Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Senator Karen Spilka Announces Funding for Franklin and MetroWest

The Senate voted Thursday on a $40.8 billion budget for Fiscal Year 2018, investing in key areas related to local aid, education, health and human services, housing and workforce development. The budget makes targeted investments, while limiting the use of one-time revenue sources and protecting the state's Stabilization Fund.

"This budget directs resources to the programs and services necessary to sustain our children, families and communities and provide for our future success," said Senator Karen E. Spilka (D-Ashland), Chair of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means. "With fiscal constraints in mind, we invest in education, health and human services, housing, workforce development and other support services to help people secure footholds on the economic ladder. We uphold our commitment to take care of those who need our help and build opportunities across the Commonwealth, and I hope to maintain this commitment throughout the conference committee process."

"This budget reaffirms the Senate's vision of Kids First, which will build strong, healthy, resilient kids who grow up to become productive adults that contribute to our Commonwealth," said Senate President Stan Rosenberg (D-Amherst). "With the right policies and resources in place, our route to shared prosperity opens up with strategic investments in our children from Pre-K to career."

"The budget passed tonight by the Senate clearly responds to important spending priorities like education and confronting opioid addiction, but it also recognizes the equally important priority of saving money and capturing efficiencies by creating a comprehensive task force to address the sustainability of the MBTA Retirement Fund and by imposing a process to control the cash payments for unused sick time," said Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr (R- Gloucester). "Major fiscal challenges still lie ahead, and this budget is one step in a long series of steps. We cannot lose focus on the need for fiscal discipline in the days ahead."

"After careful deliberation, the Senate has passed a thoughtful budget that both reflects the shared priorities of our chamber and addresses the pressing needs of our communities," said Senator Sal DiDomenico (D-Everett), Vice Chair of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means. "As chair of the Senate Kids First working group, I am particularly proud of the targeted investments we made in our children and families, which are the first of many steps the Senate will take to put all Massachusetts kids on a path to success. I now look forward to working with our colleagues in the House to craft a final compromise budget that continues moving our Commonwealth forward."

"This budget demonstrates the Senate's continued commitment to fulfilling the promise of the 1993 Education Reform Act by beginning to implement the Foundation Budget Review Commission's recommendations. It is so important that the budget not only devotes $35 million toward that goal, but once again lays out a plan so that every year we will project the requirements of the foundation budget along with projecting revenue," said Senator Pat Jehlen (D-Somerville), Assistant Vice Chair of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means. "We in state government need to hold ourselves accountable for meeting our constitutional obligation to fund all children's education, and this will make every branch of government, and the public, aware of our progress toward equity."

The budget continues the Senate's strong partnership with municipalities in directing significant investments to local aid and community services.

  • $1.06B for Unrestricted General Government Aid to support community investments in education, health care, public safety and roads and bridges.
  • $83M for Regional Transit Authorities.
  • $26.7M for the Board of Library Commissioners, including $10.4M for regional library local aid, $9.8M for municipal libraries and $2.3M for technology and automated resources.
  • $16.5M for the Massachusetts Cultural Council to support the state-wide creative economy and local arts and culture.
  • $14.2M for local Councils on Aging to strengthen programs and services in senior centers.

Specific funding for Framingham and MetroWest includes:

  • $15K for the Franklin Downtown Partnership
  • $25K for the Franklin, Medway, and Bellingham Army Corps of Engineers flood plain and wildlife habitat
  • $100K for the Edward M. Kennedy Community Health Center to link disenfranchised patients in the Worcester and MetroWest regions to medical and social services
  • $75K for the MetroWest Free Medical Program
  • $250K for the Wayside Youth and Family Support Network TEMPO program
  • $100K for an MWRTA workforce development program to meet staffing and labor needs in the public transportation sector
  • $15K for the MetroWest Visitors Bureau MetroFest celebration
  • $100K for the United Way of Tri-County's Call2Talk program
  • $75K for the MetroWest Regional Transit Authority Vietnam Veterans Monument

In line with the Senate's Kids First framework to invest in our children, the budget directs funding to high quality education for everyone, from children at birth to adults making midlife career transitions.

