Sunday, January 23, 2011

School Committee: Space Needs Subcommittee Report


January 25, 2011

Sub-Committee Members: Roberta Trahan (Chair), Cindy Douglas, Paula Mullen; Sally Winslow, Assistant Superintendent


The Space Needs Sub-Committee (SNSC) at the August 10, 2010 School Committee meeting requested further direction from the full School Committee relative to its charge.

In consideration of the budget reductions that the district has experienced for the past several years, cognizant of the need to provide equity among students throughout the district, the SNSC was asked to review the following questions:

- Have population shifts and budget reductions resulted in an imbalance in the classrooms of our schools throughout the district?

- Is there enough of an imbalance so that we need to redistrict some or all of our students?

- Is the answer to this question dependent upon the School Committee decision on whether to adopt half-day Kindergarten as opposed to the full-day program currently offered?

- In reviewing these questions, please quantify the imbalance and report on all available options to the School Committee by November 1, 2010.

Question #1: Have population shifts and budget reductions resulted in an imbalance
in the classrooms of our schools throughout the district?

Both populations and enrollment numbers demonstrate slight decreases. Data comparing enrollment totals of 10/30/09 to those of 10/30/10 show a decrease of 31 students at the elementary level, a decrease of 48 at the middle school level and an increase of 23 students at the high school level. While enrollment at Francis X. O’Regan Early Childhood Development Center (ECDC) has increased by 23 students and enrollment at Davis Thayer has increased by 25 students since last year at this time, enrollment figures at the other five elementary schools have decreased. The total decrease in enrollment figures between 2009-10 and 2010-11 is 56 students. (See enrollment comparison 10-30-09 to 10-29-10).

Class sizes at the elementary level range from as low as seventeen (17) students in a class to as high as twenty-seven (27). Discrepancies are noted within certain schools and within specific grade levels. Grant funds from the Job Bills Act brought temporary relief for the current school year by allowing the district to hire five additional classroom teachers at specific schools (Parmenter grades 5 and 3; Kennedy grade 3; Davis Thayer grades 3 and 4) thereby reducing class sizes in those grades. Given the precarious nature of the economy as well as the budget forecast for the FY 2012 school year, those positions will likely be eliminated, causing class sizes to revert back to their original numbers. According to the data, the current, average class size at the elementary level is 24; at the middle school 26; and at the high school 27.

At this time, there are minor imbalances in the numbers at each school which have developed because of teacher reductions, program reductions, and increased class sizes at specific grade levels. This has contributed to the number of classrooms that are now not in full use on a daily basis, thus resulting in some empty spaces. We will first review the use and condition of modular classrooms at the elementary schools and then discuss current use of classroom space.


In reviewing options for available space at the various schools, the SNSC felt it was important to first review both the use and life span of the modular classrooms at Davis Thayer, Jefferson, John F. Kennedy and Gerald M. Parmenter Schools and address the questions, “If we remove the modulars, what will the impact be? Will we have enough space to service the students currently enrolled? Can we absorb them into their current buildings or another school within the district?” It should be noted that there is one remaining modular at FHS still in use which will be addressed with the high school renovation project.

Davis Thayer School
Although visually not the most appealing from the outside, the modular classrooms at Davis Thayer are probably in the best condition of all. There are four modulars which house three fifth grade classes and one kindergarten class. An estimated that 91 students are housed in the modulars at Davis Thayer School who would be impacted if these were removed. It is important to note that the Davis Thayer School modulars were declared surplus in 2008 not due to the condition, but due to aesthetics and the ability to house additional students within the building.

Jefferson School
None of the four modulars at Jefferson School are designated as full-time, grade level classrooms. One room is used to service English Language Learners (ELL students); the second is a shared as a special education resource room and speech/vision services therapy space; the other two modulars are utilized by Solutions—one as a classroom space and the second as an office space. Similar to Parmenter, the condition of the modulars at Jefferson School continue to deteriorate. However, because these portables do not house grade level classrooms, the impact of removing these modulars would not be significant in terms of student displacement.

John F. Kennedy School
Housing approximately 45 students, John F. Kennedy School has four modular classrooms that are in moderate condition. One modular is used for a second grade classroom and one is used for a fifth grade classroom. The other two modulars are used for music and ELL. The carpets in all four classrooms need replacement.

Gerald M Parmenter School
There are six modular classrooms at the Gerald M Parmenter School. Four of the modulars are used as full-time classrooms—three fourth grade classrooms and one fifth grade classroom. Four of the six modulars are leased. Solutions uses one of the modulars for before and after school programming, and this room is used for special education testing and small group instruction during the school day. The last modular is used to provide occupational therapy and physical therapy (OT/PT) services to students with special needs. The modulars at Parmenter are probably in the worst condition of any of the modulars in the district and would likely need to be the first taken down. If we were to remove the portable classrooms at Parmenter School, we estimate that this would impact approximately 85 students.


