Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Franklin Matters Radio show schedule for Oct 13 and Oct 16, 2021

The wfpr.fm Franklin Matters Radio schedule for this week Oct 13 and Oct 16, 2021:

  • Two candidate interviews combined for airplay on Wednesday at 9:00 AM, 1:00 PM and 6:00 PM => School Committee candidate - Dave McNeill and Town Clerk candidate Nancy Danello
  • Two candidate interviews combined for airplay on Wednesday at 11:00 AM, 2:00 PM and 8:00 PM => Town Council candidate Ted Cormier-Ledger and School Committee candidate Camille Bernstein


On Saturday both shows replay

  • 9:00 AM => School Committee candidate - Dave McNeill and Town Clerk candidate Nancy Danello
  • 3:00 PM => Town Council candidate Ted Cormier-Ledger and School Committee candidate Camille Bernstein

And if you can't listen to the radio schedule, the podcast (on-demand) version is available. Individual candidate audio files:

You can also find all episodes at https://www.franklinmatters.org/p/fm-podcasts.html  or within your favorite podcast player

Franklin Matters Radio show schedule for Oct 13 and Oct 16, 2021
Franklin Matters Radio show schedule for Oct 13 and Oct 16, 2021

School Committee candidate Dave McNeill - 10/06/21 (audio)

FM #631 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 631 in the series. 

This shares my conversation with candidate for School Committee Dave McNeill.  

This is one of a series of conversations with candidates for the Franklin Election on Nov 2, 2021. I do this to provide Franklin, MA voters with accurate and timely information that they can use to cast an informed vote.  Publication of the answers or interview responses does not constitute an endorsement of this or any candidate.

We cover the candidate questions as previously developed in conjunction with the community and shared with the candidates in advance. Five of the questions are ‘general’ in nature, the sixth is specific to the role of the candidate. In this case, for the School Committee.

Our conversation runs about 14 minutes, so let’s listen to my interview with Dave McNeill.  ** Audio file => https://player.captivate.fm/episode/3124b629-293a-485b-ac30-9674db83ca6f


Candidate questions -> https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/09/election-2021-candidate-interview.html 

Candidate page on Facebook ->  https://www.facebook.com/DaveMcNeillforSC 

Election Collection 2021 ->  https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/07/franklin-election-collection-2021.html 


We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio (wfpr.fm) or 102.9 on the Franklin area radio dial. 

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.


How can you help?

  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors

  • If you don't like something here, please let me know

Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.


For additional information, please visit Franklinmatters.org/  or www.franklin.news 

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana"  c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.

I hope you enjoy!


You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"

School Committee candidate Dave McNeill - 10/06/21 (audio)
School Committee candidate Dave McNeill - 10/06/21 (audio)

Town Council candidate Melanie Hamblen - 10/06/21 (audio)

FM #630 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 630 in the series. 

This session shares my conversation with candidate for Town Council Melanie Hamblen  

This is one of a series of conversations with candidates for the Franklin Election on Nov 2, 2021. I do this to provide Franklin, MA voters with accurate and timely information that they can use to cast an informed vote.  Publication of the answers or interview responses does not constitute an endorsement of this or any candidate.

We cover the candidate questions as previously developed in conjunction with the community and shared with the candidates in advance. Five of the questions are ‘general’ in nature, the sixth is specific to the role of the candidate. In this case, for the Town Council

Our conversation runs about 29 minutes, so let’s listen to my interview with Melanie Hamblen. 

** Audio file ->  https://player.captivate.fm/episode/6d5a0f20-75b2-49b9-ad8e-3bae9224c777 


Candidate questions -> https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/09/election-2021-candidate-interview.html 

Candidate page on Facebook ->  https://www.facebook.com/MHamblenTCFranklinMa 

Candidate accomplishments recap -> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vefVafcVhcD5vantpBY6TaXMnMCPc9KP/view?usp=sharing 

You can email Melanie at mjhamblen@verizon.net 

Election Collection 2021 ->  https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/07/franklin-election-collection-2021.html 


We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio (wfpr.fm) or 102.9 on the Franklin area radio dial. 

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.


How can you help?

