Monday, April 19, 2021

CommonWealth Magazine: real work begins on climate change; legislative fixes possible for essential worker problems

"The real work begins now on climate change" 

"THIS SPRING, as flowers and trees begin to bloom in New England, our clean energy industry is also ready to blossom after decades of delays and setbacks. 
Last month Gov. Charlie Baker signed one of the strongest climate bills in the nation, committing to reduce emissions 50 percent by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. Boston, Massachusetts’ largest city, launched a municipal energy program to expand access to renewable energy for residents, including low-income families, and is considering nation-leading regulations to address carbon emissions from our biggest source – large buildings. Worcester has committed to 100 percent renewable energy by 2045.  Even smaller towns across the Commonwealth, like Arlington, Melrose, and Natick, are developing plans for net-zero emissions by 2050."
Continue reading the article online 

"Legislative fixes for essential worker problems"
"ESSENTIAL WORKERS have always played a significant role in our society, but their roles were especially amplified since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Elected officials, the public, and many business owners continue to praise the critical work these essential workers do. They had the difficult task of keeping our society afloat by being on the frontline of many services including healthcare, groceries, and mail delivery. But still, the workforce has been suffering from a lack of government support. The unemployment rate in Massachusetts has faced a 4.4 percentage point increase, with 165,423 more workers unemployed compared to March 2020.

Just as COVID-19 laid bare the racial and economic disparities present in sectors from education to healthcare, the deep inequities that create an uneven playing field for workers and working conditions have become more visible and severe."
Continue reading the article online 

Sunday, April 18, 2021

FY 2022 - Town of Franklin budget proposal

The Town of Franklin FY22 Town Administrator's Proposed Budget materials are available on our website.  

Find all of the Proposed Budget information posted here 

FY 2022 - Town of Franklin budget
FY 2022 - Town of Franklin budget

This will be the first of a series on the FY 22 budget. Each part of the series will focus on a part of the process or an aspect of the budget. All in preparation of the Finance Committee budget hearings Apr 27-28-29 and May 4; as well as the Town Council budget hearings May 26-27. The final vote on the budget is scheduled for the May 27 meeting.

Joe Landry shares "town pool" memories

This video highlights the Joseph G. Ray Swimming Pool, better known as "the town pool."

Shared from Facebook

FHS football drops game to Milton 14-7 on Saturday

From we share the FHS sports results: 

Football = Franklin, 7 @ Milton, 14 – Final
1st Quarter: (M) Milton 5-yard pass, XP good.
2nd Quarter: (M) Milton 15-yard pass, XP good.
3rd Quarter: No scoring.
4th Quarter: (F) Will Tracey 5-yard rush, Parker Cheuvront XP good.

For other results around the Hockomock League

FHS football drops game to Milton 14-7 on Saturday
FHS football drops game to Milton 14-7 on Saturday

Recap: Town Council Mtg- Apr 14, 2021 - Sheriff McDermott, OPEB update, GATRA, zoning for parking, etc.

Quick Recap:

Four presentations and resulting discussions dominated the meeting
  • Sheriff McDermott highlighted services his organization provides
  • The OPEB funding status was updated; the actuarial funding requirements are required every 2 years, this is the 'off year'
  • The new Executive Director of GATRA appeared to provide updates on changes and answer questions on the service problems seen by the community
  • Downtown parking zoning requirements were reviewed, a revision to the current bylaw is expected to come through the Economic Development Subcommittee in the future

As with most meetings in this pandemic period, I took my notes via Twitter during the meeting reporting in real-time via the virtual session.
The Twitter hashtag can be found online  #tc0414 

Photos captured during the meeting and shared via Twitter can be found in one album:

