Saturday, November 5, 2011

FCC to hold first nationwide emergency alert test

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via The Milford Daily News News RSS by GateHouse Media, Inc. on 11/4/11

The Federal Communications Commission will hold its first nationwide Emergency Alert System test at 2 p.m. on Wednesday Nov. 9.

Things you can do from here:

Related post:
The Franklin Police had sent out their notification which includes a link to the national announcement

Friday, November 4, 2011

Glenn Jones answers 3 questions

Glenn Jones is running for his second term on the Town Council. We got together recently to discuss these three questions. Glenn admits he may not be the most analytical guy around the budget but he is really community oriented and does what he can to help.

FM - Tell me a bit about yourself, your family and your life here in Franklin?

GJ - I have lived in Franklin now for a little over thirteen years. A little after we moved here, we had our first daughter, Dakota, then along came Jillian, Simon, Rebecca, and lastly Sabrina was born in February. We live right here in the center of town. We enjoy it here. It is where the activities are. We have embraced Franklin as our home. Our children have as well. To move now, would be very disheartening to them.

In the 13 years we have been here, I have always been interested in how the inside works. I was reading an article in the Franklin Gazette about a 2.5% override. The year before we had just passed one and I like others around were asking, if we just passed one, why do we need another? Not truly understanding the inner workings of all that, I decided to get myself involved. So I started researching the committees and boards and the Council to get a better feel for how the government of Franklin works. After doing all that I decided to run for Town Council and two years ago this November, I successfully won a seat on the Council.

Since winning my seat on the Council. I have been successful at working with other councilors. Tina Powderly and I worked together to put together the Economic Development Summit at the former Putnam space. We had almost 90 people participate in showcasing what the town has to offer. To give an example of the tax incentives the town has, we just recently had a high technology company (Hamilton Technologies) decide to relocate and expand a facility in the Forge Park Industrial area. My hope when it comes to the business side of the town is to try and continue attracting businesses and corporations to help bring their jobs here.

From the beginning when I first ran for TC and if I continue on the Council, I want to find new and interesting ways to create jobs for the residents here in Franklin. If that means continuing to be the ‘poster child’ for the town’s incentives by promoting and advertising the type of benefits that Franklin has to offer, I will continue to do that.

Another advocacy thing I have for the Council is communication. I am big on communication. Being able to let the residents know what is going on around town. What are the schools doing, what is the DPW doing, what is the Town Administrator doing, what are the Councilors up to? That is the topic of the day. Making sure that the residents get that information to the best of our ability. As we have discussed the past couple of years, that might mean improving the cable access program, having better communication with the local newspapers and getting that information out there or having more public forums for residents to come and hear all of what is happening around town whether it be zoning issues, or one of the major topics that I am hoping gets expressed more is all the downtown changes that are coming. For the past couple of years, we’ve been talking about and finally approved the traffic flow changes for downtown. Setting up a good logistical system so that the residents will know what is happening downtown as the construction starts and progresses so they don’t just run into a road block or that the businesses get affected. One of the most important things the town can do for the residents is to effectively communicate.

So I am big on communication and job creation and the other major thing I am big on is community involvement. People getting involved in their community, whether it is volunteering for the Food Pantry or the community gardens, helping out chidlren’s activities whether school based or not, volunteering is big. We need to promote the overall health and well being of the community. I might not be big into the numbers around the budget but I am big into the people and letting the people know about what their concerns are. I’ll do whatever I can do in my capacity as councilor to help the residents of the town. I am a big supporter of the schools, always have been, always will be, hence my bias for our children.

I grew up in a family of educators. My mom was a teacher, my sister is a teacher. I am learning to get licensed to be a teacher in my trade (electrician). Education is probably without a doubt THE most important thing we can do for our community and our country as a whole. Keeping our children well educated will ultimately help the United States and our community be a key player in the world and global economy. It all starts with education.

FM - What experience or background will help you to serve in this role? or What do you think makes you a good candidate to fulfill this role?

GJ - To answer what makes me a significant candidate for this particular role in town government, I carry no special interests, I don’t bring a bias to the table, and I have no personal political agendas. My feelings have been and always will be to remain a solid voice for the people. To be part of a group that can work collaboratively, potentially make all the right decisions, as a dedicated representative of the people of Franklin.

