Thursday, July 22, 2021

Massachusetts House, Senate Passes $261.6 Million FY 2021 Supplemental Budget

Massachusetts House, Senate

Massachusetts House, Senate Passes $261.6 Million FY 2021 Supplemental Budget

Today, the Massachusetts Legislature passed a $261.6 million supplemental budget for Fiscal Year 2021 (FY21) that addresses time-sensitive deficiencies, extends expanded voting options, provides supports for the implementation of the 2020 landmark police reform law and makes investments to support the Commonwealth's continued recovery from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

As we continue to pave the way to an equitable recovery, the supplemental budget passed today includes $191 million to provide support and stability for our early educator workforce, $27.9 million for one-time economic relief payments to families on transitional assistance, and $12.5 million for costs associated with the implementation of last session's landmark police reform bill.

"As we carefully emerge into a post-pandemic world, we must continue to keep a close eye on areas which are critical to our Commonwealth's wellbeing," stated Senate President Karen E. Spilka (D-Ashland). "This supplemental budget provides us additional tools to ensure such areas as voter access, early education, public health, veteran and family services and transportation remain resilient as we get back to better. I want to thank Chair Rodrigues, his team at Senate Ways and Means, Speaker Mariano, Representative Michlewitz, their staffs and my colleagues for their work and collaboration on this important legislation."

"This supplemental budget continues to support the critical needs of those most impacted by the pandemic and includes many of our shared priorities, such as child care, voting, transportation and the implementation of our police reform law," said Speaker of the House Ronald J. Mariano (D-Quincy). "I would like to thank Chair Michlewitz and his team, as well as Senate President Spilka, Chair Rodrigues and their teams for their work as we position our Commonwealth towards a strong recovery."

"This budget allows us to pay our bills and address time sensitive needs, while meeting the immediate challenges facing our Commonwealth by investing in our early educator workforce, helping vulnerable families, and fulfilling our funding obligations to ensure timely implementation of the police reform law. I am also glad that this budget will close the loophole in line of duty death benefits so the families of fallen police officers can get what they are owed," said Senator Michael J. Rodrigues, Chair of the Senate Committee on Ways & Means (D-Westport). "Thank you to Senate President Spilka for her steady leadership and continued support and to my colleagues in the House and Senate for their tireless work to aid Massachusetts' equitable recovery and set the state on the path toward a new better."

"This supplemental budget includes a number of critical investments crucial to the Commonwealth's future such as funds for early education, police reform, and increased aid to families in need" said Representative Aaron Michlewitz, Chair of the House Committee on Ways & Means (D-Boston). "This legislation also provides much needed clarity on the future of the MBTA's governing structure and extends our meaningful voter access laws for the reminder of the year. I want thank Speaker Mariano, Senate President Spilka, Chair Rodrigues, and all my colleagues in the Legislature for their tireless work and advocacy on these issues."

Notable components of the funding package include:

Extended Voting Options

The legislation passed today allows for the popular practice of voting early by mail to continue through December 15, 2021, giving eligible voters the ability to exercise their right to cast a ballot while protecting their health and safety. The bill further allows cities and towns the ability to offer early in-person voting for such elections.  The extension of these additional voting options come as the Commonwealth continues to grapple with COVID-19 and its related variants and on the heels of elections in 2020 that saw record participation using these same methods.

"Passage of the Supplemental Budget today with provisions to extend mail-in and early voting options sends a strong message that both the Senate and the House are committed to ensuring that all voices are heard in our democracy. This is particularly critical in light of recent laws passed by many states to restrict voter access," said Senate Majority Leader Cindy Creem (D. Newton). "In addition, today's action providing for a temporary extension of these provisions, provides the Legislature with the opportunity to take up more comprehensive voting reforms later this session, and I look forward to that debate." 

'The voting provisions put forward in the supplemental budget will allow cities and towns to offer safe, accessible election options this fall while we continue to work on their permanency. I thank Speaker Mariano for his commitment to expanded voting access," said Representative Dan Ryan, House Chair of the Joint Committee on Election Laws (D-Boston). "I congratulate Chairman Michlewitz and the Ways and Means Committee on a thoughtful supplemental budget."


The supplemental budget passed today establishes a new seven-member Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) Board of Directors. The new oversight body, which takes the place of the Fiscal Management and Control Board, will comprise of seven members and consist of the Secretary of Transportation, serving as ex officio; five members appointed by the Governor; and one member appointed by the MBTA Advisory Board. The bill requires that one of the Governor appointees to the board be a rider that is a resident of an environmental justice population. Of the seven members, the bill also requires a board seat be given to a member of the labor community.

