Sunday, August 1, 2010

Native Plants of Franklin

Hello Franklin! It’s time to reveal what last week’s mystery plant was. Were you able to figure it out? Loretta was close, and Susan correctly identified it. Here is the picture again:

If you said it was pinesap, you are correct!

I photographed this pinesap, at the Franklin State Forest last September, which means you have some time to get out and look for this elusive plant yourself. This patch is visible from the trail that leads straight into the woods from the YMCA.

The trick to seeing pinesap, Monotropa hypopitys, is that it only grows above ground like this for a very brief window of time. You may notice that the plant isn’t green. It actually contains no chlorophyll, which means it isn’t getting its food from the sun. Instead, it is a parasite that feeds on a fungus, which in turn is in a symbiotic relationship with tree roots. Don’t ever try to transplant this type of plant, because its growing conditions are so complex that removing the plant from its environment would kill it.

A more common relative of pinesap is Indian pipe, Monotropa uniflora, which also grows in undisturbed, shady woodlands, and is in bloom right now.

Indian pipe is frequently mistaken for a fungus, but like pinesap, it is a parasitic flowering plant.

And here is our next mystery plant:

Happy plant-sleuthing!

Franklin, MA

Franklin, MA: Customer Service commitment

Jeff Nutting, the Franklin Town Administrator, has posted the following customer service commitment on the Administrator's page on the Town website (PDF):

Franklin MA Customer Service

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Franklin, MA: summer reading

Looking for some summer reading?
Something more than a paperback novel or a magazine from the grocery store check out line?

Try the Financial Audit Reports for 2008 and 2009. You can obtain both reports from the town website here:

If you find a term you are not familiar with, look it up with your favorite search engine. The results should include one or two dictionary references, an entry for wikipedia and perhaps some professional references including higher education institutions.

By the time you finish reading and studying, the summer will be over!


By the way - if you are interested in the Town budget documents, you can find the prior years here:

You can find the current Fiscal Year 2011 budget here:

Franklin, MA

Friday, July 30, 2010


6. Amend the zoning by-laws to allow:
“Assisted living” and other elderly housing facilities in residential and certain commercial zones,
Greater densities for housing reserved for the elderly residents.

7. Maintain an inventory of existing housing facilities.
The Town will maintain an inventory of existing housing facilities that details the location of existing affordable housing facilities, 55+ senior developments and 40B housing developments within Franklin (Map 4: Existing Affordable Housing).

8. Identify areas where there is potential for development of affordable housing.

  • The focus area for potential housing development is centered around the Downtown area with a focus on providing multi-bedroom housing units.
  • Provide housing opportunities in the Downtown area where mixed-use and infill development opportunities are available. This area provides the most services and has a housing stock that is generally affordable and can more easily be converted to affordable housing.
  • Allow housing conversions in the Downtown area to allow multi-bedroom housing-units.
  • Consider a multi-family zoning around the central business district by-right rather than requiring a special permit.
  • School land that is owned by the Town of Franklin should be evaluated for residential uses. Housing at schools could be used for teachers and other municipal workers. Renting or leasing to these people may require specific eligibility conditions such as income limits and residency terms.
  • Retain, support, and expand existing affordable housing sites that are scattered throughout Franklin.


The Town of Franklin has postured itself as a key player and stakeholder in the creation of housing consistent with the above stated policy, goals and objectives. The Town reaffirms it commitment to ensure that a variety of housing opportunities exist to meet the diverse needs of its existing and future citizens. The Town looks forward to working with a broad coalition of public and private entities to achieve its affordable housing goals.

The full Affordable Housing Strategy and Development Plan can be found on the Franklin, MA website

Franklin, MA: Farmers Market

A friendly reminder that the Farmers Market is open each Friday from now until October. It operates on the Town Common on the corner away from the veterans memorials.

There is a big sign for those on RT 140 at the Davis Thayer School to point you in the proper direction:

There are also quite a few strategically placed signs like this to help spread the word:

Now that you are there, what will you find?
Susan Morrison posted a summary from her recent visit on ActiveRain here:

Tangerini's Farm was recently featured in an article in the Milford Daily News here:

Franklin, MA

In the News - Stormwater regulations

Learn about stormwater regulations next month

from The Milford Daily News News RSS 

Franklin, MA

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hold the date - Aug 3rd - Sit & Chat - Bill Glynn

Bill Glynn, School Committee member, will hold a "Sit & Chat" on the Franklin Town Common (near the Bandstand, in the Bandstand if it rains) on Tuesday August 3rd from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. There is no agenda, it’s just an opportunity to share your thoughts, ask questions, engage in discussion on different topics, etc. The discussion is open to all.