Due to the budget cuts in recent years, the number of classrooms in use has diminished. Principals continue to use classroom space within the buildings for meetings, English Language Learner (ELL) instruction, small group instruction, office space, and additional sub-separate instruction. It is not the intent of the SNSC to show that all the classroom space not in use as traditional classroom space is surplus. It is the goal of the report to illustrate how space is currently being used and to determine where students now housed in modulars can be absorbed back into the original buildings.

Elementary Space

Davis Thayer School
Having served the town as a school since 1924, several modifications have been made to Davis Thayer School. Currently there are several small rooms on the second and third floor that could be combined easily by removing dividing non-structural walls. On the third floor there are two small rooms that could be made into a full-size classroom. There are two full size rooms not in use during the day that could be reclaimed as classroom space; one on the first floor used by Solutions and an empty room on the second floor. Given the space within the building, the 91 students in the modulars could be re-absorbed into the rooms of the main building.

A caveat to reorganizing space at Davis Thayer School - Based on the School Committee’s decision to keep Davis Thayer School open, the town may invest money into the school by adding an elevator and other minor upgrades to the building. The addition of the elevator may compromise available space. Since the condition of the modulars at Davis Thayer is still quite good as noted earlier in this document, it may make most sense to leave these modulars in place until a decision about renovation is reached.

Helen Keller School
Four to Five rooms are available within Keller Elementary. There are two Solutions rooms that are used only for before and after school activities. In addition there is also a health and SPED room that could be converted to extra classroom space if needed. Helen Keller also has one room dedicated to the BICO program. As the town receives revenue from this space, it is the recommendation of the SNSC to continue to lease this space to BICO.

Jefferson School
One of the newer buildings in the district, Jefferson has three rooms that are not being used as fulltime classroom space. Since none of the modulars are used as classrooms, there is no need to relocate students if the modulars are removed.

John F. Kennedy School
As has been the case for several years, there is no extra space at the crowded John F. Kennedy School. Along with holding classes in the modulars, the Music room is also housed there. In addition to finding space to house current modular students, consideration should also be given to providing room within the building for a dedicated music room and a proper space for OT/PT which is currently taking place in a storage/book room. This will allow for parity among all the buildings.

Oak Street School
The newest school in the district, Oak Street School has the most available space. Currently there are twelve classrooms being used for other purposes. There is a Solutions room that is used only before and after school, two EA rooms, a health and a speech room that can be repurposed for general classroom space. Additionally there is a bookroom, Teacher’s work room, ELL room, two SPED rooms and two SPED subseparate rooms.

Gerald M. Parmenter School
Two classrooms at the Gerald M. Parmenter School are in use as self-contained SPED classrooms, another as a SPED resource room. There is also one classroom used for small group SPED instruction, one for a speech/SPED office, and one as a Title I reading room. If some of these programs can be relocated to other schools, this would free space up within Parmenter to move students currently housed in the modulars. As noted earlier three teachers were added to Parmenter this year, given that they were hired with onetime funds, those positions most likely will not be funded next year. This will also free up some space within the building. Considering that Parmenter has the leased modulars and those in the poorest condition, it is recommended that these modulars be removed first.

Francis X. O’Regan Early Childhood Development Center (ECDC)
Two classrooms are available at the ECDC; one used by Life Long Learning for scheduled Mommy and Me programs during the day and one room not in use at all.

Middle School Space

Remington Middle School
At Remington Middle School there are six former classrooms now used for other purposes such as SPED rooms, meeting room, and an office for the reading specialist.

Annie Sullivan Middle School
Seven classrooms within Annie Sullivan Middle School are now being used for other functions, six are used for SPED services and one is used for counseling services.

Horace Mann Middle School
While the ECDC and Oak Street sections of this building have significant space, there are only two available classroom spaces within the Horace Mann area of the complex; one health room and the math specialist classroom. Further, the district-wide middle school sub-separate program is housed in the Oak Street section of the building.

High School Space

Franklin High School
The Franklin High School space needs were not assessed nor included in this report given the building renovation project currently in the initial planning stages. It is noteworthy that during the 2010-11 school years, space at Franklin High School has been given to the Alternative Learning Program, which moved back to FHS from Emmons Street, as well as the Fine Arts Academy which is a new program instituted in the 2010-11 school year. The space for the FAA was made possible with the facilities department moving out of Franklin High School and onto Hayward Street.

Question #2: Is there enough of an imbalance so that we need to redistrict some or all
of our students?

After reviewing the number of classrooms not in use in the traditional sense and considering the impact of the removal of modulars over the next few years, it has been determined that:

1. With the exception of the John F. Kennedy School, students currently being educated in the modulars can be moved back into space within their own buildings.

2. Additional room has to be made available at John F Kennedy School for dedicated
music room and OT/PT space.

3. Since the modulars at the Kennedy School are still functional, they should stay in place
for the next year or two while the Administrative team determines the best way to address
this imbalance.