FM - What do you see as your role’s biggest challenge and do you have any suggestions on how we can resolve it?

GJ - The biggest challenge as a councilor, in my opinion, is trying to get the population as a whole to understand the nuances and the details of the town budget, of the school committee, of the tax base, and of all the services the town has to offer the residents. We kind of exist in our own bubble. Like I equated before, when I read the article on the override, not knowing how the insides worked, then finding out how those insides worked, that was kind of a unique thing. I don’t think too many people really try to go out of their way to find out what is truly going on.

I think to shorten my answer, being able to effectively communicate the everyday goings on of the Town of Franklin’s government to the people so that they have a better understanding, a clear understanding, as to what exactly is going on. And to be able to answer their questions as effectively and efficiently as I can. Now that being said, as a councilor we are obviously restricted as to what we can or cannot answer and most questions that the people have are directed to the Town Administrator and or to the Department heads. First and foremost we are legislators, we set the policy, approve the bylaws, we are not in operations, we set the budget, we are not the complaint department, although I welcome complaints if they are having difficulty getting an answer from a specific department or the Town Administrator..I like to think of us as the last stop. The most important thing a resident can do is to ask questions. Ask questions about their services, questions about their government, about the how their children, and family, and taxes are being treated. And reaching out to us and letting us know.

Understand that I don’t go into this understanding that I am just sitting in a chair taking up space. I am here with an obligation that I put myself in. Because I wanted to. I care and love this community to the point that I am going to put my best efforts and my best foot forward to help the Town of Franklin be the town that it really deserves to be. And that is really what it boils down to.

From my experience as electrician and as an engineer, stepping out to the surroundings and walking around to see the various parts, being able to evaluate it from the outside. And to look at all the parts from the inside and say, these in and of themselves are systems. The whole thing together makes up this community. I have the ability and mind to look at the various components and to understand, to some degree, how they all work, and how they all come make up one thing. I don’t look at the town that much different than that. The town has all its various systems, all its various communities, all its various neighborhoods. What it boils down to at the end of the day is to having a fair and unbiased desire to service all of the various parts that make the whole work. I think I understand that more than most people do. I understand that from an engineering perspective.

Additional information on Glenn’s campaign can be found here and here

Note: We also did this two years ago. If you’d like to see what was said then, check out this

Quick favor to ask, need your help with a vote for our causes, only 4 days left!

Hi my friends and colleagues,

We've been invited to a Boston- based PR event called Mass Innovation Nights, which represents a great opportunity to spread the word about the Confidence Beads and for our causes.

Only (4) participants will have the chance to "pitch" their product, and it is based on votes.

If you haven't already, please go to, select the "VOTE" button and then Confidence Beads.

There are some pretty cool products there as well to check out, which you might enjoy learning about!

Please feel free to share this out to your networks on FB, Twitter or LinkedIn as well, THANK SO MUCH!!

PS, We can also vote from smartphones J

Linda Waters
Back to Business LLC
office: 508-520-4100


Note: I have known Linda Waters for a couple of years. She has graciously assisted with Job Search Jam Sessions by delivering an excellent session for 2 of our events. Her Confidence Beads help raise money for important causes. She recently worked with the Bruins Foundation to create "Believe" which raises money for the Foundation to meet its mission “enhancing the quality of life for children in our community.”

Action: J F Kennedy Playground and the Pepsi Refresh Grant

Hi Steve,

As education budgets continue to shrink nationwide, the Pepsi Refresh Project is giving grassroots organizations opportunities to improve their communities.  Our school, J F Kennedy Elementary in Franklin, MA is trying to build an inclusive playground so that all children can play together in our community.  We are hoping that you can tell your readers how they can easily help J F Kennedy Elementary School win $50,000 grant to build an inclusive playground.  Our playground will have slides, climbing structures, ramps for access, and sensory panels for children with sensory integration concerns so that all children can play together.
Starting now through Nov. 30th you can help support our children by voting for our idea "Building an inclusive playground so all children can play together" at

Anyone 13 years of age and older can vote once a day via the internet and text for the idea they believe is most deserving of a grant.   The top ten ideas that receive the highest number of votes, in our category of education/$50,000 will be awarded thegrant.

