Monday, March 29, 2021

Getting to Know Franklin ECDC

Find and view the slide show online here

Getting to Know Franklin ECDC
Getting to Know Franklin ECDC

Worcester getting into their school start time discussion

The Worcester Public School District is getting into their school start time discussion. Yes, remember that? Franklin put it aside to deal with the Davis Thayer issue and then the pandemic hit. It is still sitting on the sidelines. 

The Davis Thayer issue remains only partially resolved, so it would seem that the Franklin school start time discussion is not likely to resume anytime soon. 

The decision to close Davis Thayer effective September 2021 was made by the School Committee at their Feb 9, 2021 meeting. Planning on the transition of Thayer students to the Keller facility for September are underway. The FY 2022 budget is being adjusted to account for what savings and/or expenses would occur to make the transition seamless for both school and Town sides of the budget. (The School budget handles the education side, the Town budget handles the facility operation side.)

The decision to make the Davis Thayer building 'surplus' for the School District has not yet be scheduled. The Town of Franklin can't do much officially without that notification from the School District. 

The next big item the School Committee (and community) will get into should be development of the 'master plan' for the school district. Recall that the facility utilization report revealed the District could operate with less schools than it currently has. The excess capacity could be addressed by closing additional schools and potentially restructuring to operate with three elementary schools, one middle school all feeding to Franklin High. How to get to this position, if it is desired, is what the 'master plan' should work on.

Running with excess capacity is a budget issue and will need to be addressed sooner or later.  In the meantime, you can read what Worcester is starting here

Washington Post had an article recently touching on how sleep times have been affected by the remote learning schedules of the pandemic:

Worcester getting into their school start time discussion
Worcester getting into their school start time discussion

Refer to the Meeting Notes page for all the reporting and audio files for the prior School Committee and subcommittee meetings  

Vaccine 'passports' (really 'certificates') will be difficult but are in development

"The Biden administration and private companies are working to develop a standard way of handling credentials - often referred to as “vaccine passports” - that would allow Americans to prove they have been vaccinated against the novel coronavirus as businesses try to reopen.

The effort has gained momentum amid President Joe Biden's pledge that the nation will start to regain normalcy this summer and with a growing number of companies - from cruise lines to sports teams - saying they will require proof of vaccination before opening their doors again.

The administration's initiative has been driven largely by arms of the Department of Health and Human Services, including an office devoted to health information technology, said five officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the effort. The White House this month took on a bigger role coordinating government agencies involved in the work, led by coronavirus coordinator Jeff Zients, with a goal of announcing updates in coming days, said one official.


U.S. officials say they are grappling with an array of challenges, including data privacy and health-care equity. They want to make sure all Americans will be able to get credentials that prove they have been vaccinated, but also want to set up systems that are not easily hacked or passports that cannot be counterfeited, given that forgeries are already starting to appear."

Continue reading the article online at the Boston Globe (subscription may be required)

Or where it originated with the Washington Post (subscription may be required):  

Equal access to sports

"The last time Republicans in South Dakota made a serious push to bar transgender girls from school sports, in 2019, their bill was known only by its nondescript numerical title, Senate Bill 49. Its two main sponsors were men. And it died without ever getting out of committee, just 10 days after it was introduced.

But when Republicans decided to try again in January, they were far more strategic in their approach. The sponsors this time were two women who modeled their bill after a template provided by a conservative legal organization. They gave the bill a name that suggested noble intent: the “act to promote continued fairness in women’s sports.” Supporters from Minnesota and Idaho traveled to the Capitol in Pierre to testify that a new law was urgently needed to keep anyone with male biological characteristics out of female competitions, even though they acknowledged only a handful of examples of that happening in South Dakota."
Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required) 

"Megan Rapinoe: Bills to ban transgender kids from sports try to solve a problem that doesn’t exist"
"I remember how I felt when I played soccer for the first time. Long before I was winning World Cup matches, I was trying to keep up with my brother. Soccer has been a part of my life since I was 4 years old. I spent hours outside working to perfect that next move — I wanted to be the best.

Being able to play sports as a child shaped my life’s path. It taught me so much more than is seen on the field and brought me so much joy. Every child deserves to have that experience. That’s why I believe that all kids, including transgender youth, should be able to participate in sports they love."
Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required) 

Phone scams keep calling

"A Globe colleague recently got two unsettling calls on his mobile phone from the same “888″ number.

He received the first call a couple of weeks ago from someone who said he was from Eversource (spoiler alert: he wasn’t) and that the electricity to his house would be turned off in “40 to 45 minutes” because his account was overdue.

“Are you really from Eversource?” my colleague asked, more a statement than a question.

The caller quickly hung up."
Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

Additional information from the Federal Trade Commission can be found here

A person uses a credit card for a phone purchase.ADOBE STOCK
A person uses a credit card for a phone purchase.ADOBE STOCK

Next year juniors/seniors in high school - check out the CDC Museum Disease Detective Camp

"Do you know a rising high school junior or senior interested in public health? @CDCgov Disease Detective Camp is an incredible experience, and this year it is offering a new, web-based Public Health Academy for remote learners!"

"All students to who will be high-school juniors or seniors during the 2021-2022 school year and at least 16 years old on the first day of the camp session to which they are accepted.

As the CDC Museum remains closed due to COVID-19 precautions, we are not able to predict yet if in-person programming will be available the summer of 2021. If the museum is not reopened for in-person programming, the CDC Museum will offer only online courses. A final decision on in-person programming will be made May 3, 2021; all applicants will be notified of the decision by email."

Details and reg links:
Shared from Twitter:

Next year juniors/seniors in high school - check out the CDC Museum Disease Detective Camp
Next year juniors/seniors in high school - check out the CDC Museum Disease Detective Camp

Name That Tune Invitation - Monday March 29 at 1 PM

Name That Tune Invitation - Monday March 29 at 1 PM
Name That Tune Invitation - Monday March 29 at 1 PM

Join us on Monday, March 29 at 1 PM for our first DAYTIME version of our most popular Zoom event "Name That Tune!".  Whether you know music inside out and backwards, just love listening to it or are looking for a SUPER fun event with lots of great music, fun people and lots of laughs you are sure to have a great time at this event!   
Feel free to pass this link along to a friend who might enjoy playing too. 

Name That Tune - Monday March 29th at 1pm Click below to join event

Meeting ID: 995 8020 9814
Passcode: 564106
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,99580209814#,,,,*564106# US (New York)
+13017158592,,99580209814#,,,,*564106# US (Washington DC)

Ariel Doggett

Virtual Program Coordinator
Respite Coordinator

"We rise by lifting others" - Robert Ingersoll
There is no act of kindness too small