Showing posts with label rfp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rfp. Show all posts

Saturday, May 28, 2022

EDC decides 3-1 to recommend residential use case for RFP for Old South Meeting House to Town Council (audio)

FM #805 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 805 in the series. 

This session of the radio show is the audio recording of the Franklin, MA Economic Development Subcommittee meeting conducted on Thursday, May 26, 2022. All four members of the subcommittee were eventually present and participated in the vote. 

Town Administrator Jamie Hellen informed the subcommittee their objective in the meeting was not to pick a proposal but to determine a use case if we were to go forward with an RFP. After much discussion including input from representatives of the two expressions of interests actually received (some dozens of inquiries were also made), the recommendation was put forward to propose an RFP for residential housing, preferably affordable housing. The motion passed 3-1. The nay had attempted to amend the motion to include religious use but the amendment request was not seconded (hence it died).

The meeting runs about 65 minutes, so let’s listen in.

Audio file ->



1. Expressions of Interest results for the Old South Church on Washington Street

a. Expressions of Interest submitted

b. Expression of Interest solicitation document

c. 2020 Old South Church Existing Conditions report

d. 2015 Old South Church Existing Conditions report

e. Old South Church document website

Agenda doc ->


My notes via Twitter -> 


We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio ( or 102.9 on the Franklin area radio dial.  

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.

How can you help?

  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors

  • If you don't like something here, please let me know

Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.

For additional information, please visit or

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana"  c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.

I hope you enjoy!


You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"

South Franklin Congregational Meeting House
South Franklin Congregational Meeting House

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Request for Proposal - Computer Aided Dispatch Software

The Metacomet Emergency Communications Center (MECC) invites qualified vendors that manufacture and provide direct training, maintenance and support of their own Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) software to submit responses at their own expense to this Request for Proposals (RFP).

Read more:

This is an automatic message from Town of Franklin MA

You can find the full RFP here

Facebook photo for MECC
Facebook photo for MECC

Monday, October 2, 2017

Franklin Town Council Recap - Sep 27, 2017

The Town Council approved land for sale (NuStyle), land for sale (Summer St to the abutter), approved the zoning change for the Union/Cottage St area, appointed a new Treasurer/Collector, held a public hearing on a bylaw amendment to correct inconsistencies in setback requirements, approved the corporate move on the liquor license for 99 Restaurant, approved funding for the rework of the police radio system for the north end of town and the purchase of a new canine (to replace Axe). These are among the key items from the Council meeting held on Wednesday, Sep 27, 2017.

The budget changes and the funding approvals had been before the Finance Committee (Tuesday, Sep 26) and gained their approval. 

The appointment of Kerri Bertone had been foretold in the move in August 2016 with her hiring as the Deputy Treasurer. The move in 2016 had been question by Debbie Pellegri who questioned the move and hiring again this time and was joined in the action by Judy Pfeffer. Both of these councilors voted against in the measure that passed by a 7-2 vote.

map showing the zoning change for the Union/Cottage street area
map showing the zoning change for the Union/Cottage street area

map showing the location of the NuStyle brown fields property on Grove St being put up via RFP for sale
map showing the location of the NuStyle brown fields property on Grove St being put up via RFP for sale

The official "Actions Taken" report from the Town Council for Weds meeting

Additional details can be found in my notes captured while reporting live during the meeting on Weds. 

From the archives:

In the Council Comments from Town Council meeting held 8/10/17, Debbie Pellegri raised questions about the appointment of the Deputy Treasurer/Collector reported to be passing over someone else in the office who was reported to be 'qualified'

In the video on demand archive, the Council meeting can be found here

Got to about 1:05 (one hour, five minutes) to catch the comments

The Franklin Matters meeting notes link for summary of 8/10/17

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Economic Development Committee - meeting audio - Aug 9, 2017

FM #131

This internet radio show or podcast is number 131 in the series for Franklin Matters. This captured the audio recording of the Economic Development Committee (EDC) meeting held August 9, 2017.

EDC Chair Andy Bissanti opens the meeting ad after some discussion on the two agenda items with approval to bring them to the Town Council as formal proposals, the meeting adjourned..

