Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Live reporting - Facilities

Mike D'Angelo

Jeff Nutting provides an overview
transfered all facilities from Schools to the Town to consolidate
3 person maintenance staff, outsource the rest of the major work
over a million square feet to maintain, contract out for specialties

covers all the phones, utilities for all the buildings
spread incredibly thin for the work required

energy improvements have been made for the last decade
6 million dollars for school building improvements, still another 5 million to go
most of the municipal buildings were already upgraded so they are in better shape

Police station 20 year old next year

Budget is level funded but that means less money is invested into the buildings

price per therm of gas, enabled cut of the gas budget by $157,000 (15%)
helps to offset the prices of other things going up
major phone changes in the schools over the Christmas break, using the savings to pay for the Connect-CTY services
disconnected 159 lines through out the schools to save thousands of dollars a month

Can you explain the going long on the gas

Every 2-3 years we look to negotiate the contract, in cases where we did extend the contract we did make some significant savings

We bought at the low price point of oil and gas for a long term contract

the brokers take a tenth or so of a percent, it is bundled into the overall price
the brokers buy the futures, it is a fixed cost to us
hedged our bet that it wouldn't increase
once in awhile we get it right
we do this through our purchasing director

We work with the utilities to get whatever rebates we can get
National Grid kicked in to save about $1400 a year on one
If you are always doing this, you can keep your energy costs stable

maybe we don't do our best advertising this because we believe we should do this
he controls the heat and colling from his laptop

What is the increase for telephones?

We had a grant for the Connect-CTY and Connect-ED but now the grant has expired and we need to start paying for our usage, I think is a 2 year contract and two year increments

Custodian contracts are a large amount, have your looked at the outsource vs insource

Custodians do ore than custodial work, i.e. changing light bulbs, painting, etc.
Other school districts that have done that have seen increases due to still paying for the other work in addition to the cleaning. Town was outsourcing custodial and we have brought it in with part timers and do more work with less expense
The School cut 8 custodians several years ago, we'd like to get back to that at some point

There is some interchange between the organizations giving that we are understaffed

Town custodians are part-time, the School custodians are full-time labor union contract folks

could you do FTE for the custodians? so we could compare

other buildings are the smaller town buildings; King St fields has a building, the gazebo (bandstand) on the Town Common, etc.

How much was turned back from this budget last fiscal year?

About $50,000 - I don;t have the exact number but can get it for you for Thursday
There is another month of utilities encumbered but not in the year to date
There is also a lag on one bill that is paid by Solid Waste first then accounted for by us

motion to approve, passed 9-0

Monday - May 10th - 6:30 PM
Checking schedules, need two more

Thursday - May 6th - 6:30 PM

motion to adjourn, passed 9-0

Franklin, MA

Live reporting - Technology

Tim Raposa

Jeff Nutting provides an overview
most of his salary is in the School Budget, most of the Town side of the budget is license fees
It has been the same number for the past several years
consulting services for technical support outside of our expertise, primarily for internet security

Where does the actual network cost sit?
In the facilities budget, coming up next

When does the savings from the phones come in?
Sometime during the next fiscal year, we are looking for cooperation from the utilities vendors and if all goes well, it will be complete during 2010
Once the fiber network is in place we can start killing off the T1 lines to save the money

We don't pay maintenance on computers or servers, we have the warranty only

Contractor has done 14 fiber installs in the past year, they know their stuff, we are confident that they know their stuff

Meetings and conferences seems to fluctuate
training and personal development, the previous DBA required some training but that training has been completed

Motion to approve, passed 9-0

Franklin, MA

Live reporting - School Committee budget

Maureen Sabolinski, Miriam Goodman, Jeff Roy

Nutting provides an intro
have enjoyed a tremendous relationship with Schools
share technology and facilities, excellent teamwork, always looking to save by doing things together

additional School Committee members present - Paula Mullen, Susan Rohrbach, Roberta Trahan

School budget shortage is $1.9M

Roy -
Budget usually increases approx. $3M
used revolving funds and stimulus money to get down to the 1.9M gap
At the last school committee meeting, discussed several items to reduce the gap with additional cuts or additional fee revenues

The proposed adjustments can be found here

No changes are proposed at Franklin High School due to the changes made last year that would survive the two years; by going from a seven period day to a six period day, 80 elective courses were dropped from the curriculum, students now have an option of only one elective (as opposed to two).

