Showing posts with label tax rate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tax rate. Show all posts

Monday, January 4, 2021

FM #426 - Franklin Matters Q&A Session - Dec 17, 2020 (audio)

FM #426 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 426 in the series.

This session of the radio show shares the Franklin Matters Q&A session held by the Senior Center on Thursday, Dec 17, 2020. The session was conducted virtually via Zoom conference bridge to adhere to the ‘social distancing’ requirements of this pandemic period.

As I mention during the intro, there is no formal presentation for these sessions. I have at least a couple of things in mind that have changed since the prior meeting to review if folks are interested. We start with your questions, answer those, fill in appropriate background info and connections to other topics where applicable.

The Town Council and Rep Jeff Roy had held their coffee hour that morning. One of the questions to open with was around the Community Preservation Committee legislation that was just approved by the Council at their meeting the prior Wednesday night (12/16/20).

We also talk about the spear phishing incident, storm water utility fee, and the tax rate hearing before getting into the schedule for the next session, Jan 17 at 1:00 PM.

The recording runs just about an hour so let’s listen in.  Audio file =


Franklin Senior Center newsletter

Franklin Senior Center email blast for Jan 2, 2021


We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio (

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.
How can you help?

  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors
  • If you don't like something here, please let me know

Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.
For additional information, please visit 

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana"  c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.

I hope you enjoy!


You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters" 


FM #426 - Franklin Matters Q&A Session - Dec 17, 2020 (audio)
FM #426 - Franklin Matters Q&A Session - Dec 17, 2020 (audio)

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

FM #408 Talk Franklin - 12/04/20 (audio) - #thinkfirstfranklin gift cards, tax rate, spear phishing, etc.

FM #408 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 408 in the series. 

This session of the radio show shares my "Talk Franklin" conversation with Town Administrator Jamie Hellen and Marketing and Communications Specialist Anne Marie Tracey. We had our conversation via conference bridge to adhere to the ‘social distancing’ requirements of this pandemic period.

We talk about: 

  • December closing the year out
  • #ThinkFranklinFirst gift cards
  • Tax rate hearing
  • Comcast contract
  • Spear phishing update

We’ll record a session of Talk Franklin each week leading to Christmas and take the holiday week off to begin again in 2021

Links to the key topics covered here are included in the show notes. The recording runs about 45 minutes, so let’s listen to my conversation with Jamie and Anne Marie. 

Audio file =



#ThinkFranklinFirst gift cards 


We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio ( or 102.9 on the Franklin area radio dial. 

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.

How can you help?
  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors
  • If you don't like something here, please let me know
Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.

For additional information, please visit

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana"  c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.

I hope you enjoy!

You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"

Town Administrator Jamie Hellen updates the Town Council during the 12/02/20 meeting
Town Administrator Jamie Hellen updates the Town Council during the 12/02/20 meeting

Monday, December 7, 2020

FM #405 Town Council Mtg - P1 of 3 - Tax Rate Hearing - 12/02/20 (audio)

FM #405 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 405 in the series.

This session shares the Franklin, MA Town Council meeting held on Wednesday, Dec 2, 2020.

The meeting was conducted in a hybrid format: members of the Town Council, selected guests, and Town Administration personnel were in the Council Chambers, the public was remote via Zoom conference bridge, all to adhere to the ‘social distancing’ requirements of this pandemic period.

I’ve split the full four hour plus meeting into three logical segments:

  • First - covers the opening through the first public hearing on the tax rate and subsequent votes to approve 14.65% as the rate for FY 2021 (1 hour and 5 minutes)
  • Second - covers two of the public hearings; the Comcast contract renewal for 10 years, and the bylaw fee adjustment to reduce the fees for next year only to help the local restaurants during this COVID-19 pandemic period (36 mins)
  • Third - covers the presentation on the spear phishing incident through to the meeting close. There was a 4 minute recess during this segment, I did remove most of the silence to reduce the time for this segment (where I could) (2 hours and 17 minutes)

The show notes contain links to the meeting agenda including documents released for this agenda.

Let’s listen to this segment of the Town Council meeting of Dec 2, 2020. Audio file => 


Agenda document (and released supporting materials in one PDF)
Agenda details with individual documents

Spear phishing update folder

My notes from the meeting  


We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio ( or 102.9 on the Franklin area radio dial. 

