Monday, October 16, 2017

Milford Daily News: School Committee candidate profiles

The eight School Committee candidate profiles have been posted by Milford Daily News. You can read them here:

The Franklin Matters' candidate interviews are in process and will be posted as they become available. You can find all the election related posts in one place

The Candidate Night is scheduled for Tuesday evening (Oct 17) in the Council Chambers at 7:00 PM. It will be broadcast by Franklin TV and made available for replay on demand. It will also be broadcast on Verizon Channel 29 and Comcast Channel 11. You can find the on demand or live broadcast on the Town of Franklin webpage here

Note the candidate night is focused on the contested races for Town Council and School Committee. Accommodations are reported to be made for the Board of Health candidates where the incumbent (who can't appear) may have a statement read and the challenger (who can appear) will make a statement.

Franklin Election Collection - 2017
Franklin Election Collection - 2017

Register O'Donnell Reports Slowdown for 3rd Quarter 2017 Real Estate Activity

Norfolk County Registry of Deeds

Register O'Donnell Reports Slowdown for 3rd Quarter 2017 Real Estate Activity

Register of Deeds William P. O'Donnell reported Norfolk County real estate activity continued to experience a slowdown during the 3rd quarter 2017, (July-Sept). The one bright note among the sobering statistics was the continued reduction in foreclosure activity.

Register O'Donnell noted, "There is no question real estate activity numbers were disappointing for the 3rd quarter. The total number of real estate sales in Norfolk County, both residential and commercial, was 5,085, a 4% reduction from the previous year. In addition, the total dollar sales volume, for both the residential and commercial sectors, decreased by 23% to $2.2 billion. Lastly, the average real estate sales price, for combined residential and commercial stock was $653,539."

"The Norfolk County real estate market," noted O'Donnell, "is being impacted by the same sluggish headwinds affecting real estate sales throughout Massachusetts and nationwide: low inventory levels. It is especially the case with starter homes, as potential new homeowners attempt to crack the market. This is good news for sellers, but frustrating and disappointing news for first-time buyers."

Another sobering indicator was a 14% reduction in the total number of land documents recorded at the Registry during the 3rd quarter. "In addition to the reduced number of real estate sales, the overall decline in the number of land documents recorded can be directly attributed to a reduced number of mortgage recordings," noted O'Donnell.

Regarding mortgage activity, 7,300 mortgages were recorded during the quarter compared to 9,717 during the same time period in 2016. An anomaly was seen with total mortgage borrowing increasing by 69% during the quarter to $7.8 billion. This number was skewed by a $1.6 billion mortgage against a commercial property in Weymouth. The Register stated, "There is no question the lending market is being negatively driven by the reduced amount of real estate sales as well as the creeping rise in interest rates."

Another slowdown in consumer activity was seen in the lowering number of Norfolk County homeowners availing themselves of the Homestead Act. A total of 3,543 Homesteads were recorded during the 3rd quarter, a 5% decrease year over year. "The Homestead law provides limited protection against the forced sale of an individual's primary residence to satisfy unsecured debt up to $500,000. I urge Norfolk County residents to consider this consumer protection tool," noted O'Donnell.

As previously stated, foreclosure activity was one of the few bright spots experienced during the quarter. The total number of foreclosure deeds recorded was 61, a 27% decrease year over year. More significantly, the number of Notice to Foreclose Mortgage recordings, the first step in the foreclosure process, fell 49% from the 3rd quarter of 2016.

O'Donnell stated, "While the decrease in foreclosure recordings was certainly good news, I realize this is little consolation to those facing the threat of foreclosure. The Registry continues to work with Quincy Community Action Programs, 617-479-8181 x376, and NeighborWorks Southern Mass, 508-587-0950 to help homeowners who received a Notice to Foreclose Mortgage. A third option is to contact the Massachusetts Attorney General's Consumer Advocacy and Response Division (CARD) at 617-727-8400.