Lost over 100 teachers in the last five years, with an increase in students by 1,000 in same period, hence an increase in class sizes.

Eliminated 6 administrative positions over the past several years.

Dept of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) statistics show that Franklin spends below the State average on all eleven categories that they measure.

Special Ed director left for a slightly smaller district where they have three directors to handle the workload where we have one person to handle the workload on a larger district

Explanation on the elementary early dismissal day once a week. The students already exceed the state require hours of education, by releasing early one day, could eliminate the support positions to save three teacher positions, and still provide preparation time for the teachers

Most school districts are looking to try and increase the school day, we unfortunately are going the other direction

Middle school will see substantial class size increases

Elementary students are required to have 900 hours of education, we provide 960.
By releasing the students an hour and a half one day a week, we can save the positions outlined above and still meet the state requirements

It is very important for families to understand what is going on, we are overburdened adjusting for the need of the budget requirements; 100 teachers lost and 1,000 students gained, results in increased class sizes

Nursing salaries is a correction to bring them into alignment with the standards, this was negotiated several years ago, the contract expires this year

Roche - net minimum school spending?
Roy - the State formula that determines the minimum required by communities to provide for the educational benefits
Nutting - generally Franklin was about 15% above the minimum, that crept under 2 M this year, part of it was how the State changed the formula, if they don't change the formula, we would have to shift dollars from the Town side to the School side to meet the minimum required
Roche - if we continue down this trend, this is the wrong way to go
Nutting - part of is is their commitment to provide Chap 70, it is an economic issue and if their money is short, they will adjust to ensure that they can keep their commitment
Roche - the Long Range/Financial Planning Committee in their report has indicated that we are over reliant on state aid and need to be prepared

There seems to be a disconnect between perception and reality, with some folks saying the teachers are overpaid, there are too many administrators, etc. What is your role in explaining the situation for the override?

Members are ready to answer the questions and discuss the issues, we are available

You are probably preaching to the choir here, how are you going to reach the others?

there are some who even if the Town were burning would not want to put it out
there are 18,000 voters (actually 19,200) when you get 3,000 people this is not a true reflection of the public

there is a public forum on Monday May 24th to review the details

We will go where ever necessary to talk about the budget

What about thinking out of the box?

I think shortening the school day is a good example
I think we have been cutting so much, it is cutting down to the bone now

There have been a lot of creative things done in the last several years
Do you really feel the impact of a 7 to 6 period schedule change?
Some middle school students are seeing the impact with only one elective to choose from
We have done a lot of changes that have not been alarming, we are not pursuing this as a measure of sound bit. It has been a slow erosion over the year, sometime we have to stop

Utilizing and moving to more efficient school buildings

If our space needs we more flexible, we would love to do so, we don't have that option
If we were to close Davis Thayer, for example, and then come back in a few years to say we need a new elementary school, folks would quickly say: "What were you thinking?"

The capital plan has about 5 million dollars for improvements to non-high school buildings

Keller has 630 in a school built for 550, to think about eliminating space it just not practical

we will be looking at a re-districting to shift students from Keller to Davis Thayer, etc as there is still growth in the Keller area

Is there any increase for the salary this year?

There is only the cost of living increase from last year that was deferred last year and due this year

Most of the employees are covered by contract signed 3 years ago, those were legal obligations entered into for good faith, they took changes to their health insurance to save money and deferred their cost of living increase

What percent of staff does  is not affected by step/level?


what is the largest grade?

9th grade is 415, 8th grade is 504

Alluded to re-districting? when would that occur?

We would spend 2011 looking at it to make some recommendation to be effective for the 2011-2012 school year

Motion to approve, passed 7-2

Franklin, MA

Live reporting - Planning and Community Development

Planning and Community Development
Bryan Taberner

Nutting provides an overview
Secured 200,000 grant to clean up the Nustyle building
Secured the 100,000 grant to put solar on the Parmenter School (90,000 - Town kicks in 10,000)

Open Space plan completed
Technical Review Committee
Conservation agent

down a half of a clerical person
almost 8% of total work hours, work still gets down but it gets shifted around

Beth Dahlstrom primary focus on planning and processing of planning items

Downtown improvement project is underway, requires quarterly reports
EPA and brownfields reporting
Taberner managing half time on economic development and half on grants

Cataldo- Question on how the income from grants balances the department expenses
Grant income far exceeds the department expenses, a great return on investment

Rivera - question on the economy and problems and how it reflects on the Town
Taberner - the Nustyle property will be good to get cleaned up and returned to the tax rolls, I work on the economic opportunity areas, attracts new business. Biotechnology bylaws streamlined to enhance the process to attract businesses. Marketing of Franklin area as business friendly.