4. Since there is considerable space at the ECDC and Oak Street School and because Kennedy students move on to Horace Mann Middle School, there may be opportunities to make minor shifts to the Kennedy population with minimal impact.

Question #3: Is the answer to this question dependent upon the School Committee’s decision on whether to adopt half-day kindergarten as opposed to the current full-day program currently offered?

At the January 11, 2011 School Committee Meeting, it was made clear that it was not cost effective to move to a half-day kindergarten model at this time. If at some point this decision is reconsidered, the number of kindergarten classrooms would be reduced. However, space would still need to be provided for optional half-day programs.


1. Keep all schools operational - The SNSC recommends keeping all schools open. With the removal of modular classrooms, the district will need to place 221 students into our existing schools/classrooms. Further if the finances improve, it would be the goal to revert to smaller class sizes and restore programs.

2. Modular Removal - After consultation with Town Administrator, Jeff Nutting, the funds for removal should be available from the Municipal budget, removing modulars one school per summer for the next several years. The SNSC recommends the following schedule for removal:

A. Gerald M. Parmenter School: Summer 2011- These modulars are in the poorest condition. Four of the six modulars are leased, costing the town money, and if some programs are moved, there is room within the actual building to accommodate the existing students

B. Jefferson School: Summer 2012 - These modulars are also in poor condition and there will be no impact on the student body.

C. John F. Kennedy School: Summer 2013 - There is no excess space within this building. By waiting a few years to remove these modulars, it gives the administration time to adequately plan and communicate where students should be relocated.

D. Davis Thayer School: Summer 2014 - The removal of the modulars should coincide with any renovations. In conjunction with this renovation, the smaller classrooms should be looked at with a possible plan to combine them. This would provide Davis Thayer School with larger classrooms more consistent with the other elementary schools in the district.

3. Minor redistricting – The SNSC recommends development of a mini-redistricting plan. This will involve moving some students/neighborhoods to reconcile numbers. This may be an opportunity to draw more stable lines in some areas of the district which now have students on one side of the street at a different school than their neighbors. Below are some possibilities:

A. Move John F. Kennedy students to Oak Street/ECDC/ Horace Mann complex where there is potential classroom space
B. Consider making some minor tweaks in some areas bordering the Keller-Oak districts and the Davis Thayer-Oak districts, which have been problematic over the years.


Clearly budget challenges over the past several years have impacted the way students have been educated. With a reduction in the teaching force, Franklin has seen class sizes increase and the need for classroom space decrease. At one point the eighteen modulars at the elementary schools were full and it was assumed that in order to accommodate all those students, the district would need to build a new elementary school or a permanent addition to one of the school. As noted in this report, currently not all the modulars are being used as fulltime classrooms and there is available classroom space at all the middle schools and within all but one of the elementary schools.

Due to the reduction of staff, many classrooms have been repurposed to offer small group instruction and many classrooms have been set aside for the Solutions program. This has provided some relief from crowded classrooms. In addition more classroom space is now being used for small group SPED instruction, SPED sub-separate programming and OT/PT services. Over the last few years new requirements have arisen necessitating dedicated space for specific programs. The DESE now requires a separate learning area for ELL (English Language Learners) students. ELL education can take place in a room shared with another specialist, but time has to be scheduled when no other instruction is taking place. Reader’s Workshop, part of the district’s Balanced Literacy initiative, also requires a dedicated book room and is an important component which supports this initiative. A book room is an instructional resource for teachers where teachers can borrow an individual book or sets of books that are leveled and organized for individual
student reading levels.

Although, this report indicates that potential space exists within the district, each building still needs room to house the special programming detailed above. With a plan to renovate FHS, remove modulars over the several years, and a review of district lines, specifically in the Kennedy area, the space needs of the district should be addressed for the next few years.

Thank you for the opportunity to work on this project. We look forward to full discussion/questions at our January 25, 2011 meeting.

Respectfully submitted,
Roberta Trahan, Chair SNSC
Cindy Douglas
Paula Mullen
Sally Winslow

Franklin, MA

In the News - cake design, fluoride reduction

Franklin resident to make cake on Food Network show

Tracie Turinese will be appearing in a cake competition.

Proposed federal change would reduce fluoride in drinking water

Franklin, MA

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Mass in Motion - healthy activity survey

The Town of Franklin is one of fourteen communities selected as a Mass in Motion Community – a comprehensive action initiative to address the extent and impact of the obesity crisis. The Franklin community has a chance to share the priorities and actions they would like to see taken to reduce inactivity and poor nutrition.

We are encouraging all Franklin residents, business owners and employees within the town to choose their top five areas of interest from each sector, or add their own ideas and comments. Please visit the website below to complete the survey. Community input is critical to the Town of Franklin’s success. Survey closes Tuesday, February 1st, 2011.

