Friday, September 17, 2021

Recap: Introduction, retirement, promotion, and two presentations highlight the Town Council meeting

Quick Recap:
  • Less than polite discourse around comments regarding the Senator Warren visit to the Town Common continue among multiple parties. Edgy tone continues in a long set of 'facts' ultimately leaving one citizen confused about the zoning bylaw proposal reviewed in the public hearing at last meeting and then put aside. 
  • Brief introduction of new Veterans Service agent - Shannon Nisbett and Debra Martin now a Town employee (previously funded by Norfolk County).
  • One retirement and one promotion recognized with state and local proclamations including swearing in for promotion
  • New all alcohol license approved for the Franklin Shed, a new restaurant slated to open in early to mid-2022 next to the Big Y
  • Presentation from Jen Knight-Levine touting the services and development of SAFE Coalition also closed with the staggering fact on the potency of THC in the vap cartridges today vs. the marijuana of several years ago
  • Jen Delmore, Conservation Agent, provided an update on the progress to mitigating the invasive plant growth on the DelCarte ponds. Much accomplished, more to be done before fishing can be restored
  • Formal passage of the trash/recycling fee with the second vote to approve. An increase of $8/year for the normal containers, no change for the smaller containers. This still leaves the town residents paying less than the $300/year we paid before the single stream system was implemented.
As with most meetings in this pandemic period, I took my notes via Twitter during the meeting although this time, reporting live from the Council Chambers.
Photos captured during the meeting and shared via Twitter can be found in one album ->

The Twitter hashtag can be found online  #tc0915  
Agenda doc (including connection info) -> 
  • getting ready for the Town Council meeting at 7 PM - agenda can be found ->  #TC0915
  • All 8 councilors present this evening (1 spot open due to resignation, to be filled with the Nov 2, 2021 election) #tc0915
  • Chair Mercer opens meeting; multiple access to meeting reminder - in person, Zoom access, live stream via Town page, or cable via Verizon/Comcast #tc0915
  • brief intro of Shannon Nisbett, new Veterans Service Officer (replacing Dale Kurtz who retired); Debra Martin, assistant to the VSO now a ToF employee for veterans service #tc0915
  • Nancy Danello, acting Town Clerk, with an update on the local election  - Sep 30 last day to withdraw; Oct 13 last day to register to vote; Oct 14 candidates night; Oct 20 machine testing; early voting during business hours once ballots arrive #tc0915
  • Sat Oct 23, and Sun Oct 24; from 10 AM to 1:00 PM for early voting in the Town Clerk's office #tc0915
  • J Callaway-Tripp making comment against Pellegri's comments from the Sep 1 meeting; slander, violation of resolution 20-14. #tc0915
  • C Cass commending Pellegri for her comments; #tc0915 some of the heckling occurred during a requested moment of silence; showed lack of decency by those participating
  • J Maciel (?) re: comments on the research she did regarding the zoning discussion; what is the cost? What are the qualifications of the MAPC? Confused by the actions and notes of the discussion around downtown parking #tc0915
  • D Bardsley - sad about the blurred lines of opinions; #tc0915
  • approval of mins from Aug 28 meeting; second, passes 8-0  #tc0915
  • PROCLAMATIONS/RECOGNITIONS a.Police Department:  i.Sergeant Lee Drake - Retirement  #tc0915 ( photos to be added )
  • Sergeant Drake with Chief Lynch and State Rep Roy #tc0915
  • Not to be out done, the Town Council also has a proclamation of recognition #tc0915 Chair Mercer presenting
  • Sergeant Louis Marguerite - Promotion Chief Lynch provides intro, N Danello  swears Sgt in to office; pinned by family members (photos to be added) #tc0915
  • Promotion photos as referenced #tc0915
  • 5.APPOINTMENTS a. Janice Prentice - Associate member, Historical Commission  motion to approve, second, passes 8-0  #tc0915
  • b. Chuna Keophannga - Finance Committee to approve, second, passes 8-0  
  • c. Tyrel Hansen - Finance Committee  motion to approve, second, passes 8-0
  • next up ->  a.  Franklin Shed, LLC d/b/a Franklin Shed, New Section 12 Restaurant, All Alcoholic Beverages, and approval of manager, located at 340 East Central Street, Franklin, MA. motion to approve, second, passes 8-0 via roll call
  • two roll call votes, one to approve license, second to approve the pledge of license as collateral for loan from bank - both pass 8-0 #tc0915
  • next up - SAFE Coalition, Jennifer Knight-Levine, Executive Director #tc0915
  • Slides being talked to about SAFE #tc0915
  • AWESOME, Jen Knight-Levine and SAFE are an incredible resource for this community and the surrounding coverage area #tc0915
  • host community agreements are a complex mix but we do allocate funds for SAFE and will do more so as they become available. #tc0915
  • Dellorco with great heartwarming story, Mercer in a short time (5 years) the development and the breadth of services is awesome #tc0915
  • Next up Jen Delmore, Conservation Agent with an update on the weeds at DelCarte #tc0915 presentation copy
  • part way there with milfoil getting resolved;; chestnut still to be monitored and treated #tc0915 long term plan to clear the plants first, then get the invasive fish species, and settle it, before stocking with game and native fish
  • subcommittee reports: EDC met this evening, next meeting Oct 20, discussion on town branding and wayfinding #tc0915
  • a. Resolution 21-53: Gift Acceptance, Franklin Public Library $5,890, Veterans’ Service Department $300, Fire Department $200 (Motion to Approve Resolution 21-53 - Majority Vote) motion to approve, second, passes 8-0  #tc0915
  • b. Bylaw Amendment 21-875: Chapter 82, Trash and Recycling Fee Increase - 2nd Reading (Motion to adopt Bylaw Amendment 21-875 - Majority Roll Call Vote)  motion to approve, second, passes (via roll call) 8-0
  • no Town Administrator report tonight, future agenda items - Oct 6, School District to provide an update to Council on their Davis Thayer plans and timeline #tc0915 there will be an open house but no date available at this time
  • councilor comments; Chandler - thanks for the increased participating; Hamblen, thanks for the presenters tonight, thanks for the zucchini racers; thanks for the Cultural Festival - Harvest Festival - Oct 2 (rain date Oct 3) #tc0915
  • bike racks on Common, complete streets - Sep 22, 6:00 PM, at Farmers Mkt this Friday to gather info on improvements re: complete streets; #tc0915 incredible event, kudos to those who put this on - Kaye Kelly, Chair of Cultural Council
  • MAPC is the Metropolitan Area Planning Council, they are highly professional and experienced in doing this kind of work #tc0915  MAPC will have a booth at the Harvest Festival Oct 2 to introduce new websites for feedback;
  • pancake breakfast every 2nd Sunday at the Rod & Gun club - #tc0915 Cultural Festival, also at the Historical Museum for the speaker there, impressive, was recorded will be available for replay.
  • Thanks to the Fire/Police Chiefs to come in to recognize the retirements and new hires; SAFE doing great things for our community. #tc0915  motion to adjourn, second, passes 8-0
Audio recording of meeting to be available in couple of days


