Showing posts with label override. Show all posts
Showing posts with label override. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Franklin Facts: High performing school district

High performing school district: Franklin has always been a community with high expectations for its schools – in academics, in athletics, in the arts and in community service. Our focus on the classroom delivers a consistently high‐performing school district. Students and parents here have enjoyed a high return with minimal investment. Our children face an increasingly competitive and demanding world. We must continue to invest in their future.


The special election on June 8th gives Franklin voters the choice:

  • Increase taxes to continue to provide the services we have this year (and that does not restore any of the services already cut) 

  • Continue to cut municipal services for all and cut educational opportunities for our children

I'll help to provide the information. You need to do two things:

  1. Make your choice
  2. Vote on June 8th

You get bonus points if you talk with your neighbors about this and get them to vote!

Additional information on the override can be found here:

Franklin, MA

"It's an investment not just in our town, but in our kids"

In a forum to discuss the town's finances and the June 8 override vote, some residents asked what the cuts will really mean if a Proposition 2 1/2 tax override is not passed.
"It's cutting down to the bone. If the override fails, the (harm) will start (to show). If we want the (standards) to be maintained, we're going to have to invest more," said Town Councilor Shannon Zollo.

Read the full article in the Milford Daily News here:

Franklin, MA

Monday, May 24, 2010

follow the money

Remember that today you get to make a choice between water and money

1 - The open forum on the Franklin override vote for $3 million dollars will be held at the Horace Mann/Thomas Mercer Auditorium at 7:00 PM. Members of Town Council, and School Committee amongst others will be available for questions and discussion on the budget details.

2 - Also that same night at the same time in the Council Chambers on the 2nd floor of the Municipal Bldg, the Charles River Watershed Association will make a presentation on a storm water management plan to reduce phosphorus from the Spruce Pond Brook sub-basin.

As much as water is important, I had planned to "follow the money".
I just received an email that the cable folks are broadcasting the Town Forum at Horace Mann and I have been asked to broadcast the CRWA presentation at the Council Chambers. I really would like to be part of the Horace Mann discussion but Franklin would benefit more from having both available.

Stay tuned for a live broadcast of the CRWA presentation!

Franklin, MA

In the News - forum, teenangels

Franklin forum tonight will focus on override


Franklin anti-bullying group to visit Washington, D.C.


Franklin, MA

Sunday, May 23, 2010

"effects of a failed override can be especially devastating"

Roche said he remembered a time when he spoke with a resident who did not bother to vote because he did not realize what was at stake.
"The man told me he didn't realize what kind of services were going to be taken away, how much fees would increase for buses, how many employees would be axed," Roche said. "He told me that if he had known he would have voted."
About $1.8 million of the override request will go toward the school if approved.
"If it doesn't pass we'll lose seven to eight teachers at the elementary school level," he said. "We'll lose three police dispatchers at the town level.
"The chief of police said that at various times he might only have one dispatcher to rely on."

Towns look to overrides to fix budget shortfalls

from The Milford Daily News News RSS 

Franklin, MA

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What's in? What's out? - either way, vote June 8th!

What’s in and what’s out?
Override Fails
Override Passes
Loss of: 7 elementary teachers 
and 8 middle school teachers
Staffing remains at FY10 levels
Club and activity fees at middle and high school will double to $50. Athletic fees will increase and move to a tiered system, resulting in fees ranging from $175 to $450 (up from current $125 fee)
No fee increases
Class sizes
Significant increases in class sizes in grades K‐8 and a shortened school day at elementary schools
No changes
Elimination of 3 buses
No change in service
Loss of three police dispatchers; potential implementation of recorded service for emergency call system; less coverage of parking meters and parking enforcement downtown
No change in service
Loss of one firefighter; uncertainty on availability of 2nd ambulance; revenue loss from ambulance fees
No change in service
Needed roadway repairs delayed indefinitely; 3 less employees; slower response times
Road repairs begin
Loss of one half‐time employee; reduction in book budget of over $60,000.
No changes

For more information on the special election June 8th to approve an increase of $3 Million to maintain services for Franklin, visit this page:

Franklin, MA

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Override History updated

I met with Treasure/Collector Jim Dacey today to get into some of the stories around the overrides and debt exclusions. I ended up making an update to the spreadsheets to correct:
  • one typo (5/22/1998 should have been 5/2/1998) 
  • changed 6 election categories from "overrides" to "capital exclusions". All 6 occurred in 1991.