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.

How can you help?
  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors
  • If you don't like something here, please let me know
Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.

For additional information, please visit

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana"  c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.

I hope you enjoy!

You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"
Assessor Kevin Doyle addresses the meeting explaining the tax rate process
Assessor Kevin Doyle addresses the meeting explaining the tax rate process

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Town Council Meeting: Comcast contract, Spear phishing update, tax rate set

Quick Recap:
  • Acting Town Clerk Nancy Danello reminds folks of the election Dec 5 
  • Discussion on election 'rules' raised during citizen comments - debunked in Council discussion later, there are MA MGL and US voting rights statues but not the '30 page or rules doc mentioned'
  • tax rate hearing was held. rate set at 14.65, a .14 cent increase of last year. The rate is a calculation that allows only a decision on a single rate or dual. Franklin is not in a position to use a dual rate so the Council voted for a single rate. The rest is a math exercise. I'll simplify the analysis later.
  • Comcast cable contract came up for renewal, new one has a ten year term (good for us) as it enables Franklin to chose between Verizon or Comcast (or 'cut the cord'). Almost 5,000 user for Comcast in Franklin. One of the cable fees on both the Verizon and Comcast bill is what funds the Franklin TV cable operations (and coincidently an item on the agenda Weds was the quarterly transfer of funds from Verizon through Town of Franklin to Franklin TV - purely a pass through for accounting purposes)
  • The bylaw to provide a reduction in license renewals for restaurants was approved at this second reading. It costs the Town approx. $13K in 'lost revenue' but will help each of the business in this pandemic period.
  • Insights on the cyber theft incident were provided (finally) as the investigation (still ongoing) had developed enough info to be able to share. It was a target attack to the Treasurer/Collector over two months of email that led to a change in the processing of a payment that resulted in the diversion of funds. It was discovered in Sept when the real legitimate vendor came looking for their promised payment that had not been received. 
    • The individual was suspended, salary reduced and will maintain position as this (while a significant mistake) was the only blemish on her work
    • At one point in the meeting she stood up to apologize publicly (well done) 
    • The investigation continues. The Town has obtained $200K from insurance to cover the loss. 
    • The balance will come from the emergency fund within the water enterprise account (already set aside for emergencies - usually for broken water mains)
    • There is a possibility of recovery of the funds. 
    • There is no need to raise rates to cover for the loss
    • Procedures were in place for creation of a wire transfer. Procedures will be modified to cover a change in a payment process.
    • Additional training on cyber awareness will be conducted. All Town side personnel and School department central office personnel are currently part of this regular training (oddly, teachers (the largest segment of Town employees are not yet covered))
  • After the presentation, a combined effort from Technology Director Tim Raposa, Police Chief TJ Lynch, and Town Administrator Jamie Hellen, the Council took a 3 minutes recess before getting into their Q&S and statements
  • The presentation doc was posted to the Town page after the meeting. Future updates can be found on the same page

Photos captured and shared via Twitter during the meeting can be found in one album

