Monday, June 16, 2008

FRANKLIN TOWN COUNCIL - agenda - 6/18/08

Agenda - June 18, 2008 - 7:00 PM


E. APPOINTMENTS – Annual Committee Appointments

Annual Audit Report
NuStyle – Grove Street
Amendments to Town Code Chp 125-Peace & Good Order



1. Resolution 08-46: FY 2008 Capital Budget

2. Resolution 08-47: Authorization to Borrow – Library Repairs

3. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 08-617: Amendment to Chp. 185, Town Code: Water Resource District – 2nd Reading

4. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 08-618: Amendment to Chp. 185, Town Code: Biotechnology Uses – 2nd Reading

5. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 08-619: Amendment to Chp. 185-5: Zoning Map - Biotechnology Use – 2nd Reading

6. Bylaw Amendment 08-624- Amendment to Sewer System Map – 273 Country Way – 2nd Reading




O. EXECUTIVE SESSION – Negotiations, Litigation, Real Property, as May Be Required


Sunday, June 15, 2008

Franklin Matters: Intro and Override Reasons

This is the first podcast in a series for Franklin (MA) Matters. In this segment, I review the reasons for the recent override failure, propose some lessons to be learned and possible actions to be taken to prepare Franklin for the future.

This is a public service provided to my fellow Franklin (MA) citizens and voters.

Time: 10 minutes, 43 seconds

MP3 File

Podcast Notes:


Based upon the traffic analysis, how many readers, how many listeners, I am going to try something different, this podcast will likely to be a weekly format, or at least as frequently as necessary to cover what matters

I will make this available via iTunes, I’ll continue to record as many meetings as I can attend but rather than posting the full meeting, I’ll use segments in this podcast.

The goal of this podcast is to provide a review of what has happened and an outlook as to what is coming up for the week or near future


Why did the override fail?

By the numbers, 1600 yes votes from last year did not vote yes this year:
500 of them chose to vote no. Just over 1000 stayed home and chose not to vote at all.

What happened to these yes votes?
I think there are a number of reasons.

Apathy is always a factor - "My vote won't make a difference." On a national scale, the individual vote does not count for a whole lot. On the local scale, one vote is ONE vote.

Town priorities - The school budget is always a town matter. The School Department and Superintendent are properly advocates for what they need. The Finance Committee provides some oversight and validation but the ultimate responsibility lies with the Town Council. So while this year (and last) the School Committee brought forth what they needed to maintain the level of education that they were providing, the Town Council chose to follow the beat of their own drummer. Last year the Town planned for the override in advance and included town operations in the override amount. This year, the Town set the schools up on their own and only allowed an override when forced by the School Committee and the presence of growing support within the community. Alas, the support was not enough to carry all the way through.

Mis-information - The hearsay, mis-information and inaccuracies were prevalent in the community discussions. Trying to get the proper information out to the folks was like swimming against the riptide. The Milford Daily News closed out anonymous comments the day after the vote but the damage was done. The constant naysayers were abusive and out in force. Heaven forbid, you try to get a word in edgewise. The key point on this is the difference between a capital expense and an operational expense. Clearly, the majority of Franklin voters don't understand or appreciate the difference.

I believe the Franklin voters who did not cast their ballots will come to regret their decision. The days of Franklin being selected in Top 10 or Top 100 are over. Digging out of this hole will be the hardest thing to do.

The task of the Five Year Plan Committee will be immense. We, the voters, will have a chance of getting a decent plan. There are two "normal, everyday citizens" on the committee along with the elected and appointed officials. We will have to monitor the committee to ensure that they are open and doing something productive. We can not let the Town Council let this opportunity sit idle again.

Additional reasons can be found here


What can we learn from the failure?

Personally, letting others direct the conversation, reporting the facts, hoping for the best doesn't work.

Action will be required. The level of my own engagement in the town meetings (especially the Town Council) needs to increase.

You, yes you!

Don't sit at home and let the talking heads babble on. Make the effort. Go to the Council Chambers. Show them that there are real live people for whom they should care about what they do. Hold them accountable.

Conversation about what is happening needs to maintain some focus on the real issues. Don't let the agenda hide some items. Ask where is it? Ask what is happening? Ask why?

Together we can come out of the hole. Or separately, we can see our home values decline, or students fall behind, our future dim.

This is our choice.

What choice will you make?

How much does Franklin matter to you?