For additional information, please contact Lauren Marciszyn at 774-235-2737 or via email at

Franklin, MA

Franklin posts a good ROI for education

The Center for American Progress has published a report on "Return on Educational Investment
A District-by-District Evaluation of U.S. Educational Productivity"
This report is the culmination of a yearlong effort to study the efficiency of the nation’s public education system and includes the first-ever attempt to evaluate the productivity of almost every major school district in the country. In the business world, the notion of productivity describes the benefit received in exchange for effort or money expended. Our project measures the academic achievement a school district produces relative to its educational spending, while controlling for factors outside a district’s control, such as cost of living and students in poverty.
You can read the introduction and summary here (PDF file).

Download the full report PDF file and read it on your own here

You can also view an interactive map of the MA school districts to see visual comparisons of Franklin and surrounding communities. (You can also view other states and school districts.)  The interactive map is found here.

In between the map and the table of MA communities, there is a link that you can follow to find each school districts full report. The Franklin district report is here. As the district is credited with 11 schools I assume that the charter school is considered part of this.

I found these stats of interest:

Who pays for the Franklin Public Schools to educate our children?
Revenue by source: 
 Federal - 3%
 State - 50%
 Local - 47%

Maybe those who say the School District has too many administrators will recognize that this says otherwise
Total current expenditures 
 Instructional expenditures - 72%
 Student and staff support - 7%
 Administration - 6%
 Operations, food service, other - 15%

If you think there are changes that should be made to the way Franklin spends it money, you can participate in this survey to help determine our priority listing.

Updated: via email from Maureen Sabolinski, Superintendent of Schools, I am reminded that the data reflected here was taken prior to the most recent budget cuts. The academic focus is solely on the MCAS results. Both of these factors should be taken in consideration as you review the report. Franklin's schools do more with less than is reflected here.

Franklin, MA

State Budget updates

The Legislature and the administration of Gov. Deval Patrick yesterday set the consensus revenue figure for FY12 at $20.525 billion. This revenue figure will now be the starting point for budget proposals that will come from the Governor, House and Senate.
The Governor's proposal, to be released later this month, will deal with a structural deficit of approximately $1.5 billion created largely by the absence of federal stimulus funds, limited state reserves, case load pressures and inflationary growth, particularly in health care related programs. As he indicated in his inaugural address, Gov. Patrick's proposed budget is expected to highlight investments in education, health care and in job creation, as well as to propose government reforms.
Read the full post on the DOR website here

Nearly all future state and municipal employees would work five years longer, contribute more to their pensions, and have their benefits slashed if they retire early under a bill Governor Deval Patrick and legislative leaders unveiled yesterday.
Eighteen months after state leaders eliminated loopholes in the pension system, the new proposal would go beyond merely curbing abuses. It would, Patrick said, fundamentally change retirement benefits for thousands of future teachers, police officers, firefighters, and other public workers, in an attempt to save $5 billion over the next 30 years.
Read the full post here on the Budget Blues website

Why should the State budget matter to Franklin? 
Half, yes, you heard that correctly - half our school budget is funded by the State.

Franklin, MA

In the News - police activity, old museum, Senior Center

Warrant issued for Franklin man

Former Franklin museum's fate yet to be determined

Franklin Senior Center programs

Franklin, MA

Friday, January 21, 2011

Patrick proposes $65M local aid cut in Mass.

Hey, when the numbers and details on the Governors proposed budget comes out Jan 26th, we'll be able to see what it looks like and begin to understand how realistically the chance is that the Legislature will be providing the relief - there may be hope down the road.

Why not help now?
The Legislature has to act real soon to get something enacted to help this budget cycle. Then it has to go to the communities for them to incorporate into their business. Franklin has 13 unions, the current contract negotiations have been underway for some time. A couple have already reached agreement. How close the others are is not publicly known yet. It might very well be the next cycle that this would have an effect.

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via The Milford Daily News News RSS by Glen Johnson on 1/21/11

Gov. Deval Patrick told Massachusetts city and town leaders today he will cut some of their local aid in the fiscal 2012 budget he proposes next week, but attempt to offset the reduction with legislation granting them long-sought power to trim municipal employee health insurance costs.

Things you can do from here:

"help people who don't have the time, money, or opportunity to eat better"

Corby Kummer writes in The Atlantic: 
Before getting into the particulars of today's announcement, it's worth noting two things. First, no one at the White House can be unaware of ongoing controversy over Walmart's labor practices. And the very public support for Walmart will not mean that the White House nutrition team, led by Sam Kass, will stop the work it is already deep into with other corporations and food manufacturers, and with many federal and state agencies, to improve access to fresher food and opportunities to exercise. But Walmart has a power across the entire supply chain, from farm to transportation to store, that no other marketer or grocer has. If and when it can choose to be a force for good—and if that impulse is largely the result of market demand and market share it doesn't want competitors to claim—the First Lady's team (and anyone else who cares about the country's health) would be foolish not to try to guide the company in the directions it wants to see the whole food industry head.
What is the big news?
Walmart will be making changes to what food it sells. It will be moving to provide healthier choices.

