Monday, May 3, 2010

Live reporting - Planning Board - general business

Present: Carroll, Denommee, Ballarino, Calabrese, Padula, Halligan, Yadsernia, Dahlstrom, Taberner, Williams

A) Final Bond Release - (Calabrese recused himself) for Apple View Estates
As built drawings submitted to release bond of $5,170 since 2001
passed (1 abstention)

B) Special permit request for extension for Oak Hill Senior Village
units being built, sales slow due to economy, approx 60 of 110 units sold
no problem per Yadsernia
Administrator's office would like an update on the process
Can we extend a special permit?
Move to extend for 1 year to complete work on site, passed unanimously

C) Application for Dean College limited site plan modification
(Padula recused himself)

Modified exit for Chapman parking lot to allow for left and right hand turn separate lanes
location of exit hasn't changed, just the lanes designation

positioning of sidewalk/crosswalk, attempting to funnel foot traffic to entrance of the new building
added bollards to prevent cars getting into the basketball area
would loose 3 parking spots to maintain turning radius

shifting 3 foot from north to south side for fire/emergency vehicle entrance on Main St

Yadsernia - okay with the exit lane changes but not with the mid-block cross walks, or with the walkway
fair to say, come back with this some other time
will need to vote on the parking spot reduction
no issue (per consensus of board) with loosing the 3 parking spots.

to return May 17th under general business

Franklin, MA

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