Child Care

To support early educators who have been on the front lines throughout the pandemic, the supplemental budget invests $131 million of federal Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) funding for early educator stabilization grants, workforce supports and system-wide technology upgrades. Additionally, the bill directs $60 million from Early Education and Care (EEC) COVID-19 Stabilization and Workforce reserve established in the FY21 General Appropriations Act for direct grants to state-subsidized providers.

Safety Net Supports

In addition to supporting early educators, the supplemental budget takes meaningful action to combat the lingering effects of the economic crises the Commonwealth has faced over the last 15 months and ensure families receive the economic supports they need to live, work and provide stability for their children. To that end, the budget passed today invests $27.9 million to provide for one-time payments to families that receive Transitional Aid to Families with Dependent Children (TAFDC) benefits, totaling $525 to $580 per child.

Public Safety

Additionally, the supplemental budget provides $12.5 million to cover costs related to the implementation of last session's landmark police reform bill. These funds will be used to support bridge academies for reserve officers and special state police officers previously not subject to the same training requirements as the general law enforcement population, to support the first diverse state police cadet class, and to meet municipal police training requirements on mandatory training on de-escalation, use of force, and school resource officers. The bill also includes $5 million to stand up the Peace Officer Standards & Training (POST) Commission.

The legislation will also allow the pension of a police officer who dies while performing their duties in certain emergencies to be paid to their surviving spouse. This change, which closes a loophole, was made to honor the service of Officer Manny Familia, a Worcester police officer who died in June while heroically attempting to save a 14-year-old boy from drowning.

Other notable highlights of the FY 2021 supplemental budget include:

  • $31.9 million for the Medical Assistance Trust Fund;
  • $13 million for National Guard activations, including pandemic-related work;
  • $11 million for the Department of State Police for pandemic-related costs;
  • $9.9 million for increased COVID-19 costs at the Department of Public Health
  • $7.8 million for home health aide rate increases;
  • $5.4 million for the Chelsea and Holyoke Soldiers' Homes for pandemic-related costs.
  • $1 million for the Supplier Diversity Office.

The legislation now moves to the Governor's desk for consideration.

The Guardian: "Small farms vanish every day in America’s dairyland: ‘There ain’t no future in dairy’"

“Look at that sweet heifer, high, tight udder, in her first lactation, idn’t she sweet?” auctioneer Tom Bidlingmaier shouts as his son Cory plods and slips and pushes the cow around a pen.

Watching it all are about 65 people, mostly men, mostly other small farmers in rubber boots, standing in mud and manure as they murmur their bids. Ron Wallenhorst, the farmer auctioning off his herd of 64 milking cows, is pacing and tapping an empty water bottle against his thigh. He has milked cows in his barn twice a day, every day, after taking over the farm from his father 32 years ago. By the afternoon, all the cows will be gone.

“This is our 401k,” said Ron, 55 years old, his tall frame still hearty though he’s 15 pounds lighter from stress."
Continue reading the article online (subscription maybe required)
The Guardian: "Small farms vanish every day in America’s dairyland: ‘There ain’t no future in dairy’"
photo by Greg Kahn/The Guardian

Drawing Democracy provides an answer to the question: "How can I get involved in redistricting?"

Drawing Democracy (@DrawingDemMA) tweeted on Wed, Jul 21, 2021:
In order to ensure a fair and transparent redistricting process, we need community members to get involved – and there are SO many opportunities to do so! Learn more below. #Redistricting101 #FairMapsMA


Drawing Democracy provides answers to the question: "How can I get involved in redistricting?"
Drawing Democracy provides an answer to the question: "How can I get involved in redistricting?"

Franklin Matters Q & A with Steve Sherlock

Please join us for an informative and informal Q&A session with Steve Sherlock.  Bring your Franklin Questions!  Thursday July 22nd at 1:30 PM.  Please share with anyone you think would enjoy the discussion.

Click Below to join Franklin Matters Q&A with Steve Sherlock

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Franklin Matters Q & A with Steve Sherlock
Franklin Matters Q & A with Steve Sherlock

Ariel Doggett

Virtual Program Coordinator
Respite Coordinator
Supportive Day Coordinator

"We rise by lifting others" - Robert Ingersoll
There is no act of kindness too small

Invisible Stories - #9 - "Helping Homeless People from Sepulveda Basin (featuring LA Family Housing)"

"Most of the people who work for a living are a paycheck away from homeless"

Mark Horvath (@hardlynormal) tweeted on Sun, Jul 11, 2021:

Invisible Stories is a mini-doc series that goes beyond the rhetoric, statistics, political debates, and limitations of social services to examine poverty in America via a medium that audiences of all ages understand and can't ignore. 