Register O'Donnell concluded, "It is not surprising that we saw disappointing real estate activity numbers, especially when you consider the low level of housing inventory. These numbers especially impact first-time homebuyers who are trying to buy property at an affordable price. Furthermore, we are also seeing the effect is has on the lending market. While the eastern Massachusetts economy generally remains on solid footing, any increases in interest rates will only make the recovery a more challenging one for real estates sales and financing."

To learn more about these and other Registry of Deeds events and initiatives, like us at or follow us on and

The Norfolk County Registry of Deeds is located at 649 High Street, Dedham. The Registry is a resource for homeowners, title examiners, mortgage lenders, municipalities and others with a need for secure, accurate, accessible land record information. All land record research information can be found on the Registry's website at Residents in need of assistance can contact the Registry of Deeds Customer Service Center at (781) 461-6101, or email us at

Register William P. O'Donnell
Norfolk County Registry of Deeds

phone: 781-234-3336
Norfolk County Registry of Deeds, 649 High Street, Dedham,, MA 02026-1831

Sent by in collaboration with
Constant Contact

Register O'Donnell Highlights Registry Customer Service Center
Register O'Donnell Highlights Registry
Customer Service Center

“Families these days want families activities"

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin:

"Mendon Scoutmaster Alan Koufos has heard from girls over the years who have wanted to join the ranks of Boy Scout Troop 44. 
In fact, two of their mothers were the ones who broke the news to him this week that the Boy Scouts of America will soon allow girls into its programs. 
“I remember both of their daughters saying, ’Boy I wish I could be with my brothers,” Koufos recalled Friday. 
Now with that opportunity on the horizon, local scout leaders have mixed views on whether the change was necessary."

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

ICYMI - 60 Minutes episode on opioid crisis

In case you missed it (ICYMI), the link to the CBS 60 Minutes episode on the opioid crisis can be found here  Ex-DEA agent: Opioid crisis fueled by drug industry and Congress 85 BILL WHITAKER CBS NEWS

Twitter image for CBS
Twitter image for CBS

Sunday, October 15, 2017

FM #133 - School Committee Budgeting Workshop - Oct 10

FM #133

This internet radio show or podcast is number 133 in the series for Franklin Matters. This captures and shares the audio recording of the Franklin (MA) School Committee Budgeting Workshop held October 10, 2017.

Chairman Kevin O’Malley opens the meeting with an overview of the meeting format on budgeting for the next fiscal year. There are no numbers to review, time would be spent on developing goals for what should be prioritized, etc.

There is reference along the way to some documents which were part of the package for the Committee. Some of the documents were also shown on the overhead projector. The documents released are contained in the PDF file associated with this post.

Much discussion was around how to communicate this information to tell the story of Franklin School Budget. What it has lost, what it needs, what can be done to prepare our students for their future.

The meeting recording runs about and hour and 20 minutes. Without further ado, here is the recording


This brings the recording of the School Committee Budgeting Workshop to a close..

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but I can't do it alone. I can use your help.

How can you help?

If you like this, please tell your friends and neighbors.
If you don't like this, please let me know.

Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements.
Thank you for listening.

For additional information, please visit
If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana" c. Michael Clark and Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission

I hope you enjoy!


The documents for the meeting can be found here

My notes for the meeting were also published here


You can also subscribe and listen to the audio on iTunes = search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"

subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters on iTunes
subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters on iTunes

Town Council Recap - October 11, 2017

All the Town Councilors were present for their regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, October 11. The meeting covered a bunch of topics and was conducted in about 50 minutes.

The change in manage for Shaw's was approved. Interesting side note, he had grown up in Milford and worked in Franklin one summer for Peter Brunelli at the Carvel Ice Cream place that used to be in the Shaw's Plaza.

The Council accepted two resolutions acknowledging donations from DCU for the Fire and Police Depts. Councilors commented that it is good to see these donations from companies operating in Franklin.

