Monday, October 4, 2021

60 Minutes "a betrayal of democracy" leads to decision that Franklin Matters Facebook page to go away Dec 1, 2021

60 Minutes (@60Minutes) tweeted at 7:42 PM on Sun, Oct 03, 2021:

"The version of Facebook that exists today is tearing our societies apart and causing ethnic violence around the world," says former Facebook employee France Haugen. She points to Myanmar, where the military used Facebook to launch a genocide.
Find the full 60 Minutes segment here -> 

Shared from Twitter:

Note: this is a continuation of the revelations about Facebook since the  Cambridge Analytica scandal. in 2018  I attempted to remove Franklin Matters updates from Facebook at that time and the readers, followers on Facebook created an uproar so I stayed reluctantly.

As a data security and privacy professional I can no longer condone the Facebook business model. Effective Dec 1, 2021 the Franklin Matters Facebook page will go away. You are given notice to find one of the other options to obtain the valuable information shared but not longer directly by me on Facebook.

Someone can also set up a way to take what I share and share it themselves to Facebook. I have no way to stop that. Folks occasionally do so on their own today.

My personal account will remain on Facebook to maintain my family and network connections. I have limited what is posted and shared in that way and am willing to take the risk to maintain those family connections.

I can no longer take the risk exposing your information in this way. Facebook needs to change and only actions like this will get their attention to do so.

Why Dec 1?
The Franklin election is important and as divisive as Facebook is, for those who depend upon it for info, I will provide some time for them to begin to make their move to one of the alternatives.

If you need or want help setting up email or RSS, I'll offer to schedule a Zoom session (or two) to walk through the process. Let me know if you are interested via email or comment on this post.

Reference points on Facebook data leaks
Mark Hurst's Good Report also has a listing on RSS Readers to add to what I shared here.

Franklin Matters Facebook page to go away Dec 1, 2021

012 - Frank Presents - Alan Earls (audio)

"In this episode, Frank Falvey sits down with Alan Earls to discuss his candidacy for Town Council, his background and the changes he'd like to see come to the town of Franklin."

Audio file ->

012 - Frank Presents - Alan Earls  (audio)
 012 - Frank Presents - Alan Earls  (audio)

Veterans October Coffee Social - Oct 6 - 10 AM

October Coffee Social

Join us Wednesday, October 6 at 10:00 a.m.


Wednesday ▪ October 6 ▪ 10:00 A.M.  
Per Town policy, please bring proof of vaccination to the Social. 

Veterans October Coffee Social - Oct 6 - 10 AM
Veterans October Coffee Social - Oct 6 - 10 AM

Welcome - a little fall house cleaning is in order

Welcome - Let's take a couple of minutes to provide a quick review of what you find here: 

Across the top Navigation menu or or

If you haven't already Subscribed; please do, you will receive only one email per day with all that matters.

Why Franklin Matters - why I started this in 2006/2007 and have been at it since

Meeting notes: the archive on meeting notes and audio recordings for meetings going back to 2008. If interested, a link to the 2007 archives is also available.

wfpr.rm podcasts, or play anywhere Radio shows. The link to each podcast as well as the most current episode of each can be found on the page in alphabetical order.

The Franklin Matters Radio archives grow regularly as recordings of meetings and interviews are posted.

Among the radio shows posted there are some regular series

  • Talk Franklin - a regular discussion with Town Administrator Jamie Hellen

  • Town Council Quarterbacking with Chair Tom Mercer - a post meeting recap

  • Interviews with candidates for the Franklin local election (every two years)

  • Audio segments of meetings and events recorded, many of them shared via radio

  • If you look for an episode and find a broken link, please let me know. I did change podcast hosts in February 2021. Links prior to that may be in the older format and I can’t update them all easily. They are available and I will do them as you need them.

Key links - a page with collections of writing around a topic. For example the “Election Collections” for each local election since 2007 are available

Community Events - built upon the “Cultural Calendar”, this adds the other community events to provide a more holistic view of what is happening. The Town and School official meetings are maintained on their respective calendars.

