Thursday, September 13, 2018

Lifelong Community Learning: Sports Classes Begin - Sep 17

Lifelong Community Learning: Sports Classes Begin - Sep 17

Lifelong Community Learning

Badminton Lifelong Community Learning: Sports Classes Begin - Sep 17  - Beginning Sept. 26

Get ready to 
rally! Badminton is a racquet sport that can be played by either two people (singles) or four people (doubles). 

Unlike other racquet sports, badminton involves hitting a shuttlecock - a cone-shaped projectile that moves differently than a ball. Able to reach much higher speeds than a ball, the shuttlecock makes for a fast-paced game - making badminton the ideal sport for those who like to be kept on their toes. 

Intermediate Coed Volleyball Lifelong Community Learning: Sports Classes Begin - Sep 17
Beginning Sept. 17, Volleyball is back 
and better than ever!

This 14 week course will provide a strong foundation in the basics of volleyball. The mechanics of passing, setting, and spiking will be the focus, as well as the importance of good positioning. A fun, competitive time is guaranteed for all!

Advanced Coed Volleyball Lifelong Community Learning: Sports Classes Begin - Sep 17
Beginning Sept. 25, Volleyball is back! 

An open, fun and competitive environment for experienced volleyball players. Players are expected to have experience at the high school team, college, or club league level. Yankee league rating of C or higher is recommended. This is NOT a class for novices or occasional recreational players. Players must have good ball control skills, court awareness and technique.
Brenda Reed, Director
Lifelong Community Learning

"Instruction ends in the school-room, but education ends only with life."

- Frederick W. Robertson
FPS- LifeLong Community Learning, 218 Oak Street, Franklin, MA 02038

Sent by in collaboration with
Constant Contact

Library of Congress Launches New Set of Educational Apps

The Library of Congress, in collaboration with educational organizations, today announced the launch of two new web- and mobile-based applications related to Congress and civics for use in K-12 classrooms.

The two new civics interactives are:
  • DBQuest, developed by iCivics. DBQuest teaches history and civics through the use of primary source documents and evidence-based learning. It offers a platform, accessible on mobile devices, that reinforces evidence-based reasoning and document-based questioning by teaching students to identify and evaluate evidence, contextualize information and write sound supporting arguments.
  • Case Maker, developed by Bean Creative. Case Maker is a customizable system for inquiry-based learning for K-12 students using primary sources from the Library of Congress. Modeled after the “observe, reflect, question” framework, developed under the Teaching with Primary Sources program, Case Maker guides students to challenge a question, collect evidence and make a case.
For more information:

Library of Congress: New Educational Apps
Library of Congress: New Educational Apps

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The Amazing Story of the Franklin State Forest

The presentation copy that Alan Earls shared at the Franklin Historical Museum on Sunday, Sep 9, 2018 is shared here. 

About 40 people participated in the presentation and discussion on Sunday. The daughter of Leonard Cook shared some highlights of his memoir reflecting on the time he had served in a CCC camp in western MA. 

"Most people, of a certain age, know the term CCC. A public work relief program that operated from 1933 to 1942 in the United States for unemployed and unmarried men. There were CCC camps and environmental projects in every state. The project was responsible for planting more than three billion trees and constructed trails and shelters in more than 800 parks nationwide during its nine years of existence. These programs and projects helped to shape the modern national and state park systems we enjoy today. Join us to learn about Franklin's own CCC Camp and it's place in this program's history. 
Contrary to what a casual observer might assume, the Franklin State Forest is not the forest primeval - undisturbed by humans -- but a "modern" invention – spawned by a 1914 act of the Massachusetts legislature that authorized gradual creation of state forests around the commonwealth. It was finally made a reality during the Great Depression through "bargain" land purchases and with plantings and improvements by President Roosevelt's Civilian Conservation Corps, which had a large encampment in town for a time. Further modest enlargements were made in the late 20th century.  
Join us Sunday afternoon, September 9 at 1:15 as local historian Alan Earls, tells the forest's story through Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) records, maps, and film clips made in 1935 by Franklin's pioneer documentarian, Stanley Chilson."

The Amazing Story of the Franklin State Forest
The Amazing Story of the Franklin State Forest

FPAC welcomes Chaz Wolcott from SYTYCD for Disney’s Newsies

The Franklin Performing Arts Company will welcome Chaz Wolcott of So You Think You Can Dance (SYTYCD) fame to choreograph their upcoming production of Disney’s Newsies. It had previously been announced that Broadway’s Clay Thomson would choreograph, but due to scheduling conflicts (Thomson will be joining the Original Broadway Cast of King Kong), Wolcott will be taking over.