Here are three easy steps you and your readers can take to help our community get a new inclusive playground.

1.      Vote online
1.      Log on to
2.      Register to Vote
3.      Vote for "Building an inclusive playground so all children can play together" once every day!
4.      Spread the word!
2.      Text to vote - Text* 109738 to Pepsi (73774) to vote from your mobile (standard texting charges apply)
3.      Downloading the Pepsi Refresh Project App for the iPhone or Android and using it to vote.

We hope you'll share the story and link with your readers to help make a difference in our community. Please let us know if you have additional questions?

Best Regards
Tisha Arffa
Kennedy Playground Committee

Question: Who can help with blueberry bushes?

Hey Steve,

I recently found your site and as a long-time resident of Franklin, I love it! I have a quick question........ Do you know of any site (perhaps even yours) which connects people who need some work with homeowners like me who need help? I'm very able bodied but I have a few specialized tasks which I need help with (trimming blueberry bushes, etc) . I've tried Craigslist but I'd rather stay with someone local who needs some cash.

Wanted: Able bodied Franklinite who has experience in gardening (particularly Blueberry bushes) to teach/help me trim a patch of Blueberry bushes.  I will pay for your time.

Just tossing it out there.  I am community minded myself.  In fact, I am going to be at Dacey Field this Saturday helping dig fence post holes for the new Dog Park ( ).  Again, thanks for the reply and if it's not something you want to add on to your site, no problem!  I just figured that there are people in town who need help with things and people who have the time/talent who may be out of work or whatnot.  I've been on both sides of that equation.


Dave Wolfe


In the News - Delfino

Meet the Franklin Candidate: Charles Delfino Jr., constable

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Jeffrey Roy answers 3 questions

Jeffrey Roy submitted his answers to the three questions:

FM - Tell me a bit about yourself, your family and your life here in Franklin?

JR - I have been a trial lawyer in Boston, Massachusetts for the last 25 years. Locally, I have been a member of the School Committee for the last 10 years, and have served as the Chairman for nine of those 10 years. I have also served as a member of Franklin's Horace Mann School Building Committee, and as an elected Town Meeting Member in Milford, Massachusetts.

I am married to Maureen Roy and have two daughters (ages 21 and 18) and a son (age 15). All of my children were educated in the Franklin Public Schools. My oldest daughter currently attends Bates College in Lewiston, ME, and my other daughter is a freshman at Boston College. My son is a sophomore at Franklin High.

I am a 1986 cum laude graduate of Boston College Law School in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. I received my undergraduate degree from Bates College in Lewiston, Maine in 1983, where I served as Editor-in-Chief of the Bates Student newspaper. In addition, I received engineering training at Worcester Polytechnic Institute from 1979 to 1981 and one year of legal training at DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois.

After growing up in Milford, I moved to Franklin in 1986 and this has been our family home for the last 25 years.

2 - What experience or background will help you to serve in this role? or What do you think makes you a good candidate to fulfill this role?

JR - I spent the last 10 years working with the Franklin School Committee and enjoyed the challenges of working in municipal government. I am proud of the accomplishments made by the Franklin Public Schools team over the past 10 years and I will bring that spirit of hard work and commitment to the Council. In addition, as a trial lawyer, I am a problem solver. I will bring those skills to the table to address issues that we will face on the Town Council.

I have put together a website at which more fully articulates my vision and priorities for this community and details why I am running for Town Council.

3 - What do you see as your role’s biggest challenge and do you have any suggestions on how we can resolve it?

JR - From a big-picture perspective, funding for education, public safety, public works, and our other town services is the biggest challenge. Addressing that will require strategic planning. Strategic planning will invite us to visit the questions of who we are and what we want for our community. The Town Council should do everything in its power to bolster and strengthen our programs in education, public safety, public works, and other town services. In addition, as a Town Council, we must develop policies that embrace economic development with the goal of creating jobs, attracting business, and improving our infrastructure. We also need to restore decorum and pledge fairness, integrity, and civility, not only in Town Council meetings, but also in all written and oral communications. Finally, we must deliver a Franklin High School building project that will serve this community and our students for a long time. The project was first advanced in 2005 and I am encouraged that the question will be presented to the voters in the near future. I will devote time, energy, and enthusiasm to completing this project.