  • $4.76B in Chapter 70 education funding, allowing for a minimum increase of $30 per pupil aid, 85% effort reduction and steps to implement the Foundation Budget Review Commission's recommendations to more adequately fund school districts across the state.
  • $545.1M for community colleges and universities and $534.5M for the University of Massachusetts.
  • $293.7M to fully fund the Special Education Circuit Breaker for the 6th year in a row, reimbursing school districts for the high cost of educating students with disabilities.
  • $15.1M to expand access to high quality preschool for low income 4 year olds.
  • $10M to boost salaries for early educators.
  • $7.5M for the Safe and Successful Youth Initiative and $7M for youth anti-violence Shannon Grants.
  • $3.7M for after-school and out-of-school programs to support students who need more time and specialized attention.

The budget takes steps to contain health care costs and invests in health and human services to ensure access to high quality, affordable health care and to support children, seniors, people with disabilities and veterans.

  • 388.4M for mental health support services for adults, including $1M to expand community-based placements to alleviate longer than necessary stays in inpatient units or emergency rooms.
  • $144.1M for a range of substance abuse treatment, intervention and recovery support services.
  • $91.6M for mental health services for children and young people, including $3.7M for the Massachusetts Child Psychiatric Access Program and $300K for a loan forgiveness program to increase the number of mental health professionals treating children in underserved areas.
  • $50M for family support and stabilization services.
  • $31.3M for HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment.
  • $24.2M to fully fund Department of Developmental Services Turning 22 services to help young people with disabilities transition to the adult services system.
  • $13.2M for Family Resource Centers, providing community-based services for families across the state.
  • $3.5M to encourage collaboration among agencies, schools and community partners to strengthen programming for early detection and screening for mental illness in children.

The budget also establishes an employer contribution to health care to raise $180 million in FY 2018, either through a temporary increase to the Employer Medical Assistance Contribution or through a time limited employer assessment as determined by the Administration.

The budget invests $464.1M in low income housing and homelessness services, with a focus on preventative and supportive resources to connect people with affordable, stable housing, as well as assistance for those in crisis. In addition to increasing funding, the budget expands access to housing and homelessness prevention resources by increasing the income threshold for rental vouchers, expanding eligibility for the Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT) program and increasing the HomeBASE re-housing subsidy cap to better divert families to housing.

  • $166.1M for Emergency Assistance Family Shelters.
  • $100M for the Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program, providing funding for 350 to 400 new rental assistance vouchers.
  • $46.5M for assistance for homeless individuals.
  • $32.6M for the HomeBASE diversion and rapid re-housing program.
  • $18.5M for RAFT, providing short-term financial assistance to low income families who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
  • $5.5M for the Alternative Housing Voucher Program to provide over 100 new rental assistance vouchers for low income people with disabilities.
  • $2.5M for housing and supportive services for unaccompanied homeless youth.

The budget also makes targeted investments to promote self-sufficiency among low income families and create opportunities for people to develop the skills they need to compete in the workforce and boost our economy.

  • $30.8M for adult basic education services.
  • $20M for civil legal aid services for low income people.
  • $17.6M for the emergency food assistance program.
  • $14.6M for the Department of Transitional Assistance Employment Services Program to help people move toward economic independence and self-sufficiency.
  • $12.5M for summer jobs and work-readiness training for at-risk youth.
  • $4M for the Workforce Competitiveness Trust Fund.
  • $2.5M for Small Business Technical Assistance grants.

Finally, the budget includes several initiatives to maximize state and federal revenue opportunities, including a standing Tax Expenditure Review Commission to evaluate all tax expenditures and their fiscal impact. The budget also expands the room occupancy tax to short-term rentals and modifies the film tax credit to ensure the incentive benefits local communities, residents and business.

A Conference Committee will now work out the differences between the Senate budget and the version passed by the House of Representatives in April. Fiscal Year 2018 begins on July 1, 2017.