Audio segments for the meeting will be available in a couple of days

  • Minutes, none - Proclamation for Dr. Diane D'addario Cathy Liberty, Director of Public Health, along with Chief McLaughlin to recognize her for the support processing the vaccine clinics. #tc0414 Councilor Frongillo reads proclamation
License transaction
  • License transaction, Shaw's change of Manager for wine/malt license. #tc0414 motion and second, simple paperwork to acknowledge, Attny and manager present via Zoom; experienced but not previously manager of record. ServeSafe certified. Vote via roll call, 9-0
Sheriff McDermott 
OPEB update
  • Next up, the OPEB update. #tc0414 Dan Sherman provides the details
  • A great spot at about 10% funded level for OPEB #tc0414
  • Were at 7.7 last year not at 8.5% funded, a good position. #tc0414
  • We are chipping away at this, and being in the top 10% top 25% and that is good. Only one Community funded, Wellesley but they funded via prop 2.5 so they are still paying it off so he doesn't count that. #tc0414 OPEB board page for ToF 
  • There is no law requiring funding by a date, once Norfolk pension is funded then those funding amount can be shifted to OPEB and make greater inroads. #tc0414
  • Next item, GATRA leadership team. Mark Souza started Feb 2020 so his first year is likely a story. #tc0414 Mark has an issue with the audio connection, retrying.
  • Mark connected via the "old fashioned way" via phone #tc0414
  • Micro-transit; call on demand via an app like Uber or Lyft. Senior dispatch can still call the same number. Transportation opened up. Started in Dec with 489, reached 2000 in March. #tc0414 pilot allows to build the data to expand the program.
  • Not at full service; phone numbers haven't changed so they can still call. #tc0414 could go from Franklin to Gillette and then to Mansfield with two trips. Micro transit is on demand via an app, picking up one or two COVID, each ride is $2. It is public transportation
  • Oh, and there was mention of a radio show with Franklin Matters. No, not me. Did share the press release they made in Dec but that was about it. #tc0414 
  • COVID money revamped office operations, added barriers for drivers and passengers on buses, upgraded ventilation on buses, etc. #tc0414 there were federal guidelines for how used, and they stuck to it. We have the inventory to handle those trips.
  • #tc0414 Rep Roy asked about the other questions from the office hour meeting that hadn't been addressed yet in this session. Advisory board, there is a member they have been notified, email to member, posting to Town Clerk. Standard process for all 28 towns we represent
  • Some times before COVID we couldn't get a quorum for a board meeting, since COVID attendance has improved remarkably #tc0414 let me know of any issues, I will address them. We will figure that out to get rides to the senior center and advertise that.
Downtown zoning for parking
  • Next discussion item: downtown commercial zoning C1 parking #tc0414 there had been no parking requirements previously, a bit ago it was changed and may have gone too far.
  • Restrictions on sidelines and parking will hurt developers, would like to see the old C1 come back to the downtown to help. Per Bissanti #tc0414 is there something can explain what zoning is? Zoning is complicated, one of the most important decisions this body deals with
  • It is ok to spend time on these issues. Parking is in the driver's seat. If you can't find one, you need it. If you find one, you don't need more. We haven't nailed it yet, it will require work. Parking will always be an issue anywhere. It has to be a balance. #tc0414
  • Parking is one area where the Planning Board can waive it down as opposed to other areas. There does need to be some parking downtown. Transit oriented development is good but there will still be need for parking #tc0414
  • Zoning also available on the website, perhaps the Clerk can provide a copy of the zoning book (with a map) #tc0414 there was no zoning parking requirement and it was changed 3 years ago. We did have meters downtown not too long ago.
  • There is limited parking downtown. We are the only commuter rail stop on the Franklin line that doesn't have housing associated with it. There is room to expand parking, we need to be the Council to do so. #tc0414 we don't have an affordable housing stock
  • The only thing we can do is manage it to the best if our ability. A developer will only put in the parking that is feasible to make it work. They won't rely on the gratitude of the planning board. #tc0414 we're trying to make sure there is business downtown
  • Request to consider revision to parking bylaw, and take to EDC before coming back to the Council. The downtown parking is available after hours. Attny Cerel is using the whole hand to raise his notice. If there is a 0 requirement, the Planning Board would not be able …
Subcommittee updates
  • Joint budget Subcommittee did meet on Monday, spoke about the Davis Thayer building, Supt not ready to declare surplus at this time will be done during the transition plan to Keller. Next meeting to be posted soon. #tc0414 EDC did meet before this meeting, discussed ...
  • The Community grant program, and NuStyle. Possibly meeting twice in May to begin housing plan #tc0414 
Legislation for action
Town Administrators Report through to closing
  • Side discussion on how we could do this service internally? Foxboro has firefighters who are certified to service the engine equipment. Drive through window closed two days for the window work and their floor soon to follow. Contact the Board of Health if question on vaccines
  • It is clear there is misinformation on stormwater fee out there. I offer to meet with you to discuss further $1.9m state grants only, four and half years $10m; that is a lot! Small amounts and large amounts add up #tc0414
  • #tc0414 Bissanti heard about opportunity zoning, a fictional example of carrying forward a capital gain (my assessment) Could the Police chief show something in the use of force training?
  • Story walk downtown Main Street, enjoyed work by Councilor Frongillo Senior coffee hour Thursday AM, rail trail race virtually this year. #tc0414 school vacation week next please be careful. Light needed at the crosswalk where Dean students cross
  • #tc0414 water conservation measures coming with level 2 drought announcement. Apologies for a late meeting, good discussion tonight. Motion to adjourn, second, passes 9-0 via roll call That's all for tonight (finally), catch you next time!