As with most meetings in this pandemic period, I took my notes via Twitter during the meeting reporting in real-time via the virtual session.
The Twitter hashtag can be found online  #TC1202 
  • Real time reporting underway for the Town Council meeting #tc1202
  • New tagline for those connecting via cable and wanting the Zoom info #tc1202 visible on screen
  • Town clerk provides updates on election Dec 5 #tc1202 wheel chair available if necessary. All voting in FHS gym or via mail to the dropbox at municipal building before Saturday
  • TC candidate Alan Earls in citizen comment about election law and practices. Is there really a set of rules around the election? Other than the state MGL #tc1202
  • Moving to tax classification hearing #tc1202 house values increased 2.8% tax rate increase proposed for .14 cents. Doc with details… TA Jamie Hellen introduces Assessor Kevin Doyle and Board of assessor present
  • Annual tax rate setting formally closes out the budget year FY 2021. #tc1202 really only (1) an approval of what the tax calculation comes out as and (2) a decision on single rate. Runs 80/20 residential vs commercial/industrial properties. To move $1 from residents …
  • As the pie grows (property values increase) the rate increase is less when the pie shrinks (property values decrease) the tax rate increases #tc1202 this slide shows the option if a dual rate was chosen
  • The actual math to support the $1 vs $4 example mentioned earlier
  • Council discussion adding clarification around the tax rate. This is an automatic calculation. Based upon the state law and prop 2 1/2 regulations there isn't much choice (aside from the dual tax rate). #tc1202 it is not an arbitrary number
  • Motion to close tax classification hearing. Approved 8-0 moving to Legislation on tax rates to close out this portion of the topic. #tc1202…. Motion to approve res 20-68, passes 8-0… same vote to pass res 20-69
  •… motion passes by 8-0 vote;
  • Motion passes by 8-0 vote #tc1202
  • Next up public hearing on Comcast cable license, renewal for 10 year period,… 4219 customers, 5% allowed for cable access, quarterly payments to help support Franklin TV operations; senior discount available, #tc1202
  • TA Jamie Hellen provides overview #tc1202 do we need to commit for 10 year contract? Yes, there are other developments, there are almost 5000 customers here to serve. It is a reflection of the marketplace. It is in our interest to get longest contract.
  • Cable attorney provides insights and argument for the long term contract, it is a win-win for Franklin, this meeting and broadcast of it is funded by the contract. If folks aren't happy they can shift to Verizon or cut the service. Enforcing the license is the easy part #tc1202
  • The hard part is getting terms that work with both sides. Comcast has committed to a side letter on providing an electric program guide for Community TV. #tc1202 we provide the options Verizon and Comcast are here, competition, and if you cut cable go internet
  • Motion to close hearing on cable, 7-1 vote to close hearing (Bissanti?) (Hard to tell who voted no) #tc1202… res 20-72 vote passes 7-1
  • Moving to adjustment to service fees for restaurants, and alcohol license for season 2021 only… to help the business survive the pandemic. Costs the town approx $13k, second reading. Listing of business impacted in doc link above
  • Opened public hearing on bylaw, no comments other than Councilor Hamblen endorsing the move. Hearing closed, motion to approve #tc1202 via roll call 8-0
  • Picking back to the agenda, cyber incident now up. #tc1202 there is still an active situation with investigation underway. Resist speculation. Don't make up your own stories of what happen. Personnel matters can not be disclosed
  • Tim Raposa, technology director, starting with definitions. As much of what has been mentioned in social media is inaccurate. #tc1202
  • #tc1202 slides on definitions
  • #tc1202 segmented network with virtual lab areas, a key for security access. You can't get where you shouldn't. Anti-malware is not 100% perfect
  • Cyber security training for all users regularly #tc1202 key definition page as we get to phishing and spear phishing
  • #tc1202 funds were for the water treatment plant construction underway off Grove St. Town has taken several steps
  • Implementation of recovery and prevention started simultaneously in September #tc1202
  • #tc1202 we need to tell the agencies about what happened so that they can possibly solve this down the road. Insufficient evidence to pursue a case
  • Bonds are not insurance #tc1202
  • #tc1202 option to pursue the bond is too expensive. Need 'willful conduct' to pursue.
  • Chief Lynch comes to update and give Jamie a water break #tc1202 FPD needs helps as their jurisdiction is Franklin bound. Subpoena and search warrants take time to execute  and hindered by court reduction due to COVID-19
  • #tc1202 procedure changes and training (certificate based)
  • #tc1202 impressive statement by treasurer collector apologizing for the incident.
  • 3 minute recess before getting to council questions and continue the meeting #tc1202
  • #tc1202 meeting resumes
  • #tc1202 are there chances to get the money back? The investigation is ongoing, I don't want to give a false sense of confidence. Likely not to get it back. We should resist temptation until the case is fully resolved.
  • #tc1202 we need to make these trainings stick like the way sexual harassment training sticks.
  • #tc1202 new webpage off the Town Administrator page for presentation doc and docs related to this going forward.
  • #tc1202 how will training change to accommodate the changes in outside and technology to avoid further phishing events? The training is such that it is part of normal business email.
  • #tc1202 there was a lot of info and I'll go back and re-read, was there a comment on the water rate payers vs well water users? Yes, private well not part of enterprise funds. It could be approx. $30. There is no need to raise rates to cover.
  • #tc1202 Mercer "I apologize that it took so long to get to the point where we could share what we have tonight"
  • Good to see the lights out around town, would be good to get a list of the houses that are festively decorated. Motion to adjourn, passes 8-0. That is all for tonight catch you next time #tc1202 
 audio of the meeting is being prepared to share so you can listen.