Worthy of note, there were additional councilors in the room when Council Chair Matt Kelly stopped by just before the meeting. Tom Mercer got up and left, Debbie Pellegri remained. This becomes an item towards the end of the meeting when Debbie tries to ask a question. Per Peter Padula, a Town Councilor, not a member of the committee, can be present in the meeting as long as they do not take any active part in the meeting. THey can only observe. If they take part, then their presence can raise a question on whether the Council has enough members for a quorum. As there are four Town Councilors on the Committee (Chair Bissanti, Padula, Vallee, and Pfeffer), another participating Town Councilor raise the participation to five which is sufficient for a Town Council meeting.

Without further ado, here is the recording


This brings the recording of the Economic Development Committee (EDC) meeting held August 9, 2017 to a close..

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but I can't do it alone. I can use your help.

How can you help?

If you like this, please tell your friends and neighbors.
If you don't like this, please let me know.

Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements.
Thank you for listening.

For additional information, please visit
If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana" c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission

I hope you enjoy!

The notes for the meeting were also published here


You can also subscribe and listen to the audio on iTunes = search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"
subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters on iTunes
subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters on iTunes

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Economic Development Committee - Quick Twitter Recap - Aug 9

The full set of notes and the recording will be made available shortly. In the meantime, here are the notes I posted via Twitter for the Economic Development Committee meeting held on Aug 9, just before the Town Council meeting also that night.

photo of the map handed out at the meeting showing the Nu-Style property as Lot 22
photo of the map handed out at the meeting showing the Nu-Style property as Lot 22 

Monday, August 7, 2017

Economic Development Committee - Agenda - Aug 9

The Economic Development Committee (EDC) is scheduled to meet on Wednesday, August 9 at 6:15 PM. There are two items on the published agenda. (1) review accessory building set back bylaws (2) review Nu-Style RFP.

Franklin Municipal Building site of most of the Board and Committee meetings
Franklin Municipal Building site of most of the Board and Committee meetings,
Rm 205 is the site of the EDC meeting Aug 9

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Pond St community takes exception to Councilor comments

Several members of the Pond St community took the opportunity to make their presence and feelings known at the Town Council meeting on Wednesday. During the Citizen Comment portion of the meeting, they made and reiterated several points that they believe some of the Councilors continue to forget.

Why take this action? As reported, the recent Economic Development Committee (EDC) meeting was conducted on Monday, July 27th beginning at 5:00 PM which is not exactly a convenient time for most working folks. To have some of the EDC members state something to the effect that 'since the community didn't bother to show up, they must not be too concerned about what's happening.'

As this comment has been made previously, and objected to as well, the Pond St community members took turns stating their case: 

  • They are united in objection to any development that will increase traffic. 
  • The traffic in that area is already a problem (text notes from 3/25/15 meeting or audio recording of same meeting). 
  • They understand and appreciate the need for revenue but also want to keep the neighborhood family friendly.
  • When one or two of the group show up, they are representing the group. Not all of the group can show up for all of the meetings.
  • They are willing to work with the condo proposal and would not want to see a new RFP for a hotel.

The EDC committee contributes to the problem by not being explicit about their intentions. They don't publish minutes of their meetings. They don't spend a few minutes explaining the process which would save them time in the long run (not everyone knows their process). Further, to have a Town Councilor state that the Town Council is not aware of the RFP responses (while technically correct) is stretching it as the EDC is officially made up of four Town Councilors and other Councilors tend to participate in the meetings. 

The EDC is a subcommittee of the Town Council. It will review and make a recommendation to the Council. The Town Council then as a whole will have an opportunity to discuss the matter before making a decision. Depending upon the nature of the discussion and decision to be made a public hearing made be required, or it may simply be an agenda item on a regular Council meeting. If the public hearing is required, there are notification requirements to be met.

Is the EDC really going back out with a new RFP? Was one of the developers asked to redo their proposal? It would be good to know. We'll find out some day if and when the minutes of the meeting are published. I do know experience that if it is the intent to go back out with a new RFP, that would require both an EDC vote and a Town Council vote. The Council met for the only time in August this Wednesday which means if there is to be a return, it won't happen anytime soon. 

The timing of the discussion and potential decisions also makes it highly likely that this sitting Council will not have the final say on the Pond St property. That would fall to the new Council decided on by the voters in the November election.