  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors

  • If you don't like something here, please let me know

Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Franklin, MA: Town Council - Agenda - Oct 6, 2021

Agenda & Meeting Packet
October 6, 2021 - 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held at the Municipal Building
2nd floor, Council Chambers 355 East Central Street 

a. This meeting is being recorded by Franklin TV and shown on Comcast channel 11 and Verizon Channel 29. This meeting may be recorded by others.
b. Chair to Identify members participating remotely.

a. Citizens are welcome to express their views for up to five minutes on a matter that is not on the agenda. The Council will not engage in a dialogue or comment on a matter raised during Citizen Comments. The Town Council will give remarks appropriate consideration and may ask the Town Administrator to review the matter.

a. September 1, 2021
b. September 15, 2021

a. Franklin Cultural Council - 2021 Cultural Fest

a. Susan Younis - Municipal Affordable Housing Trust
b. Candice Narsasian - Cultural District Committee
c. Anne Bergen - Franklin TV Board of Directors
d. Ken Norman - Franklin TV Board of Directors

6. HEARINGS - 7:10pm - None Scheduled

7. LICENSE TRANSACTIONS - None scheduled


a. Franklin School Department Update to Town Council: Dr. Sara Ahern, Superintendent of Schools
b. American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Plan: Jamie Hellen, Town Administrator

a. Capital Budget Subcommittee
b. Budget Subcommittee
c. Economic Development Subcommittee

a. Resolution 21-54: A Resolution  Adopting the Town  of Franklin 2021  Housing Production Plan  (Motion to Approve Resolution 21-54 - Majority Vote)
b. Resolution 21-55: Gift Acceptance - Veterans Department, $1000 (Motion to Approve Resolution 21-55 - Majority Vote)
c. Resolution 21-56:Gift Acceptance - Conservation Commission, $1000 (Motion to Approve Resolution 21-56 - Majority Vote)
d. Resolution 21-57: Gift Acceptance - Town of Franklin, Dog Park Gazebo (Motion to Approve Resolution 21-57 - Majority Vote)
e. Resolution 21-58: Cable Funds in Support of PEG Service and Programming per MGL Ch. 44, §53F3/4 (Motion to Approve Resolution 21-58 - Majority Vote)




14. EXECUTIVE SESSION - None Scheduled


Two-Thirds Vote: requires 6 votes
Majority Vote: requires majority of members present and voting

Franklin, MA: Town Council  - Agenda - Oct 6, 2021
Franklin, MA: Town Council  - Agenda - Oct 6, 2021

Harvest Festival - a successful sunny day in Franklin (photo essay)

There were hundreds, maybe thousands, of folks walking downtown, along Main St, along Depot St, enjoying music at the Dean Ave corner (Dancin' on Dean), along the Rockland Trust parking lot, into THE BLACK BOX parking lot, crossing West Central St to the Historical Museum. How do you count that kind of crowd? Forget about counting, just enjoy it!

some of the early crowd along Main St
some of the early crowd along Main St

State Rep Jeff Roy decked out for Ben Gardner's boat
State Rep Jeff Roy decked out for Ben Gardner's boat

Fire Dept was visible, they will have their own October fire safety open house Saturday, Oct 9 from 10 AM to 2 PM
Fire Dept. was visible, they will have their own October fire safety open house Saturday, Oct 9 from 10 AM to 2 PM

a 'meta' moment, Pete shares a photo with Chris, while I take theirs
a 'meta' moment, Pete shares a photo with Chris, while I take theirs

vendor booths were plentiful, including newly open Fresh Start Market
vendor booths were plentiful, including newly open Fresh Start Market

activities for families ran the gamut including painting pumpkins at Agways' booth
activities for families ran the gamut including painting pumpkins at Franklin Agway booth

the only time the food court tables were empty was when they were set up
the only time the food court tables were empty was when they were set up

Thanks to the Franklin Downtown Partnership and to the many hands that made this such a success!

Franklin, MA School Committee meeting - Sep 28, 21 - Audio in two parts

FM #617-618 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 617-618 in the series. 

This session of the radio show shares the Franklin, MA School Committee meeting held on Tuesday, September 28, 2021.

The meeting was conducted in a hybrid format: the School Committee members were in the Municipal Bldg along with some of the public, other members of the public joined via conference bridge, all to adhere to the ‘social distancing’ requirements of this pandemic period.

The recording runs about two hour and twenty minutes (2 hour 20 minutes), so I split the meeting into two segments:

  • First - covers the opening, the citizens comments, the introduction of Lily Rivera, and the DLI Team presentation and update (~1 hour 4 mins)

  • Second - covers the Discussion Action items, the Discussion Only items, the consent agenda, through to the closing of the meeting (~1 hour 15 mins)

Links to the meeting agenda and associated documents released for this meeting are included in the show notes. The link to my notes taken during the meeting is also provided.

Let’s listen to this segment of the School Committee meeting Sep 28, 2021


Part 1 ->

Part 2 ->


School Committee Agenda doc (including connection info) -> 

Agenda folder -> 

My notes captured during the meeting


We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio ( or 102.9 on the Franklin area radio dial.  

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.


How can you help?

  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors

  • If you don't like something here, please let me know

Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.

For additional information, please visit or

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana"  c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.

I hope you enjoy!