  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors

  • If you don't like something here, please let me know

Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.


For additional information, please visit Franklinmatters.org/  or www.franklin.news 

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana"  c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.

I hope you enjoy!


You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"


Town Councilor Melanie Hamblen in the 1949 LaFrance fire truck when received back from Bellingham
Town Councilor Melanie Hamblen in the 1949 LaFrance fire truck when received back from Bellingham

School Committee candidate Mark Bisson responds to questions

For the following you can read FM = Steve Sherlock and MB as Mark Bisson, candidate for School Committee. The answers were provided by Mark via email in response to the offer made to all the candidates for the Franklin Election Nov 2, 2021. 

Publication of the answers or interview responses does not constitute an endorsement of the candidate nor an attestation that the statements are true. This is my public service effort to enable informed voters for the election Nov 2, 2021.

FM = Briefly, what is your ‘Franklin story’? Tell us briefly about your life here.

MB = My wife, Lindsay, convinced me to move to Franklin eight years ago because she said that “Franklin has everything!” She started teaching first grade here in town in 2004 and insisted that our future children attend Franklin’s fabulous school system. We now have 3 children. Our son is five and attends kindergarten, our daughter is four and attends our public preschool, and our youngest daughter is two-years-old. We love our franklin community, and of course my wife was correct, Franklin does have everything. We believe that it is important to play an active role to help continue to support our community at every level. Lindsay is active in our community as the secretary of the PCC at ECDC and as the Vice President of the non-profit organization the MOMS Club of Franklin, MA, which is a support group for Franklin moms with young children. I have played a supportive role within the MOMS Club helping with events and setting up. Our family really believes in the MOMS club, and has been an instrumental group for not only our family, but so many other wonderful families here in the Franklin community, and I have always been really inspired by what this group of moms have been able to accomplish. So now it is now my turn to become an active leader within in our community, and I know that I can play a positive and constructive role within the school committee.

FM = Participating in elections is one of the key freedoms of American life and voting is one of the primary responsibilities of citizens. While the law does not require citizens to vote, voting is a very important part of any democracy. What can you tell us about your own voting record? And if you have not been an active voter, please tell us why? And how important is it that we elect people who are active participants in the election process?

MB = I agree, voting is a fundamental right and responsibility of every American citizen. I believe we all have a responsibility to participate in the election process, and a duty as citizens to be well informed on the candidates and policies we vote on. My past voting record mostly consisted of major elections as opposed to local elections. But as I have gotten older and now have children of my own, I believe I have an obligation to play a more active role in the process. I tend to vote for the individuals who have the best ideas and policies, and not based on which party they belong to.

FM = Have you been vaccinated for COVID-19? Do you think there should be a mask mandate in Franklin? Finally, what measures should government take to protect the public from the virus, and how should these efforts be delineated between the local, State, and Federal governments?

MB = I believe in an individual’s right to choose the best course of action for themselves and their health. Much like voting, I believe that individuals have a responsibility to be well educated/informed on the issue and do a risk assessment based on all available facts and data, because ultimately these decisions will affect them, and their families for the rest of their lives, and they should not be taken lightly.

The government should play a vital role in identifying, educating, and combating any threat to our country and its citizens. The state and local governments have to play a vital role in their regions to provide sound/fact-based information, coordination, and effective guidance. I believe a balanced approach has always been required whenever dealing with an unknown, like the COVID-19 virus. Unfortunately, we have not seen this type of approach and instead we have seen contradicting standards, mandates that are not based in science, or even commonsense, and misleading and coercive measures to get individuals to respond a certain way, which inevitable lead to mistrust and hesitation.

FM = What are the 3 most important actions you believe are needed to move Franklin forward?

MB =  1.  An important action to move Franklin forward is for the school committee to communicate better with the community. The members of the school committee have an obligation to clearly articulate what they are doing, and most importantly why they are doing it. Since the decisions and policies that are being voted on by school committee members impact teachers, I feel that the school committee also needs to be communicating with our Franklin teachers. Communicating via different platforms and not just social media should be utilized to ensure we are reaching as many members of our community as possible. School committee newsletters could be created and sent out via emails to all the Franklin Public schools families and staff and published on the school committee website. The newsletters could be published in the Franklin Town News newspaper, their website (www.franklintownnews.com), on Facebook, etc. I believe we can also accomplish this by openly communicating with the teachers, parents, and community through open forums with the school committee to brainstorm wants, needs and best practices.

2. Another important action to move Franklin forward is to redistrict the schools. Now that the Davis Thayer school is closed, I believe students should be properly redistricted to schools more evenly and closest to their homes.

3. Finally, I believe leadership and a balanced approach are very important actions needed to move Franklin forward. The stripping of the parents right to choose the best course of action for their children has been a real eye opener for me as a parent, and as a tax paying resident of Franklin. I believe that the school committee had an opportunity to show leadership and stand up for the parents right to choose, and trust to that they would make the right decisions for the health and safety of their children and our community. But ultimately, they were subjugated by DESE, and as a result they relinquished their authority, which not only silenced the members of the school committee, but all of the parents of Franklin as well.

FM =   What experience or background will help you to serve in this role? Or what do you bring to the table that helps to set you apart from the others?

MB = I believe I bring a commonsense approach to problem solving.

I believe I am able to communicate effectively with the public we serve, but I will be able to encourage the public to get involved with the decisions we are facing.

My career and background is in the commercial construction/building industry. I have built some very large projects, including the largest Buddhist Temple built outside of Thailand in the world (which is located in Raynham, Ma). I know how to manage a budget, a schedule, to communicate effectively, and to maintain the highest-level of safety.

One example where school committee did not demonstrate effective problem solving and planning was the process of closing Davis Thayer. It was a disaster. I feel bad for the families of the Davis Thayer and Helen Keller school communities. I believe that the School Committee failed all those children and their families, as well as, the teachers. They had no plan and ultimately just shoved them all in at Keller… To me that is completely inappropriate.

Being the spouse of a former Franklin teacher sets me apart from the other candidates. I have heard my wife discuss many of the districts’ strengths and those areas of growth that we as a school district can work to improve on. For example, there should be more support in the younger grades where the children have limited attention spans and there is a range in ability levels. If the teachers and students receive more support in kindergarten and first grade, they most likely won’t need as much support going forward. Also, I am sure that people aren’t aware of the fact that teachers are generally handed the materials and provided professional development for new programs the day before being expected to teach that new program…. That clearly doesn’t give teachers adequate time to prepare. I think we can do better.

FM = With the Franklin Public School District managing the largest portion of Franklin's budget, what are your ideas to help solve the structural deficit in the operating budget?

MB = My platform for the school committee is “Back to the basics Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic” so I believe we should do a full audit, with the town council, of the district’s spending and in doing so ensure all programs we have within the curriculum are effective. By putting the primary focus back on the fundamentals of education, we could see a real potential for savings. I find it disappointing that we wasted money on the Envisions math program about 5 years ago in the Elementary schools and are already onto a new math program. After the first year, many teachers were either not using the program or were heavily supplementing it with materials from other programs. This tells me that it wasn’t piloted properly or by enough teachers and spending money on this program was clearly a waste of our money.

I would look to create a subcommittee to review other districts that are having success while maintaining a healthy operating budget. This can help us identify best practices to emulate into our own district.

I would look to establish an intern program with Franklin’s own Dean College, and to continue to build on our relationship with Tri-county high school to bring in students to assist the teachers and students in the classroom. The utilization of interns in the private sector has been very beneficial in terms of staffing, reducing payroll cost, and providing an opportunity for invaluable real-world experience in the teaching/education profession to students.

  • For additional election information in preparation to vote on or before Nov 2, 2021

School Committee candidate Mark Bisson responds to questions
School Committee candidate Mark Bisson responds to questions

Voices of Franklin: Robert Vacca on School Committee candidates

When I began my teaching career in Franklin, in the fall of 1996, I quickly realized that Franklin was a town that I wanted to live in and make my home.  It was actually an obvious choice for me.  Franklin shared many of the values I was raised with.

