Monday, November 5, 2012

Election 2012: What's on the ballot?

While this article leaves out the two non-binding ballot questions, you can get ALL the candidate and ballot question information you need here

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via The Milford Daily News News RSS by Derek McLean/Daily News staff on 11/4/12

When local residents hit the ballot box on Tuesday, they will all be asked to vote for their choice of president and U.S. senator. Voters in the Massachusetts 4th Middlesex Congressional District will be asked to choose between Democrat Joe Kennedy, Republican Sean Bielat and independent David Rosa to take the U.S. representative seat that is currently being held by Barney Frank.

Things you can do from here:

"It’s been a great race"

The position statements have been touted frequently, now it is time to get out the vote. The Milford Daily News reports on a reflection of the campaigns for the 10th Norfolk District by the candidates:
Roy, of Franklin, and Eustis, of Medway, know the district well. Yet both acknowledged that because of the microscope put on it by campaigning, they have learned so much more about the towns and their residents. 
"I’ve been to neighborhoods I never knew existed," Roy said. "I’ve made new friends." 
This hyper-local election, they say, has been all about going door-to-door. The candidates each boast about having visited with thousands of their would-be constituents. And they have been humbled by the kindness and openness shown to them on the campaign trail. 
"It was amazing to me how freely people would share their personal stories and details of struggles they have had — me coming to their door as a stranger," Eustis said. "They were so welcoming and candid in our discussions. They left me more committed than ever to fight to help make their lives better, day to day."

Read more:

Democracy Amendment Massachusetts (Common Cause Ballot Initiative to overturn Citizens United)

A regular reader sent along this additional information on Ballot Question 4

The Democracy Amendment Ballot Question

Shall the state [senator or representative] from this district be instructed to vote in favor of a resolution calling upon Congress to propose an amendment to the US Constitution affirming that 1) corporations are not entitled to the constitutional rights of human beings, and 2) both Congress and the states may place limits on political contributions and political spending?

Frequently Asked Questions

Who supports a constitutional amendment?

83% of Democrats, 73% of Republicans, and 81% of Independents oppose Citizens United.

9 states – Massachusetts, New Jersey, Connecticut, California, Hawaii, Maryland, New Mexico, Rhode Island, and Vermont – have called for Congress to propose a constitutional amendment.

Over 300 US municipalities have passed resolutions in favor of an amendment, including at least 70 in Massachusetts.

11 state attorneys general, led by Massachusetts's Martha Coakley, have written to Congress urging the passage of an amendment.

22 state attorneys general urged the Court to uphold a Montana law challenging Citizens United.

A dozen versions of an amendment have been introduced by US representatives and senators.

115+ citizens' organizations support a constitutional amendment.

More than 2 million people have signed petitions in support of an amendment.

Is a constitutional amendment really necessary?

Yes. Because Citizens United and other decisions are based on the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Constitution, only a constitutional amendment can undo them and ensure that government works for us—not just for corporations and wealthy interests that pay for political campaigns. Read more »

Isn't a corporation an association of people? Why shouldn't it have constitutional rights?

To claim that the Bill of Rights applies to "we the corporations" as well as "we the people" is contrary to its original intent and just plain wrong. Read more »

Unions, nonprofits, and news organizations are corporations too. Won't a constitutional amendment weaken their voice?

Absolutely not. Non-profit organizations could advocate for the rights of their members long before the courts gave corporations constitutional rights. The Supreme Court has recognized this repeatedly. If a constitutional amendment were passed, we would merely go back to this method of analyzing rights. Read more »

Didn't the Massachusetts state legislature already pass a resolution calling for a constitutional amendment?

Yes, in an overwhelming bipartisan victory, both chambers of the Massachusetts legislature passed resolutions calling on Congress for a constitutional amendment. This ballot question is an opportunity for the voters of Massachusetts to reinforce the state legislature's action. Read more »

What is the point if the ballot question is non-binding?