Two days before graduating from Oklahoma City University’s prestigious Ann Lacy School of American Dance and Arts Management, Wolcott was offered the role of Mistoffelees on the National Tour of Cats. He was featured on FOX's "So You Think You Can Dance" where he jumped on Mary Murphy's Hot Tamale Train to the Academy in Season 14. 
FPAC welcomes Chaz Wolcott
FPAC welcomes Chaz Wolcott

No stranger to Newsies Square, he spent two years touring as Buttons in the First National Tour of Disney’s Newsies, visiting 70 cities and performing over 750 performances. Wolcott is also featured in the live film version of the show from Hollywood’s Pantages Theatre, which was released in movie theaters as Disney's Newsies: The Broadway Musical.

As previously announced, FPAC’s production of Disney’s Newsies will star Broadway’s Christopher Rice (The Book of Mormon) as Jack Kelly. Disney’s Newsies runs October 13, 14 and 19-21 at THE BLACK BOX in Franklin, MA. 

To purchase tickets or for more information about Disney’s Newsies presented by the Franklin Performing Arts Company, call (508) 528-3370 or visit You can follow FPAC on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.

8th Annual Friends of the Poor Walk - Sep 29

In just two short weeks, the St. Mary’s St. Vincent de Paul will be holding its 8th Annual Friends of the Poor Walk. The Walk, 1 ½ or 3 miles, is our only fund raiser. SVdP members offer help to all Franklin residents in their time of need. Your support enables us to provide this assistance. Last year we were able to help 186 families.

Registration will begin between 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM in the Benjamin Franklin Charter School parking lot on Pleasant Street and then the walk will begin there at 9:00 AM rain or shine. 

Please walk with us in fellowship and contribute to our drive with generosity. To make this Walk better than ever, go to where you can either join the Walk or make a donation.

Join together, with family and friends
to make our Walk better than ever!

8th Annual Friends of the Poor Walk
Sponsored by St. Mary’s St. Vincent de Paul Society
September 29, 2018
8:30 AM  - 11:00 AM

8th Annual Friends of the Poor Walk - Sep 29
8th Annual Friends of the Poor Walk - Sep 29

In the News: walkway ground breaking held; dispensary bans reversed

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin:

"With the outline of the future Veteran’s Memorial Pathway painted in white on the Town Common, an official groundbreaking ceremony was held on Tuesday. 
Residents as well as town and state officials gathered on the misty morning to witness and take part in the official start of construction. With more than 800 bricks engraved with the names of veterans far and wide, the pathway is already taking shape. 
The project started about three years ago when a discussion began on how to revitalize the names of the veterans that adorn memorial street signs across town. 
“The idea and outcome of that meeting was a genesis that is now culminating in the construction of the Veteran’s Memorial Walkway,” Franklin Veteran Service Officer Dale Kurtz said."

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

The Brick order form
Make checks payable to Franklin VFW Post 3402

"the outline of the future Veteran’s Memorial Pathway painted in white on the Town Common"
"the outline of the future Veteran’s Memorial Pathway painted in white on the Town Common"

"Six days after confirming approval of medical marijuana dispensary bans in Northborough and Bellingham, Attorney General Maura Healey’s office reversed its decision. 
In article on Aug. 25 Telegram and Gazette, a sister paper of the Daily News article, a spokesperson for the AG’s office confirmed that the office in June approved bylaws passed in the two towns that ban medical marijuana dispensaries. The 2012 Medical Marijuana law originally prohibited any municipality from banning medical marijuana dispensaries. An AG spokeswoman said at the time the approval was based on Section 56 (subsection d) of Chapter 55 Acts of 2017. 
But after being contacted by the Massachusetts Patient Advocacy Alliance and others with questions about the Telegram and Gazette story, officials in the AG’s office said they revisited the earlier decisions and the law and determined an error had been made - municipalities are not allowed to ban medical marijuana establishments."

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

Franklin Residents: Public Health Alert - West Nile Virus risk level raised to moderate

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health has elevated the risk level for West Nile Virus from low to moderate for the entire State of Massachusetts. To date there have been 10 human cases of West Nile Virus in Massachusetts.

The weather conditions are predicted to remain favorable for the mosquitoes that carry the West Nile Virus for at least the next several weeks. As such it is imperative for all individuals in Massachusetts to take personal precautions to avoid mosquito bites.

Apply Insect Repellent When Outdoors: Use a repellent with DEET, Permethrin, picardin or oil of lemon eucalyptus according to the instructions on the product labels. Remember not to use products with DEET on infants under two months of age. DEET products in concentrations above 30% should not be used on older children. Oil of eucalyptus should not be used on children under three years of age.