The longest discussion of the meeting was around a traffic study being formally requested of Norfolk. There is a large development in planning stages for the former Buckley and Mann location just over the line in Norfolk. It is anticipated that the truck traffic to remove materials from the site as part of the development would travel on Mill St. Mill St is a narrow and hilly road which would be come more dangerous with the reported amount of truck traffic. The trucks wold also be carry the material which would likely be contaminated. 

The request to ask for a traffic study was approved. The intent is to try and get a designated truck route for the truck traffic during at least during the construction period. 

The bylaw amendment to resolve some conflicts for setbacks required for accessory buildings received final approval.

The bylaw amendment to complete the requirements for the 'green community' application received final approval. The cost for new construction may increase but the long term benefits of the energy efficiency being built in will pay off.  

The PDF file with the "Actions Taken" from this meeting as published by the Town can be found here

My notes are reported live during the meeting can be found here

one of the scenes early Friday morning (Oct 13) at DelCarte
one of the scenes early Friday morning (Oct 13) at DelCarte

Harvest Festival - 2017 - photo essay

I combined my walk with the Franklin Downtown Partnership's Harvest Festival on Saturday. The rain did hold off for this event, only sprinkles here and there. I stopped here and there along the way, multiple conversations with folks I know and met quite a few new ones too.

there is only one Jamie Barrett and Jane did have two locations for Jane's Frames
there is only one Jamie Barrett and Jane did have two locations for Jane's Frames

part of the Main St crowd at about 1:00 PM Saturday
part of the Main St crowd at about 1:00 PM Saturday

did you get your free book from the Friends of the Franklin Library?
did you get your free book from the Friends of the Franklin Library?
BTW - bricks are still for sale. That would make a nice holiday gift for someone!

Jesse Liam band rocked it on the crosswalk attracting dancers and sing along
Jesse Liam band rocked it on the crosswalk attracting dancers and sing along

not everything was on Main St, the Fire Station had an open house
not everything was on Main St, the Fire Station had an open house

he Historical Museum refurbished one of their old displays to showcase these vintage postcards
the Historical Museum refurbished one of their old displays to showcase these
vintage postcards. Stop by to visit to get a better view

Jord Albert took over from Jamie Barrett outside Jane's
Jord Albert took over from Jamie Barrett outside Jane's

NARCAN and NARCAN training - Oct 18

"Free Narcan and Narcan training will be available to the public this coming Wednesday, October 18 from 6-8 PM at the Franklin Fire Dept, 40 W Central St Franklin. 

Narcan will be available on a first come first served basis. Hands on CPR training will also be available."

You can register for the CPR training here

SAFE Coalition
SAFE Coalition

IRS Issues Reminder to Taxpayers as Scams Continue Across the Nation

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) today warned taxpayers to remain vigilant to scams as they continue to be reported around the country. Phishing, phone scams and identity theft top the list of items normally reported. However, following hurricanes and other disasters, the IRS urged taxpayers to be on the lookout for schemes stemming from these recent events.

“These scams evolve over time and adjust to reflect events in the news, but they all typically are variations on a familiar theme,” said IRS Commissioner John Koskinen. “Recognizing these schemes and taking some simple steps can protect taxpayers against these con artists.”

While individuals and businesses deal with the devastation of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria and wildland fires in the West, criminals may take advantage of this situation by creating fake charities to get money or personal information from sympathetic taxpayers. They may also attempt to con victims by impersonating a relief agency or charity that will provide relief. Such fraudulent scams and solicitations for donations may involve contact by telephone, social media, e-mail or in person.

Below are some of the more typical scams the IRS has seen:

Email Phishing Scams

The IRS has recently seen email schemes that target tax professionals, payroll professionals and human resources personnel in addition to individual taxpayers.

In email phishing attempts, criminals pose as a person or organization that taxpayers trust and recognize. They may hack an email account and send mass emails under another person’s name. They may pose as a bank, credit card company, tax software provider or government agency. If a person clicks on the link in these emails, it takes them to fake websites created by fraudsters to appear legitimate but contain phony login pages. These criminals hope victims will take the bait and provide money, passwords, Social Security numbers and other information that can lead to identity theft.

