Friday, March 6, 2020

FM #216 Board of Health Meeting March 4, 2020 (audio)

FM #216 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 216 in the series.

The Franklin (MA) Board of Health met at 5 PM on Wednesday, March 4, 2020. Interesting to note that while coronavirus was among the topics, the Health Director Cathleen Liberty was following best practices and participated remotely as she was not feeling well. A good example to set for us all these days.

Chair Bridget Sweet opens the meeting. Members Tim Cochrane and Jeff Harris participate. Ginny McNeil the Health Agent also contributes actively to the meeting. There is acknowledgement of a Town Council who entered the room during the course of the meeting to sit and participate. In case you don’t recognize his voice, for the record I can say it was Eamon Earls.

The agenda document is linked to in the show notes

The new coronavirus information portal was discussed and the link is included here

The meeting audio runs about 45 minutes so without further ado, let’s listen in to the Board of Health meeting of March 4, 2020  Audio Link

We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio (

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.

How can you help?
  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors
  • If you don't like something here, please let me know
Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.

For additional information, please visit
If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana" c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.

I hope you enjoy!


You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"

coronavirus information portal
coronavirus information portal

Artist Reception: Chris Blue Lamb Toubeau - March 29

The First Universalist Society in Franklin will be hosting a public reception for Franklin artist Chris Blue Lamb Toubeau on Sunday, March 29, 1:00 - 3:00 PM. 

Please join the artist and learn about her series of paintings called “Future Awash”. ( Ms. Toubeau uses art as a vehicle to communicate about the current climate change crisis, and how humans are complicit. 

The exhibit will run from March 9 - May 3 at the First Universalist Society in Franklin, 262 Chestnut Street, Franklin.

Please join the artist and learn about her series of paintings called “Future Awash”
Please join the artist and learn about her series of paintings called “Future Awash”

Purim dinner, service, and Megillah reading - March 9

Purim dinner, service, and Megillah reading scheduled for Monday, March 9 at 6:00 PM.

RSVP to for the dinner only.  Location is Temple Etz Chaim, 900 Washington ST. in Franklin

Purim dinner, service, and Megillah reading - March 9
Purim dinner, service, and Megillah reading - March 9

For more about the Temple and its services, visit their page

FYI - Purim commemorates the day Esther, Queen of Persia, saved the Jewish people from execution by Haman, the advisor to the Persian king

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Circle of Friends Coffeehouse: Mardi Gras in Franklin - March 14

New Orleans comes to Franklin
View this email in your browser
Circle of Friends Coffeehouse: Mardi Gras in Franklin - March 14
The Squeezebox Stompers
Cajun/Zydeco Band

March 14 -  8 PM  - $20
The Squeezebox Stompers will be bringing the sounds of New Orleans to Franklin at the Circle of Friends Coffeehouse on Saturday, March 14th.  Listening to the Squeezebox Stompers is like taking a walk through the streets of the French Quarter. Even in staid New England every day is Mardi Gras with the Squeezebox Stompers. Wherever they go, they bring on the party with their mix of Zydeco, Cajun, blues and good ol' roadhouse rock 'n roll. Whether you're a dancer or just a toe tapper, the Stompers will get your blood boiling and put a smile on your face.  There will be an area for dancing.

Led by accordionist Rockin' Ralph Tufo, formerly of the award-winning Boogaloo Swamis, the Stompers feature musicians who have decades of experience playing the roots and branches of American music. Guitarist Larry Plitt was the winner of the 2007 Boston Folk Festival Songwriting Contest. Geoff Wadsworth on saxophone, harmonica, and tin whistle is a veteran of the Boston jazz and blues scene. Andy Solberg, versed in jazz, folk, and blues drives the band with his scintillating bass lines. Mike Migliozzi on drums is a master of Cajun, Zydeco, and New Orlean rhythms. Finally, Steve Latanision a virtuoso on fiddle, mandolin, and banjo adds an eclectic roots dimension to the band.
The Circle of Friends Coffeehouse is a non-profit organization affiliated with Franklin's First Universalist Society. Concerts are presented in a smoke free and alcohol free environment at the Society's handicapped accessible Meetinghouse, 262 Chestnut St. in Franklin, and begin at 8:00 PM; doors open at 7:30 PM. Beverages and gourmet desserts will be available.  Please visit to purchase tickets or for more information.
Upcoming Shows
Apr 4          Tom Rush
Apr 18        Matt Nakoa with Emerald Rae
May 9         Red Molly

