1. Accessory Dwelling Units legislation
Economic Development Subcommittee Meeting - March 22, 2023 |
Providing accurate and timely information about what matters in Franklin, MA since 2007. * Working in collaboration with Franklin TV and Radio (wfpr.fm) since October 2019 *
1. Accessory Dwelling Units legislation
Economic Development Subcommittee Meeting - March 22, 2023 |
Program with Massachusetts energy leaders, advocates, and key legislators exploring why permitting reform is critical to meeting clean energy goals | |||||||||||||||||||
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multiple views of Derek Adams and Kate Sjoberg talking about storm water |
"Worcester is looking at inclusionary zoning to add affordable homes. This chart shows how slow housing development has been last +10 yrs, even as city's population grew.
For more graphics like this, check out http://mhp.net/datatown"
Worcester data:
housing development has been last +10 yrs in Worcester, MA |
What does Franklin's data look like?
Note: please be careful with the visual comparison. The volume scale for Franklin (300-200-100) is significantly less than Worcester's (600-400-200).
The chart depicts how many new housing permits that Franklin has issued for each year of the data collection (net of demolitions), broken out by type of building
Franklin and Worcester data together to see the info on the same scale |
Sparked by the MHP tweet - https://twitter.com/mhpdata/status/1551662361110630401
Open Burning Season runs from January 15th through May 1st. You can apply for a permit through our website: https://t.co/wnJHPBePeU or -> https://www.franklinma.gov/fire-department/pages/burning-permits-2022
Shared from Twitter: https://t.co/F4VTfF7XDA
Franklin Fire: open burning permits available online |
Recap - Board of Health meeting - May 5, 2021 |
Town Council meeting recap = Jan 20, 2021 - Public House license approved, several streets accepted |
The Franklin Food Pantry is on the agenda for the Planning Board meeting Monday to introduce the site plan for their new building on East Central St and begin the permit approval process.
Planning Board Agenda
7:00 PM - Commencement/General Business
7:05PM - PUBLIC HEARING - Continued
52 East Central St
Special Permit & Site Plan Modification
7:10 PM - PUBLIC HEARING - Continued
515 West Central Street
7:15 PM PUBLIC HEARING - Initial
138 East Central Street (Franklin Food Pantry)
Site Plan https://www.franklinma.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif591/f/agendas/138_east_central_st_site_plan.pdf
Review docs https://www.franklinma.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif591/f/agendas/138_east_central_review.pdf
7:20 PM PUBLIC HEARING - Initial
Countryside Estates
Subdivision Modification
7:25 PM PUBLIC HEARING – Continued
186 Grove St
Site plan Modification
A. Road Acceptance: Laurinda Lane
B. Bond Release: Sandy Knoll Estates
C. Decision: 72-94 East Central Street- Special Permit & Site Plan
D. Phasing Plan Approval: 160 Grove St
E. Endorsement: 164 Grove St
F. Endorsement: 162 Grove St
G. 81-P ANR: 15-17 Margaret’s Cove
H. 81-P ANR Rescind Vote: 55 Coutu Street
I. Meeting Minutes: November 2, 2020 & November 16, 2020
This agenda is subject to change. Last updated: December 15, 2020
The next meeting of the Planning Board is scheduled for January 11, 2021
As with most meetings in this pandemic period, I took my notes via Twitter during the meeting reporting in real-time via the virtual session.
The Twitter hashtag can be found online #BoH1202
screen grab of process for prescription for health diet |
Recap: The Town Council heard from the Building Commissioner, Gus Brown as he provided an update on the work of the department and coordination with Planning, Planning Board, ZBA, Inspections, etc. The presentation included photos of the variety of projects worked on recently.
This is one of a series of department updates to the Town Council to increase awareness of the work being done by some of the 'less known' departments. Board of Health coming up next.
The 4th set in the series of plot line zoning changes was covered in a public hearing and then ultimately moved to a second reading. Over time a particular plot of land may have ended up straddling 2 or in some cases 3 or more zoning categories. This clean up moves the plot into a single zone.
The Town Council approved a series of donations. They also accepted a sewer line extension for a single property off Daniels St not currently served by sewer and where the ground can not handle a septic system.
The Recycling Center is open regular hours for full services. No cash or checks will be accepted.
Attached is a copy of materials accepted, fees and hours at the Recycling Center and Curbside costs.
For additional information or to purchase your Recycling sticker over the phone, please call the DPW Administration office during regular office hours at 508-553-5500.
Please observe social distancing guidelines.
Franklin Residents: Purchase Your FY 2021 Recycling Center Permit and Pre-Pay for Item Drop Off Online |
"The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced on April 23 that it is proposing targeted modifications to the 2016 Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) general permit for Massachusetts communities.
An EPA statement said that the proposed modifications would give municipalities more tools and flexibility for permit implementation while also ensuring that the water quality goals of the Clean Water Act are met.
The proposed modifications were developed through a multi-year mediation between the EPA and parties who challenged the underlying 2016 permit.
Last December, the EPA announced that a settlement agreement had been reached between the agency and the permit litigants – including municipalities, environmental groups and other stakeholders – and initiated a public comment period. The settlement agreement was executed in mid-April. According to the EPA, the proposed modifications to the permit are identical to those contained in the settlement."
The second session was held at the Franklin TV studio |