposals to follow the same way.

12-695 a complete re-write of the site plan and design review bylaw
12-696 removes sign sections from this and puts them into one place as opposed to across documents
12-697 administration and enforcement information on the Design Review Commission

Economic Development committee has recommended this as well as the Planning Board
I also recommend looking at the comparison chart

Pfeffer - this makes no sense to me, hasn't from the beginning, doesn't now

Roy - why 500 sq ft the rule for exemption, just curious for the amount to make this the exemption
Taberner - we did struggle with this figure, we needed a simple number to go with a relatively small change. It is up for discussion on what is appropriate.
Nutting - for every 1,000 sq ft, you need a parking space; this is less so to make the smaller change easier; it may not be a magic number but that is how we did it.

Bissanti - I'd like to speak to my concerns on a broader manner, if there is not a site plan on a property regardless of size needs a full blown plan. If there is not one already, Even a small developer can not be put through the full plan. There is discretion now, a limited site plan is a misnomer.

Taberner - as it is today, if there is no site plan on the property, and want to make a change small or large, wording is so specific. We can leave it the way it is, we need to make it fair to each developer coming in. Silly things could happen, not that they do, they could. It is a mess, not only at a Planning Board meeting, maybe this or maybe that is not the way to deal with an applicant. Reality is it needs to be fixed. It is hard on the planning board, developer, and staff.

Nutting - we made a proposal, if we have to tweak it, we can.

Dahlstrom - Did you have a chance to read the scenarios? i hope you did. Each scenario has occurred in the office. We can not answer the question on whether it is limited or full, there is no way to say.

Vallee - the majority of the Council have an issue with the bylaw. I wan to appoint a subcommittee of three to meet and review this before it comes back to us.

Live reporting: Town Council - Dec 19, 2012

Present: Mercer, Dellorco, Powderly, Vallee, Pfeffer, Jones, Bissanti, Roy
Absent: Kelly

Statement by Town Council on Sandy Hook Tragedy and preparations here in Franklin, read by Council Chair Bob Vallee.

January 11, 2012 Budget Workshop

This meeting is being recorded by Franklin TV, Franklin Matters and shown on Comcast channel 11 and Verizon channel 29.

Citizenship Award – James E. Vallee

Roy - only complaint is that the job he has done will make his role that much as challenging. Always accessible, always approachable. Parallel with family in having two girls and a boy. Spend time with your beautiful family. Thanks you for all your work on behalf of Franklin and our neighboring communities.

Bissanti - Jim's local hand's on approach inspired me to take a more active approach. He was never without a smile.

Jones - You have a been a good friend, you have taught me much. I aspired to do as much as you do to support the community like you do. Your efforts have not been unnoticed. Thank you for all your years of service.

Pfeffer - This is not a eulogy, you are very much alive and should be around.

Podwerly - You are the epitome of public service. Never hesitant to answer a question, even if it h=may have been a simple one. All of those things that have made you a great rep will enable you to be a success in your new role.

Dellorco - Everyday when you walked into the State House, you think of Franklin

Jim Vallee - I can't believe I am leaving before Tom!

Mercer - I have been honored to work with Jim for quite some time, in the 90's when Franklin was the fastest growing community in the state. Thanks to Jim we are building a model school for the high school.

Nutting - I would like to add that we would be still fighting with the MSBA and the price would be fifty million dollars more. Our chapter 70 amounts are the largest in the state, the roads, helping with the playground, the signs downtown, your foot print is every where.

Jim Vallee addresses the Town Council

Jim Vallee - My peers in the legislature are jealous of this community. The Town has chosen good people to work with, Mark Ceral, Jeff Nutting, Maxine Kinehart, etc. I will continue to help Jeff Roy. A lot of people get paid in other communities for what you do. I intend to stay engaged in this community and volunteer where I can. Thank you Dad for your inspiration.

Dick thank you for everything you have done for this town!

Roy - thank you Dick for all your help in the transition. It goes a long way. You two have been inseparable!

3 minute recess for hand shakes

Softball registration open

While Winter technically starts this week, think of spring and the sounds of softballs hitting bats! Registration for the Franklin Girls Softball Association 2013 Season is open and ready online. Registration closes Feb 28, 2013.

Go directly to the registration here

Go to the home page for the Franklin Girls Softball here

"It will give us a major studio"

An article in the Milford Daily News gets into how Franklin TV has the money to purchase a new building to create a studio. Franklin is not alone in setting up cable access in this manner.
Public access stations such as Milford TV and Franklin TV get their funding from residents’ cable bills. The towns’ two cable providers - Comcast and Verizon - pay about 4 percent of the revenues generated from an access fee to fund the station, equating to about $300,000 to $350,000 a year. 
"The access fees are collected by the carriers and turned over to the town," Fasciano said. "In the past four years, the town has spent less money than the fees that were taken in." 
Franklin TV purchased the 3,500-square-foot building at 23 Hutchinson St. for $400,000. It’s a significant expansion for the company, as its Main Street studio is a mere 620 square feet.

Read more:

Notes from the Planning Board discussion on the site plan can be found here

Franklin Downtown Partnership - 2013 UPDATES

Happy Holidays....
Get ready for a Great New Year!

FDP General Meeting
Thursday, January 3rd
8:30 am
Dean College, Campus Center-Golder Room
Agenda will be posted on website prior to meeting

FDP "After the Holiday" PARTY
Thursday, January 17th  Evening
More details to won't want to miss this one!

