Wednesday, April 29, 2009

"that meeting never happened"


After a 20-minute executive session, School Committee Chairman Jeffrey Roy announced the board and teachers union have not yet come to an agreement on wage concessions.

At the behest of Superintendent Wayne Ogden and the School Committee, the Franklin Education Association had agreed to a one-year wage deferment to save jobs on April 13, but attached three conditions. The union also offered to forgo course reimbursements to save the district another $200,000.

The School Committee then made a counter offer, which would give the union some of what it sought.

The union rejected the counter proposal yesterday afternoon and again put forward its original offer, which had three stipulations: The removal of five floating after-school meetings, permanent removal of the need to give a reason for personal days, and the permanent requirement that no meetings be scheduled two weeks prior to the issuing of report cards, according to a copy of the proposal.

Read the full article on the School Committee/teachers dispute in the Milford Daily News here

"The sky is the limit"


The Fourth of July Coalition is gearing up for its second five-day Independence Day celebration, and is excited to report it will feature a parade, said group secretary Warren Revell.

The coalition didn't have time or funds to hold a parade or fireworks last year, he said, but there is a slim possibility for both this time around.

"This is a town (where) you can't just put something in front of the people - you gotta put out a quality product," Revell said.

"I'm excited, because the town needs a parade. It draws people into the town; fireworks don't. Hopefully, it'll get businesses to be in the parade," he said.

Most likely, there will not be fireworks, he said, because of the cost.

Read the full article on the 4th of July plans in the Milford Daily News here

Treesavers: Paul Barcelo

Paul Barcelo, author of The Sweet War Man

Paul Barcelo completed Army Infantry training at Fort Benning, Georgia, then rotary wing training at Fort Wolters, Texas and Fort Rucker, Alabama. He flew one tour as a UH-1 pilot in Republic of Vietnam. He resides in Franklin, Massachusetts with his wife and four children. This is his first novel.
Will be appearing at Treesavers Books to sign his new book, The Sweet War Man.

May 16, 2009 from 2:00 to 4:00 PM

Cafe Dolce - Kai Olsson

Enjoy some music at Cafe Dolce with Kai Olsson

Saturday 5/2/09 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM

Click through to listen to some samples on Kai's MySpace page

Financial Planning - Town Forum

This is the collection of posts covering the discussion of the draft report by the Financial Planning Committee taking a long term view of the financial situation we face.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

School Committee Mtg 04/28/09

The collection of live reports from the two school committee meetings held on Tuesday 4/28/09

Updated to include the "Back story" posting in the appropriate time sequence of events

Live reporting - Subcommittee reports

School Committee Sub-Committee Reports
Trahan - thanks to Maureen and Wayne for their help in preparing the Financial Planning Report.
Cafasso - thanks, it was a good report.

School Committee Liaison Reports

New business - need to discuss the state inspection report from the High School

Budget hearing is scheduled for the second meeting in May
Athletic fees to be taken up next meeting

Live reproting - Superintendent

Superintendent’s Report
a. Using Data to Monitor Student Achievement
b. Best Buddies Prom -Saturday at Adirondeck 5:30 to 9:00 PM
c. Bicycle Racks - installed in next 2 weeks at schools that don't have them
d. FHS Modular Classroom - taking it down, rather than leaving it empty was going to be safer
e. Implementation of Point of Sale Technology / Food Service

DOE is now Dept of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE)

Swine Flue - DPH guidelines already posted on school web site
hand washing is one of the best ways to prevent this, really pushing it in a more religious way

Live reporting - Action items

4. Action Items:
a. I recommend budget transfers as detailed. Motion to Approve; Passed 7-0
b. I recommend acceptance of a check for $2,500.00 from the Oak Street PCC for nurses and bus fees for upcoming field trips. Motion to Approve; Passed 7-0
c. I recommend approval of the ASMS 8th grade trip to Conn. River Valley and Eastern NY on May 1, 2009. Motion to Approve; Passed 6-0, 1 - Abstain
d. I recommend acceptance of the donation of 12 cases of copy paper for the Franklin Public Schools from Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Johnson. Motion to Approve; Passed 7-0
e. I recommend acceptance of the donation of $4,200.00 from the ASMS PCC to pay for two 8th grade field trip coach buses. Motion to Approve; Passed 7-0
f. I recommend declaring the graphic arts classroom modular at FHS as surplus. Motion to Approve; Passed 7-0

Live reporting - New lunch process


c. Cafeteria – Point of Sale Implementation – Miriam Goodman

The school serve about 2400 lunches daily for an annual amount of about $1.6 million dollars.
Students would use their pin number. For the younger students, they would use an ID card.
In future to incorporate an online payment system to allow parents to update their students accounts.

