Showing posts with label stabilization fund. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stabilization fund. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Live reporting: Finance Committee - Oct 16, 2018

Present: Smith, Fleming, Conley, Dowd, Dufour, Dewsnap, Moss, Weich 
Absent: none (one open slot)

1. Call to Order

2. Vote for Officers
motion for M Dufour for chair, seconded, passed 8-0
motion for B Dowd for Vice Chair, seconded, passed 8-0 
motion for G Conley for Secretary, seconded, passed 8-0

3. Approval of Minutes
motion to approve, seconded, passed 8-0

4. Citizen’s Comments

5. Memo: New format for Finance Committee Recommendations
trying to synchronize the processes so the Finance Committee will see what the Town Council sees

6. FY19 Budget Adjustments and Transfers; Town Administrator, Community Development,
Police, Fire, MECC and Roads

revenue came in higher than forecast
consolidation among departments operationally
move Maxine downstairs to make it easier for passport processing, some funding moving to accommodate the move

Norfolk construction delays for regional center
affects us for 3 additional months
need 28K additional for Police, 70K for Fire

Tri-County approached with offer for half time resource officer
to hire someone in January for the spot, 46K will be clothing, training, etc.
half an officer for half the pay

lots of retirements within Fire Dept
soon to be five vacancies
OT costs ups, due to some overlap on training and backfills for vacancies
may not be back to staff until March or so
also two folks on long term disability

would like to put 600K for streets, drainage, etc. 
we're going to ask for 39M but decided to start with 600k
referenced the DPW road report just released

looking to put more in General Stabilization account to get close to the percent target

still leaves about 400K in the debt stabilization account

siding and paint for the museum, except for the cupola on the top it will look good
trying to get some professional guidance to outline what needs to be done

decreasing the use of reserves

Council would need to approve a home rule change to move the Fire Dept out of Civil Service
it is a flexibility issue, existing folks would get grandfathered and new folks coming in would be; opens up who can be brought in; no difference in benefits, all under the collective agreement

word of mouth got 16 candidates to line up for Franklin to choose from
Franklin will hire five additional officers with no increase in budget
pay schedule is the same for all, some may be on different steps

we had some one retire and we found out when the retirement board called us

road work integrated with water program
more proactive with the sealing, chip sealing, overlay
the street report will be published soon

surprising to find 2600 parking spaces on the lots we own, not street spots

town unaccepted vs. accepted roads
some old subdivisions that never completed going through the process to turn over from the developer to the Town
title work required

if it is unaccepted, we can't rebuild the road, the town doesn't own the street. they can fix the water, sewer and some potholes
trying to get the ownership resolved 30-40 years later is a problem, legal issues
trying to knock of 5, 6 or ten a year

we can fix water as we own that, we can do potholes as it is de minimis

motion to approve 18-59, seconded, passed 8-0
motion to approve 18-60, seconded, passed 8-0
motion to approve 16-61, seconded, passed 8-0

7. Stabilization Fund Appropriation and Transfer
8. Capital Appropriation of Roads: Earmarking of Hotel Excise Tax

9. Risk Management Study Update
anticipate report coming back in November
few issues, most of documentation missing, work being done
will present to you and to Council

10. School Van Update
buy a new van instead of spending 225/day, bill coming due in November, should use 'free cash' to allocate for this once certified
possible to be north of 3M for 'free cash' number this time around, right in the range where we have been

11. FY19 Capital Update
Nov 9 capital plans due from Depts, aiming to have done by Thanksgiving
trying to get ahead of it so it doesn't get in the way of the operating budget and then it is a negotiation year with all the union contracts

12. FY20 Budget Update
budget due at end of calendar year from Dept, spend Jan/Feb crunching numbers
pension number from County with assessment number already in hand
health plan hardest to get a solid number, should be middle of March to be ready