Town Administrator Jamie Hellen
Town Administrator Jamie Hellen

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Franklin, MA: Town Council - Agenda - Dec 2, 2020

This meeting is being recorded by Franklin TV and shown on Comcast channel 11 and Verizon Channel 29. This meeting may be recorded by others.
Citizens are welcome to express their views for up to five minutes on a matter that is not on the agenda. The Council will not engage in a dialogue or comment on a matter raised during Citizen Comments. The Town Council will give remarks appropriate consideration and may ask the Town Administrator to review the matter.
None Scheduled
None Scheduled
None Scheduled
6. HEARINGS - 7:10pm   
  1  Franklin Tax Classification Hearing
     -   Legislation for Action Items: 10a., 10b., 10c., 10d.
  2  Comcast of Massachusetts II, INC. Cable Television Renewal License 12/2/2020 - 12/1/2030
        Legislation for Action Item: 10e.
  3  Bylaw Amendment 20-863: Chapter 82, Municipal Service Fees - Temporary reduction in Municipal Service Fees for Common Victualer All Alcohol and Wine & Malt Licenses for the 2021 License Renewal Season
        Legislation for Action Item: 10f.

None Scheduled
Cyber Fraud Spear Phishing Incident: Town Administrator, Jamie Hellen & IT Director, Tim Rapoza
a. Capital Budget Subcommittee
b. Budget Subcommittee
c. Economic Development Subcommittee
Resolution 20-68: Tax Classification Residential Factor (Motion to Approve Resolution 20-68 - Majority Vote)
Resolution 20-69: Tax Classification - Open Space Exemption (Motion to Approve Resolution 20-69 - Majority Vote)
Resolution 20-70: Tax Classification Small Business Exemption (Motion to Approve Resolution 20-70 - Majority Vote)
Resolution 20-71: Tax Classification Residential Property Exemption (Motion to Approve Resolution 20-71 - Majority Vote)
Resolution 20-72: Comcast of Massachusetts II, Inc. Cable License Renewal (Motion to approve Resolution 20-72 - Majority Vote)
Bylaw Amendment 20-863: Chapter 82, Municipal Service Fees - Temporary reduction in Municipal Service Fees for Common Victualer All Alcohol and Wine & Malt Licenses for the 2021 License Renewal Season - Second Reading (Motion to Adopt Bylaw Amendment 20-863 - Majority Roll Call Vote)
Resolution 20-73: Gift acceptance - Police Department, $2,025 (Motion to Approve Resolution 20-73 - Majority Vote)
Resolution 20-74: Cable Funds in Support of PEG Service and Programming per MGL Ch. 44, §53F3/4 (Motion to Approve Resolution 20-74 - Majority Vote)
None Scheduled

Two-Thirds Vote: requires 6 votes
Majority Vote: requires majority of members present and voting 
Connection info for this meeting contained in the agenda doc
Franklin, MA: Town Council - Agenda - Dec 2, 2020
Franklin, MA: Town Council - Agenda - Dec 2, 2020

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Legal Notice: Franklin Tax Hearing - Dec 2

Legal Notice
Franklin Tax Hearing
Notice Of Public Hearing
Property Tax Classification

The Franklin Town Council will hold a Public Hearing in the Council Chambers in the Municipal Office Building, 355 East Central Street, Franklin, MA on Wednesday evening, December 2, 2020 at 7:10 P.M. on the issue of allocating the local property tax levy among the 5 property classes for the Fiscal Year 2021. The hearing will provide an open forum for the discussion of local property tax policy. Interested taxpayers may present oral or written information on their views.

Prior to the setting of the tax rate, the Town Council must adopt a Residential Factor following which the Council selects the percentage of the levy to be borne by Commercial and Industrial and Personal Property.