FOOD ELVES and "12 Days of Donating"
The Food Elves brought in 2 TONS of food donations for the Food Pantry and $5,700.
A BIG THANK YOU TO All of you who participated...including...
*  Berry Insurance, 9 Main St.
*  Chestnut Dental Associates, 38 Pond St.
*  Dean Bank, 21 Main St.
*  Dean College, Campus Center
*  DCU, 500 West Central St.
*  East Coast Driving School, 25 East Central St.
*  Emma's Quilt Cupboard, 12 Main St.
*  Franklin Downtown Partnership Office, 9 East Central St.
*  Jane's Frames, 11 East Central St.
*  Murphy Business, 15 East Central St.
*  RE/MAX Executive Realty, 445 Franklin Village Dr.
Strategic Planning
We welcome input from all of our members as to what projects you would
like us to focus in in 2013.  Please call or e-mail us soon.
Event Coordinators Needed
If you would like to volunteer to be an Event Coordinator for one of the FDP events please contact the FDP office by January 4th.  We could really use your assistance.
Have a Happy Holiday....and Healthy New Year!

In the News: Tri-County, robbery charges

Doing a good deed!

Tri-County student to collect jeans for homeless teenagers

The justice system at work

Couple indicted on robbery charges

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

DelCarte swans

The two swans that have made a home on the DelCarte property were visible when I stopped by Sunday morning on my run along Pleasant St.

Swans at the DelCarte Property, Franklin, MA
With the rain we have had recently, the water level may show some signs of rising.

Planning Board - 12/17/12

What happened at the Planning Board meeting on Monday?

  • The proposal for the Stop & Shop gas station was continued to Jan 7, 2013 without discussion per request of the applicant.
  • The proposal for the Uncas Ave Extension was continued to Dec 2013 per request of the applicant.
  • The proposal for Franklin TV addressed some questions from the neighbors and the Board and will proceed with the next step in plan development to be reviewed at the Jan 7, 2013 meeting.
  • The proposal for Hoffman Farms addressed some questions from the Board and will proceed with the next step in plan development to be reviewed at the Jan 7, 2013 meeting.
  • The proposal for Robin's Nest is working through some communication issues, what is required of the applicant is apparently not fully understood and creating some problems with submission of the required forms and details.
  • Inspections this week for the new Taco Bell and 14 Grove St (liquor store) work scheduled and assuming the inspections are successful, occupancy permits will be granted.

The collection of real time reporting for the Planning Board meeting on Monday, Dec 17, 2012 can be found here:

Note: Real time reporting are posts created while watching the meeting live via the cable or internet feed as opposed to Live reporting when I am in the room when the meeting is being conducted.

"I think it's a matter of staying alert"

In the round up of areas schools on the first day back after the Newtown, CT tragedy, the Milford Daily News writes in part:
Franklin Superintendent Maureen Sabolinski said district administrators worked through the weekend on safety procedures. 
"Our target was to return to business as usual," she said. "We did not have any memorials or school-wide announcements about it." 
The district, Sabolinski said, regularly re-evaluates safety. 
"We work very closely with the Police Department - we met just a month ago to review protocol and do lockdown drills," she said. 
Sabolinski said school doors are always locked, and the schools have cameras. 
"We did have an additional police presence," she said. "We have resource officers, and requested additional officers to reassure the parents."

Read more:

MassDOT Goal: Triple Bicycling, Transit, Walking

I was curious to see what the percentages worked out to be as the numbers shown in the table below were quite large. The percents don't really change a great deal.

            Biking %      Transit %       Walking %
2010       7.2%           87.9%            4.9%
2020       7.3%           87.8%            4.9%
2030       7.6%           87.5%            4.9%

Granted that even a tiny percentage change requires a change in habit, I was surprised to see that the program would NOT increase the overall amount of walking being done.

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via Commonwealth Conversations: Transportation by Klark Jessen on 12/17/12

Mode Shift Graphic
Secretary and CEO Richard Davey in October announced MassDOTs mode shift goal to triple the distance traveled by our customers through bicycling, transit and walking.  That goal now joins other goals incorporated into MassDOTs GreenDOT Implementation Plan with tasks and indicators.   

MassDOT established the goal to build a more efficient transportation system where fewer of our customers depend on driving alone to get where they are going.  We want to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation system and support better public health outcomes by working to give our customers more healthy travel options.

MassDOT will measure our progress on this ambitious mode shift goal using Personal Miles Traveled-distances traveled by all our customers for bicycling, driving, transit and walking in a one year period.  It also measures all the trips taken by our customers, not just work trips which are often the focus in transportation planning.  Measuring the distance traveled by each mode allows MassDOT to see strategic opportunities to improve the travel options for our customers, strengthen the relationship between land use and transportation planning, and draw a link to greenhouse gas emissions.  Goal numbers are listed below.

Year                    Bicycling PMT    Transit PMT    Walking PMT    Total
2010 (baseline)         150.4m                1.83b                101.1m            2.08b
2020 (benchmark)    330.0m                3.99b                223.9m            4.55b
2030 (goal year)        516.m                 5.93b                333.6m            6.78b

Personal Miles Traveled as the goal measurement is effective and maximizes resources available to MassDOT by using data that is already collected from the Federal Highway Administration's Highway Performance Management System, Federal Transit Administration's National Transit Database, and an estimation of bicycling and walking using data from the US Census Bureau's American Community Survey. 
Check out MassDOT's GreenDOT web page for the Implementation Plan and more information.

Things you can do from here: