Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Live reporting: Legislation through to Closing

11. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS a. Capital Budget Subcommittee b. Budget Subcommittee c. Economic Development Subcommittee

  • a. Resolution 19-75: Gift Acceptance - Franklin Police Department, $300 (Motion to Approve Resolution 19-75 - Majority Vote (5))
motion to approve, seconded, passed 9-0
  • b. Resolution 19-76: Gift Acceptance - Franklin Police Department, $15 (Motion to Approve Resolution 19-76 - Majority Vote (5))
motion to approve, seconded, passed 9-0
  • c. Resolution 19-77: Adopt the Town Council Procedures Manual (Motion to Adopt Resolution 19-77 - Majority Vote (5))
annual exercise is appropriate, other discussion on line item for budget and meeting notifications not applicable to this doc; being handled elsewhere

motion to approve, seconded, passed 9-0
  • d. Resolution 19-78: Establish Town Council Standing Subcommittees (Motion to approve Resolution 19-78- Majority Vote (5))
annual procedure to reauthorize these standard subcommittee

motion to approve, seconded, passed 9-0

a. Collective Bargaining

i. I request a motion that the Board vote to convene in Executive Session for the purpose of discussing strategy with respect to collective bargaining, because an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the Board.
motion to move to executive session, to return to open meeting
motion made, seconded, passed 9-0 (via role call)

Council back in order 9:44 PM
  • e. Resolution 19-79: Ratification of Public Library Staff Association Contract (Motion to Approve Resolution 19-79 - Majority Vote (5))
motion to approve, seconded, passed 9-0

blue bottles; councilor Kelly came up with idea saving money instead of buying water for the folks to use at each meeting

first week of clothing recycling, 3,000 lbs recycled in first

Bissanti - to explore zoning issues going forward

there is concern on water quality, another way to help with storm water

Kelly - we have EDC but we have nothing on residential, consider a fourth for residential zoning, let's set the policy (we already do) but monitor and watch and encourage

Pellegri - let's discuss getting the CPA for a consideration to bring to the voters

Dellorco - charter review possible to start

Bissanti - thanks for restoring me to the Council, I listened and they listened to me too. My views are changed on housing, I am glad Councilor Kelly said what he did. I am all for us slowing growth, inclusionary growth, 

condolences to the Chilson family

Earl - thanks for all those who did come out to vote

Kelly - condolences to the Chilson family as well
congratulations to our Chair and ViceChair
Veterans Day celebration was fantastic, thanks to Dale and his help for what they do
can we get an update on those roads with raised casting that need to get done

Chandler - thank you to all family, friends and all the voters who came out
I was quiet tonight and I am get my feet wet
my heart goes out to the Worcester fire fighters for loosing one of their own

Hamblen - echo my fellow councilors thanking the voters, thanks to Brutus Kate and Jean, I am sure we will see them again
a winters farmers market coming once a month; Fairmount Fruit Farm celebrates 100 years

Pellegri - if you have anything to help us get the voters out, let me know
thanks to the Rod and Gun club, breakfast once a month
Distinguished Young Women meeting at YMCA on Monday

Jones - echoing thanks to the voters, we held our ground on the weather
it is a big deal to cast your vote
one of my hopes we could consider putting together a committee on communications, we need to have a clear focus to address this, pair with the School Committee and our new comms person

Dellorco - thanks to the voters for coming out
thanks for the opportunity to be ViceChair

Mercer - I would be remiss if I didn't thank the voters for coming out, I am not sure i would call it a fun day, it was a long day
thanks to Councilor Kelly for those years as chair and vice char, we have a lot of work to do
I see this group as equal to the task

Thanks to the veterans group and lodge of Elks for their support
condolences to the CHilson family


motion to adjourn

Two-Thirds Vote: requires 6 votes
Majority Vote: requires majority of members present and voting

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