Showing posts with label senior. Show all posts
Showing posts with label senior. Show all posts

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Voices of Franklin: A letter to Franklin’s 65+ community from your fellow seniors

The children of Franklin are our town’s future citizens. They deserve the best educational opportunities. The children of Franklin are a joy to their parents and even the older population who no longer have school-age people in their own lives. We as senior citizens look back on the ways public schools have contributed in unique and important ways to our own personal development. As a group we urge a YES vote on the tax override, because our investment in education will pay dividends for decades.

Everyone knows from personal experience the profound impact that educational opportunities have had on their own lives. Everyone knows that the educational opportunities and social relationships offered by schools have a huge role in developing positive character traits and life competency skills. Everyone knows that providing for the needs of children is a financial commitment that extends beyond the individual household. Outside the family, children spend most of their waking hours in school.

For a multitude of reasons (many outside the control of our district) the Franklin Public Schools have been starved of funds for years. Again and again, our local school spending is discussed and shows to be dropping from 25th percentile, and now under 20th percentile when compared to all other towns in the Commonwealth.

Our heroic staff and teachers do excellent work with the funding they have, but could do so much more with adequate funding. Over the years, Franklin has reduced music, arts, and other activities, while class sizes have grown and fees to students have steadily increased. New technologies for teachers to master and cell phones in children’s hands present new challenges and opportunities that will require money to address.

Support for children with varying backgrounds, and the mental health needs of school age kids in a changing culture all require money. Modern day parents are facing challenges our generation never dealt with, and much of the responsibility to help these families falls to the public schools. We as seniors are committed to the value that it does indeed take a village to raise children.

We think back with gratitude on how schools have helped our children adapt to the challenges of life and learning-in ways that could not be accomplished by even the best parenting done in isolation.

The ability to collect public funds to adequately support public interests like the education of our children is critical to Franklin’s long-term health. The request for an ‘override’ of arbitrary tax limitations is consistent with information about the school funding that the town has made available for years. Furthermore, an override is consistent with current economic conditions such as inflation across industries. We should also acknowledge that Franklin’s real estate taxes are lower than most surrounding towns. While this may seem like a positive attribute, in reality it means we are allowing our town’s school system to decay. Franklin should not become a backward outlier in our region.

Many of us moved to Franklin for the high quality of our public educational system. Even though that specific time in our lives has passed, we understand and continue to support the belief that public education is the responsibility of citizens of all ages.

Signed by Seniors Supporting Vote YES for Franklin!

Signed by Seniors Supporting Vote YES for Franklin!
Signed by Seniors Supporting Vote YES for Franklin!

Voices of Franklin: A letter to Franklin’s 65+ community from your fellow seniors
Voices of Franklin: A letter to Franklin’s 65+ community from your fellow seniors

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Franklin Ridge Booster Pump Station - Invitation for Bid

IFB - Franklin Ridge Booster Pump Station

In accordance with MGL c. 30 section 39m, it is the intention of the Town of Franklin to retain the services of a company for the Franklin Ridge Booster Pump Station Project in the Town of Franklin.

Additional Information:  Franklin Ridge Booster Pump Station Project

Shared from ->

Franklin Ridge Booster Pump Station - Invitation for Bid
Franklin Ridge Booster Pump Station - Invitation for Bid

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Auchincloss Secures District Wins in Passage of Federal Minibus - Franklin Ridge gains $850K

Auchincloss Secures District Wins in Passage of Federal Minibus

"Minibus" Funding Bill Includes Auchincloss Community Project Funding Requests 

Last weekend, Congress passed a partial government funding bill that was signed by President Biden and includes key wins for the Fourth District. The bill provides funding for 15 Community Project Funding (CPF) requests sponsored by Congressman Auchincloss. 

"Clean drinking water & better bridges have been my priority for three funding cycles," said Auchincloss. "These projects take time – they're not quick & flashy – but the benefits will extend for a generation."