Senator Karen Spilka Announces Funding for Franklin and MetroWest
Senator Karen Spilka Announces Funding for Franklin and MetroWest

Important FY 2018 Budget Links

Metrowest Daily News: 5 takeaways from the Senate Ways and Means budget

MassAccess Testifies in Support of Community Access Television

MassAccess Testifies in Support of Community Access Television
MassAccess Testifies in Support of Community Access Television
MassAccess, the nonprofit trade organization representing community media stations throughout Massachusetts, testified today in support of their legislation, 'An Act to Support Community Access Television,' filed by Senator John Keenan and Representative Ruth Balser. The Bill seeks to allow community media stations access to Electronic Programming Guides and channel signal quality that is comparable to local broadcast stations - now and in the future.

Local cable television channels, often called "PEG channels" to correspond with the mission of public, educational or government access, provide a valuable public service to the community. Passage of the Bill would require cable companies to allow for broadcast of PEG channels in HD format and inclusion of programming in viewers' electronic guides. These two changes would allow for PEG channels to be on par with most other offerings in cable television, and allow for greater access for viewers.

"These stations provide a public service to Massachusetts residents," said William Nay, General Manager, MashpeeTV, and MassAccess President. "The refusal to offer local channels in HD and access to the programming guide discriminates against cable subscribers in Massachusetts and hinders the independent voices in our communities by denying equal access to local stations."

Massachusetts residents account for only 2% of the cable subscribers in the country, but accounts for 16% of all the community media stations in the country. There are over 200 local access cable TV centers in Massachusetts, the highest concentration of media centers in the country. Local Access TV is the last hyper-local outlet for citizens, providing access to municipal meetings and providing transparency in local government. Channels provide local notices and information for citizens and residents. Additionally, individual centers provide educational and media literacy training, while serving as community hubs and centers and a training ground for students who want to pursue careers in TV and film.

"In a world where media production has become global, the community media center has stayed true to its local roots…all while continuing to embrace emerging technology. This is what community media centers do," said Melinda Garfield, Executive Director, Westwood Media Center and MassAccess Vice President. "But, to stay relevant and accessible, stations need the same consideration and treatment as other cable offerings."

The bill was previously heard by the Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy in November 2015, and given a "study order" in April 2016. Language relevant to the Bill was included in both the House and Senate versions of the Economic Development bill last year, but was omitted from the final version put forward.

About MassAccess

Massachusetts Community Media, Inc. (MassAccess) is a non-profit, 501(c)(6), [membership-based], advocacy agency, guided by a volunteer board of community media professionals. Our goal is to ensure the future vitality of Massachusetts based community media centers by developing educational workshops, monitoring legislation, utilizing technology to inform and enhance community media centers, as well as acting as government liaisons to inform supporters across Massachusetts regarding the current political landscape in regards to media.

“It will look the same as it has in the past”

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin:

"After it appeared earlier this year that the town’s Independence Day celebration might not take place, volunteers have stepped forward to ensure its survival. 
This year’s celebration had been in jeopardy because of a lack of volunteers. The two co-chairmen of the Franklin Fourth of July Coalition - Warren Revell and Michael Kelly - had announced their retirement and there was no one to replace them, despite years of searching. 
Revell said Tuesday that two volunteers - Paul Kortick and Joseph Carmignani - have taken on the responsibility of running the event. He said he was “absolutely” pleased that the celebration would continue. 
“Once these things get lost, they tend to stay lost,” he said. “A lot of people didn’t want to see it go away, but they didn’t want to step up to run it, either.”

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

Haunted House on the Town Common
Haunted House on the Town Common 2016

In the News: LED street lights approved

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin:

"With the Town Council voting in favor a plan to convert local streetlights to LED, the town must now undergo an audit of its current lights. 
The council, at its May 24 meeting, unanimously authorized $650,000 in borrowing for the project, which would replace 1,650 streetlights. 
Deputy Town Administrator Jamie Hellen told the council that a new state government grant - which would cover 30 percent of labor and material costs - as well as a $100,000 incentive from National Grid would shorten the amount of time needed for the project to pay for itself. The total cost to the town is estimated to be about $400,000. 
With these funds, the town’s break-even point would come in four to five years instead of nine to 10 years, Hellen said. Officials noted that LED lights typically last about 15 years."