13. Water Infrastructure Update
will need some money to close out this 5 year plan, also working on the next 5 year plan; looking for the Council to adopt a plan so we'll have a plan across the board for water and roads with capital requirements

14. Adjournment 

motion to adjourn, seconded, passed 8-0

Monday, October 15, 2018

Franklin, MA: Finance Committee - Agenda - Oct 16, 2018

Town of Franklin - Finance Committee Agenda
Tuesday, October 16, 2018 at 7:00 PM
Municipal Center Council Chambers
355 East Central Street – 2nd Floor

1. Call to Order
2. Vote for Officers
3. Approval of Minutes
4. Citizen’s Comments
5. Memo: New format for Finance Committee Recommendations
6. FY19 Budget Adjustments and Transfers; Town Administrator, Community Development,
Police, Fire, MECC and Roads
7. Stabilization Fund Appropriation and Transfer
8. Capital Appropriation of Roads: Earmarking of Hotel Excise Tax
9. Risk Management Study Update
10. School Van Update
11. FY19 Capital Update
12. FY20 Budget Update
13. Water Infrastructure Update
14. Adjournment

new Fire truck, money being put aside in stabilization fund for the next one
new Fire truck, money being put aside in stabilization fund for the next one

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Town Council approves FY 2019 budget starting Franklin in hole for FY 2020 budget cycle

Over two nights (one longer than the other) the Town Council brought to a close the FY 2019 budget cycle. They voted to approve the proposed budget and voted to use approx. $1.5M from the budget stabilization fund to balance the budget.

The budget cycle started in Nov/Dec 2017 when each department in the Town reviewed their operational and capital budget requirements with Town Administrator Jeff Nutting, et al. 

The capital budget was reviewed in part by the Finance Committee in January approving the utilization of some of the free cash for the capital requirements. The balance of free cash was reserved to cover any overage of the snow/ice budget. The decision on the remainder of the free cash amount will be made in June before the fiscal year closes.

The School Committee followed a separate but similar path. They held a budget workshop in October. The conducted a Legislative Forum in February. They held their budget hearing in March.  (see links below)

The operations budget was reviewed in the Council Budget subcommittee and a joint budget subcommittee meeting (including Town Council, Finance Committee and School Committee) before beginning the formal budget hearings by the Finance Committee in April.

After the 3rd hearing, the Finance Committee voted unanimously to recommend the budget as proposed by the Town Administrator to the Town Council.

The Town Council held their first budget hearing on Wednesday. Like recent years, the budget line items were formally read and if a Councilor had a question on the line item, it was placed "on hold". After all the holds were placed in the reading of the budget, each question was answered and some cases additional discussion ensued on the item before moving to the next budget line item.

Although this allows questions to be raised and answered in this format, the entire budget is not really presented to the Town Council. If you want that kind of presentation and open discussion you need to participate in the Finance Committee budget hearings.

At the end of the 'long' evening Wednesday (almost 2 hours), it was determined that the department managers and representatives were not going to be required for the Thursday meeting. There were not planned to be any more serious questions raised that the departments would need to answer.

The Thursday session opened and was completed within 25 minutes. Three separate votes. One to approve the bulk of the operational budget excluding the Tri-County portion. One to appoint a clerk pro temp to replace Councilor Jones who needed to recuse himself from the Tri-County budget vote. He teaches at Tri-County and to participate would be a potential conflict of interest. The third and final vote was for the approval of the now full budget including the approval of the approx $1.5M transfer from the budget stabilization account to provide a balanced budget.

The first vote for the operational budget passed 8-1 (Earls voted 'no').
The vote for the pro temp clerk passed 8-0 (Jones recused)
The vote for the full budget passed 8-0-1 (Jones recused).

The budget stabilization funds carefully set aside in 2013 has now bought some time for the Town (and yes that means you too!) to have some serious discussion on what to do next year.

The budget for FY 2020 is already approx. $1.5M short (due to the use of the one time funds this year).