You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"


Digital Learning Integrationist (DLI) Team
Digital Learning Integrationist (DLI) Team

011 - Frank Presents - Andy Bissanti (audio)

"In this episode, Frank Falvey sits down with Town Councilor Andy Bissanti to discuss his background, the current real estate market in Franklin, the changes coming to town, the budget and so much more."

Audio file ->

011 - Frank Presents - Andy Bissanti (audio)
 011 - Frank Presents - Andy Bissanti (audio)

Franklin TV: view "Frank Presents" candidate interviews

Franklin TV will be broadcasting Frank Presents, the Frank Falvey candidate interviews on the All Access Channel. 

6:30 pm Frank Presents: Alan Earls
7:00 pm Frank Presents: Andy Bissanti
7:30 pm Frank Presents: Jane Callaway-Tripp
7:30 pm Frank Presents: Alan Earls
8:00 pm Frank Presents: Andy Bissanti
8:30 pm Frank Presents: Jane Callaway-Tripp
9:00:00 am Frank Presents: Alan Earls
9:30 am Frank Presents: Andy Bissanti
10:00 am Frank Presents: Jane Callaway-Tripp

For the full TV and radio schedule ->

Or go to, Select "Past Shows" and then "Live", then "Play" and you'll view what is on the cable channel at that time.

Franklin TV:  view "Frank Presents" candidate interviews
Franklin TV:  view "Frank Presents" candidate interviews

Boston Globe: "Behind the state’s school masking policy: a collision of science and politics"

"Opponents of school mask mandates have often been louder and more insistent than supporters — even though polls suggest they’re in the minority. Parent groups opposed to making students wear masks in school have filed at least six lawsuits across Massachusetts to stop the policy.

Now, internal state e-mails suggest that anti-masking activists are having a significant impact on the Baker administration, which has resisted full compliance with federal guidance that students should wear masks at school even if they’ve been vaccinated. Current policy will soon allow schools with high vaccination rates to drop mask requirements for vaccinated students and staff.

The determination to follow this middle path may be in part political. When a Massachusetts General Hospital doctor asked in an e-mail why the state was not following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance, a top state health official was blunt: pressure."
Continue reading the article online. (Subscription maybe required)

Boston Globe: "Behind the state’s school masking policy: a collision of science and politics"
Boston Globe: "Behind the state’s school masking policy: a collision of science and politics"

Saturday, October 2, 2021

010 - Frank Presents - Jane Callaway-Tripp (audio)

"In this episode, Frank Falvey sits down with Jane Callaway-Tripp, a candidate for the Town Council in the town of Franklin, to discuss her campaign, her beliefs and the changes she'd like to bring to town."

Audio link ->


010 - Frank Presents - Jane Callaway-Tripp (audio)
010 - Frank Presents - Jane Callaway-Tripp (audio)

Community Preservation Committee Meeting - Agenda - Oct 5, 2021

Community Preservation Committee Meeting
Agenda & Meeting Packet
October 5, 2021 - 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held at the Municipal Building
2nd Floor, Council Chambers 355 East Central Street


1. Approval of Minutes for 9/21/21, 9/29/21 and 10/1/21.
2. Discussion on the following topics:
a. Schedule required public hearings
b. Development of the required Community Preservation Act Plan
c. Discussion on process, timeline and forms to solicit public input. 


cupola at the Franklin Historical Museum, a possible future project for CPC funds
cupola at the Franklin Historical Museum, a possible future project for CPC funds

The Franklin Voters Guide is available

The Franklin Voters Guide is a "work in progress". 

"The Franklin Area Voting Guide is intended to be a non-partisan resource created by private individuals to allow the people of Franklin, Massachusetts, and surrounding communities to cast an educated vote on issues that impact our community.

Information contained in this guide is provided by candidates and taken verbatim from their survey responses, or sourced from candidate websites/social media accounts, public statements, town halls, and past achievements."

It is a collaborative effort: 

  • As the Franklin Matters interviews (email and audio) are completed, they are being shared there. 
  • Frank Falvey, is recording interviews with candidates. Those audio files will be part of the Voter Guide repository. 
So do we have everyone accounted for yet? No
  • There are some candidates completed and there are some in the edit/publishing mix
  • There are candidates with interviews scheduled for next week 
  • There are candidates working to confirm the scheduled for their interviews 
And yes, there are some that have not yet reached out to either the folks behind the Voters Guide or Frank Falvey, or myself to provide information to share.
What can you do between now and the time you cast your vote
  • Read up on what the candidates have shared
  • If you find a candidate, who doesn't have info, prompt them to reach out to get their info into the mix
  • If you find a candidate you want to follow up with on a topic or two, the info to contact them is available with what they have published. Go for it. Don't be bashful

If you haven't registered to vote, please do so by October 13. 
Absentee ballot applications are available. 
Vote by mail applications are available. 