one of the slides from the SAFE Coalition presentation
one of the slides from the SAFE Coalition presentation

Peter Willis scheduled for the Harvest Festival - good time to check out his photos of Franklin

I will be at the Harvest festival in Franklin to sell my photos at Franklin downtown
on October 2th 12-5pm
If you can't make it to the event, you can still chat with Peter and place your order at anytime and get your favorite image delivered to your door. Thank you in advance for your support!!!! ðŸ˜ƒðŸ“¸
The rain date 3rd  is the Sunday 12-5pm


Peter Willis scheduled for the Harvest Festival
Peter Willis scheduled for the Harvest Festival

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Recap: Economic Development Subcommittee discusses wayfinding signs and branding

Quick Recap:
  • Wayfinding signs an open recommendation to be worked on, also involves discussion on 'branding' before getting into what signs where
  • Needs to be a collaborative effort across multiple stakeholders in the community, will likely be a multiyear effort and cost a few dollars.
  • Update on initial scope possible for Oct 20 meeting  
As with most meetings in this pandemic period, I took my notes via Twitter during the meeting although this time, reporting live from the Council Chambers.
The Twitter hashtag can be found online  #edc0915
Agenda doc (including connection info) ->
  • Live reporting for the Economic Development Subcommittee meeting about to begin Agenda: 1. Wayfinding signs discussion #edc0915 full agenda doc ->
  • Chair Hamblen opens meeting, Frongillo and Jones present, Bissanti not; #edc0915
  • why wayfinding signs? it was part of the report delivered to the town as a recommendation (link to be added later) #edc0915 a subgroup had started looking at this, Lily now here will pick this up
  • what are the elements of the wayfinding program, not just signs and colorcoding; what do you point to? Where will people want to go? Coordinate with the Cultural District (for example) #edc0915
  • Example of North Adams and their branding #edc0915 (screen grab)
  • it will take time and discussions (multiple of them) to build consensus on what to highlight and how to do so; aside from the actual branding of the sign/community itself. #edc0915
  • who are we? do we use the 'standard' Ben images, which already have quite a few varieties #edc0915 ToF had prepared a grant some years ago for a wayfinding project.
  • I got up to add: 2028 is a key year for Franklin (250th anniversary); could the listing be shared so others can view and prepared for this discussion? #edc0915
  • can get an update for the Oct 20th meeting; meeting adjourns #edc0915

Audio recording of meeting to be available in couple of days
screengrab of an example from North Adams and what they did
screengrab of an example from North Adams and what they did

Franklin Welcomes New Veterans' Services Officer - Shannon Nisbett

Meet our new VSO at the October 6th Veterans' Coffee Social

Following Dale Kurtz's retirement, U.S. Army veteran Shannon Nisbett has joined the Veterans' Services Office as Franklin's new Veterans' Services Officer. 