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

For all that occurred during the two Town Council meetings last week, check the summary here

In the News: LED street lights approved
In the News: LED street lights approved

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Trout Fishing Derby - June 3

Trout Fishing Derby

Saturday June 3th (7 AM – 2 PM)

MA Free Fishing Weekend!!
No License Required

First Prize $125 or 2 Red Sox Tickets
For Heaviest Trout
Cash Prizes 2nd and 3rd Places

Junior Anglers under 12 yrs old, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place trophies

Multiple Raffle Prizes!!

Breakfast Available
Free Pizza for Lunch

Franklin Rod and Gun Club
53 Florence Street, on Uncas Pond, Franklin, MA

Tickets Adults $10.00, Children under 12 yrs. $5.00
(Rain Date Sunday 6/4)

<12 1st="" 2nd="" 3rd="" br="" for="" place="" trophies="" yrs.="">

Memorial Day parade photos

Photos of the Memorial Day parade can be found on

Franklin High School Band
Franklin High School Band

FHS track and field results from D1 State meet

The FHS boys and girls track results from the D1 State meet held on Saturday via Hockomock  Sports .com


1. Lowell – 79.5
8. Mansfield – 34.5
10. Taunton – 30
31. Franklin – 2
31. Attleboro – 2

1 Mile
1. Thomas Lingard, Lexington – 4:18.99
15. Tyler Brogan, Franklin – 4:29.35

4×100 Relay
1. Lowell – 43.42
7. Franklin – 44.54

4×400 Relay
1. Somerville – 3:23.55
12. Franklin – 3:34.95

4×800 Relay
1. Lowell – 7:58.46
18. Franklin – 8:37.18

Long Jump
1. Michael Mecha, BC High – 22-02.50
15. Chris Chieng, Franklin – 19-09.50


1. Andover – 84.5
8. Franklin – 36
14. Mansfield – 22
15. Taunton – 20
27. Attleboro – 5

1. India Johnson, Lexington – 25.25
6. Jessica Kroushl, Franklin – 26.42

1. Clare Martin, Newton South – 2:14.88
2. Julia Fenerty, Franklin – 2:16.23
3. Nicole Clermont, Franklin – 2:16.61

2 Mile
1. Katherine Collins, Newton South – 11:14.71
9. Katherine Hartnett, Franklin – 12:02.34

4×100 Relay
1. Westford Academy – 49.21
9. Franklin – 51.32

4×400 Relay
1. Andover – 4:01.36
4. Franklin – 4:05.41

4×800 Relay
1. Franklin – 9:35.82
6. Mansfield – 9:52.41

Shot Put
1. Vanessa Attaya, Billerica – 37-05.75
6. Miranda Smith, Franklin – 33-00.25
14. Sara Goodermuth, Franklin – 30-08.00

1. Danielle Wabrek, Bridgewater-Raynham – 113-07.00
14. Allison Rizoli, Franklin – 89-06.00

1. Ally Bennett, Andover – 118-02.00
13. Miranda Smith, Franklin – 92-07.00

Triple Jump
1. Kassie Brink, Andover – 36-08.75
15. Brianna Cummings, Franklin – 33-01.00

FHS Panthers
FHS Panthers

Hockomock Area YMCA Announces Open Registration For Summer Weight Loss Program

The Hockomock Area YMCA is excited to announce that their summer session of Weigh to Change is now open for registration. This 10-week wellness, weigh-inch loss program piloted last year. Since its inception, staff have witnessed many success stories. Over the course three 10-week sessions in each of our branches—North Attleboro, Foxboro, and Franklin, 149 members have lost a total of 1,409 pounds and 1,633 inches.

The Weigh to Change program offers support and education in both areas of fitness and nutrition. By combining physical training and better nutrition, participants will benefit in the most successful way to achieve weight loss. Participants will be motivated throughout the session with personal training, nutrition guidance, group workouts, and friendly challenge competitions.