Quinn - what is the status of the Downtown revitalization project?
Taberner - we have two grant, one $5 million Federal and one $1 million. A presentation is scheduled for Wednesday May 12th in the Municipal Bldg

About a total $7 and a quarter million project, downtown all the way out to the Brick School
Emmons, Dean, etc.

If all goes according to plan, the downtown would go back to two way traffic, with lights, etc.
Construction expected late 2012 or 2013

Motion to approve, passed 9-0

Franklin, MA

Live reporting - Elections

Debbie Pellegri

budget is up, election workers salary is slightly increased
programming for the election, even for the override (at just one question) they charge by the line
have a special machine for the handicap, was given us but the programming for the election is expensive and it hasn't been used for the last four years.

printing service, street lists, all necessary documents required by general law
cost to do the census, $6500

Steve Sherlock had a question on whether the senior work out program was used for elections, it is not.

motion to approve, passed 9-0

Franklin, MA

Live reporting - Town Clerk

Town Clerk
Debbie Pellegri

lost one full time due to retirement, switched the position to two part-time positions
which also saves on benefits

Pretty stable budget
binding of all the records, microfiche
cost of cartridges (i.e. printing)

Several years ago, took on passport processing to generate additional revenue for the Town
98% of this budget is required by law

When the Board of Health agents are not available, the Town Clerks office steps up to help cover

What other professional services are used?
The code book is kept up to date, the consulting company actually does the printing, etc. for us
It is not really a consulting company more printing and legal review

Motion to approve - $70,770
passed 9-0

Motion to approve - $44,863
passed 9-0

Motion to approve - $13,800
passed 9-0

Franklin, MA

Live reporting - Board of Assessors

Board of Assessors
Kevin Doyle

Nutting provides an overview
This is a real success story of efficiency and effectiveness, online access
Bulk of budget is salary and expenses

Mapping - maintains the files to drive the maps and GIS information, needs to be updated and required by law to be updated

Abstracts - pays for cost of deeds and plans to file at the Norfolk Land Court; maintains appropriate ownership of the parcels

Office supplies - pretty constant over the years, legal forms, etc.

triennial is due for FY 2011, they came before the FINCOM recently to get additional funding to cover some outside professional services, that is not included in this budget as it is already covered

18,000 for the support contract for database and records used for all the processing as well as enhancements to the software itself

motion to approve - $280,153 for Assessors

Franklin, MA

Live reporting - Board of Health/Health Services

Board of Health/Health Services
David McKearney

notable reduction in budget
did not backfill an individual who left, will be the first department to visibly supply less services due to the shortage

Milford Nursing Services (VNA) - $20,000 provides visiting nursing services as the Town does not have a nurse on duty to make visits and file the appropriate required reports.

Prior to FY 2010, the Town had two vehicles for the department to use
Now mileage is paid for the use of personal cars in lieu of getting a full vehicle

Brutus Cantorerrgi and John Lombardi get the credit for the analysis on using smaller older cars instead of using the older re0usable police cruisers

The lost person per the budget was not part of the submittal, rather than a adjustment to be made later
Training an existing administrative person to handle some of the inspector duties
David is handling most of the inspection work during the training

Minimal expense budget, has stayed pretty stable, usually turn money back in at end of year

The H1N1 program was covered primarily by the volunteers within the Town that stepped up to provide the service in a quality manner at minimal expense (due to the volunteer efforts and donations of materials).

Nutting - the Town stepped forward to provide the volunteer effort, many thanks to all involved.

Motion to recommend budget for Board of Health
Motion to recommend budget for Health Services
both motions passed 9-0

 Franklin, MA

Live reporting - debt stabilization

Roche - question on the debt stabilization fund
Nutting - explanation of the fund's use; to help even out the annual debt amount.

