Wednesday, February 27, 2008

FHS Renovation - Q&A (audio)

Question & Answer section following the presentation by Kaestle Boos on the options for renovating Franklin High School. Questions from committee members in order of appearance: Roy, Mullen, Armenio, Trahan, Kelly and Cafasso.

Time: 15 minutes, 0 seconds

MP3 File

My notes from the discussion:

Michael McKean (?) representing Kaestle Boos on the Franklin High School renovation options.
  • approximately 30 months for total renovation
  • approximately 24 months to build a new school keeping the existing field house
  • students will adjust quickly during the construction, the teachers and parents generally have more of an issue adjusting
  • in the renovation options, the traffic flow remains mostly the same other than attempting to separate the parent drop offs from the buses
  • the auditorium would be about $7 million (as sized at 26000 sq foot)
  • all the options would connect on the second level, for brevity of the presentation they were not shown here
  • this is not simply building on the roof as the existing building was done before the current seismic codes were put into place
  • the new building option would locate the building further away from the existing homes

Franklin High School Renovation Alternatives (audio)

The presentation by Kaestle Boos on the options for renovating the existing building or building a new school around the existing field house.

Time: 13 minutes, 28 seconds

MP3 File

In the news - school cuts looming

School cuts looming in Franklin

By Joyce Kelley/Daily News staff

After explaining how Franklin spends about $2,200 less per pupil than the state average, Superintendent Wayne Ogden told the School Committee why he will have to cut 45 positions next year.

The department needed a 6.7 percent budget increase to provide level service, but is slated to receive 1.5 percent, which includes the loss of about $400,000 in projected revenue from Medicaid that the town is now keeping, said Ogden.


Read the full article here.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Gift policy passes 6-1

The School Committee passed the KCD policy (otherwise known as the "gift policy") by a 6-1 vote.

This could eliminate the Brick classroom from operation next year by restricting gifts for targeted educational purposes. The budget is not final but the writing appears on the wall.

Additional info can be found here and here.

SchComMtg 2/26/08

SchComMtg 2/26/08, originally uploaded by shersteve.

Superintendent Wayne Ogden, Interim Finance Director Paul Funk, Asst Superintendent Maureen Sabolinski during the presentation on the outlook for the school department FY 09 budget.

Short summary: not good

  • Approx. 45 teachers cut
  • Class sizes rise
  • Eliminates the late bus
  • Bus fee increases from $225 to $325
  • No programs are eliminated but most are "changed"

Why these cuts?
While the Commonwealth of MA is increasing the funding to the schools by 9%, the level service budget for the schools would call for a 7.4% increase, the town is currently limiting the schools to a 1.5% increase overall.

Stay tuned, this is the first pass. The budget season is upon us. There is much more discussion to come before the budget is final.

Franklin School Committee Agenda 2/26/08

Franklin School Committee Meeting

February 26, 2008

Municipal Building – Council Chambers

7:00 P.M.


Call to order Mr. Roy

Pledge of Allegiance

Moment of Silence

1. Routine Business

· Citizen’s Comments

· Review of Agenda

· Minutes:

I recommend approval of the minutes from the February 12, 2008 School Committee Meeting.

· Payment of Bills Mr. Kelly

· Payroll Ms. Armenio

· FHS Student Representatives

· Correspondence:

1. Letter to Oak St. School from Franklin Food Pantry

2. Letter from Franklin Recreation Advisory Committee

2. Guests/Presentations:

a. Representative James Vallee – Foundation Budget

b. Kaestle Boos – FHS Feasibility Report

c. FY 2009 Budget Presentation

d. FY 2007 & FY 2008 Budget Transfers

3. Discussion Only Items

· FY 2009 Budget

4. Action Items:

1. I recommend the School Committee enter into an agreement with Dr. George Ladd/Lynch Graduate School of Education, Boston College to collaborate on the Strategic Plan and district improvement.

2. I recommend approval of School Committee Policy KCD – Donation of Non-Budgeted Gifts.

3. I recommend acceptance of two checks from Follett Educational Services from surplus books: $13.32 for the Parmenter Elementary School gift account and $22.00 for the JF Kennedy gift account.