zoning map of downtown for parking discussion
zoning map of downtown for parking discussion

FM #513 - Board of Health Meeting - 04/14/21 (audio)

 FM #513 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 513 in the series.
This session of the radio show shares the Board of Health meeting held on Wednesday, April 14, 2021.

The meeting was conducted in a hybrid format: some of the Board of Health members were in the Municipal Bldg, other members joined the public via conference bridge, all to adhere to the ‘social distancing’ requirements of this pandemic period.

Quick Recap:
  • Homebound individuals were provided vaccines coordinating with the Fire Dept. Additional to be done on hold due to J&J 'pause'. VA Clinic to be held at Senior Center on Apr 17 for veterans and family
  • Grant application submitted for some services to be delivered regionally
  • Home on Winter St now bank owned, home on Jordan Rd now being demolished by owner (which is also creating another problem)

Links to the meeting agenda and associated documents are included in the show notes. The recording runs about 20 minutes, so let’s listen to the Board of Health meeting for April. 


We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio ( 
This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.
How can you help?
  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors
  • If you don't like something here, please let me know
Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.
For additional information, please visit  or
If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com
The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana"  c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.
I hope you enjoy!
You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"
FM #513 - Board of Health Meeting - 04/14/21 (audio)
FM #513 - Board of Health Meeting - 04/14/21 (audio)

Masterclass: The Life & Artwork of William Wegman!! - Mon, April 19

Register on the Franklin Cultural Council Facebook page for their upcoming Monday Night April 19th, 7:30-9 PM Masterclass.  

You won't want to miss this one!  It's Free to the public (on and off Facebook) via Eventbrite!


FCC Masterclass: The Life and Artwork of William Wegman

Masterclass: The Life & Artwork of William Wegman!! - Mon, April 19
Masterclass: The Life & Artwork of William Wegman!! - Mon, April 19

This class will provide information on the artist, his personality, style and technique. With this as background, each participant will have the opportunity to create his/her own do-it-yourself art project at home with materials easily found in your home or in the local supermarket, or local art/general stores. A list of necessary supplies will be posted on Ms. Volpe's website: No special skills or art experience is required!

William Wegman is a photographer and painter, whose unique compositions feature dogs, most notably his own Weimaraners, in costumes and poses.