Auchincloss Projects Included in Passage: 

  • Pleasant Street Neighborhood Stabilization Plan Streetscapes Improvement Project, Fall River Amount Received: $1,666,279 
  • Danforth St. Bridge Reconstruction Project, Taunton  Amount Received: $1,000,000
  • Weir Bridge Reconstruction Project, Taunton   Amount Received: $1,000,000
  • Cleaning and Lining Large Water Main near Wading River Water Treatment Plan, Attleboro  Amount Received: $959,752
  • Ferry Street Sewer Pump Station Rehabilitation Project, Fall River   Amount Received: $959,752
  • PFAS Treatment Project, Bellingham   Amount Received: $959,752
  • Walnut Street Sewer Project, Foxborough    Amount Received: $959,752
  • Town Center Package Sewer Plant, Norfolk    Amount Received: $959,752
  • McKeon PFAS Treatment Facility, North Attleborough   Amount Received: $959,752
  • Construction of Route 6 Corridor Sewer Collection System, Swansea   Amount Received: $959,752
  • Water Quality Improvements, Wrentham  Amount Received: $959,752
  • Blackstone Valley Boys and Girls Club Stone House Renovation Project, Blackstone   Amount Received: $850,000
  • Franklin Ridge Senior Affordable Housing Project, Franklin  Amount Received: $850,000
  • South Main Street Bridge, Freetown   Amount Received: $500,000
  • Pleasant Street Infrastructure Improvements, Medfield    Amount Received: $500,000

To learn more about Congressman Jake Auchincloss, visit or connect with him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube 

Auchincloss Secures District Wins in Passage of Federal Minibus
Auchincloss Secures District Wins in Passage of Federal Minibus

Friday, February 16, 2024

Autumn Hill development proposed for Summer St

With the scheduled public hearing before the Planning Board for the proposed 44 unit senior and inclusionary housing condominium on Summer St, it is good to go deep in the archives to be aware of the prior development for the same property.

A special report collected the history of the Residential VII zoning proposed for rezoning the property at the time which failed to gain approval.

The new proposal comes forward without a zoning change required only a couple of special permits (per public hearing notice

The 5 post series can be found 

The Autum Hill plans as submitted can be found 

Autumn Hill development proposed for Summer St
Autumn Hill development proposed for Summer St

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Public hearing notice: Planning Board to hear about Autumn Hill Condominiums - Mon, Feb 26

In accordance with the Town of Franklin Zoning By-Laws, the Franklin Planning Board will hold a public hearing at the Town Hall (and can also be attended remotely) on Monday, February 26, 2024 at 7:00 PM in the Town Council Chambers of the Franklin Municipal Building, 355 East Central Street, for a Special Permit and Site Plan application titled “Autumn Hill Condominiums” prepared by Legacy Engineering LLC, Millis, MA, and submitted to the Department of Planning & Community Development on February 2, 2024, by Suejo Corp., Wrentham, MA.

The property is located in the Rural Residential I Zoning District (Assessors Map 302 Lot 6 and 8) at 488 and 496 Summer Street. The applicant is proposing to construct a 44-unit senior village with inclusionary housing. The applicant is applying for two (2) special permits, (1) Chapter 185, section 48: Senior Village Overlay District and (2) Chapter 185, section 51: Inclusionary Housing.

Please note: This will be your only written notice of this public hearing. Should the Planning Board vote to continue this Public Hearing, the date and time will be posted on the Planning Board’s website under Agendas.

Please contact the Department of Planning & Community Development at (508) 520-4907 if you
require further information or if you need to make arrangements to provide translation services for
the hearing impaired, or for persons with language barriers.

Copies of the plan and supporting documentation may be reviewed in the Department of Planning & Community Development during regular office hours.

Greg Rondeau, 

Shared from 

The plans as submitted can be found 

Sunday, September 10, 2023

“In terms of a moral imperative, it’s despicable to think we can’t do better”

"Nearing 70 years old, Mary McPeak had long had a stable home in Greater Boston. But after a breakup four years ago, she suddenly found herself unmoored, couch-surfing at friends’ homes or renting a room while she faced years-long wait lists for affordable senior housing.

Then a break: McPeak “won the lottery,” figuratively and quite literally, when she was selected in 2020 by lottery for a new senior housing complex, the Brown Family House in Brookline run by 2Life Communities.

“It was sheer, blind, ridiculous luck,” said McPeak, now 73. The retired secretary has lived in her subsidized one-bedroom apartment for nearly three years now. “It was so lucky, it was enough to believe in God.”