The system is anticipated to move faster once the staff and students are comfortable with the new process.

The big win is the automated reporting that comes from this.

Armenio - This has been a long time coming. The anonymity of the low income students in the process will help.

Goodman - the parents can view the purchases of the student and review them with the student to ensure proper diet.

Cafasso - how are you communicating to parents about this?
Goodman - Central office update coming out. Word coming at each school, word through the cafes.

Cafasso - Consider getting the info out through to the PCC's

Kelly - How is the balance handled at the end of the year?
Goodman - The balance carries forward. The student maintains the same ID through their time at Franklin.

Trahan - Can the parent arrange something like EasyPass?
Goodman - It may have that capability, we can look at that down the road.

Slight - cash or check in the line, how is that handled?
Goodman - Just bring it in the line, it can be entered in by the cashier.

Live reporting - School Committee resumes

The meeting resumes in public session

Payment of Bills Mr. Kelly - motion, passed 7-0
Payroll Ms. Armenio
FHS Student Representatives
Correspondence: none

Announcement of what was discussed in Executive Session
Non-union all agreed without conditions
FEA would not take any action until the School Committee publicly requested
FEA would not discuss budget reductions

FEA requested to get together ASAP to review the proposal (as announced previously).

Offered via phone call
not have to provide the reason, did want to keep all 32 meetings (including the 5), did want to keep the reimbursement, did want to convey these directly to the teachers

Response back was to schedule a meeting on Thursday 4/16/09 at 7:30 AM
Creedon, Schlefke, McGovern
Clear from that meeting there would be no middle ground without consultation with each party.

Proposed joint meeting with FEA and School Committee (rejected by FEA)
Invited FEA to School Committee meeting

Final proposal to convene at 3:30 PM 4/28/09
School Committee met separately from FEA in same building

Reporting today that the FEA rejected the counter proposal, nor would they change their original proposal, nor would they meet with the School Committee.

The School Committe is not inclined to address the FEA proposal.

Town Administrator agrees with the School Committee stance.

There was no opporutnity for public comment at this time!

Live reporting - Executive session

The School Committee is still in Executive Session. It is passed their 15 minutes estimate. The longer it goes, the more interesting it becomes.

Stay tuned for a resume sometime

Live reporting - Teacher's proposal

The teacher's proposal previously reported was rejected by the School Committee.

As reported earlier, there were two meetings being simultaneously this afternoon. The teachers met and voted to reject the School Committee counter proposal and resubmitted their proposal unchanged.

So a stalemate is currently underway.

The School Committee received the teacher's update and are now in Executive Session likely preparing their public comment.

Stay tuned.

PS - I still have part of the School Committee meeting detailing some of the history behind the 5 meetings to write up when I get a chance.

Live reporting - School Committee 2nd Mtg

Attending: Armenio, Kelly, Roy, Rohrbach, Trahan, Mullen, Cafasso

1. Routine Business

Citizen’s Comments - none
Review of Agenda - move guests and presentations up, going into executive session shortly


a. Dan Telhada – All Scholastic Award
b. Coach Carmen Colace – Coach of the Year

Motion to enter executive session with potential to return to open session
Motion approved

Live reporting - School Committee Mtg 1st

Attending: Armenio, Cafasso, Kelly, Mullen, Roy, Rohrbach, Trahan
Also participating: Jeff Nutting, all the school principals, Ogden, Sabolinski, Goodman, and others from the School Administration office

The meeting opened with a recap by Jeff Roy of the events leading to this particular meeting. Briefly, after the Executive Session at the 4/14/09 meeting, Jeff notified the FEA of the School Committee's reluctance to accept the full proposal. They would accept the deferral of the 2.5% cost of living increase. They would waive the requirement on requiring a reason required for personal days for the remainder of the year. They wanted to keep the 32 meetings. They wanted to continue to provide the teacher reimbursements.