Rail Trail Committee: Clean-Up Day and Grand Trunk Meeting

Just as a reminder, a SNETT clean-up day will take place this Saturday, November 5, 2011 from 8:00 to noon.  The clean-up will take place on the trail in Bellingham at the Lake St crossing.  For more details you can check the web site at or email Kathy Wicks at

Also, the Grand Truck Trail Blazers will hold a meeting tonight in Franklin at the YMCA at 7:00 pm.  Sorry for the late notice, but we were just informed of it.  You are welcome to attend.  See details below.

Finally, attached for your continued review is the list of potential new committee names and the mission statement. We will discuss both of these at the next meeting on Tuesday, November 8.  

----- Original Message -----
From: Scott B
Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2011 11:11 PM
Subject: GTTB Nov. meeting

Our November meeting of the Grand Trunk Trail Blazers will be at the Franklin YMCA at 45 Forge Hill Rd, tomorrow, Thursday, Nov 3rd at 7 pm.

Upcoming meetings are
December 1st at the Southbridge Police Station, 1 Mechanic St. 01550  7 pm
January 5th at the Palmer Library, 1455 N. Main St 01069  6 pm

Scott Benoit

FCRTC: Names and Mission Statement

"did not officially discuss or take action"

"This will allow us to staff a position that was eliminated last year," Fire Chief Gary McCarraher said. 
The town employs 44 firefighters, but, because of budget cuts, just nine - rather than the 10 needed - can been used at any one time. The department has been fully staffing only the station in the center of town, leading to increased response time for emergencies, McCarraher said. 
The money approved last night will go toward paying current firefighters to work more hours. The $85,000 comes from new growth, or extra tax revenue, councilors said. 
The budget amendment also included $8,000 for the Planning Board and $9,000 for the Board of Health, which would allow each to hire two temporary clerks working 16 hours per week.

Read more:

The full set of my notes from the Town Council meeting can be found here

In the News - Carroll, i495 region, power

Meet the Franklin Candidate: John Carroll, Planning Board

Meetings talk about growth in the Rte. 495 region

Power back for most local residents

Town Council - 11/02/11

The collection of posts reported live for the Town Council meeting held on Nov 2, 2011 can be found here

Live reporting - Closing

6th Annual Casino NIght - Nov 5th

Franklin Education Foundation’s 6th Annual Casino Night Planning is in Full Swing!

On Saturday, November 5, 2011, the Franklin Education Foundation (FEF) will hold its 6th Annual Casino Night at the Franklin Elks from 7:00 to 11:00 p.m. The event will feature Black Jack, Roulette and Money Wheel as well as raffles, a Silent Auction, a live band, cash bar and FREE hors d’oeuvres. The event is well known as a fun evening out with friends and neighbors, all while contributing to a worthwhile cause.

For the first time ever, FEF is thrilled to announce the addition of live music to our annual event. Guests will be treated to the amazing acoustic rock sounds of Ben Gardner's Boat, one of the areas most popular bands.

FEF is currently seeking table sponsors as well as auction donations. If you have an item to donate or if your company is interested in sponsoring, contact FEF. It’s a great way for local companies to show their commitment to education in Franklin.

Admission is $25. To avoid waiting in line at the door, advance ticket purchase is recommended. For ticket purchase, auction donation or sponsorship information, please contact Mike Doherty at (508) 541-3000 or Cash only accepted for chip purchase. Checks and Visa/MC accepted for Silent Auction items. For more information visit

Since 1997, The Franklin Education Foundation events have raised well over $200,000 which has been distributed to Franklin public schools in the form of special grants. All Franklin Public School staff members are eligible to submit creative, innovative ideas for programs or activities that would not traditionally be funded by tax dollars. To see a list of programs FEF have funded over the years, visit

38th Annual Craft Fair on Saturday, Nov 12

The Franklin Newcomers and Friends Club will hold its 38th Annual Craft Fair on Saturday,
November 12th from 9 am to 4 pm at Tri-County Regional Vocational Technical High School in
Franklin, MA.

Admission will be $3.00 per person, children 12 and under are free. The club
proudly supports the Franklin Food Pantry and will be accepting non-perishable food donations
at the fair.