This meeting will be done remotely via the “ZOOM” platform. Residents can visit the Town Website ( and click on the Town Calendar for up to date information on how to access the meeting. If you have any questions, please call the Town Administrator’s Office at (508) 520-4949.


Submitted by,

Alecia Alleyne
Licensing Administrator


Legal Notice: Franklin Tax Hearing - Dec 2
Legal Notice: Franklin Tax Hearing - Dec 2

Monday, December 23, 2019

Town Council recap of Dec 4, 2019: Tax rate set at $14.51

The most significant item of this meeting was the tax classification hearing which functionally closes out the operating budget cycle for FY 2020. The operating budget cycle closes with the setting of the rate to confirm and authorize the funding required to cover the priorities set during the operating budget cycle.

The capital budget for FY 2020 uses free cash from the FY 2019 year and has recently been reviewed with the Finance Committee. The Town Council will be reviewing the capital budget recommendation at one of their January 2020 meetings.

The tax rate is set for FY 2020 at $14.51 per thousand of assessed value. This rate is down $.15 from the rate set for FY 2019 ($14.66). The growth in the community from the housing and commercial expansion we see all around us is the primary factor for the drop in rate. Yes, the operational expenses continue to increase but the total amount required is spread among a larger group (expanded by growth) so we get to pay less than if we had no growth or expansion.

The chart shown here depicts this fact. As the change in assessed value increases, the rate goes down. As the change in assessed value decreases, the rate goes up. 
Franklin, MA - Net Change in Valuation (Million) vs. Tax Rate (Percent)
Franklin, MA - Net Change in Valuation (Million) vs. Tax Rate (Percent)

While some folks say we should stop growth, that would doom us to paying more and a higher percent of taxes every year. With proper growth (affordable, for one), the growth helps to spread the tax burden.

The official Action Taken document can be found online

The meeting video is available for replay on demand
The audio portion of the Town Administrator Jamie Hellen's Report to the Town Council was released previously

Additional details from the meeting can be found in my notes captured during the meeting:
  • Live reporting: Town Administrator's Report through Closing
  • Live reporting: Legislation for Action
  • Live reporting: Tax Classification Hearing
  • Live reporting: Town Council - Dec 4, 2019

Sunday, December 15, 2019

In the News: tax cut will reduce state tax revenues; La Salette opens for 65th year

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin:

"In 2000, Massachusetts voters handily approved a ballot question meant to reduce the state’s income tax rate to 5%.

Two decades later, they’re finally getting their wish.

Republican Gov. Charlie Baker announced last week that on Jan. 1, the income tax rate will be cut from 5.05% to 5%.

The tax cut marks the end of a process that began in 2002 following passage of the ballot question two years earlier."
Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

"For 65 years, the Christmas Festival of Lights at La Salette has helped illuminate the reason for the season while providing delight and beauty for countless visitors.

The Rev. Flavio Gillio loves to light up the night. After all, that’s his job; he is the director of the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette in Attleboro. Each year, he is responsible for making sure the 300,000 lights and scores of holiday displays at the religious site shine brightly. As you might imagine, it’s a lot of work.

“Tis the season! ’Tis the season! Yes, we are very busy!” chuckles Father Flavio in a soft Italian accent. The priest in the Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette was born in a small town near Turin in Italy, across the valley from the village in France where Mary was said to have appeared to two young children in 1846."

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Live reporting: Tax Classification Hearing

Franklin Tax Classification Hearing

Chris Sandini, Kevin Doyle, Chris Feeley

factor of 1 = uniform rate across the property classes

no land classified as open space per State Land use 

calculated increase of approx $178 for avg residence with reduction in rate of 15 cents from prior year

new growth of $127M for this tax year
almost 2.5% growth (which helps establish the tax base)

Chandler - clarification questions on exemptions and forms
to be found on the Board of Assessors page

Jones - impressed with the 5B valuation of the Town
For the single tax rate

Bissanti - I don't remember addressing a dual tax rate
C Feeley - about 14 years ago there was a Councilor who did propose a dual tax rate; it was not passed

Pellegri - do we know if we have everyone who would be eligible?
Doyle - we did a mailing some years ago, that didn't urn up much; we work closely with the Senior Center and Veterans Agent to ensure we cover all we hear of; we work with Karen Alves to prepare a summary flyer