Be Aware of Peak Mosquito Hours: Mosquitos are most active between the hours from dusk to dawn. Limit your exposure out of doors during this peak biting time if possible. If you must be outside, wearing long-sleeves, long pants and socks will help keep mosquitos away from your skin.

Drain Standing Water on Your Property: Mosquitos lay their eggs in standing or stagnant water. Drain birdbaths, flower pots, buckets and children's wading pools frequently.

Additional public health advisories/alerts regarding WNV and/or EEE will be provided by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and the Franklin Health Department as the situation warrants.

More information on mosquito-borne viruses can be found at the MADPH Arbovirus Surveillance Information web page at

Public Health Alert - West Nile Virus risk level raised to moderate
Public Health Alert - West Nile Virus risk level raised to moderate

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Live reporting: Consent Agenda to Closing - Executive Session

7. Consent Agenda
a. Minutes
I recommend approval of the minutes from your August 28, 2018 School Committee Meeting.
b. School Improvement Plans
I recommend adoption of the following School Improvement Plans as presented:

  • Annie Sullivan Middle School
  • Horace Mann Middle School
  • Remington Middle School
  • Franklin High School

c. Parmenter Gifts
I recommend acceptance of six checks totaling $3,123.15 from Parmenter PCC as detailed:

  • $390.15 Supplemental Supplies
  • $150.00 Field Trip (Buses Gr. 2)
  • $650.00 Field Trip (Kindergarten)
  • $100.00 Field Trip (Bus Gr. 5)
  • $933.00 Field Trip (2017-18)
  • $900.00 Field Trip (Bus Gr. 3)
motion to accept consent agenda as shown, seconded, passed 70-0

8. Payment of Bills Dr. Bergen
in order

9. Payroll Mrs. Douglas
in order

10. Correspondence 
– Budget to Actual – Miriam Goodman, School Business Administrator

11. Executive Session
Strategy with respect to collective bargaining.

motion to adjourn to discuss strategy with respect to elective bargaining
passed 7-0

The PDF version of this agenda can be found online

The documents released for this agenda can be found online (when released)

Live reporting: Discussion Items/Information Matters

3. Discussion / Action Items
a. None

4. Discussion Only Items
a. Draft School Committee Presentation Schedule
tried to map out presentations and updates incorporating your input from the summer workshop

for example:
report cards in December; include grading at FHS
March - proposed 2nd DIP update
April - 3rd DIP related to instruction
May - 4th DIP related to school council this year

5. Information Matters
a. School Committee Sub-Committee Reports 

  • Budget

meeting Weds, anything you'd like to bring up let us know

  • Community Relations

next meeting 9/25 - social media use
upcoming coffee Sep 14 at Senior Center 9:00 AM
next newsletter to be developed and sent out
also at Harvest Festival

  • Policy

meeting on Weds
from Superintendent/Asst Supt, policy revisions with impact
moving section by section through the manual; some take longer than others

  • Public Schools Advocacy

meeting to be rescheduled, need new date
attending Sen Spilka's Luncheon on SEL on Weds
newsletter targeted for 9/24

b. School Committee Liaison Reports 
Joint PCC

  • Substance Abuse Task Force 

multiple dates set to start meeting

School Wellness Advisory Council [SWAC]

  • School Start Times Advisory Committee [SSTAC]

research subcommittee presented finding
options proposed for time starts; constraints
different subcommittees tasked to look at the options
steering committee Monday, full meeting on 9/20
how to communicate if we might make a change


6. New Business
a. To discuss any future agenda items
for 9/25
elementary improvement plans
policy reviews likely

The PDF version of this agenda can be found online

The documents released for this agenda can be found online (when released)

Live Reporting: Lifelong Learning Presentation

b. Lifelong Learning Presentation – Chris Nayler
20th year of program, thanks to Pandora Carlucci for this work starting this

multiple programs under the program umbrella all programs are self sustaining, paid for by the user fees

(presentation to be added later)

Live Reporting: Lifelong Learning Presentation
Live Reporting: Lifelong Learning Presentation

343 participated in High School Experience for the week of intro to the incoming 9th graders

partial slide capture showing linkage to the District Improvement Plans
partial slide capture showing linkage to the District Improvement Plans
Lifelong Learning will be present at the October Harvest Festival to listen and learn

we are looking to do more at the middle school level

The PDF version of this agenda can be found online

The documents released for this agenda can be found online (when released)