The history now shows only one override has passed of 6 put forward with the 7th override scheduled for June 8, 2010.

The updated spreadsheet can be found here:

Franklin, MA

Monday, May 10, 2010

Live reporting - Finance Committee endorses the override

Rebecca Cameron provides an update on the Long Range/Financial Planning committee report
brought the 2 1/2 override to the Council and to the voters for a vote
we need to be on the same page to help the process

The plan was right on target except for the items that weren't on the planning horizon
the forecast has been reconciled to the original report
the Town Council has a $3 M override budget
to use $1.8 M for schools, $300,000 for the Town, and $900,000 for the roads to get started in addressing that problem
we have a way to go with $15 M to fix the worst 30 miles of roads and only $900,000 to start with

Goldsmith - I feel very comfortable asking the Town's people to consider coming forward, the increase are warranted to provide the services to the Town

Roche - There is not a lot of waste out there, the department heads are doing their job and we are getting to lean

Quinn - If you look at the five year plan, it gets worse. Police down, Fire down, DPW, Schools (hundred lost teachers, 1,000 more students). It is unfortunate, times are tough but I think failure to pass the prop will be an issue

Rivera - one of the most important things we can do is to educate the residents as much s we can, if we don't do something what will it look like in a few years, if they have questions, the info is on the website

Roche - Town wide forum on May 24th at 7:00 PM at Horace Mann/Thomas Mercer Auditorium

Cataldo - We can't keep going this way, personal safety is important, this money is not going to be slopping in a trough, this is to provide services that we have had , not increases but the same services

Nutting - Est $255 per average bill for the $3 M override

Quinn - It is important to say, 10 failed overrides with one passed, we are asking for a tax increase because some of the others haven't been passed with growing expenses. Got to make ends meet.

Feldman - we can see some signs of improvement in the economy here and there, hopefully things will continue to improve

Cameron - the important thing is that everyone comes out and vote, the votes need to be cast, we understand the impact it can have on certain people. I get the feeling that this group understands the override is necessary to keep the services. I would like to make a recommendation to support the override.

Motion to recommend $3 M override, passed 8-0

meeting for 1st Tue in June (Jun 1) to be kept for now

motion to adjourn, passed

Franklin, MA

FM #67 - Week Ending 5/9/10

Let's take about ten minutes to review what matters in Franklin, MA as the week ends May 9, 2010.

Time: 10 minutes, 30 seconds

MP3 File

Session Notes:

This internet radio show or podcast
Number 67 in the series for Franklin Matters.

Let's take about 10 minutes to review what matters in Franklin, MA as this week comes to a close on Sunday May 9th.

In this session I'll cover the Planning Board meeting on Monday and the Finance Committee meetings on Tuesday and Thursday as they conducted their budget hearings. I missed reporting live from the  Town Council meeting on Wednesday. I did catch up to the meeting via the video on demand archive and will cover the highlights from that.  To close, I'll do a brief outlook at the week ahead

The Planning Board continued the hearing on Van Roon Chiropratic. Citizens presented a petition with 175 signatures objecting to the special permit. If approved, the special permit would increase traffic at least by 64 trips to handle the patient in/outs to the office on a road too narrow for such volume and already under pressure from the existing traffic near  intersection (RT 140).

They also continued the hearing on the Big Y although this seems closer to approval, the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting should be interesting.

The Crossways Church application for 282 Summer St was approved.

The posts with the details of the Planning Board meeting can be found here:

The Finance Committee held two budget hearings this week to get into the details of each departments requests.

The details for the Tuesday meeting can be found here

The details for the Thursday meeting can be found here:

I chimed in on the Milford Daily News website to provide details in answer to some commenters questions:

One said the Police department was overstaffed due to the presence of four officers on the i495/King St construction site. I responded:
The police working in the construction zone at the i495/King St intersection are working detail duty. They are off-police hours. They are paid by the contractor for their hours of duty. The money goes to the Town, the Town pays the police, and Franklin actually makes some money on the deal. About $16,000/per year as a net income from all the police detail per the discussion at the Finance Committee budget hearing on Thursday evening, May 6th.