A subsequent conversation between Roy and Creedon set up a meeting for 4/16/09 7:30 AM to further review. At that meeting it was discussed setting up the 4/28/09 meetings. FEA separate from School Committee with an agreement that when something was ready for the School Committee designated intermediaries would "knock on the door".

Those two meetings are still in session.
  • The FEA meeting is closed to all but union members.
  • The School Committee meeting after conducting some fact finding with the principals on the history of the 5 extra meetings has now gone into Executive Session.

At their request, the principals have remained in the session with them.

The School Committee meeting will return to open session at some time.

Help avoid a train wreck?

There is an interesting confluence of meetings scheduled for Tuesday at 3:30 PM at Horace Mann.
  • The Teachers have scheduled to hold a union meeting. This is a closed session, open only to union members. The union will be updated on the response by the School Committee to the teachers offer of the million dollar contract concession.
  • The School Committee have scheduled to hold an open meeting intending to participate in a discussion with the teachers.
Who remembers their chemistry lesson on oil and water? They don't mix do they?

Bottom line: These two groups have not been communicating with each other.

There are quite a few points of disagreement but the major one for me is:
  • Contrary to what the School Committee has stated and published, the teachers union meeting of 4/13/09 did have a vote of all teachers present on a deferment of the 2.5% cost of living increase for FY 2010 without any conditions. It failed miserably.
  • The vote that passed (80% for, 20% against) for was for the 2.5% cost of living deferment attached to three conditions. The three conditions have been reported in the Milford Daily News and here.
The union hired a parliamentarian to assist them with handling the protocol (i.e Robert's Rules) for the meeting.

The teachers feel that since the School Committee did send a letter to them asking for the salary concession, they have, in effect, opened the contract for negotiation. The three items tied by the teachers to their salary deferment were supposed to have been addressed in a side-letter after passing the current contract two years ago. For a few reasons, the most current of which is beyond the control of the individual assigned to lead the side-letter effort, resolution on these three issues has gone nowhere. As a result, these three issues were brought to the table with the salary concession and linked together.

So there seems to be a stalemate brewing.

For some reason the School Committee is hung on keeping the three items.
To the extent that they keep the three items, they will lose the million dollar concession.

Who wins?

No one, not the School Committee, not the teachers, not the children of Franklin.

In my unique position, I can not stand by and watch this train wreck occur.

Note: I am deliberately using the terms 2.5% cost of living increase deferment because that is really what it is. There are still salary increases possible for some on both the Town and School side due to "steps and lane" changes per the union contracts. In this case, the talked of "salary freeze" is a misuse of the term.

FPC - Information Session 04/27/09

The live reporting posts for the Informational Forum held to review the Financial Planning Committee report can be found here:

Rain Barrel discount for Franklin through 5/6/09

Consider purchasing a rain barrel and help reduce storm water runoff while gaining water to use to water your plants. The rain barrels are on sale for Franklin residents through May 6th and can be picked up May 13th.

Additional info on rain barrels:

Residential irrigation can account for 40% of domestic water consumption in a given municipality. Rain barrels not only store water, they help decrease demand during the sweltering summer months.

Only ¼ inch of rainfall runoff from the average roof will completely fill the typical barrel. A good formula to remember: 1 inch of rain on a 1000 sq ft roof yields 623 gallons of water. Calculate the yield of your roof by multiplying the square footage of your roof by 623 and divide by 1000.

Collection of water from rooftop runoff can provide an ample supply of this free “soft water” containing no chlorine, lime or calcium. Because it tends to have fewer sediments and dissolved salts than municipal water, rain water is ideal for planter beds for a multitude of applications, including biodynamic and organic vegetable gardens, planter beds for botanicals, indoor tropicals like ferns and orchids, automobile washing and cleaning household windows. Saving water in this manner will reduce your demand of treated tap water and save money by lowering your monthly bill.

Rain water diversion also helps decrease the burden on water treatment

Info found on the NE Rain Barrel web site.

Franklin residents can order their rain barrels here. All others can select their community to order here.