Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Where were you on Feb 19th?

Can you recall without looking at your calendar?

65 years ago, my father - then a 19 year old US Marine, had landed on the black volcanic shores of Iwo Jima on February 19th, 1945. Fierce fighting took place above and below ground on that island until March 26th.

On or about March 26th, yes, 65 years ago, Jerry made his way to the beach to await a landing craft to board, to take him back to the safety of a ship, and then back to Hawaii. Solid food, shower, clean clothes for the first time since Feb 19th. Mission accomplished.

From Jerry's Story

Jerry is the one circled.

Jerry talked about his time in the Pacific at the VA Home in Bristol, RI on Thursday. He spoke without notes. He spoke deliberately and in detail. I complimented him on it after and he said "I left out a few stories". One wouldn't have noticed.

You can view that talk on Jerry's Story here.

And when you think back on what you were doing on February 19th.
Okay, you can go look at your calendar.

And when you reflect on all that you did in the time since then, think of the men who fought on Iwo Jima (in particular as this is their time for remembering) and those who fought elsewhere, and thank a veteran for their service.

The one line I was expecting to hear from Dad at the VA Home, I actually was surprised to not hear Thursday. Whenever he has talked about his time there, and until recently - this was not often, he would usually close with: "The real heroes did not come home."

Are there any Iwo Jima veterans in Franklin?

Please let me know.

Note: this was originally posted on Steve's 2 Cents here

Crowd sourcing real time data

What does that mean?
What would you do if you heard a giant boom and you didn't know where it came from? If you're like thousands of people in Portland, Oregon, you might hit Twitter and Google Maps to participate in the city-wide exploration of a slightly frightening mystery. Last night at about 8 p.m., people in a big part of the city felt their windows shake and no one could tell them what caused it.
Some folks in Portland, OR collaborated to combine their Tweets with updates to a Google Map and help to pin point a city park where the explosion seemed to originate. The police, also following on Twitter, checked out the park and did find remains of a bomb.

Read the full post including detailed maps and screen shots here

Franklin, MA

Using Google Tools

Do you know how to use the free tools available from Google?
This guide avoids some of the obvious things, like using Google Docs for collaborative writing, and instead focuses on some of the lesser-used Google tools options like publishing an online quiz using Google Docs. In all there are 33 pages containing 21 ideas and how to instructions for creating Google Maps placemarks, directions creating and publishing a quiz with Google Docs forms, directions for embedding books into your blog, and visual aids for accessing other Google tools.
The full post and guide can be found here

My thanks to Richard Byrne for doing this.

Franklin, MA

Monday, March 29, 2010

FM #62 - Week ending 3/28/10

This is #62 in the series for Franklin Matters. Let's take less than 10 minutes to review what matters in Franklin, MA as the week ends 3/28/10.

Time: 7 minutes, 30 seconds

MP3 File

Session Notes:

This internet radio show or podcast is number 62 in the series for Franklin Matters.

Let's take about 10 minutes to review what matters in Franklin as the week ends Sunday March 28th.

In this session I cover four meetings Planning Board, Finance Committee, the School Committee meeting and the Financial Planning Committee that occurred this past week.

"encourage people to shop downtown"

"We wanted to be part of the rebuilding of downtown, we think that's a very very exciting thing," she said. "But there are a lot of challenges to being downtown, the most predominant one is people don't think of downtown as a place to shop."
Phil Bellino, owner of Bellino's Italian American Dining on 30 Main St., agrees there's not much business from neighbors.
Bellino, who has been in Franklin for over two years, was the part owner of the now-defunct Vallee's Italian Restaurant in Woonsocket.
Read the full article in the Milford Daily News here

While the article is depressing, it should be noted that while Art Beat is closing Cafe Dolce opened Dolce Express and Maguro House opened both within the past month. There are reasons to go downtown.

Yes, parking is an issue. Yes, I am concerned about the move to the 2-way street. As a commuter and frequent users of the train station, how long will it take for folks to get out of the station parking lot with 2-way traffic? I am looking forward to the additional planning sessions that were announced but not yet scheduled (that I know of) to participate in the downtown planning process.

For the record, I am a contributing member of the Downtown Partnership and United Regional Chamber of Commerce to help understand the needs of businesses, especially because business reflects the heartbeat of Franklin.

Franklin, MA: FHS entries to video contest

via Commonwealth Conversations: Transportation by Klark Jessen on 3/23/10

RMV Kaprielian Dance Don't Chance 2010Dozens of Commonwealth high school students and schools have answered the call on YouTube and posted their best safe driving videos.