Using ballot questions, "We the People" can send a strong message to Congress and other elected officials that we want a constitutional amendment. Even though voter instructions are not legally binding, they have historically carried great force. Read more »

What is the process to pass a constitutional amendment?

All 27 amendments to today's US constitution were proposed by a 2/3 vote of both houses of Congress and then ratified by 3/4 of the state legislatures. Alternatively, amendments can be proposed and ratified by a combination of national and state constitutional conventions.

What did the Court decide in the Citizens United ruling? How did the Court arrive at Citizens United?

In its 5-4 decision in Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission (2010), the Supreme Court decided that corporate expenditures in elections constitute constitutionally protected free speech. Read more »

What are independent expenditures? How are they different from contributions?

An independent expenditure is spending on behalf of a candidate. A contribution is given directly to a candidate or a candidate's affiliates. Read more »

What are SuperPACs?

SuperPACs are political action committees that only make independent expenditures. They can legally accept and spend unlimited donations from individuals, corporations, and unions. Read more »

How has Citizens United affected political spending in elections?

The unprecedented special interest funds pumped into the 2010 elections revealed only the tip of the iceberg of campaign finance post-Citizens United. The 2012 election cycle is sure to break all spending records: overall spending in the 2012 election is predicted to reach new heights – more than $8 billion! Read more »

Who will be voting on the Democracy Amendment question?

About one-third of Massachusetts voters have a chance to vote on the question in November. Read more »

Why does the Democracy Amendment question have different numbers depending on where you vote?

Ballot questions are numbered in the order in which petition signatures were submitted to the Secretary of State. Also, all statewide binding questions, of which there are three in 2012, are numbered first. Read more »

Aside from voting "YES," how can I help and where can I get more information?

Tell your friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers about the ballot question. Make sure they are registered to vote by Wednesday October 17 and vote "YES" on Tuesday November 6! Read more »

Want to know more? Check out our suggestions for reading and other resources »

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Franklin, MA: Town Council - Agenda - Nov 7, 2012


October 3, 2012 Regular Session, October 17 Executive Session

This meeting is being recorded by Franklin TV and shown on Comcast channel 11 and Verizon channel 29. This meeting is also being recorded by Franklin Matters.

Citizenship Award


Franklin Community Cable Access Corp. – Board of Directors
(three candidates for two positions: Ken Norman, Rose Turco, Frank Falvey)

Finance Committee - Paul Aparo



Karen Alves, Director, Senior Center
Franklin TV, Ken Norman


1. Resolution 12-72: Establishment of an Operating Budget Stabilization Fund
2. Resolution 12-73: Appropriation: Operating Budget Stabilization Fund
3. Resolution 12-74: Appropriation: Interest – Property Tax
4. Resolution 12-75: Town of Franklin Net Metering Power Purchase Agreement
5. Bylaw Amendment 12-694:Amendment to Chapter 82, Appendix A, List of Service Fee
Rates – 2nd Reading
6. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 12-695: Amendment to Chapter 185 §31. Site Plan and Design
Review – Referral to Planning Board
7. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 12-696: Amendment to Chapter 185 §20 Signs. Sign Approvals
– Referral to Planning Board
8. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 12-697: Amendment to Chapter 185 §45 Administration &
Enforcement. Design Review Commission – Referral to Planning Board





Negotiations, Litigation, Real Property, as May Be Required


The full set of documents released for this meeting can be found here

Hurricane Relief collection underway



The Town of Franklin Police, Fire and Schools are attempting to organize a disaster relief project to help our Fellow Americans impacted  by Hurricane Sandy.

Items needed include:

  • Bottled water
  • Nonperishable food- note expiration date
  • New Clothing- adults, children and babies
  • New Blankets
  • Personal hygiene items including baby items (diapers, baby wipes)
  • New household items

Please drop off items at one of our two fire stations (King Street or Downtown) between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.