In other matters covered during the Wednesday meeting:

  • The rezoning for Dean Ave had its first public hearing. This seems to be a good move despite the convoluted and confusing answer I received about the potential tax revenue implications of the change from commercial to residential. I'll need to watch the video recording when it is posted (as of Saturday morning (8/8/15 - 7:00 AM), it was not yet made available).
  • The manager of the liquor license for Incontro  was acknowledged as changed. 
  • The Town Council approved a measure that will be on the November ballot asking the Franklin voters to approve NOT taxing farm animals and equipment. Apparently, the Town has neglected to do so for 25 years and in order to be compliant and officially not tax, they need the voters approval. If we fail to approve, it will cost more to implement the tax than the revenue would be received from it.
  • There was an update on the Community Opportunity Grant which will enable some funds for refurbishment of homes for folks who meet the income qualifications.
  • Town Clerk Debbie Pellegri provided an update on the timeline and process running up to the Town Election on November 3rd.
  • The purchase of the building and land at 275 Beaver was completed. An eminent domain process was also initiated to ensure the town has full and clear rights to the land for the records. Renovation of the building has begun. The funds for the sale of the building were the proceeds from the sale of Emmons St and other 'open space' funds available to Franklin.

The Thompson Press building - proposed to be rezoned from commercial to residential
The Thompson Press building - proposed to be rezoned from commercial to residential

For the full set of notes as I was reporting live from the meeting:

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Live reporting: Community Opportunities Grant

- Bridge Restaurant Group d/b/a Incontro Restaurant & Lounge – Change of Manager
motion to approve, seconded, passed 8-0

Community Opportunities Group-Housing Grant
Paula Stewart, Community Opportunities Group

Franklin, Bellingham, Hopedale
one of two awards by the State, expect to move forward with the work etc.
one is housing rehabilitation program
due to cut backs at Federal level
$894,0000 available for the three towns

  • 35,000 per unit to rehab, owned and/or occupied by low income
  • supplemental fuel assistance, will provide some additional resources after the basic coverage expires
can assist folks not previously covered by fuel assistance program

Nutting - we'll do more public outreach as things get ready
we're happy that the three towns collaborated and we were able to put it in

Stewart - there will be a lottery for the housing rehab program, applications will be posted to the town webpage

Bissanti - three proposals were received, one was asked for a resubmittal to take out the retail space
the point about only the two people in the room, there have been some flip remarks about that and we understand we are not going to get 35,000

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

"another RFP (Request for Proposal) for hotel and commercial space" ???

Via Peg Forbes who participated in the Economic Development Committee meeting on Monday and provided this summary:

At 5:00 Monday evening, Franklin’s Economic Development Committee had a meeting during which three companies presented their proposals for development of the town owned land on Pond Street. Two of the proposals were from solar companies proposing solar farms, one proposal was from a real estate developer proposing an 85+ unit condominium development.  
The members did not like the proposals, so this will most likely go out for another RFP (Request for Proposal) for hotel and commercial space. The concerns raised about increased traffic congestion were dismissed, the reason given was that “A traffic study will be conducted by interested developers”. In relation to the existing and available 246,000 square feet of commercial/office space for rent in Franklin (a quick calculation/approximation made by adding up what is currently on, according to some members of the sub-committee, that inventory has no impact. The reason given was that if the land is sold to a developer, commercial space is built and then remains empty, the owner is still responsible for the taxes.  
The overall take-away that I got from this evenings EDC meeting was that the low community attendance (two) is perceived by a good amount of the elected board members as low community interest. (This was mentioned in relation to the meeting this evening as well as other town meetings.)  
They will ultimately make their decision based on what they personally view what would be best for Franklin overall, not taking into consideration the potential negative impacts the proposed projects may have on the immediate surrounding area.  
The only way to ensure that concerns are heard is better attendance by the community (significant, if at all possible), as well as communicating with the elected members via emails or phone calls stating the concerns about proposed projects.  
The fewer people that attend, the more they are seen as "squeaky wheels" who do not represent the community as a whole.
The Town Council is scheduled to meet on August 7th. Their agenda will be published later this week.