(This was also covered in the Budget hearing in January 2010
http://franklinmatters.blogspot.com/2010/01/budget-workshop-collection-12510.html )

Roche - desires to keep one pool to avoid 'found' money, would like to close the account and roll the funds into the General Stabilization account
Nutting - Council would need a 2/3 vote to take out of one and put it into the other

Roche - would like to make a recommendation to close the account
Nutting - if you do this after this year, it would simply be less work and accomplish the same thing
I'd consider putting something from it against the fire truck. It think it should be given some discussion.

Roche - withdraws motion for recommendation

 Franklin, MA

Live reporting - Finance Committee

Present: Messere, Huempfner, Cataldo, Cameron, Roche, Rivera, Quinn, Goldsmith, Teixeira
Absent: Maire, Feldman

Action Items

1 - Transfer -  Snow and Ice Deficit: $231,252  from Free Cash

Motion to approve transfer, passed 9-0

2 - Transfer - $10,000 from Free Cash for the Special Election
Programming, election workers, ballots, food for workers, advertising, best case guess is a total of $10,000
For the override election which is totally Town funded, other State elections get subsidized by the State
19,200 voters, printing 18,000 ballots to ensure no shortage
Motion to approve transfer, passed 9-0

Franklin, MA

Walk and Bicycle to School Day

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via Commonwealth Conversations: Transportation by Klark Jessen on 5/4/10

Safe Route To School Governor Deval Patrick today encouraged students, parents, and school officials to celebrate Massachusetts Walk and Bicycle to School Day this Wednesday, May 5, 2010 as part of the Commonwealth's Safe Routes to School Program. The Safe Routes to School Program works with students, parents, school staff, and local police in 108 communities and more than 294 schools to promote walking and bicycling to school in order to improve students' health, reduce traffic congestion, and improve air quality in Massachusetts communities.

"Students who can walk or bicycle to school should do it," said Governor Patrick. "It's a great way to clear the cobwebs and arrive ready to work."

On May 5, 2010, thousands of elementary and middle school aged children will celebrate at hundreds of walking and bicycling events throughout the Commonwealth.  Through the Safe Routes to Schools program, the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) and MassRIDES provide students, parents, and the school community with education and training on transportation, safety, and health benefits from walking and bicycling to school. Participating schools also qualify for financial support for improvements to sidewalks and other infrastructure surrounding schools.

The Safe Routes to School program is a key component of the Healthy Transportation Compact, an initiative of the Patrick-Murray Administration's historic transportation reform that promotes collaboration between the departments of transportation and public health to adopt best practices, increase efficiency, and achieve positive health outcomes through the coordination of land use, transportation, and public health policy. Safe Routes to School enables direct collaboration between the Commonwealth and schools and communities to promote walking and bicycling transportation as fun, safe, and sustainable travel options.

The Safe Routes to Schools program provides educational resources and safety trainings to participating schools to develop skills in young students to safely walk or bike to school. In addition, the program provides technical expertise to identify and fund infrastructure safety improvements to schools such as sidewalk and traffic calming improvements and on or off-street bicycle facilities and parking to help reduce speeds and increase bicycle and pedestrian access around schools.

In 1969, 42% of American students bicycled or walked to school, but today, less than 16% of children walk or bicycle to classes. Nationally, 19% of children age 6-11 years are overweight, more than triple the percentage from 1969. In Massachusetts, almost one-third of high school and middle school students are overweight or obese. And in some communities, school-related traffic can contribute up to 25% of morning rush hour traffic volumes, as well as significant air pollution.

Massachusetts established the Commonwealth's Walk to School Day in 2007. Since then, partner schools have conducted over 500 walking and bicycling events to celebrate Walk and Bicycle to School Day.

Safe Routes to School is federally-funded and administered by the MassRIDES travel options program on behalf of MassDOT. To find out how your school can participate, contact Jennifer Solomon at jennifer.solomon@state.ma.us or visit www.commute.com.

Things you can do from here:

Dean College: Commencement - street closures

 Franklin, MA – Dean College will be holding its Commencement exercises on Saturday, May 8, 2010 on Grant Field.  

As a result,  the section of Main Street between School and Emmons Street will be closed to traffic from 10:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 1:50 p.m. (during the procession to and from the Campus Center).

In addition, School Street will be closed (School to Hillside) from 10:15a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Public Safety officers will be standing by at the intersection of School and Main, Garfield, Martin Ave. and Hillside to ensure emergency vehicles will have access at all times.