The School Committee had acknowledged using multiple millions from their revolving funds each of the last three budgets some of which were 'one time', i.e. not replaceable.

The needs of the Town to maintain current service levels continues to increase. Police and Fire are seriously understaffed in comparison to other similar sized communities. The 3rd ambulance that is needed for the Town to provide sufficient life saving response times would itself call for an additional $1.5M. The School Dept requirements that were unmet by this year's budget are long. The DPW is strapped to maintain over 200 miles over roads with 'nickels and dimes' funding and a very efficient process.

What would Franklin like to do for the FY 2020 budget? There is not likely any miracle funds available. The 2.5% cap is not sufficient to meet our needs.

Fortunately, the Town Administration has stated that the discussion will start early in the FY 2020 cycle. I, for one, will be watching and reporting to ensure that the discussion does happen.

Budget hearing #1 (Franklin Matters notes)

Town Council actions taken May 16

Budget hearing #2 (Franklin Matters notes)
Town of Franklin budget page

Town Administrator budget narrative and documents

Finance Committee budget hearing notes

School Committee budget summary

School Committee budget hearing

School Committee budget workshop

School Committee Legislative Forum

January Finance Committee minutes

Budget Collection FY 2019

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Finance Committee Recap - FY 2019 Budget voted on to move to Town Council

Several questions were asked on the use of the revolving funds by the schools to balance the school budget. As you listen to the questions and answers, sometimes it appears that the answer was to another point or to one of the points in the question not to another.

The revolving funds used by the school budget are similar in that to the enterprise funds used by the Town. Fees are collected for a specific purpose (busing, or lunch, on the school side vs. water and sewer on the Town side). Expenses are paid out of the fees to enable the service to be self sustaining.

The questions get at how the revolving funds had accumulated such a balance as to be used last year, and this year for the budget. If the questions were not completely answered to your satisfaction, you may have another chance during the Town Council budget hearings on May 16 and May 17.

The School Committee budget page provides a summary of the various revolving funds.
"The following pages provide an explanation and financial status of the revolving funds
maintained by the District. All balances are as of June 30th in each fiscal year with a year-to-date amount for the current year."

Details on the school budget can be found on their budget page

The discussion on the walk in traffic to the Police Station comes in the context of the new regional dispatch center coming online later this year. The dispatchers would move from the station to the regional center. However, someone will still need to remain staffing the Police station to monitor the folks held in custody as well as this walk in traffic. Discussion is still underway on how to resolve this issue. It will be simpler at the Fire Station as visitors will interact with a kiosk and talk with someone at the regional dispatch center.

The full FY 2019 budget document including the summary letter and several great supporting pieces can be found here

or here:

Finance Committee Recap - FY 2019 Budget voted on to move to Town Council
Finance Committee Recap - FY 2019 Budget voted on to move to Town Council

Monday, December 5, 2016

Finance Committee - Agenda - Dec 6, 2016

The Finance Committee is scheduled to meet on Tuesday, Dec 6 at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers. The full agenda document is attached below with the key items highlighted here:

  • Technology – E Permitting Purchase
  • Technology – Google Applications Purchase
  • Turf Field Design and Development

Items for Discussion:

Town Administrator Updates 
  • FY 17 Capital/FY 18 Budget, 
  • Multi-units development in Town

the new artificial turf field at FHS has good softness with its new infill although it is  crumb rubber and is controversial
the new artificial turf field at FHS has good softness with its new infill although it is 
crumb rubber and is controversial

Worthy of note is the balance of the budgetary savings accounts. These accounts are used to plan for actual or emergency expenses.

The "Rec Fields Stab" is money set aside to replace the FHS and Beaver St artificial turf fields. Coincidentally, one of the action items on this agenda is to use some money from the "Free Cash" to fund the design for those fields. The design is needed to put the work out to bid with an expectation to have the fields replaced during the period June-July 2017.