Circle of Friends Coffeehouse · First Universalist Society · 262 Chestnut St · Franklin, MA 02038 · USA

Councilor Melanie Hamblen's remarks on the Civil Discourse Pledge

Thanks to Councilor Hamblen for sharing the copy of her remarks made at the Town Council meeting March 4, 2020:
"It is obvious that there has been a gross mis-understanding about the civil discourse pledge and I would like to say a few words:

The pledge is not a personal attack on anyone one of us (believe me I know what one is) It is a statement that the council as a whole, no matter who is on it - rejects discrimination and bullying and is committed to supporting an inclusive community.
The pledge does not, in any way take anyone’s rights away. It does not stop the council for taking concerns from employees and citizens, it states that we will do so with respect for all involved.

The pledge is NOT, I repeat, Not a waste of time or efforts. It is a statement to the community, whom we serve, that we want everyone to be treated with respect and feel welcomed.

Do not believe that this has been brought up because of ONE incident.

If you think that life in Franklin is perfect for everyone living here, then you are refusing to even think about other people’s reality - the people that we all represent.

I am going to ask you to do something for me- set aside yourself for a moment and let’s walk in someone else’s shoes:

It’s a beautiful day, like yesterday, you are getting ready to go to the playground and have fun with your family, 

But you stop and think, what will I do if someone yet again yells “death to Muslims” at you.

Or your child comes home crying because his friends were laughing at him telling him at school that he is going to have to go back to Mexico, and he was BORN IN THIS COUNTRY!

Or maybe your child is called a “thing” to your face just because she has a learning disability.

Or you get spit at and have derogatory insults shouted at you, just because of the person you love.

Or you hesitate to go into your place of worship because you are afraid someone full of hate will hurt you and your family.

We are elected officials, we represent the town of Franklin 24/7 everywhere we go.

We represent everyone in this town and the fact that people are afraid and feel unsafe everyday is NOT OK.

It is not OK that our citizens are afraid to tell us how they feel, and afraid to live normal lives. This pledge can help people feel a little at ease. 

It is a reminder to try to be kind, that other people experience different things than we do. 

It reminds us to be the type of leader who will not sit idly by when people in our community feel unsafe.

This pledge will reassure our community that we stand with them and that we will protect them.

I could just bow to the pressure and give up and slide back into the community and hide, but there are people who cannot afford such comfort because of the color of their skin or who they love or where they worship and I will stand with them. And because it is the best thing to do for ALL of Franklin."

  • The resolution ended up passing by a 6-2-1 vote with Councilors Chandler, Hamblen, Pellegri, Dellorco, Mercer and Jones YES; Earls, Bissanti NO, and Kelly abstained.
My notes reported live during the meeting
Boy scouts from Troop 126 lead the overflow crowd at the Town Council meeting in the "Pledge of Allegiance"
Boy scouts from Troop 126 lead the overflow crowd at the Town Council meeting in the "Pledge of Allegiance"

"We had the results, we just couldn’t get it on paper”

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin:
"A technical issue caused by spreadsheet formulating problems caused election results to be delayed in town by nearly four hours on Tuesday night.

When spreadsheets provided to the town by its election consulting service weren’t formulated properly, Town Clerk Teresa Burr said clerks didn’t have access to reformulate the spreadsheet to correctly total their data, resulting in the delayed results.