Bring a chair, your thoughts, and perhaps a question or two to the Common near the Bandstand.

Franklin, MA


5. Increase housing opportunities for seniors and the elderly.

  • Encourage affordable housing for the elderly through alternative residential programs such as life-care, assisted, or congregate living arrangements.
  • Evaluate different programs for providing elderly housing.
  • Explore expanding the number of rental opportunities for senior and elderly residents.
  • Encourage development of housing units that can easily be adapted or modified for handicap accessibility as needed.
  • Other options to improve elderly housing include utilizing town-owned land for housing sites and utilizing the senior center for outreach and counseling.

The full Affordable Housing Strategy and Development Plan can be found on the Franklin, MA website


4. Encourage development of multifamily housing.

The Town will encourage development of multi-family housing at appropriate locations in Franklin and encourage adaptive reuse of existing buildings for future residential use, particular downtown redevelopment areas. The Town will work towards the redevelopment of the Town’s older sites for a mixture of uses, including lower cost housing for families and the elderly. Methods include:

  • Providing financial incentives through the planning and permitting process;
  • Addressing development impacts;
  • Identifying downtown/mixed use development sites that would be appropriate for redevelopment;
  • Working with property owners to create mixed use developments through incentives such as density bonuses or tax incrementing financing.
  • Utilize Town owned tax-title properties for development of low, moderate, and middle-income housing units.

The full Affordable Housing Strategy and Development Plan can be found on the Franklin, MA website

Franklin, MA: fiscal policies

What are the fiscal policies of Franklin?

The policies are published on the Town website (PDF) and can be viewed here:


In the News - three teachers, EMC, Harvest Festival

Franklin's bid to save three teacher jobs fails

EMC workers enjoy kids day

Franklin, MA

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I know at least one K teacher that will like this article

Wow, this article will generate some conversation!
... as in other studies, the Tennessee experiment found that some teachers were able to help students learn vastly more than other teachers. And just as in other studies, the effect largely disappeared by junior high, based on test scores. Yet when Mr. Chetty and his colleagues took another look at the students in adulthood, they discovered that the legacy of kindergarten had re-emerged.
Students who had learned much more in kindergarten were more likely to go to college than students with otherwise similar backgrounds. Students who learned more were also less likely to become single parents. As adults, they were more likely to be saving for retirement. Perhaps most striking, they were earning more.
All else equal, they were making about an extra $100 a year at age 27 for every percentile they had moved up the test-score distribution over the course of kindergarten. A student who went from average to the 60th percentile — a typical jump for a 5-year-old with a good teacher — could expect to make about $1,000 more a year at age 27 than a student who remained at the average. Over time, the effect seems to grow, too.
The economists don’t pretend to know the exact causes. But it’s not hard to come up with plausible guesses. Good early education can impart skills that last a lifetime — patience, discipline, manners, perseverance. The tests that 5-year-olds take may pick up these skills, even if later multiple-choice tests do not.
Read the full article in the NY Times here

The study presentation slides can be found here:

And yes, in case you did not know, my wife is a kindergarten teacher.

Franklin, MA

Affordable Housing Strategy and Development Plan (collection)

Franklin, MA


3. Increase housing opportunities for low, moderate, and middle-income households.

  • Continue to support zoning incentives to encourage low, moderate, and middle-income housing in multi-family developments and residential subdivisions.
  • Continue to support the work of the Housing Trust to identify and develop affordable housing opportunities for a variety of different income levels.
  • Assist affordable housing goals by supporting programs and policies that directly seek related funding and programs.
  • Provide financial incentives through grants from the Housing Trust to encourage reuse of existing housing stock.
  • Pursue funding programs available for assisting with housing efforts.
  • Utilize Town owned tax-title properties for development of low, moderate, and middle-income housing units.

The full Affordable Housing Strategy and Development Plan can be found on the Franklin, MA website


2. Ensure that the Town continues to meet and exceed the Chapter 40B goal for subsidized housing.
The Town will explore innovative ways to increase the supply of affordable housing development through the Chapter 40B process to not only maintain the 10% threshold, but to also, exceed the state’s goal of 10% subsidized housing.

A. Methods to be utilized include:

  • Monitor and track all housing projects.
  • Explore a variety of housing opportunities to increase affordable housing units.
  • Update housing plan every 5 years.
  • Support lower cost housing that is affordable in perpetuity.
  • Explore methods for preventing the expiration of affordable units.