Thank you for your support,

The Franklin School Department, 
the Franklin Police Department and 
the Franklin Fire Department.
This e-mail has been sent to you by FRANKLIN PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT. To maximize their communication with you, you may be receiving this e-mail in addition to a phone call with the same message. If you wish to discontinue this service, please inform FRANKLIN PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT IN PERSON, by US MAIL, or by TELEPHONE at (508) 613-1777.

In the News: election related items

For Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren - a final sprint

November Programs at the Library

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Friends of Franklin Library"
Subject: November Programs at the Library

How to select eReaders

This program will look at the features of eReaders and help you decide which reader is right for you.  Also, included is a demonstration of using the Overdrive service provided by the Minuteman Network and the Franklin Public Library.  eBooks can be checked out and downloaded from Overdrive and then transferred to portable devices such as the Nook, Kindle, iPads, and smartphones.  The library has both Kindles and Nooks preloaded with books available for circulation.

Monday November 5th from 10:30 AM – Noon
Franklin Public Library Meeting Room

Monday December 3rd from 10:30 – Noon
Franklin Public Library Meeting Room

No registration required.

How to Make Holiday Memories with your Digital Photographs

Digital Photographs make it easy to share albums with family and friends and create cards, calendars, ornaments, and other gifts for the holidays.  In this program we will look at free software to edit photos, and sites to upload photos for sharing and ordering a wide array of products.  We will also look at transferring images from you camera to the computer and storage options for large file sizes.

Monday November 19th 10:30 AM to Noon
Franklin Public Library Meeting Room

No registration required.


Friends of the Franklin Library * P.O. Box 147 * Franklin, MA  02038 *

Saturday, November 3, 2012

12 Days of Donating-Important News From the Elves

A note from the Food Elves and the Franklin Downtown Partnership....
Last year the Food Elves in partnership with the Franklin Downtown Partnership collected food and cash donations that translated to
over 17,000 meals for families in need.
The "12 Days of Donating" Campaign will run from December 1st-12th with the kick off at the Holiday Stroll.
This year the Food Elves would like to expand the number of businesses that would like to pledge $200 if the Elves meet their goal of collecting 1,200 pounds of food donations. They invite YOU to to be a part of this
community-wide campaign! 
Please call or e-mail the office by Monday so the Food Elves can add you to the list. You will be in good company with our current participants: Berry Insurance, Dean Bank, DCU, Dean College,Emma's Quilts, Jane's Frames and the Franklin Downtown Partnership.
Just say YES...
It is easy...just say "YES" and the Food Elves will arrive with a Donation Bin and will pick up the food at the end of the campaign.  
Food Elves in Training...
If you know someone who is interested in becoming a Food Elf...please call or e-mail the FDP office by Monday so Head Elves Melissa and Cameron can add them to their list of volunteers and coordinate their schedules.
Make a Difference this year....and join the Elves for a Good Cause...

Boston Globe endorses Rich Eustis

The Boston Globe endorses Rich Eustis:
In the 10th Norfolk district, two strong candidates compete for the seat already vacated by Democrat James Vallee. Republican candidate Richard Eustis of Medway lacks the impressive town government experience of Democrat Jeffrey Roy of Franklin. But Eustis, who runs the Bar Advocate Program in Worcester County, offers an intriguing blend of pro-business policies and cost-effective alternatives to incarceration for nonviolent drug offenders.

Note: If some of you were wondering who I would endorse, I do not endorse candidates. In my journalistic role, I share information to help you become an informed voter.

MassDOT Introduces 857-DOT-INFO (857-368-4636)

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via Commonwealth Conversations: Transportation by Klark Jessen on 11/2/12

One Voice New Telephone Numbers, November 2012
MassDOT today announced a new telephone number to provide customers easy, direct access to statewide transportation information as part of its internal OneVoice transition.

"We are speaking with one voice throughout MassDOT," said MassDOT Secretary and CEO Richard A. Davey. "It's a voice that is focused on the customer. Maybe you don't know your highway district, nearest airport, bus route or what time the local RMV opens on Thursdays. Today, we are telling our customers all that information is just one call away, 857-DOT-INFO."