Pond St aerial view - Town of Franklin photo
Pond St aerial view - Town of Franklin photo

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Economic Development Committee meeting - July 27 - 5:00 PM

From Town Councilor Matt Kelly
"We have set up the next EDC meeting for Monday the 27th. 
Here is the schedule:
  • 5:00 p.m. Kearsarge Energy, Lease for Solar Proposal
  • 5:45 p.m. Solect Energy Development, Lease for Solar Proposal
  • 6:30 p.m. Baystone Development. Purchase and Develop Proposal
Each company will have 10 to 15 minutes to present their proposed projects, and then Town Officials will ask questions".

Franklin aerial photo of the Pond St Property
Franklin aerial photo of the Pond St Property

The RFP response documents can be found here

Prior meeting notes can be found here

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Pond St RFP responses available for review

The documents for the three RFP responses for the Pond St property were posted to the Franklin website and are available for download and review.

Town of Franklin photo of Pond St property
Town of Franklin photo of Pond St property

The PDF file can be found here:

or download a copy of it here

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Now there are three proposals for Pond St

I got caught working late in Boston but John Pazniokas kept the Pond St group informed via Facebook and I can share his meeting summary here.

The EDC meeting tonight introduced the three proposals for the parcel: 
- A sale/development proposal from Baystone Development, proposing 85 townhouse condos and 14,000 square feet of "Office/Retail". (Unofficially, the developer indicated that they'd rather go full office space on that 14,000, but that's not in the proposal.) 
- A land-lease proposal for solar by Kearsarge Energy. 
- A land-lease proposal for solar by Solect Energy. 
The three proposals were presented at the meeting, with little if any prereading done by anyone. (Chairman Bissanti basically claimed a cursory reading; nobody else sounded familiar with any of it.) There was a three-page memo from the town summarizing them. 
Highlights from the meeting:
- Interestingly, Bissanti opened the meeting by stressing rules of procedure and an unwillingness to permit personal or professional attacks. Not sure what THAT was about.
- Vallee is disappointed in the response to the RFPs, referring to it as an "ideal parcel" to have only 3 proposals. He seemed to take 'the process' to task for not getting the word out enough, and suggested that he wanted to try to get more proposals. 
- Bissanti, again, brought up the specter of the anaerobic digester, which he, again, pointed out he had opposed. This was to warn us that these proposals were pretty good. 
- The Planning Board rep spent most of the meeting critiquing the solar proposals and insinuating that, if anything, the Baystone bid was waysuperawesomer than anything else. (I'm sorry, but I can't un-type that now.) 
- Bissanti, again, insinuated that everyone "but these seven people in the audience" were basically seen as in favor of whatever the council decides.
Town of Franklin photo of the Pond St property
Town of Franklin photo of the Pond St property

When the RFP responses are posted to the Town webpage, I'll share the links. It is likely they will be posted to the same page where the other info on the Pond St property is found.

In the News: Grant received, Pond St proposals

After applying jointly for Community Development Block Grants from the state Department of Housing and Economic Development, the towns of Bellingham, Franklin and Hopedale were awarded a total of $894,082 for housing rehabilitation and a fuel assistance program. 
The Baker-Polito Administration announced 33 grants totaling $26 million to 65 communities Wednesday. 
The federally-funded grants will help cities and towns provide housing, infrastructure improvements, childcare vouchers and other services, a press release said.
Continue to read the article here

The grant was applied for in early 2014 and reported on here

and here

The town is vetting three potential developments proposed for more than 30 acres of land on Pond Street that officials have been trying to sell for at least a decade. 
Two developers proposed solar farms for the property near Interstate 495, and the third submitted a commercial project with 85 condominiums and 14,000 square feet of office and retail space. 
The town’s Department of Planning and Community Development received the proposals July 9.
Continue reading the article here

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Pond St RFP's responses to be reviewed

The next Economic Development Committee meeting is scheduled for Weds, July 15th at 6:00 PM. The meeting will review and discuss the responses to the RFP that was issued for the Pond St property and due to be submitted to Franklin as of July 9th.

At the Town Council meeting on Weds, July 8th, there had been at least one response submitted for solar. Reported to be from the same company that did the solar farm for the Mount St Mary's property. Franklin has an agreement with the solar farm there to purchase the electricity which effectively provides about 80% of Franklin's municipal requirements.