B. The Town will work through the Municipal Affordable Housing Trust to ensure the creation of a variety of housing options to reflect the needs of the community. The Trust will prioritize types of development, units, numbers of bedrooms, and locations.

The full Affordable Housing Strategy and Development Plan can be found on the Franklin, MA website



The housing strategy was designed to increase affordable housing opportunities with increases in production, retention of existing units, and programs and policies that support these goals. These recommendations were developed through an analysis of available housing data and statistics, current housing issues facing the community and from the applicable goals of the Housing Element of Franklin’s Community Development Plan and “Affordable Housing Strategy and Development Action Plan” (2004).

1. Establish a housing task force.
The most important step that the Town of Franklin can take to improve housing is to establish a group of committed local people to lead the housing program – a housing task force. The task force would help solve housing issues with locally administered input and programs and would examine housing supply and
policies. It would be responsible for the following actions:

  • Coordinate goals and efforts,
  • Seek funding opportunities,
  • Provide outreach for tenants,
  • Establish supply and demand for housing,
  • Identify target areas for housing development, and
  • Maximize utilization of resources.

The Town Council should appoint members. It should include a broad range of housing groups such as the Franklin Housing Authority, developers, and the Franklin Downtown Partnership.

In order to successfully implement actions, the task force will need to identify all stakeholders and coordinate goals and objectives as well as focus on implementation strategies. From a functional standpoint, the task force will need to have a budget, expenses, and seek housing funds and grants to support its operation and actions.

The full Affordable Housing Strategy and Development Plan can be found on the Franklin, MA website

In the News - house fire, stormwater

Fan starts house fire in Franklin

Franklin, MA

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Affordable Housing Strategy and Development Plan: Conclusion of Existing Conditions

g. Conclusion of Existing Conditions

The Town of Franklin has a unique history of development that has shaped, molded, and influenced the growth of this Massachusetts town. From this synopsis of information, several issues are recognized which will be important in Franklin’s future housing programs and overall planning.

  • Although overall population growth has continued, the most significant population growth has been in middle-age cohorts. These are typically the age groups that have the largest family sizes and live in single-family homes.
  • The gap between the median costs of home ownership and the median, moderate, and low-income levels is very significant. For middle-income buyers, the cost differential is not considered highly significant at this time, so long as the higher income jobs remain available for residents.
  • The amount of buildable land is decreasing while the housing stock is aging. As the Town approaches build-out, the ability to control housing costs by new production will be very limited. Moreover, the potential for future reconstruction and redevelopment pressures suggests that renovation, updating, and infill development policies will be important to the future character of the residential areas, in particular the areas with older housing stock such as the downtown and surrounding neighborhoods.
  • With new Census data expected in 2010, the Town anticipates possibly being under the state’s subsidized housing goal of 10% in the next few years. This has important implications for the Town’s housing strategies by providing opportunity to focus new housing development into areas that meet specific local goals and regulations as well as general state mandates in order to meet state subsidized housing goals.
  • The existing water and sewer infrastructure and planned projects appear to adequately support existing and projected population growth and housing development. Recent and planned school facilities also appear to support the future educational needs of the Town's residents.

The full Affordable Housing Strategy and Development Plan can be found on the Franklin, MA website

Affordable Housing Strategy and Development Plan: Executive Summary


A Town’s housing stock is a primary element fundamental to defining a community; it is where the citizens that make-up the heart of each neighborhood reside. The quality and affordability of, as well as the accessibility to housing in a town are often factors that will determine where a person chooses to live. Analyzing historic housing data, current housing trends and projecting future housing needs is a way for a community to plan for the housing needs of its residents. By proactively planning through the development of an Affordable Housing Strategy and Development Action Plan, Franklin can assure that the housing needs of its residents are met for all income and ability levels of the community.

The collection and analysis of housing data and statistics revealed the need to improve housing affordability in Franklin, in particular for low, moderate, and middle-income households (both seniors and families). Analysis also revealed, Franklin is in need of a mix of housing types, such as senior and family rental and condominium units, and special needs housing (both physically and mentally challenged individuals). The information collected for this study shows Franklin is approaching its ‘build-out’ of residential sites, and there are several issues that need to be considered:

  • Growth in Franklin is slowing, allowing for a proactive approach to planning for Franklin’s future housing related needs and the residentially zoned areas still available for development; 
  • Growth of single-family homes has slowed; however, there has been steady growth of two-bedroom condominium developments including Over-55 Senior Villages as well as non-age restricted developments.There is also growth noted in larger developments of apartment rental units.
  • Housing is dependent on the types of services a community provides. A quality public school system or private school choices are important. Public transportation is an important factor to potential future residents. Food supplies, shopping facilities and recreation opportunities are also important. The best locations for low- and moderate-income households as well as for the elderly are dependent on where and how these services can be delivered.