Hellen - we'll coordinate an update and social media blast to make sure folks are aware of it

Dellorco - once applied do they need to re-apply?
Feeley - re-apply yes, but once they have, we notify them of what they need to do

Mercer - I support the single tax rate, one of our strengths in attracting business

hearing closed

moving to first of the four resolutions

Resolution 19-80: Tax Classification Residential Factor (Motion to Approve Resolution 19-80 - Majority Vote (5))

motion to approve, seconded, passed 8-0

Resolution 19-81: Tax Classification - Open Space Exemption (Motion to Approve Resolution 19-81 - Majority Vote (5))
motion to approve, seconded, passed 8-0

Resolution 19-82: Tax Classification Small Business Exemption (Motion to Approve Resolution 19-82 - Majority Vote (5))
motion to approve, seconded, passed 8-0

Resolution 19-83: Tax Classification Residential Property Exemption (Motion to Approve Resolution 19-83 - Majority Vote (5))

motion to approve, seconded, passed 8-0

( 2 min recess )
short break to allow for signature of the docs as approved

Friday, November 1, 2019

MassBudget: Statement on Proposed Gas Tax Increase

October 30, 2019
Statement on Proposed Gas Tax Increase 
Statement by Marie-Frances Rivera, Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center President, in response to discussions on increasing the gas tax: 

With congested highways, antiquated public transit, and limited transit options outside of Greater Boston, the Legislature and business community are debating the merits of increasing the gas tax to modernize our state's transportation system. It is critically important to understand that not only would this increase hit low and middle income communities the hardest but it would draw on a source of transportation revenue that will likely decline over the long term.

Our report, 14 Options for Raising Progressive Revenue, outlines a variety of fair and sustainable ways we can raise revenue, including raising corporate taxes. These options ask those who are benefiting most from economic growth to contribute a little more to help bring our transportation system into the 21st century.

If policymakers decide to raise the gas tax, increasing and expanding worker tax credits, such as the Earned Income Tax Credit, can create a financial buffer for some who would be hardest hit by a gas tax increase.

Interested in learning more about the pros and cons of higher gas taxes? Read our latest report here.
The Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center (MassBudget) produces policy research, analysis, and data-driven recommendations focused on improving the lives of low- and middle-income children and adults, strengthening our state's economy, and enhancing the quality of life in Massachusetts.

BOSTON, MA 02109

Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center, 1 State Street, Suite 1250, Boston, MA 02109

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Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Board of Assessors: Agenda - Oct 3, 2019

Franklin Board Of Assessors 
meeting at 
Franklin Municipal Building, Room 106, 
355 East Central Street, Franklin, Massachusetts 
Thursday, October 3, 2019 at 9:00 AM

A. Approval Of Minutes: 
Regular & Executive Session Minutes of September 19, 2019

B. Administration, Old Business and New Business 
1. Report on FY 2020 tax file preparation, FY 2021 Chapterlands filings

C. Motor Vehicle Excise 
1. MV Abatement Denials
2. September 2019 MV List of Abatements for Comptroller

D. Personal Property 
1. Utility Valuation vs. Net Book Value

E. Boat Excise 

F. Real Estate 
1. Abatements and Appeals
2. Exemptions

G. Executive Session 
1.The Board may vote to go into Executive Session under Purpose 7 to discuss and vote on matters that are confidential in accordance with law, such as, but not limited to abatements and exemptions (MGL Ch. 59, Sec. 60), or property income & expense disclosures (MGL Ch. 59, Sec 52B). Will the Board return to Open Session?

This was shared from the Town of Franklin page

Board of Assessors: Agenda - Oct 3, 2019
Board of Assessors: Agenda - Oct 3, 2019

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Franklin Election 2019: What does the Board of Assessors do?

While the Town Council votes to set the tax rate annually, the calculations on what the tax rate should be are based upon the valuations of all the commercial, industrial, residential, and personal property that Franklin has record of. These calculations are performed by the Assessors under the oversight of the elected Board of Assessors.

The state has changed the requirement for a property revaluation from every three years to every five years.