The summer program begins June 19 and will run through September 2. For more information and to register visit any Hockomock Area YMCA Member Service Desk or online at Specifically the Weigh to Change Program includes:

  • Weekly individual 30-minute personal training session
  • Individual nutrition counseling with nutritionist
  • Minimum of three weekly group training sessions offered solely for the spring WTC group.
  • Weekly nutrition and physical challenges
  • Two Nutrition workshops
  • Before and after Styku 3-D body scans
  • Entry into a summer local road race
  • Grocery store education tours

The cost of the program is $499 for Hockomock Area YMCA Members and $599 for Hockomock Area YMCA Program Members (over an $800 value). Anyone interested in more information about this program is encouraged to attend one of the following Information sessions at the following Hockomock Area YMCA locations:

  • Bernon Family Franklin Branch (45 Forge Hill Rd): Sat, 6/10 at 10:15am or Wed, 6/14 at 6:00pm.
  • Invensys Foxboro Branch (67 Mechanic Street): Sat, 6/3 at 9:00am or Thurs, 6/15 at 6:00pm.
  • North Attleboro Branch (300 Elmwood Street): Sat, 6/3 at 8:00am or Tues, 6/6 at 6:00pm.

Alternatively, contact one of the Hockomock Area YMCA’s Health & Wellness Directors at the following locations: Foxboro: Leigh Fontes at or 508-772- 1330; Franklin: Maureen Wilcox at or 774-235- 2732; or North Attleboro branch: Josie Dutil at or 508-643- 5299.

Healthy lifestyles are achieved through the nurturing of mind, body and spirit, well-being and fitness. At the Hockomock Area YMCA, healthy lifestyles are more than just working out. In addition to fitness facilities, the Hockomock Y provides educational programs to promote good health and support physical, intellectual and spiritual strength.

Hockomock Area YMCA Announces Open Registration For Summer Weight Loss Program
Hockomock Area YMCA Announces Open Registration For Summer Weight Loss Program

About Hockomock Area YMCA:
Where Cause Meets Community. At the Hockomock Area YMCA, strengthening community is our cause. The Hockomock Area YMCA is an organization of men, women, and children sharing a commitment to nurture the potential of kids, promote healthy living, and foster a sense of social responsibility.

Our YMCA is committed to collaborating with others to create and deliver lasting personal and social change in the 15 communities we are privileged to serve. The Hockomock Area YMCA is a not-for- profit charitable cause-driven organization with facilities in North Attleboro, Foxboro, Franklin, and Mansfield. For more information visit

Trash delayed one day this week due to Memorial Day holiday

Trash delayed one day this week due to Memorial Day holiday

The flyer with the holiday schedule is avialable on the Town of Franklin webpage

Trash and recycling bins
Trash and recycling bins

Monday, May 29, 2017

Town Council approves $120M budget

The recap of the two budget hearings held this past week by the Town Council can be found here. 

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin:
"The Town Council resoundingly passed a $120 million fiscal year 2018 budget at the end of a brief meeting Thursday night. 
The session featured the second of two public budget hearings required by the town charter. No Franklin resident offered a comment. 
The vote was complicated by the fact that Councilor Glenn Jones is an instructor at the Tri-County Regional Vocational Technical High School. The town’s contribution to that school was among the line items in the proposed budget. 
Council members remedied the situation by amending the budget motion into two votes: one for the $2.73 million item for regional schools, and another for the remainder of the budget. Jones abstained from the first vote, and took part in the second; both votes passed without opposition."
Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

The FY 2018 budget document can be found here

FY 2018 budget resolution can be found here

FY 2018 budget by major budget category
FY 2018 budget by major budget category
Benefits $10,956,398 
Culture & Recreation $1,399,397 
Debt Service $6,609,708 
DPW - Hwy $4,669,497 
Education $62,586,202 
General Government $9,899,231 
Human Services $691,948 
Liability Insurance $525,000.0 
Public Safety $11,201,434 
Sewer $5,074,368.0 
Solid Waste Disposal $1,949,673.0 
Water $4,748,897.0 
Total $120,311,753

Actions Taken for 5/24/17 meeting

Actions Taken for 5/25/17 meeting

Franklin's downtown: before and after

"It took over two years and $7 million, but Downtown Franklin, MA’s road and streetscape remodeling project was worth the effort and inconvenience.  For many long months in 2015 and 2016, construction equipment and road workers disrupted the downtown area.  But now the “facelift” has Downtown Franklin looking great!  The quickest way to show you the striking success of the enhancements to the downtown district of Franklin, Massachusetts is by this series of “before and after” photos:"

“before and after” photo from
“before and after” photo from

“before and after” photo from
“before and after” photo from
Continue reading Warren Reynolds' summary of the changes including the before and after photos

Note: it was indeed more than two years for the second phase of the downtown improvement project. The first phase addressed Emmons, Depot, and Dean Sts and was funded separately from the separate phase, the combined total of the two phases was $7M.