MassDOT RMV Registrar Rachel Kaprielian last month joined Mary Elizabeth Heffernan, Secretary of the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPSS), to announce the 2010 "Dance. Don't Chance" statewide teen safe driving video contest to encourage a safe prom/graduation season.

Teens wrote, produced and submitted 60-second videos on safe driving and avoiding underage drinking.

Now, you can check out the more than 50 videos on YouTube here. The winning video will be announced next month. The winning school receives a Dream Prom package provided by contest sponsors.

Learn more about the contest. 

There are two entries from Franklin High School

1 - http://www.youtube.com/promshorts#p/u/14/d7-km2zk6rA

2 - http://www.youtube.com/promshorts#p/u/15/0yYH1kRFKBo

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Franklin, MA: Moving the Museum

Many volunteers came out to help move items from the Historical Museum on Washington St to the new location downtown.

The large display cases were a challenge to move. Trying not to tip and disturb the contents. Then getting it into the vehicle. Alan Earls and Kai Olsson position this one in Steve Whalen's vehicle.

Jim Dacey and partner tried to fit this carriage in but it just wouldn't make it. It did get moved with another vehicle.

The former Town Hall, former Senior Center, newly refurbished will be a good location for the precious historic items. This is a view of the main space. Brown paper covered the floor to protect it during the move.

As the items arrived at the new museum, they were sorted to go upstairs to the main floor or down into the basement. From there, the items will get into a display location for the opening in May. Or remain in storage for display in the future.

The sled was the subject of some conversation as it was carried. Fortunately, the weather although cold cooperated to help make the move a success. There is still work to do but the good are mostly in the new building and ready for suitable display.

Thanks to all who helped move. I can hardly wait to see the final product.

Franklin, MA: 1997 Master Plan

During the Planning Board meeting on March 22, Town Planner Beth Dahlstrom mentioned that the 1997 Master Plan is scheduled for an update.

The 1997 Master Plan can be found here

The information on the update to the Master Plan can be found here

Other Planning and Community Development documents can be found here


Note: email subscribers will need to click through to Franklin Matters to view this audio slide show

Check Out Student Safe Driving Videos

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via Commonwealth Conversations: Transportation by Klark Jessen on 3/23/10

RMV Kaprielian Dance Don't Chance 2010Dozens of Commonwealth high school students and schools have answered the call on YouTube and posted their best safe driving videos.

MassDOT RMV Registrar Rachel Kaprielian last month joined Mary Elizabeth Heffernan, Secretary of the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPSS), to announce the 2010 "Dance. Don't Chance" statewide teen safe driving video contest to encourage a safe prom/graduation season.

Teens wrote, produced and submitted 60-second videos on safe driving and avoiding underage drinking.

Now, you can check out the more than 50 videos on YouTube here. The winning video will be announced next month. The winning school receives a Dream Prom package provided by contest sponsors.

Learn more about the contest. 

Things you can do from here:

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Earth Hour: 8:30 PM - 9:30 PM

8:30 to 9:30pm local time, hundreds of millions of people around the world will switch off their lights and participate in Earth Hour, the largest climate awareness event ever held. As climate change will effect people on every continent, we think a united, global call for action to address the problem is needed.

Quote from the Google Blog here

Franklin, MA

Franklin, MA: Express Line #7

The latest Express Line newsletter from Franklin has just arrived via my email Inbox. You can view the file here

or on the Town website here

You can subscribe to receive your own copy here

Curbside Yard Waste Collection

Franklin’s Curbside Yard Waste Collection will be held on Saturday April 17th, May 1st and May 15th

Be sure to have all material in paper bags, trash barrels or cardboard boxes.  

Brush must be bundled and shall not be more than 4 feet in length and 6–inches in diameter.  


Franklin, MA

HMEA 5K Race/Walk - May 23rd

The Horace Mann Education Associates - HMEA, Inc. is located here in Franklin, MA but their effective service delivery is to over 100 communities in MA.

HMEA has a long history of providing innovative services in school, at work, at home and in the community and now serve over 2400 children and adults with developmental disabilities. Services include: Residential, Day and Family supports, and services for children.

HMEA's Employment Programs provides people with disabilities the opportunity to pursue meaningful employment either on a full- or part-time basis. For people in the Employment Program who work part-time, HMEA encourages volunteering for community organizations, or leisure and recreation activities to supplement their day.