The meeting was discussed as being held in the Council Chambers as the 3rd floor training was unavailable. According to the Franklin calendar, the meeting will be held in the 3rd floor training room so something may have changed.

In any case, I do know the date and time of the meeting at the Municipal building. Worse case we show up to find out what room it is in.

Franklin Municipal Building
Franklin Municipal Building

Friday, May 8, 2015

Sidewalks, beer/wine license, and RFPs draw large crowd to Town Council meeting

There was almost a full house at the Town Council Meeting on Wednesday evenings. The coincidence of the agenda drew many members of the community for their particular interest along with the major department heads for their capital budget needs.

Neighbors along Chestnut St who had signed a petition looking for sidewalks got a commitment to be included in the design process. Sidewalks were approved for Pleasant St (from St Mary's down to Miller). The design study would look at a sidewalk from Griffin all the way up Chestnut to 140. Another phase of work would look at sidewalks along Washington St. These sidewalks were all identified as desired in the Master Plan published in 2013

Neighbors along Pond St gathered to see the discussion and vote by the Town Council to approve two RFP's. One to offer the land for lease for a potential solar farm. The second would be offering the land for sale for a multi use development including some residential but not apartments. Both RFPs were approved. This is the first of about an 8 step process according to Town Administrator Jeff Nutting. Responses to the RFPs will be reviewed by the Economic Development Committee before being brought to the Council for discussion and decision.

National Small Business Week
National Small Business Week

The Lenzi family and supporters of small business also gathered to participate in the discussion around a beer/wine license for the Big Y. After hearing arguments for an against the proposal, the Council voted 8-1 to award the license to the Big Y. Councilor Dellorco was the only 'no' vote. The 'yes' votes were essentially won over by the financial benefits that the Big Y has brought to Franklin (new construction, road improvements, and substantial tax contribution) as well as the license is only for beer/wine. The other two small businesses (Franklin Liquors and Davitas) have full liquor licenses. The argument of providing a convenience to the Big Y customers won the day. The Big Y is a MA based family owned company.

For the other license transactions on the agenda, British Beer Company did not show up so their item was continued to the next meeting. Guru now doing business as Chinese Mirch received approval for their DBA change.

The Council spent less time approving $1.7 million dollars for a variety of capital improvements. This continues the financial practice of using 'free cash' to fund the capital needs of Franklin. From putting money aside for new fire truck, adding money to the fund to replace the turf fields, to funding the removal of the modular units at Davis Thayer, protective vests for the police, emergency air units for fire fighters to highlight a few. In Capital Subcommittee Chair Matt Kelly's words, it was like Christmas morning. Everybody got something on their wish list.

In the last minute juggling of the agenda to make progress while waiting for the 7:10 time for the public hearings to begin, Alan Mercer provided an update on the Franklin Cultural District and this summer's Franklin Cultural Festival. 

Franklin TV was also scheduled for an update on the cable operations and ended up rescheduling for next time.

Tucked among the action items is a surprise rate reduction for the Trash/Recycling. The current rate is $216 and it will be reduced to $200. All the work with the single stream trash/recycling is continuing to pay off. Literally in our case with the savings coming to the rate payers. This is the lowest the rate has been in years. It may still go up some time in the future but not some much each time and maybe not for a couple of years. We all can enjoy the savings in the meantime!

My set of notes recorded live during the meeting can be found here

In the News: Bike week, RFPs issued

Massachusetts will be celebrating bicycling next week, as Bay State Bike Week will be held from May 9 to 17. 
Bicycling organizations, neighborhood groups and local governments are encouraged to host a local event or participate in an existing activity. The events "encourage bicycling as a fun, healthy, safe, and sustainable travel choice," according to a press release from the state Department of Transportation. 
“Our administration is pleased to support Bay State Bike Week and encourages our citizens to participate in local events as a fun and healthy activity for the whole family,” Governor Charlie Baker said in the release. 
Bay State Bike Week is now in its seventh year.
screen grab of Bay State Bike Week webpage
screen grab of Bay State Bike Week webpage

Continue reading the article here

For additional information on Bike Week,

The town has begun soliciting proposals to develop 33 acres off Pond Street after spending more than a month collecting feedback from nearby residents. 
On Wednesday, the Town Council voted unanimously to issue two separate requests for proposals for the town-owned parcels, which are bordered to the west by Interstate 495, to the east by Pond Street, to the south by commercial properties, and to the north by wetlands owned by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and a residential subdivision. 
Previous attempts to sell the land for economic development have proved unsuccessful. 
The first request seeks developers interested in leasing the land for a solar farm. Already benefiting from a solar array near the Wrentham line, officials expect the developer to have an energy agreement in place with another community or business.