Another asked about the time line for the override this year and the high school renovation project. I responded:
The override vote on June 8th will provide funds for the operating budget, the annual expenses of the daily operations for Franklin beginning July 1. The high school renovation project will generate a debt exclusion for a specific period. The dollar amount and the period remain to be determined by the State. According to Jeff Nutting's update at Town Council meeting on April 28th, the debt exclusion vote would come around Nov 2011. The construction could begin in 2013 and the actual increase in our taxes would not hit until 2015. 
According to the Financial Planning Committee or long term planning report, Franklin faces a shortage of $3m for 2011 (hence the override) a shortage of $5.5 M for 2012, a shortage of 7.0 M for 2013, a shortage of 8.3 M for 2014. So even if this override passes, yes, there could very well be more overrides in our future. 
We have spent too many years cutting. We need to increase revenues period. Some of that will be generated by the empty and underutilized industrial/commercial space. Some of that should come from the pockets of Franklin taxpayers. 

As I did catch up to completely view the Town Council meeting from Weds 5/5, I was heartened to hear the last seven minutes, especially during the Council Comments.

Chair Scott Mason addressed Council McGann's (who was absent Wednesday's meeting) comment during the prior  meeting (Apr 28th) that he (McGann) would bringing forth a presentation on Town waste. Scott requested  Jeff Nutting  to allocate time on the agenda to have this covered; “this presentation, if there is anything to it, needs to be addressed before the override.”

Councilor Vallee said "there is no waste in this town"

The meeting adjourned and as the meeting video ends Councilor Vallee  is heard to say, "If they do find anything, they won't find much I'll tell you."

I suggest that you spend a few minutes to hear the last seven minutes of the Town Council meeting yourself.  This should help to address some of the negative comments .

follow this link to the on demand video

This week will be a busy one.

Momday, the Finance Committee closes their budget hearings
Tuesday, the School Committee meets

Wednesday, provides a real opportunity to make a choice with three events running at the same time.
In the Council Chambers, Downtown Revitalization Project  (corrected, should be Third Floor, Training Room) (The next EPA meeting on the 24th is scheduled for the Council Chambers, I got them mixed up)
In Room 205 Financial Planning Committee
At Tri-County, EPA will hold a public hearing on storm water mitigation changes that could require the communities of Franklin, Bellingham and Milford to spend up to $70 million to reduce phosphorus in storm water before it reaches the Charles River.

I'll go with the EPA hearing at Tri-County. The Downtown project should be on cable and I can catch the replay. The Financial Planning meeting will be 'lost' but such is life and tough choices. Even with the correction for the Downtown Project to be held in the Training Room on the 3rd Floor, I'll still go with the EPA meeting. Bigger amount of money involved!

What will you do this week?

As I close this session this week, let me remind you that
If you like what I am doing here, please tell your friends and neighbors
If you don’t like something, please tell me

Thank you for listening!

For additional information, please visit

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana"  c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission

I hope you enjoy!

Note: email subscribers will need to click through to listen to the audio recording

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Town Council: road repair funding

Jeff Nutting in a follow up question from the prior meeting asked how the $3 M override would be allocated. Currently for the amount before the voters, 1.8 would go to the schools; 300,000 would go to the Town; where would the other $900,000 go?

Scott Mason proposes that the $900,000 go to a separate fund at least for the next two years for road repair.

Repair of Wachusett St cost = $1 M
Proposal for Pleasant St would cost = $9 M

Roads are a huge unmet need. Currently other than Chap 90, there is no local funding for road repair.
15 M could cover 10 miles of roads but we have 200 miles of roads.

This would at least be a start to address the need.