Confirmation of this can be found on the Planning and Community Development page

Electric Youth Presents Bon Voyage Show In Advance Of 14th European Concert Tour

Electric Youth (EY) 2017, the international touring ensemble of talented singer-dancers trained at the Franklin School for the Performing Arts (FSPA), presents a Bon Voyage concert at THE BLACK BOX in downtown Franklin on Saturday, June 24 at 7:30 p.m. The performance comes just days before the ensemble departs on June 28 for a 2 ½-week concert tour of England, France, Italy and Switzerland. Backed by an eight-piece band of world-class musicians, Electric Youth delivers a fun, high-energy evening of family entertainment with an extensive range of contemporary pop, classic rock, Broadway and country music for audiences all ages. 
Electric Youth Presents Bon Voyage Show In Advance Of 14th European Concert Tour

Electric Youth Presents Bon Voyage Show In 
Advance Of 14th European Concert Tour

The group’s 14th European tour features several concerts along the coast of Normandy, including shows in Barfleur, Cherbourg and the historic D-Day site of Sainte-Mère-Église. The itinerary also marks the group’s debut in Switzerland with a concert in Zermatt. Venues in England include Wimbourne’s Tivoli Theatre, along with performances in Arundel, Chichester and Hastings, where Electric Youth will collaborate with students from the Hastings Stage Studio. EY also returns to Lake Como, following performances there last summer, to deliver two lakeside shows at the Hotel Britannia. 

Selected annually by audition, the group is chosen for superior musicianship, stage presence, and “triple threat” accomplishments in voice, dance, and acting. This season’s ensemble of performers, ages 15-18, studies multiple dance disciplines, voice, and acting at FSPA. Electric Youth 2017 includes Julia Buccella, Brooke Collins, Aaron Frongillo, Sydney Leach, Caitlin Woodcock and Melissa Wyner of Franklin; Caroline Merten of Hopedale; Sam Evans and Colie Vancura of Medfield; Katie Gray of Milford; Naomi Fitzgerald, Mairead Nee and Griffin Wilkins of Walpole; and Susauna Wickstrom of Wrentham. 

The EY singer-dancers are backed by Boston musicians who’ve performed, recorded and toured with music legends Tony Bennett, Aretha Franklin, Dizzy Gillespie, B.B. King, Diana Ross, The Temptations, Van Morrison and many others. Raye Lynn Mercer and Hallie Wetzell are Electric Youth’s Director and Vocal Director, respectively. Choreographers include Mercer, Casey Andrade, Cheryl Madeux, Nick Paone and Kellie Stamp.

Electric Youth has released six professional albums and toured Europe 13 times, with performances at England’s Arundel Festival, Disneyland Paris, professional theaters in Bristol, London and Windsor, and such renowned venues as Sanremo’s Ariston Theatre and Vienna’s Konzerthaus, Musikverein and Schonbrunn Palace. 

EY also has headlined Fourth of July shows for U.S. troops and their families stationed in Italy at Camp Ederle, Camp Darby and Aviano Air Force Base. The ensemble has performed on Royal Caribbean’s Oasis of the Seas, on Fox-TV and WBZ Radio, and at Fenway Park, Gillette Stadium, Mechanics Hall, the Smithsonian Museum Theater, the United Nations and the American Embassy in Rome. EY’s music, including the 2014 album Power Chord, is available at and iTunes. 

Tickets for Electric Youth in Concert at THE BLACK BOX are $26. To purchase tickets, visit, stop by the box office at 34 Main Street in Franklin, or call (508) 528-3370. THE BLACK BOX is located at 15 West Central Street in downtown Franklin. For more information about Electric Youth, visit

Franklin Federated Church Mystery Dinner Theater - June 10

Franklin Federated Church presents a Mystery Dinner Theater performance, New York Dreams, on Saturday, June 10, at 6:30 PM at the church at 171 Main Street.