Continue reading the article here

For the Franklin Matters summary of the Town Council meeting including the rate reduction for trash/recycling, check here

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Live reporting: Legislation for action

one minute recess 

some of the crowd dispersed

The Cable TV presentation will be rescheduled


5. Resolution 15-21: Appropriation – Capital FY 15
listing of capital budget items read totaling $1,752,000
typically use 'free cash' for capital improvements

departments heads are here to answer any specific questions

The street have a problem with the intersection of Miller
also want to do Oak St in front of the high school
$100,000 for design work, phase 1 
next winter and spring would hear more details for doing sidewalks

Kelly - this takes us a while to get through, thanks to Pfeffer, Dellorco and Nutting for their work in getting this done
getting each department what they need, hope they are happy

Donna Grant, Longfellow Dr
residents off Chestnut St, concerned about walking on the Street
signed a petition and sent it to Nutting

Chestnut St will be included in the design?
Yes, it will. There will be another vote next year when we know how much it will cost

Clarification question on how much of Chestnut St would be done

motion to approve, seconded, passed 9-0
just spent 1.7M dollars, 

6. Resolution 15-22: Appropriation - Sewer Enterprise Capital FY 15
will help with the capacity on the sewer line for Cooks Farm
motion to approve, seconded, passed 9-0 

7. Resolution 15-23: Appropriation – Water Enterprise Capital FY 15
water system improvements, Hill St, Lewis, and the streets in the neighborhood
will be coming to Council to extend the public way, so the whole project can be completed

motion to approve, seconded, passed 9-0

8. Resolution 15-24: Authorization to Issue Request for Proposals – Pond Street Property
lease of parcel for solar, recommendation from the EDC for two RFPs, if either or both are approved, would run for 6 weeks, see if there is a revenue stream available; the second one is more traditional development

Bissanti - thanks for the input, solar was a compromise for the neighbors
so we can put both out, see what comes back with for the Council to review

motion to approve, seconded, passed 9-0

9. Resolution 15-25: Authorization to Issue Request for Proposals – Pond Street Property
for the parcel to be sold and developed

this RFP would allow anything but exclude apartments 
does have a minimum of price, minimum set backs included in both RFPs

advertise, proposals submitted, reviewed by EDC, interview developers, brought before the Council for sale and requires a 2/3 vote, step one of about an 8 step process

Bissanti - thanks to Bryan (Taberner) for his work on this, worked hard to appease the neighbors and be good for the town

motion to approve, seconded, passed 9-0

10. Bylaw Amendment 15-747:Amendment of Service Fee Rates – Solid Waste and Recycling – 1st Reading

$216 -> 200

forgot when we discussed a few weeks ago that the rates will be going down due to the new negotiation with WasteManagement

motion to move to second reading, seconded, passed 9-0

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Live reporting: Economic Development Committee - Pond St RFP

Present: Kelly, Bissanti, Padula, Vallee
Halligan, Nutting, Taberner

meeting opening at 6:07 PM

Nutting provides an update on a meeting with MassDOT regarding the intersection of Grove and 140 as well as Pond and 140. MassDOT indicated that there is an issue they are planning to do some traffic timing in May (after Starbucks opens). They are hiring an engineer to do traffic counts and study and could have info as early as August. 

MassDOT District 3 has been cooperative and should have some additional info later this summer.

Q - How did the Starbucks get approved with such an issue at the intersection?

A - MassDOT had given a full okay to Starbucks including the curb cuts. The info since then has changed due to the info on the accident incidents there.

