Dear Town of Franklin:
Algonquin Gas Transmission, LLC, ("Algonquin") previously informed you of its intent to develop the proposed Atlantic Bridge Project ("Project") by expanding its interstate natural gas pipeline system. In that earlier communication, we described new and replacement pipeline facilities that were being considered as determined by system design studies based upon expressions of interest from customers to move new volumes of needed natural gas along Algonquin's pipeline system. In the earlier mailing, we informed you that the proposed Atlantic Bridge Project may involve your property and that we had identified your property within the initial study corridor.
Since that time, Algonquin has finalized its commercial agreements which has resulted in a reduced scope of the previously proposed expanded pipeline facilities in New York, Connecticut and Massachusetts. Based on the revised project design, your property, as identified above, is no longer under consideration for the Atlantic Bridge Project.
Atlantic Bridge Project - image from Spectra Energy webpage
However, you should know that Algonquin continues to consider separate and unrelated pipeline expansion projects that are currently in the development phase. If Algonquin ultimately determines that one of these projects may involve your property in the future, there may be a need to contact you if and when a project proposal moves forward. Nevertheless, with respect to the Atlantic Bridge Project, we presently do not have the need to access your property as previously requested outside of the existing Algonquin rights-of-way.
We appreciate your patience and cooperation in this process with regard to our earlier request for survey permission. Please feel free to call our toll free number (888) 331-6553 if you have any questions.
This was shared from the Franklin webpage
The full PDF of the doc can also be found here