Balances update 09/30/16

  • Gen Stab 4,987,740
  • PW Stab -0- 
  • Rec Fields Stab 870,105
  • Traffic Stab 4,611 
  • Fire Truck Stab 486,407
  • Property Acquis Stab 255,527 
  • Open Space 1,085,668
  • Budget Stab 1,345,759 
  • OPEB Trust 2,262,251
  • Free Cash 3,516,586

OPEB Obligation: Pay as you go 93,975,598 as of 6/30/15

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Best Practice: How is Needham Addressing OPEB?

Franklin's Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) obligation is currently estimated at $89 million. We have started addressing this by setting aside some amount each year in a stabilization fund. We currently have about $822,000 so we have a long way to go.

Massachusetts Department of Revenue's Division of Local Services (DLS) publishes a newsletter "Cities and Towns" and the most recent issue has a long and detailed write up on how Needham is addressing their OPEB obligation.

Best Practice: How is Needham Addressing OPEB?
Rick Kingsley - Municipal Data Management and Technical Assistance Bureau Chief 
With many local officials struggling to understand and plan for looming liabilities related to Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB), we thought it would be beneficial to explore the approach that the Town of Needham has taken to address these future obligations. A community that fails to act on its OPEB liabilities runs the risk that future health insurance expenses will become so large that they eventually overwhelm other budget priorities and have a detrimental impact on municipal services. 
For those that may not be familiar with this topic, other post-employment benefits refer to benefits other than pensions that employees receive after they retire. By far, the most significant of these is health insurance, but may also include life insurance, dental or other benefits paid after an employee's retirement. In 2004, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) issued directives concerning how these liabilities must be presented in a municipality's financial statements going forward (Pronouncements 43 and 45). 
Similar to an employee's pension benefits, OPEB are earned during the employee's active working career, but are not actually paid until after the employee retires. GASB directed that these future costs no longer be accounted for on a pay-as-you-go basis, but rather these liabilities must be recognized as they are earned or accrued. In other words, employees earn the right to receive health insurance and other benefits upon retirement incrementally over their active working career. Therefore, on an accrual basis, the annual cost of an employee's health insurance includes both the municipal share of the actual premium paid on the employe's behalf plus a portion of the projected post-retirement benefit earned in the current accounting period. 
These projections are done by actuaries who look at several variables to estimate these future costs. These variables include a projected rate of inflation for future medical costs, assumptions about employee turnover, age at retirement, Medicare eligibility, election rates for various plans at retirement, and mortality. Factored in as well are the respective cost sharing agreements for splitting benefit costs between the municipality and retirees. To attribute these future costs to current accounting periods, it is necessary to calculate a present value of these future benefits using a discount rate. As we will discuss later, the discount rate has a tremendous impact on the calculation of OPEB liabilities. 
The important estimates that emerge from an actuarial analysis include the total present value of future OPEB benefits and the required contribution that must be appropriated annually to address this liability over multiple years. The projected cost of future benefits discounted to a present value is referred to as the Actuarial Accrued Liability (AAL). This amount is then attributed to the current and prior fiscal years based on when these benefits were earned. The amount of the AAL is reduced in cases where there are OPEB reserves set aside. The Annual Required Contribution (ARC) is the portion of projected benefits earned in or attributable to the current fiscal year (normal cost), plus an additional amount necessary to amortize the unfunded actuarial accrued liability for prior years. The amortization period cannot be more than 30 years. 
Needham's Experience 
Well before the formal issuance of GASB's OPEB pronouncements, Needham was among the first municipalities in the state to recognize the need to take action regarding OPEB liabilities. In January of 2002, the Legislature approved the Town's special act to establish a post retirement insurance liability trust fund. The act was modeled after similar legislation that had been approved earlier for Bedford. 
An initial appropriation of $380,000 was achieved through savings that arose in the contributory pension appropriation and a favorable actuarial analysis of the retirement system. An additional $380,000 was appropriated to the trust fund in each subsequent year from FY2002 through FY2007. In FY2005, when the town converted its health insurance coverage to the West Suburban Health Group, it saved more than $1 million. Half of the savings ($500,000) were also appropriated to the trust fund. 
By 2007, with a modest amount set aside in the trust, the Town reviewed its pay-as -you-go retiree health insurance appropriation in relation to its Annual Required Contribution. It found that with the retiree health insurance appropriation, plus the annual set aside of $380,000, that the town was only about $120,000 away from appropriating its full ARC. The important message here is that retiree health costs can be paid as part of the annual appropriation of the ARC with the difference between the ARC and retiree health costs reserved in the trust for future liabilities. 
Through a second special act approved by the Legislature in 2008, the Town amended the investment standard for assets in the trust from investments that are legal for savings banks to the more flexible prudent investor standard. This change opened the door to more lucrative investment opportunities and put the fund on equal footing with the investments allowed for a pension fund. It also made it far more likely that the town could achieve its targeted rate of return on these investments of eight percent. 