What kind of changes?
Of the "key elements" Walmart announced, several are ones I reported on last March: shorten travel distances between farm and distribution centers, support smaller farmers than it had previously bought from, bring back staple crops to areas where they had vanished because of competition from California and Florida, and bring fresh food into "food deserts" both in cities and, importantly, rural areas without supermarkets.
Read the full article about Walmart's announcement here

Franklin, MA

Where is that fire hydrant?

The Chief has a good point to make.

Hi, this is Franklin Fire Chief Gary McCarraher with an important request which may affect your safety and that of your neighbors. The heavy snow storms over the past few weeks, have buried most of the more than 1,700 fire hydrants throughout the Town. You may have seen in recent new accounts where buried fire hydrant severely hampered area firefighters in combating building fires. Accordingly we are seeking your help to shovel clear the fire hydrant closest to your home. With your assistance we can insure that firefighters will have unimpeded access to the fire hydrant closest to your home in the event of an emergency. On behalf of the members of the Franklin Fire Department, I would like to thank you for your continued support and have a safe day!
With more snow arriving today, please take some time to find a fire hydrant in your neighborhood and shovel it out. The life or house you save may be your own.

Franklin, MA

How to be truly awesome!

Neil Pasricha's blog 1000 Awesome Things savors life's simple pleasures, from free refills to clean sheets. In this heartfelt talk from TEDxToronto, he reveals the 3 secrets (attitude, awareness, authenticity) to leading a life that's truly awesome.

Good words for your job search! Watch and enjoy!

Now, go out and take the next step to find your best opportunity!

If you can make it to the PodCamp WesternMA in Westfield St Univ, you can practice being awesome there.

If you can go, you should see if you can go for free. The details can be found here

"give us the ability to manage ourselves"

"Everybody in the room was pretty much on the same page," Holliston selectmen Chairman Andy Porter said yesterday. "We are frustrated and want to bring these issues to the forefront."
Medfield Town Administrator Michael Sullivan said officials want to band together to send a message to the state and to the public that changes are necessary to give towns and cities more control in dealing with rising costs.
"We're all facing the same problems, and we are getting very little help from the Legislature," he said.
Sullivan said officials at the meeting were frustrated that they are unable to change health care plans for public employees and retirees to save money. Cities and towns must first negotiate with unions to change plan designs, which officials say makes the job harder.

This topic was also discussed at the Town Council goal setting meeting Wednesday evening. Read the full article in the Milford Daily News here

Franklin, MA

In the News - Eagles Nest

Franklin Zoning Board OKs Eagles Nest changes

Franklin, MA

Thursday, January 20, 2011

"the gift of cooking knowledge"

Michelle writes on The Clueless Gardner:
I asked Steve: wouldn’t it make more sense to stock the pantry with staples that are generally cheaper, and more nutritious? And I wandered away toying with the notion of writing recipes to submit to the food pantry along with donations of such staples - because in all likelihood if people aren’t cooking from staples, it is because they don’t know how.
Steve replied: “Michelle, I understand your desire for more of a healthy food request. We are heading in that direction. The Food Pantry instituted a farmer's market on Monday's last year to distribute the fresh produce we were able to obtain. We are working as part of the Community Gardens project to further that effort this year. By re-doing the Food Pantry website, we intend to incorporate a blog which will also feature healthy recipes. You also give me an idea that we can solicit recipes from the community (like yourself) as well as from other food and health writers. Thanks!”
Well, we certainly seem to be thinking along the same lines! So I’ve started writing down recipes. And not just recipes: I’m sticking to explaining the basics. What do you do with dry beans, uncooked rice, fresh kale, whole chicken, and the like? And perhaps just as important: how to you go about managing the often lengthy process of cooking from scratch with a hectic lifestyle in which the chefs may be working multiple jobs and raising children all at once?
You can read her full posting here

You can contribute recipes to Michelle, or send them to me. Via email is best for now.

Franklin, MA

"town leaders need to look at ways to reduce expenses"

Nutting suggested a $20 per sport fee per person added to the normal registration costs, although the amount could change and the fee could be structured differently. He said many local towns charge for field use.
Nutting estimated that the town could gain $100,000 per year to repair fields if the estimated 5,000 people who participate in sports paid a $20 fee.
Town Councilor Stephen Whalen said charging a fee for field maintenance would be a fair balance since the entire town paid for the construction of the fields.
"I think we should do it," Whalen said, adding "in our situation, I think we have to look at things like this."