Scam emails and websites also can infect computers with malware without the user knowing it. The malware can give the criminal access to the device, enabling them to access sensitive files or track keyboard strokes, exposing logins and other sensitive information.

If a taxpayer receives an unsolicited email that appears to be from either the IRS or a program closely linked to the IRS, such as the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS), report it by sending it to Learn more by going to the Report Phishing and Online Scams page.

The IRS generally does not initiate contact with taxpayers by email to request personal or financial information. This includes any type of electronic communication, such as text messages and social media channels. The IRS has information online that can help protect taxpayers from email scams.

Phone Scams

The IRS does not call and leave prerecorded, urgent messages asking for a call back. In this tactic, the victim is told if they do not call back, a warrant will be issued for their arrest.

The IRS recently began sending letters to taxpayers whose overdue federal tax accounts are being assigned to one of four private-sector collection agencies. Because of this, taxpayers should be on the lookout for scammers posing as private collection firms. The IRS-authorized firms will only be calling about a tax debt the person has had – and has been aware of – for years. Taxpayers also would have been previously contacted by the IRS about their tax debt.

How to Know It’s Really the IRS Calling or Knocking on Your Door

The IRS initiates most contacts through regular mail delivered by the United States Postal Service.

However, there are special circumstances in which the IRS will call or come to a home or business, such as when a taxpayer has an overdue tax bill, to secure a delinquent tax return or delinquent employment tax payment, or to tour a business as part of an audit or during criminal investigations.

Even then, taxpayers will usually first receive several letters (called “notices”) from the IRS in the mail. For more information, visit “How to know it’s really the IRS calling or knocking on your door” on

Tax Refund Fraud -- Identity Theft

Tax-related identity theft occurs when someone uses a stolen Social Security number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) to file a tax return claiming a fraudulent refund.

In 2015, the IRS joined forces with representatives of the software industry, tax preparation firms, payroll and tax financial product processors and state tax administrators to combat identity-theft refund fraud and protect the nation's taxpayers. This group -- the Security Summit -- has held a series of public awareness campaigns directed at taxpayers called "Taxes.Security.Together." For tax professionals, the “Protect Your Clients; Protect Yourself” and “Don’t Take the Bait” campaigns encourage the tax community to take steps to protect themselves from identity thieves and cybercriminals.

Security Reminders for Taxpayers

The IRS and its Summit partners remind taxpayers they can do their part to help in this effort. Taxpayers and tax professionals should:

  • Always use security software with firewall and anti-virus protections. Make sure the security software is always turned on and can automatically update. Encrypt sensitive files such as tax records stored on computers and devices. Use strong passwords.
  • Learn to recognize phishing emails, threatening phone calls and texts from thieves posing as legitimate organizations, such as a bank, credit card company and government agencies. Do not click on links or download attachments from unknown or suspicious emails.
  • Protect personal data. Don’t routinely carry Social Security cards, and make sure tax records are secure. Treat personal information like cash; don’t leave it lying around.

IRS Issues Reminder to Taxpayers as Scams Continue Across the Nation
IRS Issues Reminder to Taxpayers as Scams Continue Across the Nation

If you know someone who might want to subscribe to this mailing, please forward this message to them so they can subscribe.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Franklin Election Candidates Night - Tuesday, Oct 17

Candidates Night will be held Tuesday, October 17 at the Town Hall on the 2nd floor in the Council Chambers at 7:00 PM and will be televised.

There will be a Moderator; Lawrence Benedetto, Retired Chief of Police of Franklin

Teresa Burr will be the time keeper with 4 person panel:

  • Anne Brennan: Editor and Chief of Metrowest and Milford Daily News
  • Jack Lank: President, United Regional Chamber of Commerce
  • Michael Doherty: Attorney, Doherty, Ciechanowski, Dugan and Cannon
  • Robert Ficco: Retired Attorney, law office Ficco, Cornetta and Simmler

Are you registered to vote Nov 7?