“The formulas just weren’t set up right,” she said, adding that nothing was wrong with the voting machines and that the problem was “nothing major.”
Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

The unofficial results were shared here Wednesday morning

after the polls closed the voting operation at Franklin HIgh School in process of shutting down
after the polls closed the voting operation at Franklin HIgh School in process of shutting down

FHS Mock Trail team ends run in Final 16; Cheerleaders are Hockomock Champions

Catching up to provide two other FHS updates:
  • The Mock Trial team made it to the final 16 this year before ending their season
  • The FHS Cheerleaders won the Hockomock League Championships

2020 Hockomock Champs!!
2020 Hockomock Champs!!

FM #215 Doug McPherson HMEA IncredABLE Day - May 17 (audio)

FM #215 This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 215 in the series.

Doug McPherson, Vice-President of Development and Public Relations for Horace Mann Education Association (HMEA), headquartered here in Franklin, sat with me at the studio recently to talk about the IncredABLE Day coming up May 17.

Did you know HMEA provides services to over 5,000 individuals in more than 110 communities in MA? The IncredABLE Day is their major fundraising event and a great family day. A 5K run, a walk, and plenty of food and activities are scheduled for Sunday, May 17.

In a future session, Doug will spend some time reviewing some programs that HMEA provides.

In the meantime, a link to the HMEA page to learn more about the services they offer is included in the show notes

A link to the registration page for the IncredABLE day is also included. You can volunteer, sign up to run the race, or take part in the walk all in one place.

Without further ado, let’s listen in to my conversation with Doug. The conversation runs about 20 minutes.

We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio (

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.

How can you help?
  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors
  • If you don't like something, please let me know

Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.

For additional information, please visit
If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana" c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.

I hope you enjoy!

FM #215 Doug McPherson HMEA IncredABLE Day - May 17
FM #215 Doug McPherson HMEA IncredABLE Day - May 17

MassBudget: How the state budget and state revenues can improve health equity

MassBudget: How the state budget and state revenues can improve health equity
MassBudget: How the state budget and state revenues can improve health equity

How the state budget, state revenues 
can improve health equity

The state budget and the revenues that support it are key tools in helping to improve the health of people in Massachusetts. It also can help improve health equity, in which every person - regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, zip code, age, or other factor - has an equal chance to thrive. To this effect, the state budget funds public schools, housing, transportation, and other supports that are essential to our well-being. 

In our latest reportGoing Upstream: How our State Budget, Revenue, and Policies can Improve Health, we use the analogy that "upstream" conditions affect health outcomes "downstream." Lawmakers can create laws that address some of these social needs and social conditions. Recent examples of this include passage of the Student Opportunity Act - the state's landmark law to overhaul its school funding formula - and recent increases to the state's minimum wage. 

Education, socioeconomic status, and well-being are cyclically linked. Education tends to pave the way to better jobs, higher wages, and higher socioeconomic status. Those tend to give people better access to healthy foods, green space, and other resources that foster health. Healthier children, in turn, are better able to focus at school.

But meaningful investment in public programs requires a healthy stream of revenue. Lawmakers can do this by raising revenues that ask people with higher incomes to contribute taxes at levels that are closer to what other households pay. 

The Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center (MassBudget) produces policy research, analysis, and data-driven recommendations focused on improving the lives of low- and middle-income children and adults, strengthening our state's economy, and enhancing the quality of life in Massachusetts.

Looking Forward to 2020 Strawberry Stroll

"Enjoy strawberry shortcake, great vendors, activities and lots of family fun at the Strawberry Stroll on June 12 (rain date June 13) from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. 

Vendor registration will open in April. Thank you to this year's events coordinator - Chris Peterson!"

Shared from the Franklin Downtown Partnership page

Consider joining as a business or resident (only $25/yr)

Looking Forward to 2020 Strawberry Stroll
Looking Forward to 2020 Strawberry Stroll

Purim Carnival - March 8

Purim Carnival is scheduled for March 8 from 10 - 11:30 AM.  Please RSVP to for location information for the Purim Carnival

Purim Carnival - March 8
Purim Carnival - March 8
For more information about Temple Etz Chaim visit their page

FYI - Purim commemorates the day Esther, Queen of Persia, saved the Jewish people from execution by Haman, the advisor to the Persian king

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Live reporting: Town Administrators Report to Closing


helpful portal on coronavirus

storm water live in the Chamber 8-10 on Friday

add PSA for coronavirus and stormwater to cable

question on what is a violation that constitutes an appropriate response for the Police