As noted earlier, the discount rate used to calculate the present value of future OPEB costs plays a significant role in the size of the liability. For communities contributing their full ARC, GASB allows a discount rate of eight percent based on the estimated long-term yield on plan investments needed to pay future benefits. For plans that are pay-as-you-go and not funded at all, a discount rate of four percent or less is required, reflective of the much lower rate of return on general assets. For partially funded plans, a blended discount rate can be used. 
To illustrate the importance of this discount/investment rate in these actuarial calculations, Needham's unfunded actuarial accrued liability as of July 1, 2007 was $76.4 million using a four percent discount rate and it dropped to $43.6 million with the use of an eight percent discount rate. 
Investing with PRIT 
With the adoption of the prudent investor standard, Needham began analyzing its options for investments and investment advisory services. For many years, the Town's pension assets had been invested with state pension assets in the Pension Reserves Investment Trust (PRIT). Through this long-standing relationship, Town officials were aware that the PRIT fund had an average annual rate of return of more than 9.6 percent since its inception in 1985. At the time, however, there was no legal mechanism to combine the Town's OPEB funds with its pension assets or otherwise invest these funds with PRIT, so the Town was forced to invest its OPEB trust on its own. 
With the approval of Outside Sections 50 and 57 of the FY2012 state budget (Chapter 68 of the Acts of 2011), cities, towns, districts, counties and municipal lighting plants were authorized to invest their OPEB trusts with PRIT. To do so, entities must accept MGL c.32B, s.20 to establish a trust fund and seek approval from the Board of Trustees of the state's Health Care Security Trust (HCST) to invest in the State Retiree Benefits Trust Fund (SRBTF, MGL c.32A, s.24). The SRBTF is invested in the PRIT Fund's General Allocation Account (GAA), also known as the PRIT Core Fund. This fund contains about $58 billion in state and local pension assets, as well as the state's OPEB assets. For communities like Needham with existing OPEB trusts authorized by special act, similar permission to invest in PRIT was contained in an amendment to MGL c.32A, s.24. 
To receive approval from the HCST Board to invest in PRIT requires that a municipality submit several documents as part of the application process. This documentation includes evidence of adoption of MGL c.32B, s.20 or special legislation, acknowledgement of investment risk and an investment agreement and a designation of a custodian. The custodian can be either the municipal treasurer or the HCST. If the treasurer is to be the custodian, the SRBTF should be identified as an authorized investment vehicle for the treasurer. Lastly, the Board requires indication of the commitment to fund these liabilities. The Board has set a minimum initial investment requirement of $250,000 and a non-binding goal for qualified governmental entities to reach $1,000,000 over three years. 
Earlier this fiscal year, Needham liquidated its OPEB investments and transferred the resulting cash balance to PRIT. The town now has about $15 million in assets invested with PRIT, or roughly 20 percent of the total municipal OPEB assets invested with PRIT. Needham officials identified several factors that influenced their decision: 
  • The Town's longstanding, successful relationship with PRIT to invest the Town's pension assets provided a comfort level with moving OPEB funds to PRIT.
  • Investing with PRIT eliminated the need for Needham to procure investment management services through the MGL c.30B procurement process. 
  • The PRIT fund is one of the best performing state pension funds in the country and serves as an excellent vehicle for attaining the town's targeted rate of return on OPEB investments 
  • Professional investment management is provided at a lower cost due to economies of scale than the Town of Needham would have realized by going out on its own for the services. 
  • A highly diversified portfolio that makes use of investment vehicles not available to smaller investors (e.g., private equity, direct hedge funds, timber, and private real estate). 
  • PRIT understands the investments that are legal in MA where an outside investment advisor might not be aware of various prohibited investments. 
Needham's experience provides several important takeaways for other cities and towns that might not be as far along with OPEB. Although GASB has not mandated a funding requirement for OPEB liabilities, it is important for municipalities to start saving for these costs as soon as possible. Through the adoption of MGL c.32B, s.20, a community can establish an OPEB trust, use the prudent investor rule for trust assets and invest these funds with PRIT. Even if your community is not in the position to contribute the full ARC each year, modest and manageable contributions are better than nothing. Strategies to set aside one-time revenues, appropriation balances or other windfalls and appropriate them to the trust as available or identifying an appropriate recurring revenue stream can make a significant difference. 
Once funding sources have been identified, it is important that these assets are invested with a long-term outlook similar to pension assets. A simple, low cost way to meet these long-term funding needs is to apply for authorization to invest these funds in the state?s PRIT fund. The tremendous diversification of investments, the annual performance of this fund over time for pension assets and the similarities between the long-term investment horizons for pension and OPEB liabilities make the PRIT fund an excellent vehicle for the investment of OPEB trusts. For additional information about PRIT, please contact Senior Client Services Officer Paul Todisco at 617-946-8423 or
Needham Town Manager Kate Fitzpatrick, Assistant Town Manager/Finance Director David Davison and Treasurer/Collector Evelyn Poness contributed to this article.