View Larger Map

Young Professional Organization forming

If you have the idea that the Chamber of Commerce is an "old" organization then consider participating in the launch party for The United Regional Chamber's Young Professional Organization. The Young Professional Organization (YPO) will focus on the 20 and 30-somethings who have a interest in social and business networking, community involvement, and professional development.

Get in on the ground floor. YPO events will be a mix of networking and fun held in some of the coolest places in the area. You can help determine what and where.

If you know anyone that you think might want to get involved - invite them!

The introductory gathering will be held at Preservation Framer on North Washington St in North Attleboro.

After the initial discussion at Preservation Framer, head across the street to the Speed of Thought Playhouse for some great music and drinks.

* You must be at least 21 years old to participate in the Young Professionals Organization.

Reference Links:

Note: I am outside the target market age but as a member of the United Regional Chamber of Commerce, I am volunteering to provide help for the formation of this group. My background in community development and mentoring should be able to add some value.

State Senate Candidates to Debate Tuesday

As only Precincts 2, 3 and 4 are covered by the Senate position formerly held by Scott Brown, Franklin is not likely to get a direct and full visit from the candidates. Consider taking a quick trip to King Phillip middle school tonight to get the scoop in person as the two candidates debate. Directions to the school can be found here

I'll be at the Finance Committee meeting to hear all the gory details of the Town budget.

The election is coming up one week from today, May 11th.
Franklin voters in Precincts 2, 3, 4 will vote at the high school as usual.

Absentee ballots are available from the Town Clerk.

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via The Wrentham Times by Patrick Coleman on 5/3/10

The candidates for the state senate seat previously held by Scott Brown will debate at KP Middle School, Tuesday, May 4, at 7:00 pm. Voters will have an opportunity to chose between Richard Ross and Peter Smulowitz in one week on May 11.

Things you can do from here:

Planning Board 05/03/10

The collected posts from the Planning Board meeting on Monday, May 3, 2010 can be found here:

Franklin, MA

Franklin, MA: Finance Committee Agenda - 5/4/10

Tuesday  May 4, 2010 - 6:00 PM
Municipal Building - Council Chambers

Gen Stab 4,611,260
PW Stab   129,448
Debt Stab   379,144
Traffic Stab      21,411
Overlay Surplus     -0-      
Free Cash            354,842

Call to Order
Citizens Comments
Approval of Minutes

Action Items:

Transfer-  Snow and Ice Deficit: $231,252  from Free Cash

FY 2011 Budget:

Department Code Page

Board of Health/Health Services 510/525 E-1, E-9
Assessors 141 A-16
Town Clerk/Elections 161/162 A-47, A-51
Planning & Growth Management 177 A-57
Information Technology 155 A-44
School Budget 300 C-1
Public Property & Buildings 192 A-66

Old Business
New Business

Franklin, MA: Town Council - Agenda - 5/5/10

A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – April 7, 2010







1. Legislative Update by Representative James E. Vallee & State Senator Karen Spilka
2. Budget Discussion
3. Recreation Advisory Board


1. Resolution 10-20: Authorization to Transfer A Portion of Franklin’s Excess Sewer Capacity At Charles River Treatment Plant to Towns of Millis and Bellingham
2. Resolution 10-21: Appropriation – Snow and Ice Deficit
3. Resolution 10-22: Appropriation – Election Expenses
4. Resolution 10-23: Adoption of Hazard Mitigation Plan





O. EXECUTIVE SESSION – Negotiations, Litigation, Real Property, as May Be Required


Franklin, MA

Franklin, MA: School Budget possible adjustments, pending override

The proposed FY 2011 Franklin School Budget book can be found here:

The total amount for the budget requested is:  $52,255,910

If the proposed override to increase local property taxes by $3,000,000 does not pass, the budget above would be adjust by items like the following to meet the level funding available.
The override is scheduled for special election on June 8th. There is an information forum scheduled for May 24th at the Horace Mann/Thomas Mercer Auditorium.

Expense reductions

Middle school teachers (reduce by 8)  (split teams & class size) (27-29 in core subject areas)
Elementary Teachers (reduce by 7)
Buses (reduce by 3 buses)
Shortened school day at elementary schools


Health insurance
Lifelong learning

Franklin, MA