Thursday, June 25, 2020

In the News: “This report lays out in heartbreaking detail the terrible failures that unfolded"

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin:
"The leadership of a home for aging veterans in Massachusetts where nearly 80 residents sickened with the coronavirus have died made “substantial errors and failures” as the disease began to spread, likely contributing to the high death toll, according to an independent investigation released Wednesday.

The superintendent of the Holyoke Soldiers’ Home was not qualified to manage a long-term care facility and he and his leadership team made decisions that were “utterly baffling from an infection-control perspective,” the report said. Among them was a decision to move veterans from one dementia unit into another, both of which housed veterans who already had the virus.

“Rather than isolating those with the disease from those who were asymptomatic — a basic tenet of infection control — the consolidation of these two units resulted in more than 40 veterans crowded into a space designed to hold 25. This overcrowding was the opposite of infection control; instead, it put those who were asymptomatic at even greater risk of contracting COVID-19,” the report said."
Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

Press release on report  =

Report itself =

Video update =

Franklin's own Carly Alston participates in this video

"Members of the New England Revolution's Special Olympics Unified Team congratulate veteran defender and longtime SOMA partner Andrew Farrell on signing a new contract with the Revs."
Franklin's own Carly Alston participates in this video

MBTA: Commuter Rail notice for schedule on July 3

On Friday, July 3rd the Commuter Rail will run on a regular Saturday schedule in observance of the July 4th Independence Day holiday.

For more information please visit

Last Updated: Jun 24 2020 05:01 PM

Franklin's Forge Park Station platform
Franklin's Forge Park Station platform

Franklin Downtown Partnership: Update Your Business Info

The Franklin Downtown Partnership (FDP) is publicizing changes to Franklin business during the pandemic. 

If you have an update your business would like to share with the community, please complete this online form ( 

If you have already completed the form once, remember to update the submission as needed.

View the updates on the FDP website!

Find other updates from the Downtown Partnership in their newsletter

In the News: "Union says 2,000 educators received layoff notices at the end of this school year"

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin:
"In 47 school districts where staff are represented by the Massachusetts Teachers Association, layoff and non-renewal notices were sent recently to more than 2,000 teachers and education support professionals, the union announced Tuesday.

The list of 2,030 notices only includes districts where local union officials reported that 10 or more educators received notices that haven’t been rescinded. The union said some notices are issued annually due to enrollment and program changes, but there’s a “spike” this year due to government funding issues.

State officials, in the face of historic revenue declines associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, are continuing fiscal 2020 local aid levels through July and August but have not made decisions about full fiscal 2021 local aid levels, which supplement property taxes to form the basis of K-12 education budgets."
Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

While Franklin did give notices to over 100, approx 54 have not yet been returned to work status. The School Committee just voted on Tuesday to approve the budget acknowledging 19.5 cuts so the situation is still fluid.

In the News: "Union says 2,000 educators received layoff notices at the end of this school year"
In the News: "Union says 2,000 educators received layoff notices at the end of this school year"

"Yes, kids should be going back to school in the fall"

When Dr Erin Bromage says that he had wished he had written an article like this, it is share worthy. The one aspect author Joseph G. Allen doesn't cover in this opinion piece is the impact/risk for the school personnel (teachers, administrators, etc.) who are more at risk than the children.
"I’ve spent more than 10 years as a forensic investigator of “sick buildings.” The stakes were often extraordinarily high: a hospital where four people had died and hundreds were at risk; a factory where workers were at risk of getting an irreversible respiratory disease called “Popcorn Lung”; a military base where housing was suspected in the deaths of 11 infants.

In all of these investigations, I was asked, “Is it safe to go back in the building?” If, after the appropriate controls were in place, my answer was “yes,” I always paused for one final gut-check question: Would my answer be any different if my family was involved?

When people ask me whether schools are safe during the coronavirus pandemic, I ask the same question: Would I let my kids go back to school in the fall? The answer is yes.

Let’s first acknowledge a hard truth: Widespread school closures come with devastating costs."
Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

Dr Bromage's tweet:

An empty playground outside the Achievement First charter school in Providence, R.I., on March 7. (David Goldman/AP)
An empty playground outside the Achievement First charter school in Providence, R.I., on March 7. (David Goldman/AP)

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

New 2021 Beaver St Recycling Center Sticker Procedure

Also applies to other fees charged for items at the Recycling Center

The Town of Franklin Recycle Center

The Recycling Center is open regular hours for full services. No cash or checks will be accepted. All residents who wish to use the recycling center for item drop off will need to go online prior to pay the required fee(s). 