Taberner showing via the overhead some slides of the property maps (part of the handout)

one shows the wet land and the 25 foot no build buffer required

one shows the prime forest areas, designated by the State for forestry purposes

one shows the location of the sewer mains running through the site

one shows the location of the former sewer beds which have been covered over or removed

one shows the area of man made dumping by the Town (snow, etc.)

one shows an approximate location of a buffer set back for the neighbors consideration, roughly 200 feet

one depicted a possibility of a 1.6 acre parcel along Pond St that would be more 'marketable' and with less restrictions to deal with

last slide shows the prior 2009 proposal and how it fit into the space

Kelly explains the overall process of getting the RFP out to get something back that would make the most sense at the end of the day.

The property 'clean up' would be done by the developer. We don't know what the cost for that would be. The property is 'clean' today but some of the structures etc. would need to be removed to do what they need to do.

You want to give some parameters to the developers so they can make a decision and bring us a proposal so we can decide.

Proposals would be checked to see if the legalities were met, then brought through the Committee (and public review) before making a proposal to the Council. Where they would also have a public hearing before making the decision which requires a 2/3 vote.

We appreciate the buffer. Have the solar farms been ruled out? While the prior RFPs were unsuccessful, could we at least include the option?

It would likely be two proposals, one for the solar and one for the other options

Halligan offered that it could be $500-2000/acre for solar, so it wouldn't make to much sense to the Town

Kelly offered that he would like to see both options go out to see what we can get.

Halligan - offered that the tax revenues would be so much less.

Kelly - I don't see the reason why we don't put it out. 

Nutting - you wouldn't sell the land for solar, you'd lease it. If someone did buy it and put solar in, they could take the solar down at some time and have the 'free' land. 

Part of the lease deal would be how close to the intereconnect it would be to connect to the grid. The hotel would be significantly more than the solar farm.

I understand the desire to make money from the property. If the town loses the space to dump the snow, where would you put it?

The traffic is going to be a problem.

Do we wait for the traffic study for the RFP?

No, not really, the tax breaks for solar end in December. We need to move to find out.

All the questions will not be answered unless the RFP goes out and comes back possibly with a bid or two. It may be that we get no bids.

The rough frame work, hotel, office, medical building, and a residential component. We need to go forward with something to get something back.

Could get the solar component out now as it would not be affected by the traffic. When the numbers come back in the summer, we could incorporate the traffic numbers and do the two staggered?

Solar is allowed anywhere (by zoning), if doing a solar only (should be a lease deal as mentioned). Usually 30 days but we like to do 45 to give it time. Depends upon on the Council would like to proceed.

You would have a bit at the apple at every junction. What we craft would go to the Council so you could there.

Padula - I would move the RFP forward. Our board is charged with the duty to put something reasonable forward for the Council to decide. 

motion withdrawn, let's get the requirements together
200 foot on Pond, 150 on Walker

If you go with solar, those trees are going to go. The property is east west and you need the clearance for the sunlight.

Clarification that the access to the waterway, MIne Brook, would still be maintained?
Yes, it is there and needs to be there.

Halligan proposes to keep it open and have the developer come in to do a presentation.

It is the balance act for the council between revenue and traffic. What are they going to want to decide?

Question on where the building would be sited and how tall it would be. The zoning is 3 stories by right and 5 by special permit.

Verhagen - It is not just traffic but quality of life for the neighbors. One moved out today and one is in the process of doing so. 

Property value would decline when the area becomes undesireable part of town due to the traffic.

Bissanti - I got to think that an appraiser coming out there would negatively affect. I would caution on use of Zillow values, sometimes they are spot on sometimes they are not.

Padula - I am going to move for an open RFP. I am going to vote my conscience and make a good decision based upon what we know.

Motion to put out a general RFP, seconded

Question on where the document is that has the language agreed to?
Bryan can draft the document and if needed it can be amended at the Council.

all four members of the Committee voted for the RFP

second proposal

Motion to make a motion for a solar lease, seconded for discussion purposes
Can the buffer be reduced for solar?

Padula - I am not sure it is a great idea to do concurrent RFPs
Kelly - there should be no problem with doing both at the same time, they want it.  

Nutting - I think we should do the solar first and then come back with the second RFP

Someone could put solar in with the original RFP

move for a vote on this

Two separate RFPs would cause confusion among those developers who would make a response.

Padula - no, vote passes 3-1

the two RFP will be on the same Council agenda

meeting adjourns