Such is the state of affordable housing for seniors in Massachusetts, where it seemingly takes divine intervention to find a home. In an inventory-starved market, the graying population faces some of the steepest hurdles in the country to secure an affordable place. So dire is the situation, some argue, seniors should be prioritized in the state’s response to the wider-ranging housing crisis."
Continue reading the article online (subscription maybe required)
“It was sheer, blind, ridiculous luck,” said Mary McPeak, 73, of her subsidized apartment. SUZANNE KREITER/GLOBE STAFF
“It was sheer, blind, ridiculous luck,” said Mary McPeak, 73, of her subsidized apartment. SUZANNE KREITER/GLOBE STAFF

Monday, March 20, 2023

Surprise: "we haven’t built enough housing to keep up with demand"

"Every day, more than 10,000 Americans turn 65, according to the US Department of Health and Human Services.

By 2030, the US Census Bureau says, 70 million Americans will be 65 years old or older. Historically, homeowners in that age group have sold their single-family home and moved into a smaller place, often in the Sun Belt, but experts say that’s not happening.

Baby boomers are booming, but they’re just not going to hit the residential real estate market the way some experts thought they would, according to Selma Hepp, chief economist for CoreLogic, a property data analytics firm.


“Across the region, approximately 45 percent of large units are occupied by an over-fifty-five household. Nearly 15 percent of large units — 114,000 homes — are occupied by an over-seventy household. While many of these seniors are staying in large homes because they want to, others may be interested in moving but have few other options in their community. As noted above, there are relatively few one- and two-bedroom units in many towns.”
Continue reading the article online (subscription maybe required)

Surprise: "we haven’t built enough housing to keep up with demand"
Surprise: "we haven’t built enough housing to keep up with demand"

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Attention Franklin Senior Homeowners - You may be entitled to a $1,000 tax reduction

Attention Franklin Senior Homeowners
You may be entitled to a reduction in the real estate tax you're required to pay this year!  July 2022

You may be entitled to a $1,000 tax reduction if you have been continuously domiciled in Massachusetts for 10 years and have owned and occupied a Massachusetts property for 5 years;

You are single,
Age 70 or older on July 1, 2022,
Your income last year was $22,837 or less, and
Your assets (checking, savings, bonds, etc.) not including your home were $37,984 or less.

You are married,
One of you was age 70 or older on July 1, 2022,
Your income last year was $28,151 or less, and
Your assets (checking, savings, bonds, etc.) not including your home were $40,696 or less.


If you are over an above limit, you may still be entitled to a $369 tax reduction if
you have owned and occupied your Franklin property as your domicile for at least 5 years,

Your assets (checking, savings, bonds, etc.) not including your home were $54,262 or less,

You are a surviving spouse, any age;

If you are single and 70 or older as of July 1, 2022,

If you are married and one was age 70 or older July 1, 2022.

If you think you might qualify and need information or assistance in completing the application, call the Franklin Senior Center; 508-520-4945.

Some widows of veterans may be eligible for a tax exemption.
Please contact: Veterans' Services Office at (508) 613-1315

Attention Franklin Senior Homeowners - You may be entitled to a $1,000 tax reduction
Attention Franklin Senior Homeowners - You may be entitled to a $1,000 tax reduction 

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Town Council recognizes Carloni, appoints Wallace, approves license for La Cantina, hears from the Recreation Dept, and more at their Wednesday meeting (video)

The Town Council held their session Wednesday in Council Chambers beginning at 7 PM. One member (Frongillo was remote) so all votes were via roll call. One member absent (Dellorco).