The church's dining hall will be transformed into the luxurious Diamond Café of the Hotel Gem in the heart of New York City. When the power suddenly goes out, the restaurant's customers are trapped on the 35th floor. As anxious patrons await their rescue, they experience the amazing revelations of one guest's new invention. Just as freedom arrives, thievery is discovered. Now they're trapped again because everyone is a suspect.

Come help solve this mystery and join the NYC themed fun!

Tickets are $35 each ($20 for children), and include a dinner of Chicken Cordon Bleu, rice pilaf, green beans, Caesar salad, and desert.

The play is being directed by Pastor Charley Eastman and Produced by Deborah Bergstrom. The cast includes: Michelle Doucette, Lyn Pickhover, Moe Goulet, Margo Ball, Steve Kinson, Karen and Doug Leenhouts, Carrie Flynn and Larry Childs.

Purchase tickets by calling the church at 508-528-3803. Proceeds will benefit the mission and ministry of the church.
Franklin Federated Church Mystery Dinner Theater - June 10
Franklin Federated Church Mystery Dinner Theater - June 10

“We’re really excited to get going"

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin:

"The Town Council has given its approval to a measure that would give local farmers a voice and promote efforts to “buy local” produce. 
At its March 24 meeting, the council unanimously agreed to establish an agricultural commission. The council would now petition the Legislature to allow for such a group. 
Deputy Town Administrator Jamie Hellen said the idea came from a citizen. He said the hope was that the commission would encourage “buy local” efforts, educate residents about farms and provide a perspective on conflicts between farmers and neighbors. 
“There are some wonderful resources we have here,” he said. “(Town Administrator Jeffrey Nutting) and I have met with proponents several times.”

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

Find out more about the Franklin Agriculture Commission on their Facebook page

Franklin Agriculture Commission looking for your help (Facebook photo)
Franklin Agriculture Commission looking for your help (Facebook photo)

Town Offices will be closed on Monday, May 29

Town Offices will be closed on Monday, May 29th in Observance of Memorial Day and will reopen on Tuesday, May 30th at 8 AM.

Town Offices will be closed on Monday, May 29
Town Offices will be closed on Monday, May 29

This was shared from the Town of Franklin page:

Register O'Donnell Highlights Registry Customer Service Center

Norfolk County Registry of Deeds

Register O'Donnell Highlights Registry Customer Service Center

Norfolk County Register of Deeds William P. O'Donnell reminds consumers if they have a Registry question, the answer is just a phone call away by dialing the Customer Service Center at (781) 461-6101. The department is open Monday through Friday from 8:30AM to 4:30PM.

"The Customer Service Center is a one-stop shop for Norfolk County homeowners and institutional users who have land related document questions," said O'Donnell. "These questions can vary such as confirming the current ownership of a particular property, or verifying if a discharge of a property's mortgage has been filed after the loan has been paid off. We are glad to help with any inquiry, whether you come through our doors or call us by phone."

Register O'Donnell further noted, "The department can also inform customers about the various cost for filing and receiving land documents. Upon a customer's request - whether by visiting us here at the Registry or by direct mail request - we can provide copies of documents for a fee of $1.00 per page, plus an additional $1.00 per document to cover postage cost."

The Registry only accepts cash or check payments. In addition, Customer Service Center staff is happy to answer questions about the Homestead Act, a law which provides limited protection against the forced sale of a homeowner's primary residence to satisfy unsecured debt up to $500,000.

O'Donnell went on to say, "For many, trying to ascertain information on land documents can be a very frustrating and intimidating experience. Please know our trained customer service staff is well versed in all areas of land document research. By utilizing our state-of-the-art land document research system, which is also available via, people can get answers to their property questions."

Notary services are also offered by the Customer Service Center. "All staff members are notary publics. We are more than glad to notarize any land document provided the person requesting the service appears before us and presents satisfactory proof of identification by showing either their driver's license or passport," said O'Donnell.

In conclusion, Register O'Donnell stated, "Providing first-class customer service is a core objective of the Registry's mission to serve the public. We strive to ensure our customers have a positive experience when interacting with us. The bottom line is: We are glad to be of service to you."