This year’s annual tradition will feature over 60 crafters offering hand made and unique items for
every style and budget including: art, photography, baskets, candles, kids and adult clothing and
accessories, jewelry, ceramics, ornaments, handbags, holiday décor, and much, much more!

The Franklin Newcomers Club is a social and charitable club for area residents. The majority of
the proceeds from the Craft Fair will benefit local organizations. For more information, visit

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Live reporting - Closing

The mailbox is our policy not the council's. If the mailbox is on our property, it is not our responsibly to replace it

Whalen - do we have new drivers? 4 in a row on my street got struck,  if it is a more significant amount will they take more care?
Nutting - we don't do it intentionally, I don't think so.

Mason - if we made the driver replace the boxes they hit, the number would go way down.
Kelly - I spoke to Brutus last year, it is not the Town drivers I have a problem with, it is the private drivers that cause the problems

Kelly - the situation that is going on needs to get fixed.

Nutting - moving on, the list of thanks for the storm is endless. The police, fire, recreation, dozens of volunteers. We were fresh off Irene and we had lessons learned, we are learning more. National Grid kept us in the loop with a daily update around new. About 200 left now, mostly around Vine St.

We had more phone calls, we are not the utility, we can get a new utility. If you haven't signed up for the ConnectCTY, give us your email and phone numbers, we can reach out to folks during tough times

Depot St parking lot will be open tomorrow, the construction has progressed.
Thanks to the outgoing councilors for your effort and dedication

New councilor workshop next week at 7:00

Jones - reiterate to sign up for the ConnectCTY and get their cell phones as well as their house phones

McGann - to Mr Primo who is usually on the messages, sometimes we get Brutus... he sounds like Elmo. Can we give him an other job?

Vallee - I am getting phone calls on the high school, can you give us an update?
Nutting - FAQs on web, forum on Nov 18th at Horace Mann to cover all the items
architect is in design, looking to get to MSBA for Jan meeting, assuming approved, then debt exclusion question would be needed in Mar, if Jan isn't approved then the schedule could back up 2 months.

McGann - I want to go back to last week's meeting. I don't want to get miss understood. I did not mean it when I said the teachers were lucky to have a job. I hope the ones tonight will understand. It was not a negative remark. I'll go a little bit further as I may not be hear next week.

Back in June, we the sitting council approved the SchCom budget, never once was in mentioned that there were built in raises. I won't speak for the FinCom, they interpreted the budget the same way we did. We had asked all bargaining units to hold the line. And the SchCom did not. Mr Chairman, you asked that this council move this matter over to the new council.

We were the council
we approved the budget
we were the ones mislead
we have to answer the other bargaining units
I had to answer to emails of residents and town employees

to defer this to the new council is wrong, to me it doesn't make any sense
the money isn't there, there will be layoff, they will have to figure out how to fund it
the raises were given and they are not coming back

the SchCom did what they thought was in the best interest.
I have not heard where the money is coming from

Pfeffer - presents an award plaque to Mason for his service

Powderly - I do support the need, I think the procedural requirements could have been better prepared.
Thanks for the response to help during the storm
Thanks for the help Mason, Whalen and Zollo for their years of service, they approached each decision with integrity and honest. They have taught me to navigate the bylaws and charters. Their collected and reasonable approach has been thanked,

Zollo - public thanks to his family for their patience being here has been more than he anticipated. Reasonable people can differ on issues.
I view the biggest accomplishment was the ability to participate in a successful override. There was a collective approach to it. It was a successful collective effort. I do believe the others were needed. The biggest disappointment was the ability to motive a number of people to get involved in the process.
If we break 20% next week, it will be unusual. This has more importance that other day in and day out effect.

I think the biggest issue other than the on going budget is going to be this high school. I would urge everyone to concentrate on it and focus on it. Nothing else will impact the town as much as this will.

Wish all the candidates good luck,hope you are able to perform your duties with a sense of purpose and humility

McGann - thanks to Jeff, Maxine, Mark for all your help. I recognize this sitting as a family and I have been the runt of the family. There is one gentleman sitting here, and we have differed, he is not running. I find him to be the most intelligent, he knows numbers inside and out. Mr Whalen - I wish you were on the ballot for re-election, you are very knowledgeable. I wish you all the best. You brought a lot (Zollo).

I was going to say prospersous but the SchCom has already got the raise.