Kelly - frustrates me that we are not working on some issues, housing subcommittee needed

Earls - thanks for everyone who came out

Kelly - great conversation tonight, we are all adults, you have the right to walk away

Chandler - since we received our bills, we want to remember the seniors and those on fixed incomes

Hamblen - thanks for the condolences for my mother's passing; thanks to all who came
think about the storm water meeting on Friday

Jones - 97 year old step father passed away, shares birthday with, will be missed

Dellorco - shout out to the FHS boys and girls basketball playing in DI finals on Friday night
Bruins donated $75K for the street hockey court on Fletcher Field, new logo

Mercer - birthday was March 2, 224 years young

Collective Bargaining
I request a motion that the Board vote to convene in Executive Session for the purpose of discussing strategy with respect to collective bargaining, because an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the Board.
motion to executive session, seconded, passed 9-0 via roll call to return

a. Resolution 20-16: Ratification of the Memorandum of Agreement Between the AFSCME Local 1298, Council 93, Public Facilities Maintenance Employees and the Town of Franklin (Motion to Approve Resolution 20-16 - Majority Vote)
commensurate with all other COLA for FY 2020

motion to approve, seconded, passed 9-0 


motion to adjourn, seconded, passed 9-0 

The agenda and associated documents can be found at the Town of Franklin page

The agenda can also be found in a single PDF file

Live reporting: Legislation for action

Resolution 20-15: Appropriation of Cable Funds in Support of PEG Service and Programming per M.G.L Ch.44, §53F3/4 (Motion to Approve Resolution 20-15 - Majority Vote)

motion to approve, seconded,  9-0

Zoning Bylaw Amendment 20-853: Zoning Map Changes on or Near Pleasant, Chestnut, and Brook Streets - Referral to the Planning Board (Motion to Refer Zoning Bylaw Amendment 20-853 to the Planning Board - Majority Vote)

Dellorco, BIssanti recuses himself
motion to waive reading, seconded, passed 7-0-2 (2 recuse)

Kelly question on changing one neighborhood to a single zone at the same time
A - not part of this process, could be done but as part of another effort

motion to refer to planning board, seconded, 7-0-2

Zoning By-Law Amendment 20-849: Changes to Ground-Mounted Solar Energy System Use Regulations, And Use Regulations Schedule Updates- Second Reading (Motion to Adopt Zoning Bylaw Amendment 20-849 - Two Thirds Majority Roll Call Vote)

motion to approve, seconded, 9-0 via roll call

Zoning By-law Amendment 20-850: Zoning Map Changes On Or Near Highland, Maple and Lincoln Streets- Second Reading (Motion to Adopt Zoning Bylaw Amendment 20-850 - Two Thirds Majority Roll Call Vote)

motion to waive the rest of the reading, seconded, passed 9-0
motion to approve, seconded, 9-0 via roll call

Zoning By-law Amendment 20-851: Zoning Map Changes On Or Near Oak Street and Dailey Drive - Second Reading (Motion to Adopt Zoning Bylaw Amendment 20-851 - Two Thirds Majority Roll Call Vote)

motion to waive the rest of the reading, seconded, passed 9-0

motion to approve, seconded, 9-0 via roll call

Live reporting: Civil Discourse Discussion

resuming from recess at 8:21

A. Capital Budget Subcommittee
no meeting

B. Budget Subcommittee
met earlier, meeting recording to be made available in couple of days

C. Economic Development Subcommittee
March 18 meeting scheduled

Resolution 20-14: The Town of Franklin Civil Discourse Pledge (Motion to approve Resolution 20-14 - Majority Vote)

motion, after long delay seconded by Chair (for purposes of discussion)
(if there had not been a second, then the item would have stop there)

this resolution follows a series of actions as outlined in the memo and supported documents
training session set for March 10 for all department heads
later this year for all employees
mirroring the ethics laws with re-upping every 2 years

was part of the Council's goal list from January

Hamblen - misunderstanding
a statememt for the council as a whole
does not take away anyone's rights
does not attack anyone
is asks for respect for all opinions
it is a statement to the community that we serve
if you think of life in Franklin as perfect, then you are missing the point
these are things that happen in Franklin, they are not made up
that folks are afraid is not okay
this pledge can help people feel at ease
I could bow to pressure and go back to the community
but I can not, I will stand with them