For additional textual information, please visit Franklin Matters

This podcast has been a public service provided to my fellow Franklin citizens and voters by Steve Sherlock

You can send me an email at shersteve at gmail dot com


The musical intro and closing is from the Podsafe Music Network
Jon Schmidt - Powerful Exhilarating Piano Music

"Through work one can recover and become well"

Milford Daily News
Posted Jun 14, 2008 @ 10:18 PM


Steve Goldman had plans for his future. An Academic All-American gymnast at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Goldman had hopes of becoming an elementary school teacher.

Life had other plans. Under stress, Goldman suffered a nervous breakdown, and later was diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

"Right now my diagnosis is schizoaffective disorder with bipolar features,'' Goldman said. "I have serious depression and serious mania problems, and auditory and visual hallucinations.''

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness where patients experience abnormally elevated moods, and also extreme depressive moods. These episodes are typically separated by periods of normality.

With teaching not an option, Goldman worked several part-time jobs in between treatment. Depressed that he could not teach and scared of what the future held, Goldman needed a change in his life.

He had been receiving help at the Quincy Mental Health Center following his diagnosis in 1998. After the death of his father, Goldman moved to Franklin.
Goldman was referred to the Crossroads Clubhouse in Hopedale, a center designed to utilize peer support and a strong rehabilitative environment for those with mental illness.

Soon after checking in, Goldman met Val Comerford, the program director of the clubhouse. Comerford also suffers from a mental illness, so Goldman saw her as a source of hope that he could recover and have a meaningful career.

"I didn't have a role model for so long, and when I met Val I couldn't believe she got so far,'' Goldman said. "I'm going to go as far as I can now because of what I saw in her.''

Read the remainder of this inspirational article in the Milford Daily News here

"Fiscal 2010 is predicted to be even more challenging"

Posted Jun 14, 2008 @ 11:47 PM

Is a teetering economy the place to hold the line on property taxes and leave room for rising gas and grocery bills, or to chip in a little more to hang onto teachers and strained municipal services?

Local voters seem split down the middle on the answer.

Out of 15 Proposition 2 1/2 override requests put before MetroWest and Milford-area residents this year, eight have failed and seven have passed.

However, three of those successes were debt exclusion overrides, which only raise taxes temporarily to pay for a specific project. Operational overrides, which made up all the other requests, permanently increase the amount of taxes a town or city can collect.

Statewide, the rate of override approvals is roughly similar, said John Robertson, deputy legislative director for the Massachusetts Municipal Association.

"About half of the communities that go out win at least one of their (ballot) questions," and that trend has remained roughly steady since fiscal 2006, he said last week.

Read the full article in the Milford Daily News here

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Commuter Rail Alert for this weekend

Saturday and Sunday June 14th and 15th

All Providence commuter rail trains will operate on Track 2 between Canton Junction and Mansfield.

Ruggles commuter rail station will be closed, to all commuter rail traffic; customers are advised to use the Orange line from Back Bay to Ruggles throughout this weekend with service returning to normal Monday, June 15th Saturday, June 14th and continuing through Tuesday, June 17th

Hyde Park Station will be closed to all commuter rail traffic. During this time all trains scheduled to stop at Hyde Park will make a special stop at Readville.

Saturday and Sunday - The trains will depart Readville at the scheduled Hyde Park departure time.

Monday and Tuesday - The trains will depart Readville two (2) minutes earlier that the scheduled Hyde Park departure time.

Customers should travel on the #32 MBTA bus from Hyde Park Avenue to Readville or to Forest Hills station where they can also pick up the Orange Line, to and from Boston.

Trains will depart South Station and the normal schedule departure time throughout this disruption.

Expected Delays

Saturday, June 14th passengers for all Needham, Franklin and Providence Line trains should expect delays of 10 to 15 minutes due to the various track work projects.

Sunday, June 15th Franklin and Providence Line passengers can expect delays of 10 to 15 minutes.

For the week of Monday, June 16th through Friday, June 20th

Passengers traveling on the Franklin, Stoughton and Providence Lines should expect residual delays of up to 15 minutes due to this project.

We apologize to the regular riders of these trains for any inconvenience this may cause.

Commuter rail service information is available on the MBTA website at, or by calling the MBTA Customer Support Services Center at 617-222-3200.

In the News - Douglas retires, Consolidation goes to the lawyers

Posted Jun 14, 2008 @ 12:02 AM


After 33 years teaching at the historic Red Brick School, Cindy Douglas had her last milk and cookies with her beloved students - those still digging tunnels in the sandbox, and the gray-haired ones alike.

"This is great - absolutely wonderful," Douglas said, between hugging a seemingly endless stream of alumni and parents of students at the school who celebrated her retirement at the school yesterday.

"These children are second and third children - I had some of their parents. I loved getting up every the morning to here. It's really not a job - it's fun and I like being here," Douglas said.