Kelly - thanks for your help, get out and vote

Jones - thanks to the so many people who helped on this crazy storm who helped get this under control. When I first joined this Council 2 years ago, I knew it was a volunteer position but did not realize how much. Thanks to Whalen, Zollo and Mason for all your hard work.

Vallee - The town is loosing three excellent councilors, thank you

Pfeffer - Ryan Jetty donated a new load timer for the Council to use. The other one was too old. Thanks to the three councilors for your service and involvement in t his adventure

Whalen - thanks for your kind words, it is humbling, being fortunate in being elected to 2 terms, the people are absolutely the best part of the job. To be consistent and some what redundant the town is slipping in level of services, I try to analyze it in any different way to improve those services. We are going to have to convince a majority of the voters to pay more out of their part in property taxes.

mason - six years ago I thought it would be fun to run and by 4 votes I got on the first time. I consider myself very luck to know and work with you. Volunteering is a noble cause. I encourage all our community to give back to our wonderful community. I want to thank you. I think we tend to take for granted what we have, take a look around.


O.EXECUTIVE SESSION – Negotiations, Litigation, Real Property, as May Be Required


Live reporting - Action items



1. Resolution 11-58: Appropriation: Library – Prior Year- Salaries
motion to approve, passed 9-0

2. Resolution 11-59: Appropriation: Recreation – Prior Year- Salaries
motion to waive reading, passed
motion to approve, passed 9-0

3. Resolution 11-60: Appropriation: OPEB Actuary Study
motion to approve, passed 9-0

to approve transfer from 'free cash', need to do this study every 2 years

4. Resolution 11-61: Appropriation: Nustyle Demolition
motion to approve, passed 9-0

checking on bids received, amount now 205,000 (was 160,000 at FinCom 10/11/11)
timeline for demolition, assuming contract award, 90 days after signed, possible late this spring

5. Resolution 11-62: Appropriation: Roads/Sidewalks/Drainage/Storm Water/Infrastructure
motion to approve, passed 9-0

from 'free cash', there is a huge backlog of roadwork here, if we vote this now, they can start planning for spring and summer work

Q - what will you do with this?
Nutting - some for drainage, some for roads, and design work. This won't do half of a single road.

Q - Are you open to suggest streets?
Nutting - I always listen to suggestions. You're on the list for 2014

I'll update the Council with the newest listing of road status. They update it during the winter. Pleasant St was 9 million alone

The State does between 150-200million for road work, we usually get 600-700,000
Roads have a useful life like everything else.

The critical streets alone were 15 million. We'll do crackseal, chip seal. Folks don't like it but it gets another 5-8 years out of road. Full depth reconstruction is what is incredibly expensive.

Item on the governors desk to allow for easier acceptance of subdivision roads

We did have a line item on the last override that would have funded a million a year and it was not passed. Again, folks are not willing to pay for what we need.

6. Resolution 11-63: Amendment of the FY 2012 Budget 
17,000 for additional planning board part time staff, doesn't change bottom line of the budget overall
Fire positions are based upon an analysis of the staffing by Chief McCarragher (copy of memo in full document set from town website) - the 85,000  should add positions to operate the remainder of the fiscal year.

There is additional new growth not identified earlier.

Mason - this money is not coming out of the Stabilization Account.
Nutting - any movement out of the Stabilization Account requires a 2/3 vote.

Powderly - I don't understand this way versus other times when we have made adjustments
Nutting - a lot of those are after the tax rate has been set. This is more inline with accounting perspective with the tax rate not set. In Feb if we need money for something, it won't look like this.

Pfeffer - Am I reading this correctly?
Nutting - there is known ovetime, and unknown (injuries, storms, etc.) Last year the fire dept lived on a grant of $135,000 that has expired. This year we cut a position and cut overtime. This is adding some of the OT back.

Pfeffer - I am not looking at changing this year, I am looking at long term

Pfeffer - are you going to be able to fill both ambulances
McCarragher - yes, it will we'll put the second ambulance back on and it will help us address response time for onsite.

McCarragher - last year we spent about 40-65,000 on OT for sick time. We are managing it. 

Vallee - it is not being abused?
McCarragher - no, we are working it the folks are good. On the job injuries are more costly than sick time. We have an aging workforce and we are starting to see an increase in our line of duty injuries.