MA DOR Division of Local Services webpage
MA DOR Division of Local Services webpage

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Another stabilization fund?

In the normal course of events, Town Council agenda items regarding money usually get to go before the Finance Committee (FinCom) for a vote. The vote becomes part of the record for the Town Council to consider the matter. How the FinCom votes can help determine what the Town Council will do.

Aside from the election as being the major event of today, the FinCom meeting tonight will get to decide on the possible creation of another stabilization account. We already have several accounts in this space. Per the FinCom agenda these are the accounts and current amounts held:
General stabilization:  $4,806,571
Public Works: $275,494
Traffic: $4,565
OPEB: $170,253
Senior Center: $150,579
Recreation fields:  $150,579
Fire Truck: $75,290
Free cash : $3,580,481

The General Stabilization is supposed to be around 5% of the Town budget as a good fiscal practice as well as Town Council policy.

The OPEB, Senior Center, Recreation Fields, and Fire Truck accounts are all holding money being put aside to accumulate for the time when we will need it. OPEB for the outstanding funding required. The Senior Center for the build out of the 2nd floor. The Recreation fields to re-do the artificial turf fields in a couple of years. The fire truck to purchase a replacement in a few years.

With some extra money over and above what was budgeted for FY 2013, there is now a proposal for an "Operating Budget Stabilization Fund".
The Town Council will vote on Wednesday these two items (among other actions on the agenda)
1. Resolution 12-72: Establishment of an Operating Budget Stabilization Fund
2. Resolution 12-73: Appropriation: Operating Budget Stabilization Fund

Money put aside in this new account would help to offset a future need for an operational override. Yet money from the general stabilization fund had been previously used for this purpose. Why create a separate account? Why not use the one that has been used?