Read the full article in the Milford Daily News here

Participate in the budget priority survey here

Franklin, MA

No books, please

Friends not accepting book donations

Hopefully, this is just a temporary situation. It was raised earlier this week according to the discussion at the Town Council meeting Wednesday evening and Jeff Nutting is working to find some space for this effort.

Yes, there is some irony involved. Here is the Library stopping their volunteer group from working to prepare their major fund raiser which provides financial aid to the Library.

Franklin, MA

Vallee holds office hours

Rep. Vallee holds office hours Friday

Franklin, MA

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Creative thinking

This video clip from TEDx shows Charles Lamb sharing some interesting research that he is doing on the brain. By analyzing the brain activity when performing music, he is attempting to answer some significant questions on creativity.

Watch here:

For me, the initial take away was this quote:
But we have this combination of an area that's thought to be involved in self-monitoring, turning off, and this area that's thought to be autobiographical, or self-expressive, turning on.
In order to be creative, the brain needs to shut some aspects off and turn others on. There is a reason for having brain storming sessions. They may not have worked so well due to how they were set up but maybe with this new research they can find the way to set a good stage for being creative.
  1. Put aside your bias for a moment. 
  2. Put on your wide open 'thinking' cap.
  3. Participate in the budget priority survey here

Franklin, MA

In the News - Override group, goal setting

Franklin group forms to support override


Franklin council holds goal-setting session tomorrow

Franklin, MA

Monday, January 17, 2011

Franklin, MA: Financial Impact Full-Day vs Tuition-based Kindergarten

This internet radio show or podcast is number 83 in the series for Franklin Matters.

This is a special session. The audio has been synchronized with the presentation to create a complete package. The package will provide the update by Miriam Goodman, Franklin School Business Administrator, on full day vs. half-day kindergarten. The presentation and discussion occurred at the School Committee meeting on Jan 11, 2011.

You can also review the meeting video on the Franklin website.

The link to the Kindergarten presentation is here:

The full meeting can be viewed here:

During the presentation you will hear the voices of Miriam Goodman and Maureen Sabolinski, Superintendent. In the question and answer period, questions and comments will be asked by School Committee members – Ed Cafasso, Sue Rohrbach, Chairperson Jeff Roy, and Bill Glynn in order of their voices.

My keyboard and that of Brian Benson, the Milford Daily News reporter, is heard in the background as we type away reporting on the meeting. Hopefully, you won't find it too intrusive.

Without further ado, here is the presentation:

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin. I can use your help.

How can you help, you ask?

If you have an interest in covering the Planning Board, Conservation Commission, and or the Zoning Board of Appeals meetings in Franklin, please let me know.

And as always -

  • If you like this, please tell your friends and neighbors
  • If you don't like this, please tell me.

It will be via your feedback that I can improve this for you.

Thank you for listening.


For additional information, please visit
If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana"  c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission

I hope you enjoy!

Franklin, MA

In the News - 1st book, enrollment drops

Franklin woman publishes her first book

Laura Spinella's blog has been added to the Franklin Area Blog section.

Franklin school enrollment predicted to fall

You can view the full report on the Enrollment Projections here

Franklin, MA

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Help determine the priority list

In the January issue of the new Franklin newspaper delivered to your mail box, I wrote about setting priorities for the services that Franklin provides. This survey intends to develop a list of services that you would consider discontinuing and of services that you think we should continue.

The survey will remain open for your input through Saturday, Jan 29th.
The results of the survey will be published Sunday, Jan 30, 2011.

Note: use the scroll bar in form to get to the second question and "Submit".
You can provide an answer for both questions or chose to answer only one question.
For this kind of 'list building' exercise, there is no limit on entries. The survey results will provide two lists for further discussion.

Franklin, MA

Mother Nature responds to Franklin's message!

I travel along Summer St regularly and usually can find a good photo op on this corner:

I love how some of the Franklin streets are named and intersect.  Summer and Winter, East and West.
What other street combinations do you find around Franklin?

Franklin, MA

"He saw some pretty heavy action"

More than 1,000 Franklin residents served in the war, but only about 160 World War II veterans still live in Franklin, Fahey said.
"Earl Lang is just an amazing guy," Fahey said. "He's living history."
Lang said he appreciated adding the medal to his collection of war honors, including a letter from the White House he received in November for his 92nd birthday and a plaque recognizing his role as the grand marshal in Franklin's 2001 Fourth of July parade.
"It was very nice and kind of surprising," he said of receiving a replacement medal.
Read the full article in the Milford Daily News

Franklin, MA

In the News - Broadway

Check out 'Broadway' in Franklin

Franklin, MA

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Be careful coming out of side streets, shovel fire hydrants

There has been so much snow, there is only so much room to put it. As a result, the snow gets piled up on the corners and really presents a challenge for those vehicles trying to come out into the main street. There is either no line of sight or its very limited.

And for perspective on how big the piles are, here is a view of the next corner.

I am sure you have the same or worse in the traveling I have done around Franklin. Please be careful!