You can find all the election related posts in one place:

Franklin Election Collection - 2017
Franklin Election Collection - 2017

FHS football, golf, and volleyball teams post wins on Friday

From Hockomock Sports and Twitter we share the results of the Franklin High School fall sports results on Friday, Oct 13.

Boys soccer = Oliver Ames, 4 @ Franklin, 1 – Final
– Matt Alvarado scored his first of two goals in the first half and Oliver Ames added three more in the second half to grab two points on the road. Alvarado’s goal, assisted by Nathaniel Cardoza, gave the visitor’s a 1-0 lead at the break. Michael Nikiciuk put OA up 2-0 before the Panthers cut the deficit in half at 2-1. Alvardo and James Gillespie added goals to give the Tigers insurance. Cardoza finished with three assists while Brandin Osborne had one.

Girls soccer = Franklin, 1 @ Oliver Ames, 2 – Final
– Jackie Mills scored a last-minute goal, her second of the game, to secure a dramatic two points for the Tigers. Franklin had a chance from the penalty spot in the second half, but OA defender Maggie Ault stepped in between the pipes (starting goalie Regan Benton was forced to the bench with a yellow card) and made the save. Anabella Walsh and Abby Reardon had assists for the Tigers.

Volleyball = Oliver Ames, 0 @ Franklin, 3 – Final 
– Franklin junior Lauren McGrath spread the ball around in the Panthers sweep of the Tigers, recording 29 assists as well as three kills and two aces. Maggie Doyle (four blocks), Meaghan Maguire (two blocks) and Hailey Sanders (block) each had six kills for Franklin. For Oliver Ames, Katie Flynn had seven kills while junior Sadie Homer had 22 serve receptions and 10 digs.

Golf = Franklin, 168 vs. Medway, 170 – Final

Football = Taunton, 14 @ Franklin, 21 – Final

FHS currently up 21-0 over Taunton. #PantherPride
FHS currently up 21-0 over Taunton. #PantherPride

For the other results around the Hockomock League

Got student loan debt? Don’t be scammed.

Federal Trade Commission Consumer Information
by Ari Lazarus
Consumer Education Specialist, FTC

If you've got student loan debt, you've probably seen ads or been contacted by companies promising they can help. Some are scams – and the FTC is going after them.

Today the FTC announced Operation Game of Loans, a joint FTC and state law enforcement sweep against student loan debt relief scammers. The operation includes seven actions filed by the FTC, with five new cases announced today.

Read more

This is a free service provided by the Federal Trade Commission.

In the News: Franklin asks Norfolk for traffic study; Social Security gets small increase

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin:

"Because of a Norfolk development near the Franklin town line, Franklin town council members want the zoning board in Norfolk to conduct a traffic study at the intersection of Mill and Chestnut streets. 
Town Administrator Jeff Nutting said that some residents had contacted the Town Council to voice their concerns about traffic flow near their homes. The vote at Town Council meeting on Oct. 11 was unanimous. 
“There are a lot of residents that are very concerned, and we’re concerned as well,” he said. “Because Mill Street, which is where the development is near, is a hilly, curvy, winding road.” 
Nutting also said that there will be a flow of haulers moving dirt and rocks out of the site during the beginning of construction."
Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

"Millions of Social Security recipients and other retirees will get a 2 percent increase in benefits next year, the largest increase since 2012, though it comes to only $25 a month for the average beneficiary. 
The cost-of-living adjustment, or COLA, affects benefits for more than 70 million U.S. residents, including Social Security recipients, disabled veterans and federal retirees. That’s about one in five Americans. 
By law, the COLA is based on a broad measure of consumer prices generated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Advocates for seniors claim the inflation index doesn’t accurately capture rising prices faced by seniors, especially for health care. 
“It doesn’t make your life any easier. It’s really made it tight,” said Barbara Bogart, who retired from a home health care company. “You have to be so careful to make it each month.”