HMEA's Employment Programs serve people 22 years of age and older who live within the commuting distance of program locations in the following cities and towns: Bellingham, Clinton, Hopedale, Plainville and Worcester

The annual fund raiser for HMEA is the 5K Race/Walk and Family Fun Day scheduled for May 23, 2010.
SAVE THE DATE...Sunday, May 23, 2010 HMEA's 9th Annual Independence 5K Walk/Run in the Park - MARK YOUR CALENDARS and grab your sneakers to participate in this "Fun-filled Family Day fundraising event...
This event, which is hosted by our good friends at EMC2 Corporation in Franklin, MA gathers 2,000 or more people to help HMEA continue its mission to make a difference in people's lives. AND, all the money raised is returned to the many programs at HMEA, which supports 2,400 children and adults with intellectual challenges and developmental disabilities.
Once again we have Gene Lavanchy from Fox News25 and tentatively Gail Huff from WCVB-TV Channel performing hosting duties for us. And our great friends and inspiration to many, "TEAM HOYT", Dick and Rick will be on hand again this year -- plus we're pretty sure there will be a few other celebrities and mascots on hand as well!
So come on down and participate in the fun...there's raffle prizes, food, tee shirts for participants (while they last), prizes, a Kids Corner filled with games and activities, a Kids "FUN RUN" and so much more... 

In addition to working the road race registration table (and providing splits at the 2 mile mark), I have decided to help HMEA do some fund raising this year.

I love the quote from Horace Mann that they use on their History page:
"Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity"

You can help the HMEA make a difference with a donation. I have a widget in the center column of this and my other blogs, should you choose to donate an amount within your means.

I will appreciate it.
The HMEA clients you help will too!


If you would like to register for the race you can do so here

If you'd like you can contribute in one of several options directly through the HMEA website here

Friday, March 26, 2010

Robbery suspect sought (video)

The Franklin Police just made a brief video available as they continue their search for the suspect in the robbery of the Tedeschi's at the corner of Union/King Sts.

Franklin, MA: Attempt to identify armed robbery suspect depicted in video. Please call FPD Detectives if you know who this is. 1-508-528-1212

Franklin, MA: Master Plan

The Department of Planning and Community Development (DPCD) is in the preliminary planning process to update the Town's 1997 Master Plan.  The DPCD is currently creating a Master Plan outline that will act as a guideline for the next 12-18 months during the completion of the Master Plan.  After this guideline is reviewed and approved by the Planning Board, Town Council and Town Administration, the DPCD will begin work on the Master Plan, which will include the formation of a Master Plan committee.  The Committee is likely to be formed in the Spring of 2010 and will need volunteers from the Franklin Community.  Please check back regularly for updated information regarding the status of the Master Plan process as well as future ways to leave public comments regarding the Master Planning process.


According to Chapter 41 Section 81D of the General Laws of Massachusetts a Master Plan is:

“A statement through text, maps, illustrations or other forms of communication, that is designed to provide a basis for decision making regarding the long-term physical development of the municipality…”

A Master Plan consists of the following elements as defined by the M.G.L. Chapter 41 Section 81D.

  • Land Use
  • Housing
  • Economic Development
  • Circulation
  • Open Space and Recreation
  • Natural, Cultural and Historic Resources
  • Community Services and Facilities
  • Goals and Policies
  • Implementation

The information above was from the Franklin Planning and Community Development Master Plan page on the Town website

Franklin, MA

Franklin, MA: Absentee ballots available - Precincts 2, 3 and 4 only


Absentee Ballot Information:  Absentee ballots are now available in the Town Clerk’s office.  A registered voter who will be unable to vote at the polls on election day due to the following reasons may vote absentee up to 12:00 noon the day before the election:
  • absence from your city or town during normal polling hours; or
  • physical disability preventing you from going to the polling place; or
  • Religious belief.
All absentee requests must be made in writing with an original signature (no faxes or e-mails are accepted).  If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call Deborah L. Pellegri, Town Clerk, at 508-520-4900.   



DATE:  TUESDAY, April 13, 2010

TIME:   6:00a.m. – 8:00p.m.

                                    ALL PRECINCTS

Franklin, MA

2nd Fund Raising Event for Abbey Candy House


Come join with us in Sports


PATRIOTS Offensive Tackle
(Six Division Championships, Four Conference Titles,
Three Super Bowl Championships)

Come join with us in Song

– former American Idol finalist from season 5:
(Boston College Eagles Basketball)

Children Free - Cash/Checks only

Where: Lake Pearl Luciano’s
When: April 11, 2010
2:00 to 4:00 P.M.
Creek St., Wrentham, Ma.

Mt. St. Mary’s Abbey – 300 Arnold St. – Wrentham, Ma. 02093
Phone: 508 528 1282 Web www.msmabbey.org