7. Bylaw Amendment 11-665:Amendment to Chapter 82, Appendix A – List of Service Fee Rates 2nd Reading
Motion to pass, via roll call passed 9-0

allows fees for inspections, based upon the size of the project

McGann - an increase in planning board fees?
Nutting - a new fee, not an increase the developer will bear the cost.

McGann - What is the work force doing?
Nutting - We eliminated the position last spring

Live reporting - Town Council - 11/02/11

Present: Kelly, Jones, Vallee, Whalen, Mason, Pfeffer, McGann, Zollo, Powderly
Absent: none


The meeting is recorded by Verizon, Comcast and Franklin Matters


Vincent Magina - consider changing policy for $40 reimbursement for mailboxes destroyed by plows and trucks. Doesn't believe it is a fair reimbursement of a piece of my property that I have spent money on. Daughter hit another mailbox in an auto accident and was responsible for the full reimbursement. If you go down Pond St, I don't believe that there is one that is not in shambles.I don't believe I should be penalized for something I may have spent more money on. Yet the policy is only responsible for the Home Depot special. I am asking to reconsider the policy. Hold the town and its drivers responsible for the care of the mailboxes.



T.D. Beverage Inc. D/B/A Tedeschi Food Shop
motion to approve license transfer, passed 9-0

October Storm Update 11/2/11

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Nov 2, 2011 3:00 PM
Subject: October Storm Update 11/2/11
To: <>

Good Afternoon. This is Gary Premo calling with a final update on the Nor' Easter snow storm. National Grid reports 221 customers remain without power. If you are still affected, please contact them direct at 1-800-322-3223. ALL public schools will be open tomorrow 11/3. A reminder that Halloween trick-or-treating has been rescheduled for Friday 11/4. Thank you for your patience during this event. Thank you and goodbye.

To listen to the above message, you will need audio software and speakers on your computer.

This e-mail has been sent to you by TOWN OF FRANKLIN. To maximize their communication with you, you may be receiving this e-mail in addition to a phone call with the same message. If you wish to discontinue this service, please inform TOWN OF FRANKLIN either IN PERSON, by US MAIL, or by TELEPHONE at (508) 520-4938. THIS E-MAIL ADDRESS IS NOT MONITORED. Please do not reply to this e-mail as we are not able to respond to messages sent to this address.

Ed Cafasso answers 3 questions

Ed Cafasso and I met for coffee at Cafe Dolce recently to discuss his to the three questions.

FM - Tell me a bit about yourself, your family and your life here in Franklin?

EC - We moved here from Walpole.13 years ago. It was just before Halloween, we moved here to Franklin. It has been a great place to raise a family. On November 2, 2004, I was appointed to fill a vacancy on the School Committee. I ran for my first full term a year later in 2005. So, if I’m fortunate enough to be re-elected, it would be my fourth full term. Between work and family, I keep a pretty busy schedule. The School Committee for me fulfills a sense of public service. I like being involved in the community and trying to help. We are fortunate to have a lot of great friends here. It has been interesting to see how the city has changed. It is becoming a city now where it really was more of a town before.

FM - What experience or background will help you to serve in this role? or What do you think makes you a good candidate to fulfill this role?

EC - I started my professional career as a reporter. I covered city government in Newton and other local issues for three years for a suburban newspaper chain. I then spent eight years at the Boston Herald, where I covered (Boston) City Hall, the State House, and the White House. So I got a look at government from the perspective of a reporter and an analyst. Following that, I spent five years as communications director for a progressive activist Attorney General. That gave me a great education in the various stakeholders in government and the need to stay in touch with the different groups who are touched by what government does.

Since then, as a communications professional, I have had the opportunity to work with a lot of large complex and sprawling enterprises that have multiple stakeholders. That experience, combined with the fact that I am a parent and a taxpayer who cares about what goes on where I live, has been a good training ground for the School Committee. This is a substantial school system. So I come at this position from multiple perspectives. As a parent, as a taxpayer, as well as one more akin to a management consultant.

I do happen to believe that education is a big part of the answer to societal problems. I think that was something I experienced very much at the Attorney General office where it became very clear that where the people that got off to a better start to their lives, they were less likely to wind up on the wrong side of the law. The experience I bring to the position is as one who can see the forest for the trees.