  • The meeting opened with recognition of Becki Carloni of the Franklin Fire Department for her off duty life saving effort at a sporting event.
  • The appointment of Alison Wallace to the Library Board of Directors was approved.
  • The Special License to allow sale of wine at 2022-2023 Franklin Winter Farmers’ Market by La Cantina Winery Company was approved. The first market is this Saturday from 10 AM to 2 PM.
  • Ryan Jette, Director of Recreation provided an update on the operation of the Recreation Department including near term plans and future plans.
  • There was also a discussion on the approach to determine the reuse of Davis Thayer. Consensus was to set up a Reuse Committee of town folks interested in this building and location to make a proposal to the Council for approval. Details on the volunteer application process will be forthcoming and the process will kick off sometime in 2023.
  • Legislation to approve of an increase to the minimum wage for both the senior citizen and veterans tax work off programs was approved.
  • Legislation to adjust the budget with some transfers and final numbers of state aid, etc. was approved. This had been previewed by the Finance Committee in their meeting last week and unanimously recommended. This adjustment step was needed before the tax rate is set. The hearing for the tax rate is scheduled for the Nov 30 Town Council meeting.
  • The Franklin Open Space and Recreation Plan Kickoff Process has begun. The Conservation Commission will lead this effort to update the plan.
The agenda and documents released for this session can be found

The Franklin TV video replay of the meeting is available on YouTube

My notes captured via Twitter during the meeting can be found in one PDF document ->

firefighter/paramedic Becki Carloni Listens to Councilor Pellegri read the proclamation
firefighter/paramedic Becki Carloni Listens to Councilor Pellegri read the proclamation

Sunday, October 16, 2022

FHS spirit week scheduled for Oct 17 - Oct 21

"Lets get ready to show some serious Panther pride during Homecoming Week!"

FHS spirit week scheduled for Oct 17 - Oct 21
FHS spirit week scheduled for Oct 17 - Oct 21

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

PantherTV Senior Goodbye: May 23, 2022 (video)

"I'll miss this special group of seniors who've managed to walk the line between good storytelling and humor with every show. Thank you for making me laugh every day! You will be missed!! PantherTV Senior Goodbye: May 23, 2022 via @YouTube "

Shared from Twitter ->

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

FHS Senior Information Pages

FHS Senior week is fast approaching!!

Senior Week informationClick HERE to print a Senior Week Schedule that covers the final 2 weeks
Preliminary Schedule for Senior week activities:
May 31st- Senior Boat Cruise in Boston, MA
check in at FHS 3:30 pm; 
Depart FHS at 4:15 pm, 
return to FHS @ 11:15 pm
June 1st-  Kimball Farm in Westford, MA
depart FHS @ 11:30 am; 
depart Kimball farm @ 4:00 pm; 
return to FHS @ 5:00 pm
June 2nd- Senior Breakfast 
                    9:30-11:00 am in the FHS Cafeteria
June 3rd-  Graduation begins at 7 pm
Grads report to the Gym at 5:30 pm; gates open for guests at 6:00 pm
                    All Night Party @ HMMS 
            -doors open at 11:30 pm and ends at 5:00 am on June 4th

Get all the details on graduation updated as necessary by the high school ->

All night party ->

Monday, March 14, 2022

Franklin Senior Golf League has some openings for this season

"The Franklin Senior Golf League still has a few openings for the 2022 season. Having lost our former home course Bungay Brook G.C., this year we will be playing at Heather Hills C.C. in Plainville

We meet on Tuesday mornings with tee times beginning around 9:00. The season will begin in mid-April and continue to the end of September. 

If you would like further details, please email me at" 

Alan Coughlin
Franklin, MA 02038

Monday, January 10, 2022

Franklin Housing Authority - Meeting - Agenda - Jan 10, 2022

Franklin Housing Authority - 1000 Central Park Terrace, Community Hall
Franklin, MA 02038

Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners
January 10, 2022 - 4:30 PM


Roll Call

Public Hearing to review the Franklin Housing Authority Annual Plan View at

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 6, 2021

Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable for December 2021
Capital One Charges for November 2021

Director Report 
Operating Statements – November 2021 
Community Preservation Committee (CPC) Update 


Old Business
Norfolk Management Update 
667-1 Building Fire Update 
Agreed Upon Procedures (AUP)-Review and accept

New Business
Annual Plan – Vote to approve 
FISH #101160 Change Order request (CO) - 
FISH #101144 Certificate of Final Completion (CFC) –


Shared from Town of Franklin page -> (Word doc)

Franklin Housing Authority - Meeting - Agenda - Jan 10, 2022
Franklin Housing Authority - Meeting - Agenda - Jan 10, 2022

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Housing Authority Presentation doc - Nov 17, 2021

The Franklin Housing Authority presentation to the Town Council meeting on Wednesday, Nov 17, 2021 used this document and shared a copy of it during the meeting.