Link to the 9th of the series:

Link to the series: 

Shared from Twitter:

Note: I met Mark at a social media conference many years ago and have been following his work. This series is very well done. Yes, the series is set in LA but homelessness is an issue all around us whether visible or not.

SAFE Peer to Peer: 7 Types of Abuse - Episode 3

"Over the past couple of months our Peer to Peer Group created, filmed and edited a Mini Video Series about the 7 Types of Abuse as a way to raise awareness about Intimate Partner Violence. 
⬇️ Check out Episode 3 below!
🎯 Tune in each week for a new episode!"
Direct video link =>

7 Types of Abuse - Episode 3
7 Types of Abuse - Episode 3

"2020 Pre-Election Polling: An Evaluation of the 2020 General Election Polls"

"As anyone who lived through Election Night in 2016 knows, the political polls that year, especially in the presidential race, were off.

Yes, they nailed Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s win in the national popular vote, but the presidential race is a state-by-state contest decided by the rules of the Electoral College. And in state-by-state polls, many of Donald Trump’s voters were undercounted and it gave the impression that Clinton had the race in the bag.

Pollsters largely said they learned some important lessons from that election year. They made changes, particularly around how they would approach the education levels and economic classes of those they polled.

But polling in the 2020 election turned out to be even worse than 2016, according to a report commissioned by the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) and released this week."
Continue reading the article online (subscription maybe required)

Direct link to the report

A poll worker wearing an American flag themed protective mask sanitized a voting booth at a polling location in Louisville, Kentucky.LUKE SHARRETT/BLOOMBERG
A poll worker wearing an American flag themed protective mask sanitized a voting booth at a polling location in Louisville, Kentucky.LUKE SHARRETT/BLOOMBERG

50+ Job Seekers Upcoming Events

50+ Job Seekers Upcoming Events
Hello 50+ Job Seeker:

Our Summer calendar is packed- just for you! Check out the special workshops and events we have lined up for you in July & August:

50+ Interactive Workshop Summer Series:
 TUESDAYS – 10am-12N~Join Ed and Melody this Summer

  • July 27: Write Creative Cover Letters and LI/Networking Invites
  • Aug 10: The Art of Closing & Negotiating- Get the Offer You Want
  • Aug 24: Let's Have some Summer Fun- Job Search Jeopardy
Sponsored by:
Presented in collaboration with:
Thursdays: 10-1130am

July 22: A Reinvention Starter Kit [Workshop]
August 26:Reinvention Boot Camp-Talk to the Pro's [Panel Event]
Sept 23: Age-Friendly/Diversity Inclusive Employer Forum
**See Information Below for Registration**

Thinking about making a change but not sure just how to go about it?
This is your opportunity to get clear on next steps and map out a process. Not just to get started, but to keep going until you've achieved your goal.
Whether you're considering freelance, contract work or a business startup, you'll gain practical insights from this hands-on, interactive workshop.
Facilitated by Amy Avergun, Susan Drevitch Kelly & Doug Dickson.
THURSDAY, JULY 22, 10-11:30 am

You've set a course to reinvent yourself and made some progress. 
Maybe as a freelancer, a consultant, or a business startup. 
But you could use some advice, ideas, connections or encouragement. Facilitated by Susan Drevitch Kelly, 50+ Job Seekers & Doug Dickson, EBN.
That's what the Reinvention Bootcamp is all about.  
Join our panel of experienced Business Advisors for guidance & insight.
Then break into small groups with fellow "Re-Inventors" and one of our Advisors to get specific and practical input tailored to your questions. 
You'll leave this workshop inspired and ready to jumpstart the next phase of your reinvention journey!
Thursday, August 26, 10-11:30 am
We invite you to attend our Bilingual/Spanish Workshop Series

Join us on Wednesdays: 1-3pm:

  • July 28: Using LinkedIn-a Powerful Job Search Tool
  • Aug 11: Get Ready for Your Interview: Prepare!
  • Aug 25: Get Ready for Your Interview: Practice!
  • Sept 8: Create your Job Search Plan
  • Sept 23: Age-Friendly/Diversity Inclusive Employer Forum 

*If you are NEW, Advanced Registration Required*

Sponsored by the following Libraries: Andover, Billerica, Chelmsford, Danvers, North Andover, Shrewsbury, Tewksbury, Wilmington

1st and 3rd Wednesdays, July - December, 2021 – 9:30-11:30
(Zoom room opens at 9:00 am for informal networking and sharing resources).