FM - What do you see as your role’s biggest challenge and do you have any suggestions on how we can resolve it?

EC - I am not sure that people understand essentially, that the School Committee serves as an active Board of Directors for a $51 million non-profit. We serve 6,200 kids, and their parents, guardians, employees, etc. It is a very large enterprise that has a very important mission. I think that one of the challenges is to help people see that although their focus is naturally on their son’s or daughter’s classroom, that classroom is just one piece of a larger organism.

I think that one of the big challenges is to find a way to continue to inform the stakeholders about the big picture. To unify the community around a specific set of facts so they can make some informed judgments about the future of the school district. We have a lot of priorities. The next teachers’ contract is going to be important. The high school project is very important. Getting the schools website up to speed and modernized will be important.

One of my goals, if I am re-elected, will be to do a parent survey. When I first joined the committee, I led an effort to do a survey of all parents. It was more of a communication survey. I’d like to replicate that survey today. We need to get a good pulse from one of our key stakeholders on what they think about how things are going and how can we serve them. We hear things. Sometimes, it is just the loudest voices that get served. I can sympathize. I know what is like to work 12 hours days. It is hard to pay attention when you are just trying to provide for your family.

I think a survey of parents would be important to try and just get a sense of what they see as important -- what they would like to see more of, would like to see less of, what they would like us to do better. The PCC attendance is not high. The surveys conducted by individual schools are based pretty much upon the school environment and are very specific to each school. I think it would be instructive for everyone to be able to hear from the parents on what they think of Franklin Schools; what the parents think of the issues that hold the most significance for them.

The answer to this question then is the issue of creating a two-way dialogue and being able to engage people. It is very difficult here; partly because of the nature of modern life. They are busy working; they are commuting’ taking care of elderly parents; they have a lot of things going on in their lives. So I think that if I could come away from this term with anything, I’d like to see what the results will tell us to do. I am not sure what it will say.

Reminder: Town Council meeting Weds night

After taking back $350,000 from the school budget last week, the current Council will hold their last meeting. On the agenda, the FY 2012 budget is being re-opened again. This time to possibly add back some positions.

Will they use the $350K?
Will they vote to raise additional funding?

Attend the meeting or tune into the broadcast via local cable or the internet to see what happens.

1. Resolution 11-58: Appropriation: Library – Prior Year- Salaries
2. Resolution 11-59: Appropriation: Recreation – Prior Year- Salaries
3. Resolution 11-60: Appropriation: OPEB Actuary Study
4. Resolution 11-61: Appropriation: Nustyle Demolition
5. Resolution 11-62: Appropriation: Roads/Sidewalks/Drainage/Storm Water/Infrastructure
6. Resolution 11-63: Amendment of the FY 2012 Budget
7. Bylaw Amendment 11-665:Amendment to Chapter 82, Appendix A – List of Service Fee Rates 2nd Reading

Based upon the Finance Committee meeting held on Oct 11 (and reported on here) I have the following insights to offer on these agenda items.

The first two items were unpaid bills that got caught in July and should be paid against the June (FY 2011) budget. The dollar amount is small ($716.94)

Res 11-60 would fund the study required periodically to determine the current status of our liability. Amount requested is $12,500. Recommendation to be paid from 'free cash'.

Res 11-61 for $165,000 - actually a place holder for the 'real' total. Bids to demolish the NuStyle build were to be opened Oct 27 so this meeting can provide a good current total amount.

Res 11-62 for $400,000 to be designated from the Hotel/Meal tax receipts received during the FY 2012 fiscal year.

Res 11-63 this is where the fun begins!

"NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED AND VOTED to further amend said FY 2012 Budget as
amended October 26, 2011 from $99,668,355 to $99,753,355, as outlined below: (Increase Planning
Board Salaries $8,000, Board of Health Salaries $9,000, Fire Department Salaries $85,000 and
decrease Employee Benefits –$17,000."

Note the full agenda and associated documents can be found on the Franklin website

In the News - Ballarino, nor'easter, schools, Dean

Meet the Franklin Candidate: Gregory Ballarino, Planning Board

Some still without power as shelter closes, schools reopen

Franklin to open several schools tomorrow

Dean presents Three Musketeers