4. I recommend acceptance of budget transfers to close out FY 2007 as detailed.

5. I recommend acceptance of FY 2008 Budget of $54,626,000.

6. I recommend acceptance of FY 2008 budget transfers as detailed.

7. I recommend acceptance of two checks from Ohiopyle Prints, Inc. for the FHS gift account in the amounts of $88.12 and $22.26.

5. Information Matters:

· Superintendent’s Report


b. FY2009 Budget

c. FHS Feasibility Study

d. MetroWest Health Survey Update

e. Audit Recommendation Update

· School Committee Sub-Committee Reports

· School Committee Liaison Reports

6. New Business:

· To discuss future business that may be brought before the School Committee.

7. Executive Session

· Personnel Matters

8. Adjourn

Monday, February 25, 2008

In the news - Annarella Cookie Company

At newly opened Italian bakery, Annarella Cookie Company, there's more than the aroma of spice filling the air - there's tradition, a little bit of magic, and a lot of love.

After a lifetime dreaming about owning a bakery, but being busy working and raising three young children, Suzanne Gendreau did it: She opened the shop at 1 Crossing Plaza in January.

Every aspect of the bakery, from its start to its recipes, staff, atmosphere, and even its name - Annarella - is filled with family.

Read the full article in the Milford Daily News

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Train Schedules

The Boston Globe City & Region section today has an article on comparing how the train schedules have changed over time. While it also notes that real comparisons are not available; trains that ran in the 1920's were not regulated like they are today, the schedule into Boston years ago was faster than today.

I have ridden the Franklin line for most of the 12 years I have lived here but that is probably a short time compared to others.

What was it like riding the train to Boston before?

Where in Franklin? #32

Where in Franklin? #32, originally uploaded by shersteve.

Where would you find this entrance? What would you do inside this doorway?

The guidelines for playing "Where in Franklin?" can be found here.


Where in Franklin? Answer #31

Where in Franklin? Answer #31, originally uploaded by shersteve.

The answer to picture 31 is the Glen Meadows Apartments and Condominiums located along Chestnut Street in this photo but also with an entrance off RT 140.

Stay tuned for the next photo!

In the news - deficit ahead, museum name

Despite passing a $2.7 million override last year to prevent drastic cuts in schools, the town is again facing an estimated $3-$4 million deficit this year, according to Finance Committee Chairman Jim Roche.

State leaders say Franklin, when compared with other towns, is in good fiscal shape and receives more state aid than many of its counterparts.

They have been doing well. My district is one of the highest communities in terms of getting money (from the state),'' said state Sen. Scott Brown, R-Wrentham.

Likewise, state Rep. James Vallee, D-Franklin, said, ``Franklin gets more state aid than almost any other community in Massachusetts, especially with six or seven new buildings.''

Read the full article in the Milford Daily News


As part of its move to the former senior center on West Central Street, the Horace Mann Museum is getting a new image.

For starters, Horace Mann is getting the boot in favor of a less confusing title that does not imply a museum for the historical figure, said Carol Harper, chairwoman of the Historical Commission. The Historical Commission, which runs the museum, wants the public to know the building showcases Franklin artifacts - such as straw hats manufactured here by the same company that supplied hats for the movie, "Gone with the Wind," Harper said.

Read the full article in the Milford Daily News

Friday, February 22, 2008

Town Council Meeting 2/13/08 Summary

Ad-hoc Recycling Committee creation and appointment (audio)

Downtown Partnership presention (audio)

Q&A following Downtown Partnership presentation (audio)

additional portions of the meeting will be posted (with the exception of the video by the Downtown Partnership; the music is copyrighted and should not be rebroadcast without royalty payment)

Q&A Downtown Partnership

Tow Council meeting 2/13/08

Franklin Town Council in a Q&A session on the Downtown Partnership presentation

Councilors Zollo, Doak, Mason, and Vallee. Town Administrator Jeff Nutting also provides input.

Time: 12 minutes, 48 seconds

MP3 File

Ad-hoc Recycle Committee

Town Council Meeting 2/13/08

The Franklin Town Council creates the Ad-hoc Recycling Committee and approves the appointment to the committee.

Time: 4 minutes, 23 seconds

MP3 File

Franklin Downtown Partnership

Town Council meeting 2/13/08

The Town Council hears from Lisa Piana and the Downtown Partnership goals and objectives.

Time: 11 minutes, 29 seconds

MP3 File