A printed receipt detailing the fees paid will be required to show proof of payment. The Viewpoint online payment portal for recycling fees is on the Towns Website under Payments & Permits.

The current FY20 Recycle Center Permit expiration date will be extended to July 31, 2020.

After July 1, 2020 the new FY21 stickers will be available: To purchase a FY21 sticker go to the Town of Franklin Website and pay online through VIEWPOINT. Make sure to print your receipt dated after July 1 and bring it to the Recycle Center to pick up your sticker.

Residents who purchased a sticker online between June 1 - June 30, 2020 will be MAILED a FY21 sticker.

If you have questions or need help with the payment process please contact the DPW Administration Office Monday– Friday at 508-553-5500.

New 2021 Beaver St Recycling Center Sticker Procedure
New 2021 Beaver St Recycling Center Sticker Procedure

In the News: Tax Free Weekend - Aug 29-30

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin:
"The state’s 6.25% sales tax will be waived on many purchases the weekend of Saturday, Aug. 29 and Sunday, Aug. 30, the Baker administration announced Tuesday.

This summer’s sales tax holiday weekend will take place as retailers regain their footing after weeks of government-forced shutdowns, and Gov. Charlie Baker said he hopes people will take advantage of the tax savings to support local businesses.

“The annual sales tax holiday is an opportunity for us to support small businesses and consumers, and this year, it’s a great way to support our economy that’s been impacted by COVID-19,” the governor said. “This pandemic has created enormous challenges for the Commonwealth’s small businesses, and the sales tax-free weekend is one way that we can encourage more economic activity to help Main Street businesses and local economies.”

The annual tax holiday, made a permanent fixture as part of a 2018 “grand bargain” law addressing multiple topics, allows shoppers to avoid paying the tax on most retail items - excluding food and drink at restaurants - that cost less than $2,500. The state agrees to give up tens of millions of dollars in taxes in a bid to spur buying and consumer savings."

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

"We're pleased to announce that the annual #TaxFreeWeekend will take place August 29-30.

The #SalesTaxHoliday is a great way to support consumers and small businesses. This year it’s a great way to support our economy that’s been impacted by #COVID19MA"
Gov Baker's press release

Shared from Twitter:

In the News: Tax Free Weekend - Aug 29-30
In the News: Tax Free Weekend - Aug 29-30

School Committee reluctantly approves budget cuts 6/23/20

As with most meetings in this pandemic period, I took my notes via Twitter during the meeting reporting in real-time via the virtual session.