  • July 21 - Creating Your 'Career Story" Pitch
  • Aug. 4 - Developing a Resume – Part 1
  • Aug. 18 - Developing a Resume/STARS – Part 2
  • Sept. 8 - Creating a LinkedIn Profile – the Basics
  • Sept. 22 - LinkedIn – Networking Tool, Enhance Profiles                       
  • Oct. 6 - Marketing/Interviewing Brief
  • Oct. 20 - Interview Preparation/Strategy                      
  • Nov. 3 - Networking 2.0"You Must Give to Get!
  • Nov. 17 - Hiring Employers Event
  • Dec. 1 - Marketing Plan/Plan your work/work your plan                            
  • Dec. 15 - Personal Branding


For questions, contact

Massachusetts Association of Councils on Aging | 116 Pleasant Street, Suite 306, Easthampton, MA 01027

FDA: "Recall of Certain Muffin Products Due to Possible Health Risk"

"The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Give & Go Prepared Foods Corp. on Monday announced a voluntary recall of 26 muffin and muffin-related products available nationwide over concerns of possible listeria contamination.

An environmental monitoring program alerted the company to the potential problem with the items, which are  sold in Walmart, 7-Eleven, Stop & Shop and other stores.

A list of all the recalled products, which include muffins packaged under labels such The Worthy Crumb and Uncle Wally's, can be found on the FDA's website. "

For the product listing provided by the FDA

FDA: "Recall of Certain Muffin Products Due to Possible Health Risk"
FDA: "Recall of Certain Muffin Products Due to Possible Health Risk"

Washington Post: "Facebook and YouTube’s vaccine misinformation problem is simpler than it seems"

"On Friday, President Biden said Facebook is “killing people” by spreading misinformation about the coronavirus vaccines. On Monday, he changed his tune. “Facebook isn’t killing people,” he amended, instead blaming a handful of disinformation merchants who use the platform.

Whether Facebook is or isn’t killing people depends on your definitions. What’s clear, regardless, is that Facebook, YouTube, and other social media platforms have played a major role in the anti-vaccine movement. And they continue to do so, despite some sincere efforts by the companies to combat the trend.


So now you have two media realms: a traditional media realm in which information must be both true and interesting to reach an audience, and a social media realm in which it must only be interesting. Guess which one is bound to become a magnet for conspiracy theorists, hoaxsters, propagandists, disinformation operatives, grifters and peddlers of false cures?"
Continue reading the article online (subscription maybe required)

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Q&A on Franklin Matters - July 22 at 1:30 PM

Get your Franklin questions answered on Thursday, July 22 at 1:30 PM. 

This is a virtual event coordinated with the Senior Center = "Franklin Matters Q&A with Steve Sherlock"

email to attend

Q&A on Franklin Matters - July 22 at 1:30 PM
Q&A on Franklin Matters - July 22 at 1:30 PM


Budget and wind energy top what's happening in Franklin and Medway for July

what's happening in Franklin and Medway for July

Governor signs budget

Governor Baker signed the $48.07 billion budget for Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22) that was passed unanimously by the Legislature earlier this month. This budget maintains fiscal responsibility, does not cut services, and makes targeted investments to address emerging needs, safeguard the health and wellness of the most vulnerable populations and ensure residents will benefit equitably as the state recovers from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Learn More

FY22 budget includes local aid for Franklin and Medway

FY22 budget includes local aid for Franklin and Medway

Revolution 250

The FY22 budget included language from Rep. Roy's bill establishing the 250th American Revolution Anniversary Commission. You can find the exact language by clicking here.

This commission will allow Massachusetts to adequately prepare for the anniversary and to compete for national opportunities and decisions such as bringing the Tall Ships to Boston in 2026 or the World Cup to Foxborough in 2026.

Massachusetts could also be eligible for federal grants that will provide lasting economic, cultural and historical benefit to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

The letter to the right is from the Mass Historical Society thanking Rep. Roy for his work on the legislation.

Learn More
Revolution 250

Copyright (C) 2021 State Rep Jeff Roy. All rights reserved.

State Rep Jeff Roy
State House Room 43
Boston, MA 02133

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