The full FinCom agenda can be found here

The full Town Council agenda for Wednesday's meeting can be found here

Thursday, December 4, 2008

"we can't do business as usual and survive"

Posted Dec 04, 2008 @ 12:05 AM


Town Council last night unanimously voted to create a fund to pay for repairs to buildings and infrastructure, and put $50,000 in it.

At Town Administrator Jeffrey D. Nutting's recommendation, the council voted to deposit the $50,000 - money that developer Toll Brothers donated for infrastructure improvements in exchange for accepting new streets and easements.

In other business, Nutting told the council he and leaders from other communities testified at the State House yesterday, advocating for municipal relief and reforms that would save Franklin time and money.

"We're asking the Legislature to look at a wide array of municipal relief," he said.

Read the full article in the Milford Daily News here

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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

In the News - stabilization fund, bridge closure

Town Council may set up infrastructure stabilization fund

By Joyce Kelly/Daily News staff

Tomorrow night, Town Council will likely establish a stabilization fund for municipal infrastructure and facilities improvement.

The council will also vote whether to appropriate $50,000 for the new account, money that will come from a legal settlement with Toll Brothers of Huntingdon Valley, Pa., a luxury home developer, Town Administrator Jeffrey D. Nutting has said.


Bridge in troubled water

By Joyce Kelly/Daily News staff

Based on inspections indicating drivers may not be safe, the Massachusetts Highway Department today will indefinitely close an old wooden bridge over the commuter rail line that once served Rte. 140 West, according to Klark Jessen, director of communications with the Executive Office of Transportation.

MassHighway's District 3 Bridge Maintenance team found some of the stones in the walls supporting the timbers appear to have moved, raising concerns about the stability of the walls under heavy traffic, Jessen said. The bridge has a timber deck on timber supports situated on stone abutments.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

"it's a discussion worth having"

Posted Jun 20, 2008 @ 11:28 PM


The school district could save up to 20 teacher jobs, officials say, if Town Council agrees to Councilor Robert Vallee's request to give schools $1 million from the stabilization account in July.

Taking action to prevent 47 teacher layoffs is "critical," Vallee said at the council's June 18 meeting, then making a motion to put the subject on Town Council's July 9 agenda for discussion. Only five councilors were present for the meeting, and the item barely made it on the agenda.

In anticipation of possible pressure from various town departments for further funding for operational costs from the stabilization account, the Finance Committee at its June 17 meeting unanimously voted to send a strong message to Town Council that such action is "inappropriate," except for unemployment costs, said Finance Committee Chairman Jim Roche.

The cost of laying off 45 people is about $675,000 in unemployment costs, according to Superintendent Wayne Ogden.

Bonding companies downgrade towns that continually use stabilization funds, Roche said, noting that Franklin has been taking money from that account for operational expenses for the last four years.

"We can't afford our interest rate to go up because we're foolishly spending our stabilization funds," Roche said.

Read the full article in the Milford Daily News here

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Q & A 6 - "emergency repair and replacement fund" Nutting, Doak, Zollo respond (audio)

From the Franklin Override Information Forum coordinated by the Joint Parent Communication Councils and held on Wednesday, 5/28/08.

Q - What about the "emergency repair and replacement fund"? Can we dip into that?
A - Nutting, there is a minimal cost to the interest. The overall factor is that 4M on an annual budget of 100M is not a lot of cushion. It is not a lot of money in a savings account for a good business. it is similar to our debt. Our debt is going down next year to less than 3%. we are looking to continually reinvest an appropriate amount over time.

A - Doak, over the years from the power plant settlement we have benefited that we did not need to use the money for which it had been set aside to mitigate the power plant.

A - Zollo, to address another myth, 4500-5000 per year in taxes, three children in school, the Zollos are receiving a subsidy for the school education. K-12, would amount to a 275,000 subsidy. You never pay the town back to pay for your children to go through the school system. The value that the average citizen receives is great.

Time: 6 minutes, 47 seconds

MP3 File