The Twitter hashtag can be found online #sc0623

  • Real time reporting underway for school Committee meeting 6/23/20 #sc0623 all present, although one (Keenan) wasn't on for roll call but was on for pledge.
  • First up, superintendent's report: response protocol for hate/bias developed, staff training, time for study of students and families, engage in difficult conversation, #sc0623 reading anchor text as prelude to retreat this summer
  • Seal of bi-literacy at FHS will be a credential to help mark work in this area, expanded work and materials in elementary, 'world of difference' effective at middle levels #sc0623 continuing to examine practice, "can't be perfect but striving to be better"
  • Looking to engage on this across the community of Franklin; Extended school year beginning July, plan to be shared by week end, DESE sent guidance, in person as 'feasible' anticipating additional guidance #sc0623
  • Slideshow of art work by teacher to be included in superintendent notes on Wednesday, #sc0623
  • Moving to discuss/action item - revised budget up for vote, working towards this # for several weeks, no changes in spreadsheet, all made reluctantly
  • 2 K teachers added back due to enrollment, total FTE still 19.5 #sc0623 music and clubs limited for middle due to coming back from closure and distance restriction, not eliminated, reduced. Do still anticipate a local aid reduction later this summer at state level
  • Chorus, band and athletics still on table for future reductions is the state cuts come through, #sc0623 working through DESE guidance on music programs. Motion, second Q speech/language others would have to pick up 'slack' Q what implications for non approval?
  • Concern about decisions to be made with hiring, etc but at some point need a decision where the cuts would be made. "Everything is painful" reacting to bottom line # we see. #sc0623 Q on 1/12 budget, doesn't apply here per Town guidance. This is not the last go round
  • I understand the budget is not what you want to see but it is what we have. #sc0623 class size at FHS depends upon the courses and selections, likely 25-28 maybe low 20's Q was asked of other Town depts if they had enough $s; was not asked of Sara last week
  • This is not related to COVID-19, we had our numbers before that happened, the funding levels are not at where they need to be for the schools. #sc0623 Q on SPED cuts, we will need some help in the fall, these were made after a review of the student IEPs
  • Sara "I don't want to say it is without impact but it is not unreasonable." (Could also say that they were insufficient to begin with and get worse with this) #sc0623 Student Opportunity Act is pending, possibly not likely to happen this year
  • Q out of district placements costs could be much higher; if so we will need to figure it out in the moment, but this is what we have now. #sc0623 can't foresee specific actions today, but we'll have options to work with.
  • Q on administrator possible cuts vs. teachers non-admin impact is 3% vs. admin is 4-5%; public comment, stay within 3 mins, please do not repeat what has been said. Donna Grady, this is a Town wide problem, not just a school problem #sc0623 raises a series of budget line Qs
  • Q on substitutes amount of increase? Concern on deputy cut at FHS, he is the senior person with knowledge of the building and staff
  • Comment on equity of cuts to protect the most vulnerable. Q on FHS deputy, a personnel issue and can't discuss. Vote via roll call 6-1 (Keenan no)
  • MASC resolution; 45 SchCom have approved #sc0623 related to
  • Motion on first, seconded, vote via roll call 7-0 #sc0623
  • Second resolution via FEF, moved, seconded, vote via roll call 5-1-1 (D'Angelo abstain, MJ no) #sc0623 "sure it is resolved but how is the state going to provide the funding when it is not there"
  • Next up; anti-racism resolution received so much feedback from Community; let's take it back, incorporate and bring back to Committee for vote but not tonight #sc0623 worthwhile to check with the local resources. The subcommittee meetings are open
  • Last action item on agenda for FHS 2020 student activity account; future events of the class, plans for future gathering, they have extra money due to the closure that prevented earlier expenses #sc0623 vote via roll call 7-0
  • Facilities Analysis subcommittee has a survey for review before sending out to Community. Bergen reads official policy on facility retirement. Policy link #sc0623 important to read! Guide the subcommittee work plan
  • Some qualitative questions, should be taken that way. Broaden the DT question, i.e. other family members in other schools, and class size. Q so broad, could be interpreted so many ways; may tweak to narrow responses #sc0623 what is point if asking if it doesn't tell us something
  • Calendar for SchComm meetings, revisit? Is one enough for July? Timing for retreat? There is plenty to do. 7/14 and 7/28 for SchComm meetings. Look at time in August hopefully in person. #sc0623 based upon status, how much are we spending for off-site? Nothing
  • Budget Subcommittee meeting 6/17 saw the cuts tonight. MASC - Community relations, tentative July 6, 3 pm; Facilities analysis - June 11 drafted survey, email address for subcommittee, analysis in final report due from consultant, one piece of study. #sc0623
  • Both sides (closing DT, complete study) have points, we will follow the policy and not make a quick decision. The plan and steps are outlined and we'll keep it. Web link no recommendation at this time
  • When can we expect report? Sent email today, don't know. want to have principals review this before going to subcommittee. Subcommittee gathers info and proposes to full Committee for vote, if we deem excess, then Town Council gets to decide but not until then #sc0623
  • Superintendent eval, in process. PCC all done for year; someone for FEF to represent SchComm (Denise by acclimation), can coach for the Wizards game! #sc0623 move along to new business, more budget depending upon info, school re-opening, policy, annual report draft
  • Consent agenda up for approval; vote via roll call, passes 7-0 #sc0623
  • Motion to enter executive session, via roll call passes 7-0 not to return to open meeting
  • That completes this night, catch you all next time! #sc0623 oh, and BTW Town Council meets Weds 6/24, ask them for more money for the schools, or at least ask why they won't?
screen capture of SchComm virtual meeting 6/24/20
screen capture of SchComm virtual meeting 6/24/20

Superintendent Sara Ahern provides update during meeting 6/24/20
Superintendent Sara Ahern provides update during meeting 6/24/20

School Committee Policy Manual: FCB - Retirement of Facilities

From the Franklin (MA) School Committee Policy Manual, the text of the "Retirement of Facilities" policy

"When a school building becomes inadequate by virtue of age, condition, size of site, lack of need, or other overriding limitations, and cannot reasonably and economically be brought up to the current educational standards, the building should be considered for a comprehensive closing study. The Superintendent will recommend to the Franklin School Committee which facilities appear to justify further analysis.

The School Committee may seek both professional advice and the advice of the community in making its recommendations as to the retirement of any school facility. This will permit the public, which originally acquired the property, to benefit from its recycling or retirement.