Early voting in the Town Clerk's office will be available once the printed ballots are available (possibly the week of Oct 12).
Early voting is scheduled for Saturday, Oct 23 and Sunday, Oct 24 from 10 AM to 1 PM on both days.

On of course, all precincts vote at Franklin High School on Nov 2, 2021 from 6:00 AM to 8 PM.

The Franklin Voter Guide ->  

The Franklin Voters Guide is available
The Franklin Voters Guide is available

FHS football, field hockey, and volleyball teams post wins on Friday

Via @HockomockSports and Twitter, we share the results of the FHS fall sports action on Friday, Oct 1, 2021 

** Football = Mansfield, 10 @ Franklin, 28 – Final 
1st Quarter: (F) Jared Arone 54-yard pass to Shane Kindred, Garrett Portesi XP good.
2nd Quarter: (F) J. Arone 8-yard pass to Grayson Hunter, G. Portesi XP good; (M) Drew Sacco 1-yard rush, James Gilleran XP good.
3rd Quarter: (M) J. Gilleran 30-yard field goal; (F) J. Arone 41-yard pass to Will Tracey, G. Portesi XP good.
4th Quarter: (F) J. Arone 34-yard pass to Jonathan Martins, G. Portesi XP good.

For more about the FHS football game ->

** Field Hockey = Franklin, 8 @ Milford, 0 – Final
– Franklin scored twice in each the first and second quarters and put it out of reach with three more in the third in a win on the road at Milford. Kaitlyn Carney scored four goals and had one assist to pace the offense, getting assists from Sophia Cuneo, Ella Aldred, and Ella Mahoney while Kendall Jones scored twice in the win (one assisted by Haley Wernig). Sydney Rogan tacked on a pair of second quarter goals for the Panthers.

Varsity wins 8-0 vs Milford Scoring: Kendall J 2G…Kaitlyn C 4G 1A Top hat… Sydney R 2G Haley W 1A.. Sophia C 1A..Ella A 1A.. Ella M 1 A.. Megan S & Chloe S combined Shutout in Goal!! We are now 8-0!!

9-0 JV WIN over Milford. Emma T Top hat, Chloe E 1G 2A, Brooke T 1G 1A, Julia F 1A, Fales 1A , Kenzie B 1G, Wosny 1G, Lauren D 1G,, Ella G 1G.  Shutout #8 for our Chloe S and Megan S.

** Volleyball = Franklin, 3 @ Milford, 1 – Final
– Milford fought hard to avoid the sweep with a win in the third set but Franklin proved to be too much as the Panthers secured a 3-1 (25-16, 25-22, 20-25, 25-16) win over the Hawks. Junior Meghan Linkkila anchored the defense with 15 digs and had a strong showing at the service line with seven aces while sophomore Taylor Lacerda was nearly unstoppable at the net with 19 kills to go along with 11 digs and a pair of aces.

For other results around the Hockomock League

A great day for Unified Basketball with our friends from Milford

We are the Unified Athletic Teams of Franklin High School. We are proud members of the Special Olympics Unified Champion School Program.
We are the Unified Athletic Teams of Franklin High School. We are proud members of the Special Olympics Unified Champion School Program. "Franklin Continues Perfect Start By Beating Mansfield"

Josh Perry, the Managing Editor of, provides the game recap of Friday night's action in Franklin.

"It was only seven months ago that Franklin traveled to Alumni Field to open the Fall II season. The Panthers were a young team learning the ropes against a senior-laden, highly-experienced Mansfield squad filled with Super Bowl-winning talent.

When the two teams met on Friday night at Pisini Stadium, the roles were reversed. Now it was the Panthers that had the experience and they took advantage at every opportunity. Jared Arone (9-for-13, 206 yards) tossed four touchdown passes and the Panthers beat Mansfield 28-10. in front of a packed house.

It was Franklin’s first win against the Hornets since going undefeated in the 2009 regular season. It also ended Mansfield’s 19-game win streak, which had been the longest active streak in the state.

“We had a normal summer, a normal weight program, a normal training camp where we could meet and walk through and do all the things that you’re supposed to do and we let our kids just be kids this year finally,” said Franklin coach Eian Bain about the growth of his team over the past few months. “I think they’ve grown a lot as people, as men, as students, as players.”
Continue reading the article online

For a photo gallery from this game

Jonathan Martins celebrates after catching a fourth quarter touchdown pass to seal Franklin’s first win against Mansfield since 2009. (Josh Perry/
Jonathan Martins celebrates after catching a fourth quarter touchdown pass to seal Franklin’s first win against Mansfield since 2009. (Josh Perry/