And from the Franklin website, this is a good plea for action:

Please shovel your nearest fire hydrant. With recent snow, fire hydrants may be unavailable for firefighters. Please take a few minutes to shovel the fire hydrant closest to your home to save vital seconds in the event of fire.

 Franklin, MA

"We hope to put as much green into the project as is financially feasible"

Boulter was one of about 35 students who explored the pros and cons of solar panels, geothermal heating, green roofs and ways to improve bathrooms with low-flush toilets, automatic hand driers and motion-activated faucets at an event at the school yesterday.
"All of these things we're seeing on projects," said Christopher Alles, a project manager at the School Building Authority, mentioning the school's coming upgrades. "This gets students thinking about green design."
Students rarely take such an active role in researching such ideas, Alles said, with parents, town officials and administrators normally proposing them.
While concepts such as geothermal heat may not be possible in Franklin, project designers are considering some of the students' proposals, including making bathrooms more environmentally friendly, Town Administrator Jeffrey Nutting said.
I love this collaboration. This is a great practical educational opportunity. Read more about the student work in the Milford Daily News here

Franklin, MA

Reminder: Pancake Breakfast - TODAY - 8:00 - 11:00 AM

The 8th graders at the Benjamin Franklin Classical Charter Public School are hosting a pancake breakfast to raise funds for their annual trip to Washington D.C.

The pancake breakfast will be held at the Franklin Elks hall on Pond Street in Franklin on Saturday, Jan. 15th from 8am - 11am.

Pancakes, toppings, juice, milk, coffee, and hot chocolate available. All are welcome. Cost is $5 per person (children under age 3 are free).

Franklin, MA

In the News - Pancake breakfast, Democrat caucus

Franklin charter school to hold pancake breakfast tomorrow

Democrats to caucus in Franklin

Franklin, MA

Friday, January 14, 2011

Southern New England Media Makers - Jan 16

If you are interested in meeting people who are working with audio and video on the web, this is a great meeting to attend. We will have podcasters, videobloggers, filmmakers, artists, writers, PR and social media people. Everyone is welcome.

We will gather around the table, have breakfast, and answer the question, “What are you doing?”

A great way to share what you are doing and learn from others. I like to call it networking with a real purpose in mind. Unfortunately, a family commitment will keep me away from this event Sunday when they will be celebrating their one year anniversary!

Additional details can be found on the Facebook Group Page

You can confirm your free registration on Eventbrite here

Franklin, MA

Green Reel - "End of the Line", Sunday, Jan 23 at 7:00 PM

The Green Reel film series will begin a new series on Sunday evenings in Jan and Feb. Each film starts at 7:00 PM and is scheduled to include a brief discussion following the film.

Agudas Achim - 901 N Main St Attleboro, MA (Rt 152 & Toner Blvd, Exit 5 at Rt 95)

Imagine an ocean without fish. Imagine your meals without seafood. Imagine the global consequences. This is the future if we do not stop, think, and act. End of the Line is the world's first major documentary about the devastating effect of overfishing. This film premiered at the Sundance Film Festival.

Post film discussion lead by: Deborah Cramer, author of "Smithsonian Ocean, Our Water, Our World" and "Great Waters".

The flyer for the full series can be found here:

Green Reel - Film Series - Flyer 2011

Franklin, MA

"one budget item that communities can overspend"

After this week's bills are tallied, Franklin Department of Public Works Director Robert "Brutus" Cantoreggi said he expects the town to have spent $500,000 to $550,000 of its $750,000 snow removal budget.
"I am concerned," he said. "It hasn't been a good winter to save money. ... We've had over 43 inches of snow in Franklin, and that's what we normally get in a year."
Cantoreggi experimented with only applying salt to main streets and hills earlier in the season to reduce costs. But 50 residents called with complaints about slippery patches in other areas. Public works crews then salted those stretches, he said.
The entire town needed to be salted for Wednesday's storm because the snow was heavy, making it difficult to scrape the roads clear with plows, he said.

Read the full article in the Milford Daily News here

The DPW provided an update on their snow removal process and budget allocation to the Town Council in October. You can find that information here

Franklin, MA

In the News - Rotary poker

Franklin Rotary plans poker tournament

Franklin, MA

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Town Council - 01/12/11

The collection of live reporting from the Town Council meeting on Wednesday, Jan 12 can be found here

Why was the meeting held?
The liquor license application needed to be processed. If the meeting had been rescheduled, it would have created a delay for the applicant and an additional cost as the notifications to abutters, etc as part of the application process would have had to be redone all over again.

The 'easy' way out was to hold the meeting. The roads were clear. The parking lot of the municipal building was clear. 8 of the 9 councilors showed up for the less than 15 minutes that it took to conduct business. The business applicant was happy. He is on schedule to open (hopefully) in mid-February in the former KFC building on RT 140.