A closing study will include direct involvement by those neighborhoods considered in the study and will be concerned with all or some of the following factors:

1. Age and current physical condition of the facilities, its operating systems, and program facilities.
2. Adequacy of site, location, access, surrounding development, traffic patterns, and other environmental conditions.
3. Reassignment of children, including alternative plans according to Committee policy.
4. Transportation factors, including numbers of children bussed, time, distance, and safety.
5. Alternative uses of the building.
6. Cost/Savings
  • a. Personnel
  • b. Plant Operation
  • c. Transportation
  • d. Capital Investment
  • e. Alternative Use

7. Continuity of instructional and community programs."

Find the text of this and other School Committee policies online

Once the School Committee has deemed a facility to be retired, then and only then would the Town Council be in position to make a decision. (aside from individual councilors would likely be involved as stakeholders during the School Committee process)

ladybug on the grounds near the entrance to Davis Thayer Elementary School
ladybug on the grounds near the entrance to Davis Thayer Elementary School

Franklin Residents: Tree work scheduled for NationalGrid's powerlines

"ABC Tree will be doing routine 5-year cycle tree maintenance on National Grid's power lines. The work is expected to start on June 25 and continue through Sept. 30.
If you have any questions, contact ABC Tree representative Saul Gaona at (#832-506-5049)"

Shared from Twitter:

Franklin Residents: Tree work scheduled for NationalGrid's powerlines
Franklin Residents: Tree work scheduled for NationalGrid's powerlines

A Message from Karen on Racial Justice

A Message from Karen on Racial Justice
I hope your families are safe, healthy, and well during these challenging times.

We are at a history-making moment in our Commonwealth, not only because of unfolding events surrounding racial justice, but also out of the recognition—and frustration—that we've been here too many times before.

I know this is a time for not just words, but for action. I have learned that this sentiment is shared by many of you from conversations with community leaders of color, colleagues and individuals who experienced the power and trauma of being a part of recent protests.

I want you to know that I stand with the thousands in Framingham, Ashland, Natick, Medway, Franklin, Hopkinton, and Holliston who have come together to listen, amplify the voices of communities of color, and grieve for the murders of Rayshard Brooks, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and the long list of other Black Americans who died because of racism.

The Massachusetts State Senate is ready to answer the call for true change. We are committed to decisive action this session to begin dismantling systemic racism.

Last week, I met with members of the Massachusetts Black and Latino Legislative Caucus to discuss police reform and racial justice legislation. It was a productive discussion that captured the gravity of the moment and solidified our shared commitment to send strong legislation to the governor's desk.

Prior to that meeting, I formed a Senate Working Group on Racial Justice, which will serve as the driving force behind our legislative approach. The advisory group, which has already met twice, is chaired by Senator Sonia Chang-Diaz, a member of the Massachusetts Black and Latino Legislative Caucus, and Senate President Pro Tempore William Brownsberger.

I have tasked these Senators with reviewing current legislation, vetting new ideas and recommending action on policing tactics, such as use of force, and racial equity.

We are also working to combat racial disparities in our health-care system, which were dramatically exposed by the COVID-19 crisis. Earlier this month I was excited to see our efforts to establish a Diversity Task Force signed into law. The task force will make recommendations to the legislature to address health disparities for underserved and underrepresented populations. The law will also dramatically expand the amount of publicly available COVID-19 data.

I would like to thank you for continually holding me and other state leaders accountable as we move forward in this effort to create a more just and equal Commonwealth. I urge you to please continue to reach out, share your story and raise your voice.

Please don't hesitate to contact my office at or calling 617-722-1500. For Senate news and updates, please subscribe to my YouTube channel for my weekly video messages or visit my website


Senate President
Second Middlesex and Norfolk
Senate President Karen E. Spilka | Massachusetts State House, Room 332, Boston, MA 02133
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Town Council is scheduled to vote on an increase in Franklin's water rate

From The Guardian, coincidentally a study on water rates in the US. The Town Council is scheduled to vote on an increase in Franklin's water rate Wednesday night, June 24.
"Millions of ordinary Americans are facing rising and unaffordable bills for running water, and risk being disconnected or losing their homes if they cannot pay, a landmark Guardian investigation has found.

Exclusive analysis of 12 US cities shows the combined price of water and sewage increased by an average of 80% between 2010 and 2018, with more than two-fifths of residents in some cities living in neighbourhoods with unaffordable bills.