Dellorco - if I want to talk with someone at the DPW does this change that?
Cerel - no, this does nothing to that, those are already cover by what is and has been in place
for years

Pellegri - read through this so many times
we are all brought up with these things
I think we have been welcoming
What did we possibly do? Come to me and tell me what I haven't done

Bissanti - thank you Melanie for your statements, you clarified things
I don't need to be told how to behave
I consulted with my own attorney
"I appreciate the world according to Melanie"
I got on the Council to help people

Earls - thank all my fellow councilors for some excellent remarks
while many view it as a nice thing, it suggests there is a line in the sand

Kelly - between SchCom and TC for last 11 years, I am upset at the way this played out
social media lite up when it 'was pushed down the road'
I want to remind everyone of the oath of office we took in November
"to serve with respect and integrity"
this is how I live and serve
we have a 3.5M budget gap. the CPA will cost us more
potential increase on water/sewer rates, storm water fee coming
there are employees here concerned about their jobs, and the $3.5M gap
at the end of the day, I always do my best, it doesn't add up to what I believe in
I don't think the need for the pledge is here and yet, I have been bullied more getting me to vote for or against this

Jones - I am not, nor will I label myself as a victim, it is a restraint that I don't want
story of kickback when he was young, best decision was to stay quite until the boss signed off on the hours required for his license; if had known some of us had reported him, he was irate, I was held at gunpoint in Haiti
honor, dignity, respect - three key words
I don't have to make because they are core parts 
last thing anyone should do is look for an excuse to be divisive

Chandler - I'll be quick, some many have made good points
who would be against it?
this is all redundant, I follow this every day

Mercer - I guess the only one who hasn't spoken is me
there is nothing that I don't live by
I have not slept for the past 48 hours trying to think about how to run this meeting
everybody lives by these
this was drafted  by own Town Administrator, town counsel and administrative help
it is disappointing to me and my fellow councilors that it has come to this
we are doing the best we can do, we do respect each other
there has been so much misinformation about this legislation since day one
Section 3 - everybody had a problem with "possible"
Section 4 - I would add if 5 councilors commented, then it is a violation of open meeting law
I did meet with every councilor one at a time, to go through this
without fail, only one councilor needed to review it more
I looked at this as a global statement of global issues facing society todfay
times have changed since I grew up as a kid
what are we doing with this, we are re-emphasizing statements we live by
I find it disheartening that there was so much disinformation out there about this
nothing in here is not already in Charter, rules, etc
I did meet with the interfaith council per previously scheduled coincidentally
a lot of the help (homeless, shelters, etc.) and for sure this resolution came up
there are tough times, tough votes to make but it is important

I think it was drafted well, it is misunderstood a lot
please come to every meeting
we want you to have the facts, not fiction

Pellegri - that is for all of us to consider, my note said vote no, but after all that was said I get to change my vote

Dale Kurtz Bald Hill Drive
I am conflicted by what I was hearing
everyone said they live by this, this is asperational
are you going to be here 5 years from now, our community is changing
it should be tweaked, but is should be how we lead our departments, how we lead our community
one of our clients moved from here to another town, she moved because she could not get along with her neighbors due to her accent
this is for us, to set the example aspirationally
I would be willing to assist with this
I am disappointed Councilors did not second this for discussion

Lisa Camuso, Forge Hill Road
I have see your social media and if this passes you'd have trouble
your fearing a mute point, it is called the Constitution
I am not here to complain about it, I am here because it made me a beast
yes, I will come to meetings

John Currier, Elm St
recently employeed with DPW, it blows me away that we are spending so much time on this
you can spend your time so much better on other things

Maura Fields, Pine St
Troop 126 leader
part of the Eagle requirement had scouts this evening
this has been the best meeting ever to talk with them about