Live reporting: Middle-High School Improvement Plans

2. Guests / Presentations
a. Middle School and High School’s School Improvement Plans
Dupre, Witcoff, Motti

presentation links to be added later
(no docs released as of meeting time)

1st page to talk to for the presentation tonight
1st page to talk to for the presentation tonight
2nd page of presentation for Middle Schools
2nd page of presentation for Middle Schools
3rd page of Middle School pres
3rd page of Middle School pres
4th page focusing on communications
4th page focusing on communications
question on the "World of Difference" program
built upon work from last year, peer leader lead, they facilitate discussions

question on responsive classroom, started at elementary levels and only recently has been expanded to middle school grades; principle aligned with social emotional learning

a lot of personalized strategies, emphasizes collaborative work among students
there is a lot of teacher buyin for this program

Illustrative Math (?) the program does allow for accelerated piece for students as they need

Peri, Klement for high shcool

also slides to be added when available (later)

not meant to be an eye test
not meant to be an eye test
A World of Difference program being added to high school this year
parents invited for age/grade specific evening programs

it is exciting to see the level of engagement and activity around the Algebra I and II classrooms, yes, really

"Portrait of a Graduate"to be brought into the high school this year, adds to what has already been done

series of 10 talks - being spearheaded by Asst Principal C Williams; first last week, remainder scheduled through the year

year two examining the grading practices
exciting work underway

examining the art and science of teaching
expanding new teacher academy; support provided through out the year
mentor and mentee program

cultural proficiency, town changing, school changing, how to meet the needs

engaging and supporting two way communications
really good start to the professional development for the year; Say Yes Institute

using the school council meeting to bring in other stakeholders
get communication out on time

social media platforms used, Twitter esp

when do the teachers do this?
excitement and buyin helps, the whole teacher matters to us here
we are working hard to listen to what is on our teachers minds

all the things the teachers do it is way beyond the school day, you are part of it too
self care is not just a buzzword, it does matter, we see it
we have a concern about how to do it

The PDF version of this agenda can be found online

The documents released for this agenda can be found online (when released)

Live reporting: School Committee - Sep 11, 2018

Present: Feeley, Linden, Douglas, Scofield, Bergen, Schultz, Zub
Absent: none

1. Routine Business
a. Review of Agenda
no changes

b. Citizen’s Comments
i. In the spirit of open communication, “the School Committee will hear public comment not related to an agenda item at the beginning of each regular School Committee Meeting. The Committee will listen to, but not respond to any comment made. A Committee member may add an agenda item to a future meeting as a result of a citizen comment” – from Policy BEDH

c. FHS Student Representative Comments
Bea Bondhus
President Senior Class
2 yr Captain of girls basketball in addition to other clubs

Will Davis the new FHS representatives

the best opening in 20 year
FHS football team won opener, new concession stand well used
over 70 clubs this year
auditions for performances underway
new study parking system (by lot, rather than by spot)

looking forward to participating

d. Superintendent’s Report
rd week of school
concession stand wonderful soft opening, thanks to community for accomplishment building the stand; still some work to be done
more formal acceptance to be scheduled later

shout out to all the committee work underway
training for DESE project underway
homework committee met today

school start time advisory meeting next week

The PDF version of this agenda can be found online

The documents released for this agenda can be found online (when released)

Franklin Garden Club - Flower Bouquet Sale - Sep 21

The Franklin Garden Club will sell flower bouquet arrangements in vases on Friday, September 21, at the Franklin Farmer’s Market, which takes place at the Town Common from 12:00 – 6:00 PM. 

The colorful arrangements featuring beautiful summer flowers, such as zinnias and daisies, will be made by members with flowers from their gardens and the Town Common. Prices will range from $5.00 - $10.00, a significant savings over the retail cost for similar bouquets. 

The sale offers residents an opportunity to brighten their homes with a lovely arrangement or to purchase a cheerful gift for others at a low cost. Proceeds will benefit Club community activities.

Franklin Garden Club - Flower Bouquet Sale - Sep 21
Franklin Garden Club - Flower Bouquet Sale - Sep 21

SEP 4, 2018 State Primary Official Results for Franklin, MA

Town Clerk Teresa Burr has posted the official results for the Sep 4 State Primary. The only observable changes I noted were in case of write in votes and the Libertarian results which as there were only 7 votes cast, I left out.

All 20 pages in the new voting report output. Note: the ballots are listed alphabetically (Democrat, Libertarian,Republican and then within each ballot by the position)

These results were shared from the Town of Franklin page

or you can download a copy here

Official results for Franklin - State Primary - Sep 4
Official results for Franklin - State Primary - Sep 4