To learn more about these and other Registry of Deeds events and initiatives, like us at or follow us on and

The Norfolk County Registry of Deeds is located at 649 High Street in Dedham. The Registry is a resource for homeowners, title examiners, mortgage lenders, municipalities and others with a need for secure, accurate, accessible land record information. All land record research information can be found on the Registry's website Residents in need of assistance can contact the Registry of Deeds Customer Service Center via telephone at (781) 461-6101, or email us at

Register William P. O'Donnell
Norfolk County Registry of Deeds

phone: 781-234-3336
Norfolk County Registry of Deeds, 649 High Street, Dedham,, MA 02026-1831

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Constant Contact

Sunday, May 28, 2017

52% of students do not get any music education after grade 5

For me, the key stat to take away from the School Committee meeting Tuesday, May 23 was that 52% of students do not get any music education after grade 5. Only 21% participate in elementary music nationally, while 48% do in Franklin.

Why do we do this? A good question for discussion.

School funding overall is an issue. It accounts for almost half of the total Franklin budget but is still not enough when the social emotional needs are lacking proper guidance, when music education stops in elementary and countless other short comings could be highlighted.

School funding was addressed by the School Committee when they unanimously voted and signed on a letter to the Legislature calling for a commitment to fully funding schools as the bill of 1993 laid out.

It may be a pipe dream, but a small step towards better funding for the school is a necessary step.

My notes from the School Committee meeting are found in the links below.

I would encourage you to watch the two music performances (Jefferson ukuleles and then the FHS trio).

I would encourage you to review the two presentation documents. 

The Reminisants to Play THE BLACK BOX - June 10

THE BLACK BOX New England Artist Series presents The Reminisants on Saturday, June 10 at 8 p.m. at the downtown Franklin venue. Entertaining audiences of all ages throughout New England since 1973, the oldies band specializes in music from the 1950s through the ’90s. Playing a collection of hits for all kinds of musical tastes and many generations, the popular stage act averages over 120 performances per year. 

The band has shared the stage with The Beach Boys, Paul Revere and the Raiders, The Drifters, Chubby Checker, The Marvelettes, Herb Reed and The Platters, and many more. Formed in 1973 by three Waltham High School friends, Dom Viscione, Mike Joyal and Fran Doorakian, the band has since expanded to the current six-man group.

Tickets are $20. The home of the Franklin Performing Arts Company and a suburban hub for great music, THE BLACK BOX is located at 15 West Central Street. A cash bar is available. 

For tickets and more information, visit or call (508) 528-3370.

The Reminisants To Play THE BLACK BOX - June 10
The Reminisants To Play THE BLACK BOX - June 10
For more about The Reminisants visit their webpage

FHS Baseball wins the Pedroli Classic championship

From Hockomock Sports .Com we share the results of the FHS baseball and softball games on Saturday, May 27


Franklin, 7 @ Natick, 2 – Final 
– Franklin junior Jason Ulrickson allowed just one earned run and senior Jake Lyons knocked in three runs as the Panthers recorded their first win of the day. Ulrickson scattered eight hits, walked two and struck out seven to earn the win. Lyons went 2-for-3, including a triple and also scored a run, Jake Macchi had a double, a run and two RBI and Cam Lupien scored twice and knocked in one run for Franklin.

Franklin, 8 vs. Hopkinton, 0 – Final 
– The Panthers picked up their second win of the day, shutting out Hopkinton in the Pedroli Classic championship game. Jake Noviello earned the win with five shutout innings, striking out nine and allowing just three hits and one walk. Bryan Woelfel closed the game with two scoreless innings, striking out three with just two hits allowed. Offensively, Ryan Hodgkins (two RBI), Tyler Gomes (run), Jack Macchi (two RBI, run) and Cam Lupien (two runs) each had two hits for the Panthers.

Softball = Franklin, 3 vs. Abington, 10 – Final
– Franklin’s Alexx Niss belted a two-run home run in the top of the first inning but the Green Wave plated three runs in the bottom half and never surrendered the lead the rest of the way.

For other results on Saturday around the Hockomock League

FHS Panthers
FHS Panthers