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

Social Security gets small increase
Social Security gets small increase

“Disability isn’t a monolithic concept”

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin:

"THE ISSUE: People with disabilities face low employment rates.
THE IMPACT: National Disability Employment Awareness Month is intended to educate employers about providing opportunities for workers with disabilities. 
For people with disabilities in Massachusetts and across the country, employment rates are rising, but have still not recovered to pre-recession levels. 
Massachusetts advocates for people with disabilities are running awareness and education campaigns in October to mark National Disability Employment Awareness month. David D’Arcangelo, director of the Massachusetts Office on Disability, said finding employment is a major issue facing many people with disabilities."

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

Today's Special will be at the Harvest Festival selling tickets for their fund raiser Oct 28.

"Today's Special aims to be a leader in the food service industry by empowering individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to take an active role in the distribution, development, and marketing of high quality baked goods that are produced in a truly integrated workplace. We believe that the food service industry is uniquely positioned to bring communities together and we take pride in producing high quality baked goods while striving to create an inclusive world."

Friday, October 13, 2017

Upcoming Events in Franklin, MA Area: FRI 10/13/17 - THU 10/19/17

FRIDAY 10/13/17
7:30-10:30am   ASMS Clothing Drive @ Annie Sullivan Middle School
12-6pm   Franklin Farmers Market @ Town Common
6pm   FHS Football Game @ Pisini Field, FHS
7:30pm   Dean College presents: Six Characters in Search of an Author’ @ Dean College

SATURDAY 10/14/17
8:30am   Ladybug 5K and Fun Run @ J F Kennedy Elementary
9am-12pm   *CANCELLED* - ANP Bottle and Can Drive @ FHS Parking Lot
9am-2pm   Annual Yard/Rummage Sale (rain or shine) @ Franklin Federated Church
10-1pm   Franklin Historical Museum Open
11am-4pm   Downtown Partnership Harvest Festival @ Downtown Franklin
2pm   Dean College presents: Six Characters in Search of an Author’ @ Dean College
5-7:30pm   Sons of Italy Annual Pasta Dinner @ VFW Franklin
7-10pm  FPAC Annual Gala @ The Black Box
7:30pm   Dean College presents: Six Characters in Search of an Author’ @ Dean College
8pm   Circle of Friends Coffeehouse: April Verch Band @ FUSF

SUNDAY 10/15/17
7:30-10:30am   Sunday Breakfast @ Franklin Rod and Gun Club
9am   Boys Youth Soccer Clinic (grades 1 to 6) @ FHS
11am   Girls Youth Soccer Clinic (grades 1 to 6) @ FHS
1-4pm   Franklin Historical Museum Open
2pm   Dean College presents: Six Characters in Search of an Author’ @ Dean College

MONDAY 10/16/17
7pm   Learn to Cope Franklin Chapter Meeting @ FUSF
7pm   SEXT ED - Forum on teen sexting @ FHS
7pm   Franklin SEPAC: Jeanine Fitzgerald - Helping Children Cope: Putting Humpty Dumpty Back Together Again @ HMMS

TUESDAY 10/17/17
9:30-11:30am   FREE Flu shot clinic for Franklin residents (6 months old and up) @ Franklin Senior Center
7pm   Franklin Candidates Night @ Municipal Building 2nd floor Council Chambers
7pm   Decoding American Wines Labels @ Franklin Liquors

WEDNESDAY 10/18/17
6:30pm   Christian Zen Weekly Meditation @ McMahon Guest House (1061 Upper Union Street)

THURSDAY 10/19/17
5-8pm   Franklin Historical Museum Open
5:30pm   Panther Pride Night @ FHS
7-8pm   Healing Hearts Community Support Group @ Franklin YMCA

For the Town of Franklin Public Calendar click HERE.

For all other events and Franklin happenings click HERE.

*To submit an event for the Community Calendar, please use this FORM