In 2009, Transportation Reform integrated stand alone agencies including the Turnpike Authority and MassHighway. Today, MassDOT is comprised of four divisions: the Highway Division, Registry of Motor Vehicles Division, Rail and Transit Division and the Aeronautics Division.

Reform has allowed MassDOT to consolidate functions and see cost savings. The OneVoice telephone transition will result in phone bill and maintenance savings of approximately $422,000 each year.

Registry of Motor Vehicles customers may be familiar with 857-DOT, as the call center transitioned to 857-DOT-8000 earlier this year. For MBTA customers, this new line complements the existing customer service line, 617-222-3200, which remains active.

MassDOT is maximizing existing resources to acquaint the public with 857-DOT-INFO. Customers will notice ads on the MBTA system and on the Highway Division's digital billboard PSA program and inside our RMV offices.

Employees with the new area code and exchange include those working at the State Transportation Building, the Registry of Motor Vehicles Headquarters in Quincy and its Boston branch, as well as MassDOT Highway District 6.

Things you can do from here:

Hurricane Relief

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Nov 2, 2012 2:30 PM
Subject: Hurricane Relief


The Town of Franklin Police, Fire and Schools are attempting to organize a disaster relief project to help our Fellow Americans impacted  by Hurricane Sandy.

Items needed include:
  • Bottled water
  • Nonperishable food- note expiration date
  • New Clothing- adults, children and babies
  • New Blankets
  • Personal hygiene items including baby items (diapers, baby wipes)
  • New household items
Please drop off items at one of our two fire stations (King Street or Downtown) between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.

Thank you for your support,
The Franklin School Department, the Franklin Police Department and the Franklin Fire Department.
This e-mail has been sent to you by FRANKLIN PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT. To maximize their communication with you, you may be receiving this e-mail in addition to a phone call with the same message. If you wish to discontinue this service, please inform FRANKLIN PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT IN PERSON, by US MAIL, or by TELEPHONE at (508) 613-1777.

Pantherbook: Goodbye Access Road

The School Building Committee has an update scheduled for Weds Nov 14 in the Council Chambers at 7:00 PM.The update will cover the different stages of construction, how the traffic patterns will be affected and where the project is currently. This will be a good time to hear and discuss what is being planned for traffic during the construction that will be taking place for the next two years.

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via Pantherbook by brittanylandry on 11/2/12

The new school is on it's way and will begin construction in November,but with the access road being cut off by Monday, students are forced to leave earlier in the mornings, resulting in even less sleep for us.

I already have to make my way through the day running on six or sometimes less hours of sleep with all my homework, after school activities and attempting to make time for my social life. Getting up earlier just to get to school is the worst thing anyone could tell me right now.

I am a junior in Franklin and I will not even benefit from the new high school. I do not see the new school  as a benefit to me therefore I am frustrated that I will have to wake up earlier just to be able to park in my school!

Even with the access road  helping the flow of traffic into the bustling high school in the morning, there is still an overflowing amount of cars piling into the parking lot.

"It takes me long enough to get here with all the traffic in the morning already. I park in H wing so I don't use the access road but I see how many cars go through the road to get to school after dropping off a sibling or something" says Erica Lutazzi, Junior at Franklin High School.
I have to drop off my sibling before I get to school and then use the access as an easy way to get into the senior parking lot. Without the access road I will just be even later arriving, and I get up at 5:45 every morning!

"I am not worried about the access road being shut down but for others it could be an issue" says Lutazzi.

While some students don't see the problem with the road being closed off while the new school is under construction, I see this as another struggle for me to get to school every morning.

What is the faculty going to do to help the overflowing traffic? Do we have to wake up even earlier just to get a parking spot? All I know is I get up early enough and cannot see many other students waking up that much earlier either.

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.