In the first nationwide research of its kind, our findings reveal the painful impact of America’s expanding water poverty crisis as aging infrastructure, environmental clean-ups, changing demographics and the climate emergency fuel exponential price hikes in almost every corner of the US."
Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

Bylaw Amendment 20-855: Chapter 82, Water Fee Increase - First Reading (Motion to move Bylaw Amendment 20-855 to a second reading - Majority Roll Call Vote)

Get a copy of the Legislation for action here:

construction underway on Grove St to replace the pump station for wells 3-6
construction underway on Grove St to replace the pump station for wells 3-6

Franklin Residents: a message from the Treasurer/Collector on bill pay options

The FY2021, 1st Quarter Real Estate, and Personal Property Tax Bills will be mailed out on July 1, 2020. The due date for these bills is August 3, 2020.

A few reminders for payment options:
  • You can pay online at
  • If you choose to mail your payment, please be sure to include the remittance copy with your check.
  • If you use your Online Banking to pay your bills, please remember to reference the bill number(s) you are paying.
  • The dropbox/drive up is available at the Municipal Building as well.

Thank you!

a message from the Treasurer/Collector on bill pay options
a message from the Treasurer/Collector on bill pay options

FTC Issues Staff Report on Made in USA Workshop, Seeks Comment on Related Proposed Rulemaking for Labeling Rule

Rule would apply to unqualified Made in USA claims made on product labels

The Federal Trade Commission today issued a staff report on an FTC workshop on Made in USA claims that was held last fall, and a notice of proposed rulemaking for a Made in USA Labeling Rule (proposed Rule).

The proposed Rule will apply to product labels making Made in USA and other unqualified U.S.-origin claims. The proposed Rule incorporates guidance set forth in the Commission's previous Decisions and Orders and its 1997 Enforcement Policy Statement on U.S. Origin Claims (

Consistent with this guidance, the proposed Rule will prohibit marketers from including unqualified Made in USA claims on labels unless: 1) final assembly or processing of the product occurs in the United States; 2) all significant processing that goes into the product occurs in the United States; and 3) all or virtually all ingredients or components of the product are made and sourced in the United States.

The proposed Rule also covers labels making unqualified Made in USA claims appearing in mail order catalogs or mail order advertising. The proposed Rule does not supersede, alter, or affect any other federal or state statute or regulation relating to country-of-origin labels. The proposed Rule will make civil penalties available to deter violations.

"Whether a product is actually 'Made in the USA' is an important issue for consumers, manufacturers, retailers, and American workers," said Andrew Smith, Director of the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection. "We welcome comments from all stakeholders to inform our rulemaking effort."

According to the staff report, the Made in USA workshop last fall sought to enhance the agency's understanding of consumer perception of Made in USA claims and consider whether the Made in USA enforcement program can be improved. Public comments and input from the workshop's panelists addressed three general topics: consumer perception of Made in USA claims, concerns about the FTC's current enforcement approach, and potential changes to the FTC's enforcement strategy.

According to the staff report, only one panelist provided survey evidence on how consumers understand Made in USA claims. Citing a 2013 study, the panelist noted that almost three in five Americans agree that "Made in America" means that all parts of a product, including any natural resources it contains, originated in the United States, and a third of consumers believe that 100 percent of a product must originate in a country for that product to be called "made" in that country.

The staff report states that this evidence supports the guidance in the FTC's Enforcement Policy Statement on U.S. Origin Claims that at least a significant minority of consumers are likely to be deceived by an unqualified Made in USA claim for a product incorporating more than a trivial amount of foreign content.

The Commission vote to issue the staff report was 5-0. The Commission vote approving publication of the proposed Made in USA Labeling Rule in the Federal Register was 4-1, with Commissioner Noah Joshua Phillips voting no and issuing a dissenting statement ( . Commissioner Rohit Chopra issued a separate statement (, as did Commissioner Christine S. Wilson (

The proposed Rule will be published in the Federal Register shortly. Instructions for submitting comments appear in the published document. The FTC will consider all timely and responsive public comments it receives in accordance with those instructions. Once processed, comments will be posted on (

The Federal Trade Commission works to promote competition, and protect and educate consumers. You can learn more about consumer topics and file a consumer complaint online or by calling 1-877-FTC-HELP (382-4357). Like the FTC on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, read our blogs, and subscribe to press releases for the latest FTC news and resources.

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FTC Issues Staff Report on Made in USA Workshop
FTC Issues Staff Report on Made in USA Workshop