There are three members of the Board. Two positions are up for election this year. All three positions are four year terms of office and staggered to avoid a complete replacement and loss of institutional knowledge.

From the Town of Franklin Board of Assessors page
Establish and maintain valuations for all real and personal property within the community for purposes of generating tax revenues.

Services and Programs
Valuation, classification and assessment of all real and personal property for tax purposes. Conduct research of real estate market (including sales and ratio studies); prepare sales and other reports for state review and certification of values. Prepares and certifies abutters lists. Processes abatements, liens, and apportionment. Maintains assessors' maps, plans, property transfer records, and valuation data. Processes all real and personal property abatements and exemptions. Processes and abates motor vehicle excise. Prepares data for state approval of tax rate.

Inquiries regarding the valuation of residential property, industrial and commercial valuations, or questions about personal property valuations should be directed to Kevin W. Doyle, Peter Mooney or David Ruberti.

Questions regarding abatement and exemption applications, abutters lists, motor vehicle excise, ownership of real and personal property and general assessment data should be directed to the clerical support staff.

The Board of Assessors section in Franklin Annual Report for 2018 can be found

Find more information on the Franklin Election Nov 5, 2019 in the "election collection" 

Franklin Election 2019: What does the Board of Assessors do?
Franklin Election 2019: What does the Board of Assessors do?

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

MassBudget: Why Top-Income Households Receive Most Tax Benefits from Charitable Deduction

MassBudget  Information.
 Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center  Democracy.
February 11, 2019

Why Top-Income Households Receive Most Tax Benefits from Charitable Deduction

BOSTON - Our Commonwealth does best when all people experience rising prosperity. But for several decades, the wealth and income of the top 1 percent of households has grown briskly while others have been left behind. While there are many reasons for this trend, one contributing factor is the way the federal tax deduction for charitable giving disproportionately rewards the giving of those with incomes over $1 million compared with donations made by moderate- and low-income tax filers.
While higher-income households have more money to give away - and therefore give larger dollar amounts to charity than households with less income - the benefits of charitable tax deductions remain heavily skewed towards top-income households, according to a new Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center (MassBudget) report. The top incomes average 160 times more than those earning incomes below $50,000, but their average charitable deduction is about 1,320 times larger.
"In Massachusetts, taxpayers who have incomes over $1 million claim almost half of all charitable deductions, though they make up less than 0.5 percent of tax filers. Meanwhile, tax filers with incomes of $200,000 or less claim only 29 percent of charitable tax deductions," said Phineas Baxandall, Senior Policy Analyst at MassBudget and author of the report.
Why Top-Income Households Receive Most Tax Benefits from Charitable Deduction
Research shows high-income households do not necessarily give a larger portion of their incomes to charity than lower-income households. Some studies find that, in fact, low- and middle-income givers actually contribute a larger percentage of their incomes. A key reason the tax benefits for charitable giving are skewed toward high-income households is: charitable giving can only be deducted from federal taxes if they are itemized (listed in detail). 

Most low- and moderate-income taxpayers don't tend to itemize their deductions, instead they usually opt for the larger (and simpler) standard deduction. For most top-income households, the standard deduction is too small compared to the deductions they can claim, so the vast majority choose to itemize deductions and avoid taxation on a larger portion of their incomes.
Massachusetts does not currently have a charitable deduction for state income taxes but, if the state's income tax rate drops to 5.0 percent in January 2020 - as anticipated by the Department of Revenue and following policy triggers enacted in 2002 - then a state charitable deduction would kick in the following year. 

Adding a state charitable deduction would reduce revenues by about $300 million per year, leaving less money for education, public health, transportation, affordable housing, and other programs funded by the state budget.
"In Massachusetts' upside-down tax system, people with lower incomes pay a larger percentage of their incomes in taxes than top-income households. Adding a state charitable deduction on top of the federal one would make this system even more imbalanced," said Marie-Frances Rivera, Interim President of MassBudget.
The Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center (MassBudget) produces policy research, analysis, and data-driven recommendations focused on improving the lives of low- and middle-income children and adults, strengthening our state's economy, and enhancing the quality of life in Massachusetts.

BOSTON, MA 02108

Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center, 15 Court Square, Suite 700, Boston, MA 02108

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