Things you can do from here:

Holiday Stroll - Nov 29th

Plan on coming to downtown Franklin for the Holiday Stroll on Nov 29th, 4:00 to 7:00 PM

Related posts

In the News: campaign, hurricane, syringe, Shaw's

Mass. newspapers split down the middle on Brown, Warren

Friday, November 2, 2012

The last Farmers Market for Franklin in 2012

Here it is November 2.
The days are shortening.
We turn the clocks back this weekend.
The last Farmers Market is today.

Where does time go?

Franklin, MA: Farmers Market

Where in Franklin is the Town Common?

View Larger Map

Finance Committee - Agenda - Nov 6, 2012

The Finance Committee is scheduled to meet Tuesday evening at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers.

The published agenda for this meeting is shown in this document:

Holiday drive set for this month in Franklin

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via The Milford Daily News News RSS by Matt Tota/Daily News staff on 11/1/12

A 35-year-old local business has teamed up with a 163-year-old church to make sure every child in town unwraps some joy this holiday season. On Thursday, Hometown Paint Ace Hardware, at 254 East Central St., and St. Mary's Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, stationed at St. Mary's Parish, began what will be a monthlong gift drive to support needy families.

Things you can do from here:

Winslow endorsed Eustis

NORFOLK (October 16, 2012)-- State Representative Dan Winslow (R-Norfolk) today endorsed Rich Eustis for election to the Massachusetts House in the neighboring towns of Franklin and Medway and urged all residents to vote Eustis on November 6. "As the only elected Republican House member who lives in Norfolk County, I need more help to solve problems and get Massachusetts working again," said Winslow. Of particular concern, noted Winslow, is the need to end the one-Party monopoly domination of state government. "The Democrats vote as a bloc nearly 100% of the time with the Speaker and the Speaker doesn't give two hoots about Franklin or Medway," said Winslow. "And when a good Democrat like my friend Jim Valle had the courage to stand up to the machine, they chewed him up and treated him disrespectfully. We shouldn't reward that thuggish behavior by sending another Democrat to the House from this area." 
Winslow noted that any Democrat elected would be expected to vote as part of the monopoly or face the consequences. In the past two years, Democrats have voted on a party-line basis as directed by the Speaker in significant votes that Winslow claims have hurt this region. "All or nearly all Democrats voted with the Speaker to kill a proposal to make it easier for homeowners to refinance jumbo mortgages to take advantage of low interest rates; rejected an amendment to allow towns near a casino to receive mitigation payments; shot down a proposal to require utility companies to trim branches away from power lines and to rebate consumers for extended blackouts; rebuffed a proposal to offer consumers a choice of basic health plans that would have reduced the cost of health coverage for individuals and families by at least 25% immediately; crushed a GOP-led effort to update the House ethics rules after the felony conviction of the third Speaker in a row; and evaded a proposal by "studying" it which would have prohibited illegal aliens from receiving public welfare benefits. The Democrats even voted on a party-line with the Speaker against legalizing sparklers on the 4th of July, despite sparklers being legal in 46 states!" 
"Rich Eustis is smart, hard working and articulate and would be a great partner to help me get things done in state government," said Winslow. "If people want change, we can't keep sending the same one-Party monopoly back to Beacon Hill and expecting a different result. I enthusiastically endorse Rich for Representative and urge all voters in Franklin and Medway to give him their vote on November 6."

2012 Annual St John's Christmas Fair

This year St. John’s Christmas Fair will be held Saturday, December 1st from 9am - 3pm in the St. John’s Parish Hall located at 237 Pleasant Street in Franklin, MA.

There will be homemade gift baskets, Cookie Walk, pastry table, as well as hot soup and coffee to enjoy.

Pictures with Santa as well as other activities for the kids! Join us for a fun day!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Casino Night - Nov 3

The Franklin Education Foundation will be holding its annual Casino Night, Saturday, Nov 3

Additional information can be found on the FEF webpage
or Facebook page