The full Affordable Housing Strategy and Development Plan can be found on the Franklin, MA website

In the News - housing plan, snowy walkways, vandalism

Franklin to encourage affordable, senior housing

from The Milford Daily News News RSS 

Rash of vandalism hits area

Franklin, MA

Monday, July 26, 2010

Note of distinction

For some readers it may matter to note that

"real time" reporting is when I am able to report in 'real time' via the cable feed or via the Town streamed video

"live" reporting is when I am in the physical room where the meeting is being conducted.

If I report on the meeting from the video archive after the meeting has been conducted, it will just be a meeting recap.

Franklin, MA

real time reporting - Planning Board

I tuned in to the broadcast via the Town website late to find a discussion already underway about a previously approved special permit for 59 units that was looking for advice on how to come back before the board to increase the 59 units by 1. Coincidently, the 60th unit was on the original plans and as part of some deal (not revealed during the discussion) came out of the final special permit that was approved. The development is progressing, triple units authorized have been built and sold. They are looking to make an existing planned (not built) duplex a triplex (as mention restoring one cut from the original plans).

This was interesting in that the Chair while recognizing that the advice was being looked for realized that since it was a special permit issued, the special permit process would have to be followed. The bylaw doesn't allow for modifications of an exiting special permit.

Some of the committee were interested in finding out how willing the developer would be in working with the Board to obtain an agreement. This persisted despite the Chair mentioning a couple of times that this type of discussion was not what we should be doing.

Really all the developer was asking is: "Hey, we have been here before, provided a whole passel of paperwork, now want to add one unit back to the plan. What paperwork do you need?"

All that needed to be said was "Whatever is required for the special permit."

Question: why was the unit cut from the original plans?
Question: why is the developer coming back for the 60th unit now?

Opened hearing for the Affordable Housing Strategy and Development Plan.
Beth Dahlstrom spoke that this is an update from the 2004 plan and required to be updated every five years by the state. (So it seems we are a year late? or does the clock run from the approval date not submittal date of the last one?)

She is looking for the Planning Board to recommend the plan.
The Board voted to approve the plan with no questions asked about the plan.

One of the members of the Board reminded the Chair that the hearing needed to be closed before voting. The Chair acknowledged that there were no members of the community present (TV camera panning of the Council Chambers revealed only the Milford Daily News reporter) so that there would be no questions from the audience. He asked for a motion to close the hearing. It was moved, second and passed unanimously.

The Chair asked for a motion to vote on the planning document, it was moved, seconded and voted upon unanimously.

The meeting moved to adjourn immediately after.

Franklin, MA

Franklin, MA: Traffic Alert (updated)

Main Street and Lincoln Street Construction

Main Street and Lincoln Street from Emmons Street to Moore Avenue will be under construction starting July 15, 2010 to October 2010 for the construction of a new water main. Motorists should expect delays and detours during this time.

UPDATE 07/26/2010

Motorists should avoid Church Square, seeking alternate routes.

Franklin, MA: Planning Board - 07/26/10 - Agenda

Key item on the Planning Board will be the first hearing of the Affordable Housing Strategy and Development Action Plan. The Town Council received this 34-page document last week and deferred discussion on it until their next meeting as they did not have time to read it.

The document can be found here:

The agenda for the Planning Board:

Franklin MA Planning Board Agenda 7-26-10

Note: email subscribers will need to click through to Franklin Matters to view the document.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Chestnut St curbing

A recent run down Chestnut St revealed work to install some curbing along the road before the final layer of asphalt is laid.

Share photos on twitter with Twitpic

Franklin, MA

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Native Plants of Franklin

Hello Franklin! My name is Michelle Clay, and you could call me a bit of a garden geek. Here in Franklin, we have a lot of lovely suburban gardens, but most of the plants in a typical suburban yard come from other parts of the world. We have many fascinating and beautiful plants that are native to the Franklin area that most people don’t know about. Each week I will feature one native plant here, and the following week, I will identify what it is, and tell you a bit about where it can be seen.

Can you guess what this one is? I’ll give you a hint: this is a very unusual plant. It has no chlorophyll, so it never turns green. Post your guesses in the comments, and happy sleuthing to you!

Franklin, MA

Let's Welcome Michelle Clay

You may recall that I had highlighted Michelle's blog The Clueless Gardner earlier this month as I posted on the Franklin Area Blogs that I have found.