Ted Cormier-Ledger, Ashbury Dr
thanks for all the remarks tonight
it was very reassuring that we want to protect all our citizens
we saw the no place for hate signs, the cultural district
many people have brought forth problem and nothing is being done about it
we want to set this standard so it will not be tolerated any longer
about decency and civility

Kaye Kelly, Conestoga Way
I appreciate all the training that Jamie is bringing forward
I am happy that folks want to live this day to day
some of the disconnect is online, Facebook is an ugly place to be in Franklin
it is welcoming for our town
Franklin has garnered a lot of interest

Carol O'Neil, Coles Road
there is something else that we need share tonight
Ted's 9 year old was crying and worry that his father would be hurt coming tonight, he came anyway, but not without some security
his son is doing better now

Teresa Shea
sorry to use the phrase 'snowflakes'
don't say I am not accepting, we have the no place for hate meetings
we have people in this town who are hurting
So I was offended that you would be expected to sign something that you are doing already

amendment to the motion offered by Mercer
Sec 3 add "if 5 councilors were to comment on a post, it would be a violation"
Sec 4, city boards, committee, departments ...
motion and second, vote 8-0-1 (1 abstention)

vote on motion as amended, 6-2-1
earls, bissant no, kelly abstain

thanks to all for coming tonight

Live reporting: FY 2021 Budget Update

B. FY21 Budget Update

The town can not afford to fund the level of service requested 
review the details in the doc linked to above
it includes a schedule for Finance Committee budget hearings
School Committee budget hearings are provided as well

approx $500K over last year allocation
additional funding from a dedicated revenue source (municipal agreement on cannabis)

this is the start of the budget process

Kelly - Budget Subcommittee met this evening
no fluff in this, to be truthful
we came last year knowing we were going to be short
Police, Fire re-did contracts and came up with a plan
need School Committee to do something similar

~$71M for Schools, ~$51M for all other town services in total budget
recording of meeting to be available via Franklin Matters

Mercer - comments on past experience in SchComm to get what they can advocate for. As Council, they need to be fiduciary responsible to the town
salary and benefits are 85% of the school budget

Michael Doherty, Bridle Path
I agree with Kelly that there is no fluff in the budget
the memo is illuminating
you must be masocists
you have sued Bellingham, that money is gone
the town has been aggressive in doing more with less
we are going to solve it tonight
if filling the existing gap with existing funding, God willing
it is not just what we might not have, we have lost programs
my three children all benefited from programs that don't exist today
you are not alone, we are all in this together
make the case for us, and we will raise the revenues we need
we are here to help you, when the case is made, you will find support if you ask

Donna Grady, union leader
people move here for the schools
we are at a point where lack of funding will change things
we can't keep good people
hourly employees need second or third jobs to make ends meet
many of these folks are your friends and neighbors
why not ask the community to consider paying a living wage?
if we do not pull together, we will not be known for what we did
the children are the future, aren't they worth the money

Anne Bergen, Peters Lane, Chair of School Committee
not the oldest person
funding for schools, not just for schools, we have to come together
what is the vision for what we should be
we need to address the scurge of mental illness
how can we keep our schools competitive
we need to retain good people of all services within Franklin
we have to fund the gaps
informing the public with one voice of the needs
Portrait of a Graduate developed, what resources do we need to support that vision
to suggest that the schools have plenty of money
Franklin last on list of surrounding communities that spend less per pupil
we need to conversations to create vision, we can't wait any longer

Susan Dewsnap, Garden St, Fiance Committee for 8 years
spent a lot of time on budget
very compitent admin
we need some metrics and history for going forward
what is the history of Chapter 70 funding
how have we been getting through with the Stabilization accounts
let's look at the last 10 years, look at the health expense
call volume history
OPEB and pension history, district retirement history

Jones -reiterate a point in the memo
one of the largest audiences we have had in years
not the dates and inject yourself in the process, it is early in the process
it is a fluid process, no alarm needed at this time
4-8 weeks to spend working on finalizing numbers, coordinating with the State info

Dellorco - kudos to the teachers, we have to stay together, divided we will fall

3 minute recess