Franklin, MA

Thursday, May 6, 2010

"There is some hope on the horizon"

"There's no source of local funding for road repairs in town," Mason said. The DPW will "fill potholes and make (minor) repairs... but there's no money for big repairs."
He said Franklin relies on state and federal money for repairs, and though the $900,000 would not be enough to cover all the work that needs be done, it would be a good start.
Town Administrator Jeffrey Nutting said many roads need work.
"We have an incredible backlog of road issues," Nutting said, adding that old subdivisions built in the 1970s and '80s will eventually need repair. "We have to face the reality that if we don't invest in roads, what we're facing this spring (in construction) is going to be an everyday occurrence." 
Read the full article from the Town Council meeting Wednesday May 5th here

Franklin, MA

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Franklin, MA: School Budget possible adjustments, pending override

The proposed FY 2011 Franklin School Budget book can be found here:

The total amount for the budget requested is:  $52,255,910

If the proposed override to increase local property taxes by $3,000,000 does not pass, the budget above would be adjust by items like the following to meet the level funding available.
The override is scheduled for special election on June 8th. There is an information forum scheduled for May 24th at the Horace Mann/Thomas Mercer Auditorium.

Expense reductions

Middle school teachers (reduce by 8)  (split teams & class size) (27-29 in core subject areas)
Elementary Teachers (reduce by 7)
Buses (reduce by 3 buses)
Shortened school day at elementary schools


Health insurance
Lifelong learning

Franklin, MA

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Turn the language around

Let's listen to some kids turn things around.
It is easier than you think.
View this brief video. It is only a couple of minutes.

Now, imagine if we could think of someway to approach the override with the same turn around process.

Instead of negatives, could you approach it as a positive?

Franklin, MA

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Franklin override - June 8th

There will be a special Town Election scheduled for June 8th to vote on an override in the amount of 3 Million dollars to fund operational budget for the schools, library, fire, police and DPW to avoid further cuts in service.

The Financial Planning Committee updated their long range outlook, you can view that report here:

The Town budget can be viewed here:

The School budget can be viewed here:

The notes from the Town Council meeting on Apr 28th can be found here:

There will be additional meetings by the Finance Committee to review the Town and School budget in detail. These meetings will provide insight from the department heads into the details on each of their operations and the budget issues they face.

Franklin, MA

In the News - accreditation, override

Franklin High to keep accreditation

from The Milford Daily News News RSS 

Franklin officials seek $3 million override

For additional information on the Town Council meeting Apr 28, 2010

 Franklin, MA

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

"decisions will have to be made"

"We, as a community where education is funded on a local level, need to step up and fund this (budget)," Roy said.
Sue Rohrbach, chairwoman of the budget subcommittee, said her committee suggests cutting seven elementary teachers to save $350,000; eight middle school teachers to save $400,000; cut three school buses to save $120,000; and create a shortened elementary school day once a week to save $158,000 - amounting to about $1 million in savings.
Superintendent Maureen Sabolinski said teacher cuts would have a significant effect on classroom sizes, which would range from 24 to 28 students in the elementary schools, and 27 to 29 in the middle schools.
With the elimination of three buses, Sabolinski said there would be some crowding in the remaining 24 buses, but they would not reach capacity.
Read the full article in the Milford Daily News here

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Franklin, MA: Override - Debt Exclusion History

I have worked with the Franklin Town Clerk, Debbie Pellegri, to compile a comprehensive listing of all the debt exclusion and operational override votes that Franklin has had the opportunity to vote on over the years. 

The complete listing is available for your review here:

A summary of the override and debt exclusion votes looks like this


Count of Ballot Question(s)

Date Failed Passed Total
26-Jun-90 1

11-Jun-96 1
23-Apr-02 1
22-Oct-02 1
1 1
10-Jun-08 1
Total 5 1 6

Debt Exclusion

Count of Ballot Question(s)

Date Failed Passed Total
2-Apr-91 9
1 1
1 1
2 2
4-Apr-95 1
14-Mar-98 1
1 1
20-Jun-98 1
1 1
1 1
Total 12 7 19


Percent Reg Voters who voted

Date Failed Passed

26-Jun-90 45.1%

11-Jun-96 56.4%

23-Apr-02 32.9%

22-Oct-02 24.6%


10-Jun-08 40.3%

Debt Exclusion

Percent Reg Voters who voted

Date Failed Passed

2-Apr-91 34.3%




4-Apr-95 30.0%

14-Mar-98 35.1%


20-Jun-98 51.0%



Note: The second sheet with the added columns per the comment discussion below can be found here:

Note: the category for 5 the 1991 ballot questions was changed from "override" to 'debt exclusion' based upon discussion with Treasurer/Collector Jim Dacey.  5/12/10