Please join us in welcoming Shannon at the monthly Veterans' Coffee Social on Wednesday, October 6 at 10:00 AM at the Franklin Senior Center. 

Cathleen Liberty, Franklin's Director of Public Health, will also join us to provide updates and answer questions about Covid-19.

As always, refreshments will be provided by our wonderful friends at Starbucks.

Shared from the Town of Franklin page =>

Debra Martin (left) Shannon Nisbett (right) as they were introduced to the Town Council
Debra Martin (left) Shannon Nisbett (right) as they were introduced to the Town Council 

FHS golf posts win for 2nd day in row

Via @HockomockSports  we share the results of the FHS fall sports action on Wednesday, Sep 15, 2021  

Taunton, 194 @ Franklin, 166 – Final 
– Franklin defended its home course and won its second match in as many days with a win over on Wednesday over visiting Taunton. Three Panthers shared medalist honors as CJ Steel, Ben Paterson, and Caroline Woelfel all shot a 41 in the win while Brendan Collins rounded out the scoring with a 43. Logan Letourneau paced Taunton with a round of 46.

For other results around the Hockomock League

FHS golf posts win for 2nd day in row
FHS golf posts win for 2nd day in row

Exercise & Wellness Classes Start Next Week

Exercise & Wellness Classes
Fall 2021
starting September 23
Yoga, which has been around since the 15th century, helps to quiet the mind & improve health. Looking for Hatha Yoga OR Yoga For Anyone? You can find it here on Thursdays this fall.
8 weeks - $80/person
LaBlast is an energizing dance fitness program that uses easy to follow ballroom dance patterns. Students will learn the basic steps of several dance styles, while enjoying music from all genres. Classes are low impact and for all levels of fitness. Partner-free and no experience necessary. 
10 weeks - $90/person

For more class options & additional details visit:

FPS - Lifelong Community Learning | 218 Oak Street, Room 137, Franklin, MA 02038

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CommonWealth Magazine: "Lawmakers push for expansion of Plainridge"


"The competition between Plainridge Park Casino in Plainville and two nearby Rhode Island gaming facilities for southeastern Massachusetts’ gambling dollars is nothing new and representatives from that part of the state renewed their support Tuesday for bills (H 507/H 532) to authorize but not require the Mass. Gaming Commission to allow the slots-only facility to add “up to 30 table games and an additional 250 slot machines.”

“Last session, we were concerned about the opening of the casino in Tiverton, Rhode Island, which happened two years ago. In this session, we also know that Rhode Island is planning a major expansion at Twin River. And that will put Plainridge and my communities at a further competitive disadvantage,” Rep. Jeff Roy of Franklin said. “We’re here to push for a modest expansion of Plainridge so that the commonwealth can best compete with our neighbors to the south, and we can protect the jobs, our local businesses, and the tax revenues that have been generated from Plainridge Park.”

When Massachusetts legalized casino-style gambling a decade ago, lawmakers approved a framework that includes up to three resort-style casinos and one slots parlor. Two of the three casino licenses have been issued, to MGM Springfield and Encore Boston Harbor, and Plainridge Park Casino holds the lone slots-only license."

Continue reading the article online
A slot machine at Plainridge Park Casino.
A slot machine at Plainridge Park Casino.

National Weather Service Boston: webinar on tornadoes (video)

"Missed last night's webinar on our recent tropical tornadoes? You can catch up on that and many others on our YouTube Channel:"

NWS Boston - YouTube channel ->

Passwords may be going away, starting with Microsoft

"You’ve got a lot of passwords to keep track of for your online bank account, insurance company, social media profiles and even your kid’s school software. But starting today, your Microsoft account doesn’t have to be one of them.

The company said Wednesday that it is officially retiring written passwords for personal accounts, including Outlook, OneDrive and Family Safety. Corporate accounts have been eligible for password-free sign-on since March.

The change comes as the entire IT industry rethinks its decades-long reliance on “shared secret” passwords — or the kind you have to remember. People have a tendency to lose and forget them, creating extra costs and headaches for companies and customers alike."
Continue reading the article online. (Subscription maybe required)

Microsoft announced it is rolling out a no-password sign-on system for personal accounts on its Outlook, OneDrive and Family Safety products. (Jeenah Moon/Bloomberg News)
Microsoft announced it is rolling out a no-password sign-on system for personal accounts on its Outlook, OneDrive and Family Safety products. (Jeenah Moon/Bloomberg News)