I grew up in Rhode Island, in a town about a third of the size of Franklin. Education, factual knowledge and civility was valued in my family as well as in my community.  We respected teachers, police men and women, our fire department and one another.  We helped neighbors and practiced the golden rule.  We looked out for one another

As a teacher, I could not be more proud of what my colleagues have been able to do for our students throughout this pandemic.  As a resident, I am proud of the selfless acts of generosity and kindness I have witnessed from the many, but remain disturbed at the hatred and vile comments that are too often part of our general discourse from the few.  

In my twenty-two years of being a resident of Franklin, I have witnessed both the selfless acts of kindness and the darker side of incivility.  I cherish calling Franklin my home and where I am raising a child exposed to the positive values of kindness, respect and civility.  

There are candidates running for public office in November who also share these values.  They have a vision of what Franklin represents and what more it could be.  My vote will be cast for these candidates who value education, factual knowledge and have the vision for a town where values are cherished and civility rules the day.  

Robert Vacca

Franklin Resident

To add your voice to the discussion, please follow the guidelines

Voices of Franklin: Robert Vacca on School Committee candidates
Voices of Franklin: Robert Vacca on School Committee candidates

HockomockSports.com: Player of the Week - Shaw Downing, FHS Field Hockey


"Franklin junior Shaw Downing has been selected as the HockomockSports.com Player of the Week, presented by Morse Insurance, for Oct. 3 through Oct. 9. Downing is the fifth player chosen as Player of the Week for the 2021-22 school year. 
Downing has been a major factor in Franklin’s perfect start to the season and its league-leading offense. With 10 goals and five assists, include two goals and an assist last week, Downing is second on the Panthers in scoring and sixth in the Hockomock. Her two goals on Friday afternoon were the difference as Franklin beat rival King Philip to move two games up in the league standings. 
“Shaw is a highly skilled player who does a great job with deflections and redirecting the ball into the net,” said Franklin head coach Michelle Hess."

HockomockSports.com: Player of the Week - Shaw Downing, FHS Field Hockey
HockomockSports.com: Player of the Week - Shaw Downing, FHS Field Hockey


FHS boys soccer tops Xaverian 1-0 on Monday

Via @HockomockSports and Twitter, we share the results of the FHS fall sports action on Monday, Oct 11, 2021  

Boys Soccer = Franklin, 1 vs. Xaverian, 0 – Final 
– Franklin bounced back from a loss on Friday afternoon by earning two points against the visiting Hawks. Sophomore Andrew O’Neill scored the game-winning goal midway through the second half off a feed from Rex Cinelli.
Well-earned 1-0 win vs Xaverian this morning. Juice goes to Andrew for his hard work in the midfield and scoring the game winner (from Rex) Next up is Sharon on Wednesday at 6pm at home.   https://twitter.com/_FranklinSoccer/status/1447615885854789636

Boys JV Soccer with a 7-0 win against Xaverian today! https://twitter.com/FHSBoysSocBSTRs/status/1447732495525597187

A big 7-4 win for Boys Freshmen Soccer against Xaverian at home on Monday!  Great job boys!   https://twitter.com/FHSBoysSocBSTRs/status/1447879122471071745

Field Hockey = Franklin, 0 vs. Walpole, 1 – Final 
Tough Game tonight in a 1-0 loss to Walpole! I honestly don’t think I could be more PROUD of my team!  They played w/GRIT..DETERMINATION… and did NOT give up! Having a goal disallowed can defeat a team.. mine played harder to get it back!! Love my girls… Hold your heads HIGH!   https://twitter.com/FHS_FH_02038/status/1447754458411188235

Scores from today vs Walpole: Varsity 1-0 loss … JV1 WON 2-1 in an EXCITING WIN!! JV 2 lost 2-0…. Good effort by all 3 teams!!   https://twitter.com/FHS_FH_02038/status/1447755508526559233

THANK YOU FANS FOR YOUR SUPPORT TONIGHT!! Rattle City you were AWESOME!!  @RattleCity   The Beav was electric tonight….  https://twitter.com/FHS_FH_02038/status/1447756612219949058
Shared from Hockomock Sports


FHS boys soccer tops Xaverian 1-0 on Monday
FHS boys soccer tops Xaverian 1-0 on Monday