You may also recall that I started the "What's your name?" series last week and she expressed interest in highlighting some native plants. She is much stronger in that area so I thought why not combine efforts? She graciously accepted and I am honored to have her posting here. She will showcase a native plant each week and we can all will learn together!

Stay tuned for her first post!

Franklin, MA

Lowell Folk Festival

The Saturday schedule at Boarding House Park in Lowell for the annual Lowell Folk Festival. The largest free folk festival in the US and it is in our backyard (so to speak).

Saturday, July 24Boarding House ParkSTEEP CANYON RANGERS12:00 noon
Saturday, July 24Boarding House ParkJOSHUA NELSON1:00 p.m.
Saturday, July 24Boarding House ParkMARIA DE BARROS2:00 p.m.
Saturday, July 24Boarding House ParkBUA3:00 p.m.
Saturday, July 24Boarding House ParkDE TEMPS ANTAN4:00 p.m.
Saturday, July 24Boarding House ParkTHE BRUCE DAIGREPONT CAJUN BAND5:00 p.m.

The Steep Canyon Rangers play bluegrass, Joshua Nelson sings kosher gospel, Maria De Barros sings Cape Verdian, the BUA group is Irish, De Temps Antan plays Quebecois, and Bruce Daigrepont is a Cajun Band.

Six different kinds of folk music over six hours in one place!

Follow them on Twitter:

Franklin, MA

United Regional Chamber’s Young Professional Organization

The United Regional Chamber’s Young Professional Organization (YPO) has organized several upcoming events.

On Aug. 10, the YPO will have a social from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at LA. Roberts, 120 Chestnut St., North Attleborough. A signature drink will be featured and the cost is $5 at the door.

The YPO is putting together teams for the Butterfly 5K on Aug. 22 to benefit The Julia Cekala Charitable Foundation. The cost to participate is $25.

The YPO is organizing its First Annual Chowder & Chili Cookoff at the Boston Sports Club in Franklin. Restaurants that want to showcase their chili or chowder can participate for no cost. The winner of the cookoff will earn bragging rights for a year and a tacky trophy! Space is very limited.   Updated 8/19/10 - The Cookoff has been canceled for 9/1/10 and will be rescheduled for another time.

Finally, the YPO is raffling off an 8 ½’ kayak donated by City Spirits of Attleboro and North Attleborough. Raffle tickets cost $5 each or 5 for $20 and can be purchased at any of The United Regional Chamber of Commerce offices: 42 Union St., Attleboro; 620 Old W. Central St., Ste. 202, Franklin; or 31 N. Washington St., North Attleborough. The winning ticket will be drawn Aug. 2.

The YPO is comprised of 20- and 30-something business professionals who have an interest in social and business networking, community involvement, and professional development. YPO participants must be at least 21 years old. For more information on any of the YPO events, visit the YPO’s Facebook page at or call Jen at 508-695-6011.

Mike Foster, owner of City Spirits (left), and Jack Lank, president of The United Regional Chamber of Commerce, stand with the kayak being raffled by the Chamber’s Young Professional Organization. The kayak was donated by City Spirits.

Franklin, MA

Friday, July 23, 2010

Hold the date - Aug 3rd - Sit & Chat

Bill Glynn, School Committee member, will hold a "Sit & Chat" on the Franklin Town Common (near the Bandstand, in the Bandstand if it rains) on Tuesday August 3rd from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. There is no agenda, it’s just an opportunity to share your thoughts, ask questions, engage in discussion on different topics, etc. The discussion is open to all.

Bring a chair, your thoughts, and perhaps a question or two to the Common near the Bandstand.

Franklin, MA

United Chamber Ribbon Cutting

The United Regional Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting ceremony at the new branch office of Rockland Trust at 490 Pleasant St in Attleboro, MA. 

There is another one planned to celebrate the relocation of Vicario Studio, 31 Hayward St., Suite B3, Franklin. The ribbon cutting will be held on Fri., July 23 at 11:30 a.m. Vicario Studio is owned by Photographer Paul Vicario.

Franklin, MA

Franklin, MA: Town committee and board openings - Updated

The following Boards have vacancies.  

If you are interested please complete a committee appointment request form which can be obtained from the Town Clerk’s office located on the first floor of the Municipal Building, 355 East Central Street or downloaded from the Town Clerk’s web page.


Regular Member

Municipal Affordable Housing Trust Fund


Cable Advisory Board


Design Review Committee


Franklin Disability Commission


Library Board of Directors


Public Land Use Committee


Recreation Advisory Board


Zoning Board of Appeals


Franklin, MA