Read the full article in the Milford Daily News here

Posted Jun 14, 2008 @ 12:03 AM


Unhappy with a memorandum of understanding on the town's takeover of the School Department's $5.5 million maintenance account, the School Committee has decided to send the document to lawyers representing the town and schools.

The committee tabled a vote this week to consolidate facilities with the town, which has been a controversial issue since first broached last year, though several members said they would agree to a modified version.

On June 4, Town Council approved the consolidation. Councilors and Town Administrator Jeffrey D. Nutting have advocated for the merger because they believe it will create greater efficiencies and "make a good thing better."

Custodians and groundskeepers, including schools Facilities Director Mike D'Angelo, have objected to the move, saying they do not understand how it benefits anyone.

Both the School Committee and Town Council must approve the consolidation according to Massachusetts law, officials have said.

Read the full article in the Milford Daily News here

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Override failure reasons - my 2 cents

Why did the override fail?

By the numbers, 1600 yes votes from last year did not vote yes this year:
  • 500 of them chose to vote no.
  • Just over 1000 stayed home and chose not to vote at all.
What happened to these yes votes?

I think there are a number of reasons.

Apathy is always a factor - "My vote won't make a difference." On a national scale, the individual vote does not count for a whole lot. On the local scale, one vote is ONE vote.

Town priorities - The school budget is always a town matter. The School Department and Superintendent are properly advocates for what they need. The Finance Committee provides some oversight and validation but the ultimate responsibility lies with the Town Council. So while this year (and last) the School Committee brought forth what they needed to maintain the level of education that they were providing, the Town Council chose to follow the beat of their own drummer. Last year the Town planned for the override in advance and included town operations in the override amount. This year, the Town set the schools up on their own and only allowed an override when forced by the School Committee and the presence of growing support within the community. Alas, the support was not enough to carry all the way through.

Mis-information - The hearsay, mis-information and inaccuracies were prevalent in the community discussions. Trying to get the proper information out to the folks was like swimming against the riptide. The Milford Daily News closed out anonymous comments the day after the vote but the damage was done. The constant naysayers were abusive and out in force. Heaven forbid, you try to get a word in edgewise. The key point on this is the difference between a capital expense and an operational expense. Clearly, the majority of Franklin voters don't understand or appreciate the difference.

The 5 Year Plan - This is another aspect of the Town priorities but an important one. This item was brought up several times during the healthy discussion during the Override of 2007. Everyone agreed it was a good thing to do. During the ensuing year, the Town Council did nothing. They instead chose to sit on the school budget problem and hid it from the voters during the November election. That was more important. Some of the councilors chose to break their own by-laws and put up their election signs for the November election in advance of when they were supposed to. That was more important. Some of those councilors chose to make take pot shots at the School Administration and School Superintendent. Sound bites travel well especially when they are unfounded. Finally, the Town Council appointed a committee to develop a long range plan the week before this years override. Too little too late.

State money - The Town has gotten too used to the largess of the commonwealth and the ability of our local representatives to tap the coffers to fill the Franklin revenue needs. The decade plus time of increasing state aid is likely behind us. Other towns are recognizing what we have benefited from and getting jealous. We could make a case for the increases with a growing enrollment. The enrollment growth is tapering off and so will the state funds. The unwillingness of the Franklin tax payer to dip into their own pocket got proved again. Only one operational override has successfully passed. Don't ask a Franklinite to take money out of their pocket for something they should pay for. If the state won't pay for it, Franklin certainly won't.

I believe the Franklin voters who did not cast their ballots will come to regret their decision. The days of Franklin being selected in Top 10 or Top 100 are over. Digging out of this hole will be the hardest thing to do.

The task of the Five Year Plan Committee will be immense. We, the voters, will have a chance of getting a decent plan. There are two "normal, everyday citizens" on the committee along with the elected and appointed officials. We will have to monitor the committee to ensure that they are open and doing something productive. We can not let the Town Council let this opportunity sit idle.

What can we learn from the failure?

Personally, letting others direct the conversation, reporting the facts, hoping for the best doesn't work.

Action will be required. The level of engagement in the town meetings (especially the Town Council) needs to increase.

You, yes you! Don't sit at home and let the talking heads babble on. Make the effort. Go to the Council Chambers. Show them that there are real live people for whom they should care about what they do. Hold them accountable.

Conversation about what is happening needs to maintain some focus on the real issues. Don't let the agenda hide some items. Ask where is it? Ask what is happening? Ask why?

Together we can come out of the hole. Or separately, we can see our home values decline, or students fall behind, our future dim.

This is our choice.

What choice will you make?

How much does Franklin matter to you?