Franklin, MA

Pancake Breakfast - Sat, Jan 15th 8:00 - 11:00 AM

The 8th graders at the Benjamin Franklin Classical Charter Public School are hosting a pancake breakfast to raise funds for their annual trip to Washington D.C.

The pancake breakfast will be held at the Franklin Elks hall on Pond Street in Franklin on Saturday, Jan. 15th from 8am - 11am.

Pancakes, toppings, juice, milk, coffee, and hot chocolate available. All are welcome. Cost is $5 per person (children under age 3 are free).

Franklin, MA

In the News - health lessons, Circle of Friends, women's club

Franklin to add health lessons at elementary schools

Circle of Friends presents the Slambovian Circus of Dreams

St. Mary Catholic Women's Club meeting Jan. 20

Franklin, MA

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow angels

Mary Olsson contributes this snow angel!

After clearing the driveway of the major snow, I went back for the minor clean up and took the opportunity to do my snow angel. If you can't do a snow angel, it isn't really snow.

Did you have fun in the snow? Will you have more fun on Thursday?

Feel free to share your photos here or on our Facebook page.

Franklin, MA

Live reporting - Closing


FHS Renovation project did get the feasibility agreement signed, so we are eligible for 53% reimbursement. This can be increased during the planning process up to 55%.


Whalen - question on the SJC snow decision
Cerel - difference between natural and unnatural causes caused some problems, the court has been moving in this direction to remove the distinctions between natural and unnatural causes. Some communities are getting aggressive in revenue generation by enforcing sidewalk clearing within a specified time after the storm.

Best wishes to Jean Hunchard (sic) recovering from heart surgery

Best wishes to Zollo on his birthday and Kelly's daughter, they ar enot the same age.

O. EXECUTIVE SESSION – Negotiations, Litigation, Real Property, as May Be Required


Franklin, MA

Live reporting - Action items

Franklin Caf̩ & Grill РNew All Alcoholic Beverages Restaurant License
motion to approve, passed 8-0



1. Resolution 11-01: Acceptance of Gifts –Fallen Heroes Signs
motion to approve, passed 8-0
thanks to Rose Turco for putting this together, to Chris Feeley and the Rotary Club for their contributions

2. Resolution 11-02: Acceptance of Gifts – Council on Aging
motion to approve, passed 8-0

3. Resolution 11-03: Acceptance of Gift – Recreation
motion to approve, passed 8-0

4. Resolution 11-04: Acceptance and Grant of Easements: Franklin Center Commons I and Abutting Town-Owned Land  motion to approve, passed 8-0

Franklin, MA

Live reporting - Town Council

Present: Kelly, Jones, Vallee, Whalen, Mason, Pfeffer, Zollo, Powderly
Absent: McGann

A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – December 1, 2010 and December 8, 2010
motion to approve, passed 8-0

The meeting is recorded by Verizon, Comcast and Franklin Matters



Franklin Recycling Committee, Amanda Costa
Motion to approve, passed 8-0

Franklin, MA

Calling all snowmen!

Mary Olsson sent this to me to share with you.

Thanks Mary! I am looking forward to doing a snow angel. I haven't done one yet this season.

If you get to do a snow angel, take a photo and send the photo to shersteve at gmail dot com. I'll collect the photos of snow angels or snow men and post them here.

Franklin, MA

"half-day or tuition-based program would not save the district money"

"The impact of going to a half-day program would ... lead to a reduction in our foundation budget, which would significantly impact our Chapter 70 money," Goodman said, adding the district's foundation budget for kindergarten is $3.4 million for this school year.
Goodman said it is too early in the budget process to determine exactly how much money Franklin would lose by switching programs.
The district might save money in fiscal 2012 because next year's state aid is determined using October 2010 enrollment, but Franklin would likely lose money in subsequent years, Goodman said.
"This analysis really shows, at least from my perspective, that over the long run financially it's a loser," School Committee member Ed Cafasso said. "The financial evidence is fairly overwhelming that one year of savings would be wiped out every other year." 

Read the full article in the Milford Daily News here

Review the notes from the full School Committee meeting (including the presentation document on kindergarten) here

Franklin, MA

"It's too dense"

Joel D'Errico proposed 10 single-bedroom apartments for the building in November, but told the Planning Board Monday he plans to build eight apartments instead. The new building would supplement an existing 10-apartment building.
The reduction may not appease many neighbors who said the building is still too large for the lot at the corner of Summer and Winter streets.
"It's inappropriate for the neighborhood," said Robert Landry, who has lived on Summer Street for 65 years. "There'd be too many cars. It's too big of a building, and it's not conforming with the neighborhood."
D'Errico said his development is a good fit since 21 of 31 residential lots in the area have multifamily buildings. One of those properties has 28 apartments, he said.
"The neighborhood character is 2-to-1 multifamily," he said. "It's changed. It's not what it was 50 years ago."

Franklin, MA