Download a copy of the doc here -> 

Housing Authority Presentation doc - Nov 17, 2021
Housing Authority Presentation doc - Nov 17, 2021

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Pantherbook Student Profiles: Sydney Hawkins, Emma Myers


"Sydney Hawkins can be described in one word: dedicated. 

Sydney is a senior at FHS and has recently committed to MIT. She will be studying biological engineering and playing lacrosse. 

Pantherbook reached out to Sydney to learn more about this impressive commitment. "

Continue reading about Sydney

"When Emma Myers was 7, she told her mom she wanted to be an artist. Ten years later, she’s stuck to that, having recently committed to Lesley University to major in Fine Arts and minor in Art Therapy.

Emma is excited to explore the career opportunities an art degree will offer her. “I want to be an art teacher, I want to be an art therapist, I want to be a tattoo artist on the side…” she says. “And of course I want to freelance so I can continue creating my art.”

Emma works in most art forms excluding clay, but her favorite mediums are charcoal or pen and ink drawings. "
Continue reading about Emma

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Franklin High School: Car Parade Schedule for June 5, 2021

FranklinHighSchool (@FranklinHS) tweeted on Fri, May 21, 2021:
What are you doing on Saturday, June 5th at 11am? 
Coming out to celebrate the Senior class we hope!! 
@FranklinPSNews @FranklinMatters #PantherPride

Shared from Twitter:

Car Parade Schedule for June 5, 2021
Car Parade Schedule for June 5, 2021

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

FHS "Adopt A Senior for 2021" active now

To all FHS Senior families:
A fun Facebook page was created last month by a few Senior parents, called FHS Adopt A Senior. Hope you’ve joined the page & have started helping these Seniors celebrate their upcoming graduation. This is a great Senior class!! 
2021 Lawn Signs: 
Also, on that Facebook page is information if you want to order lawn signs that you may be seeing popping up all over Franklin. Just wanted to share, in case you are looking for the info. Updates are regularly posted on the FHS Adopt A Senior Facebook page, for orders & pickup details.

Adopt a Senior -> It is a private group

Shared from Facebook: 

Community centered senior living can answer the question: "Where will we live as we age?"

"Community-centered senior living works for seniors and communities" 

"The coronavirus pandemic shined a spotlight on nursing homes in Massachusetts, with more than 5,500 residents dying of COVID-19 (down from 6,722 after the state revised how it reports deaths in long-term facilities). The deaths underscored the risks for residents who live in a communal setting, especially for those who share a room. A design developed decades ago for hospital-like efficiency, the shared room can contribute to substandard care and a dehumanizing, undignified end of life. It must disappear.

This will require investment in new models that support seniors’ right to thrive in life-enhancing environments that are far superior to conventional institutional living. This funding initiative must motivate the developers and owners of nursing homes to create private living spaces for residents. It must also motivate them to include an invitation to “community-centered living” in their nursing home redesign of common space."
Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)
"Where will we live as we age?"
"The concept that Boston could possibly become the Silicon Valley of aging is a fascinating idea. There are, however, questions to be addressed and misconceptions that need to be put aside before we can claim the title. For example, where and how will the older generation live as we age? Who will provide support when needed? Is there the political will to help us answer these questions?

As of July 2019, people age 65 and over represented nearly 12 percent of Boston’s population — and that number is growing steadily. According to a 2018 AARP survey, 76 percent of Americans age 50 and up stated that they wished to remain in their own homes, or at least their own communities, as they aged. Yet the same survey revealed that only 59 percent felt that they would be able to age in place. Respondents cited obstacles including uncertainty about how to access support and services, and how to maintain a sense of community, with increasing age."
Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Attention Senior Citizens - Comcast Discount Available

Senior Citizen Comcast Discount

Attention Franklin Seniors 65+!  You may be eligible for a monthly discount on your Comcast bill.  

"Comcast offers a $2.00 per month on off its monthly “Extra” Service Level or that Digital Level of Service"

Please find more information and the form to apply for the discount posted here 

Attention Senior Citizens - Comcast Discount Available
Attention Senior Citizens - Comcast Discount Available