Friday, June 5, 2020

Senator Rausch: COVID-19 Update #22


Thursday, June 4, 2020


Black Lives Matter.

What happened to George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade – and countless more Black people in encounters with law enforcement in America – is unequivocally wrong, and we should be unequivocal in our pursuit of justice and structural reform. I stand in solidarity with Black folks in this Commonwealth and this nation, a nation built by enslaved Africans, and a nation that is forever shaped by the legacy of slavery.

Thank you for the overwhelming advocacy my office has received from so many of you supporting the nationwide protests against police brutality, over-policing of communities of color, and lack of accountability for police officers who abuse their positions of power.

We must center the voices of those who are disproportionately affected by centuries of systemic injustice. On Tuesday, Black and Latinx elected leaders from across the Commonwealth marched from the African Meeting House to the State House, and then outlined their 10-point plan as a first step toward structural change designed to achieve justice and equity. This event was an incredibly powerful call to action, and it was a true honor to march and stand in solidarity with my colleagues.

 Photo Credit: Boston City Councilor Julia Mejia
 Photo Credit: Boston City Councilor Julia Mejia

The 10-point plan crafted by the members of the Black and Latino Legislative Caucus and other elected leaders of color in all levels of government must be the beginning. As Congresswoman Pressley says, "the people closest to the pain should be closest to the power," and I will do everything in my purview to follow and lift up my colleagues' leadership in this moment. I also look forward to hearing additional proposals and feedback from the communities most affected by policing and other manifestations of systemic racism, and I pledge to keep you all updated on my legislative work to break down structural barriers to equity.

One of those manifestations lies in maternal health. On Wednesday, I co-hosted the Massachusetts COVID-19 Maternal Health Equity Town Hall with Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley, Senator Elizabeth Warren, State Representatives Liz Miranda and Kay Khan, and the newly formed MA COVID-19 Perinatal Health Coalition ( learn about how race-based maternal health disparities, which were already significant, have been and continue to be worsened by COVID-19. There was overwhelming interest, and over 600 people joined the largest zoom call in which I have ever participated. You can always watch the whole program ( yourself! I will continue to fight for my legislation to examine maternal health disparities and provide licensure for out-of-hospital midwifery, so all pregnant people can access the birthing care that is right for them.

As always, my team and I are here for you. Call us at 617-722-1555 or email me directly at and one of us will get back to you as quickly as we can. Please follow me on Twitter and Facebook for real-time updates.

Wishing you and your families strength, health, and resilience.

Yours in service,
Senator Becca Rausch

The newsletter was shortened for publication here, to review the full set of contents, check this link

Town of Franklin: FY 21 Budget Hearings Jun 17 - Jun 18

Town of Franklin Budget Hearings

The Franklin Town Council will hold Public Hearings on Wednesday, June 17, 2020 and Thursday, June 18, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. for the proposed budget for Fiscal 2021. 

Please refer to the Town Website ( for location information. Copies of the budget are available for inspection in the Office of the Town Administrator, Franklin Municipal Building, 355 East Central, Franklin, MA during our adjusted business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Friday. A copy is also available at the Franklin Public Library and in the Town Clerk's office. 

A detailed FY 2021 budget document is available at the Town’s official website 

Any questions or comments can be directed to Chris Sandini, Franklin Finance Director, at (508) 553-4864. 

A general summary of the budget follows:

Town of Franklin: FY 21 Budget Hearings Jun 17 - Jun 18
Town of Franklin: FY 21 Budget Hearings Jun 17 - Jun 18

Notification for Jun 17-18

2020-2021 Trash and Recycling Mailer

2020-2021 Trash and Recycling Mailer 

The annual mailer to Franklin Residents for July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021

2020-2021 Trash and Recycling Mailer
2020-2021 Trash and Recycling Mailer 

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Franklin Downtown Partnership - Special Meeting on Re-opening Business - June 4, 2020 (audio)

As with most meetings in this pandemic period, I took my notes via Twitter during the meeting reporting in real-time via the virtual session.

The Twitter hashtag can be found online #fdp0604

  • Real time reporting underway for Franklin Downtown Partnership meeting with special session on re-opening business. #FDP0604
  • Senator Rausch holding virtual open office hours every other week, contact info on her page and shared via FM #fdp0604
  • Rep Roy provides updates; early voting being worked on for Sept primary, along with mail in options in House to be sent over to the Senate for their action. Health and fitness centers currently categorized as "art", disagrees with Governor's position #fdp0604
  • Rep Roy shares that $120k granted to Contollo Mass Manufacturing for the making of PPE; touting show being aired on Franklin TV 6/9 6 PM from Milford TV on health care workers #fdp0604
  • Susan Nichols representing Senator Spilka for this session. #fdp0604 child care and small business issues among top issues being worked, listening sessions for the re-opening advisory sessions, info to be shared on how to submit Q's or provide feedback
  • Town Admin Jamie Hellen calling for resident participation in budget cycle, tough decisions to be made with budget cuts on municipal and school side, needs folks to be part of the conversation #fdp0604
  • Town Council approved TA as temporary approval for liquor license authority as licenses extend for outdoor seating, plans can be draft but need to provide visual outline of what the plan is. #fdp0604 downtown parking map to be published soon to help
  • Franklin has 2nd lowest infection rate among Communities over 30k per Jamie #fdp0604 we do have 15 active cases here now, mandatory guidelines are a good baseline, we can credit for "doing the right thing" there will be the "few knuckleheads" who refuse
  • #fdp0604 some restaurants are ready to go. Kudos to Bridget Sweet, BoH Chair, also a health agent elsewhere. Cathleen Liberty, health Director now here since Dec 2019. "An amazing calming presence"
  • Next up, Cathy Liberty, education of residents and business is a priority. Food safety steps key, providing guidance and info to help restaurants and businesses. Getting to know key stakeholders quickly #fdp0604 covid portal a good resource, podcast series also available
  • "education is the key to prevention" is Cathy's guiding principle. Awaiting word from Gov Baker on when Phase 2 begins. #fdp0604 a bill on EEE has moved out of committee in Senate, last year 8 deaths (COVID-19 is over 6,000)
  • Update from Susan Nichols: You can submit comments to the Reopening Advisory Board here: #fdp0604
  • Updates provided, good info shared but no questions from the audience at this session. Reporting closes out, will prepare audio to share for those who missed meeting. Catch you next time #fdp0604

Audio file =

Franklin Downtown Partnership - Special Meeting on Re-opening Business - June 4, 2020
Franklin Downtown Partnership - Special Meeting on Re-opening Business - June 4, 2020

FM #285 Board of Health Meeting - 6/03/20 (audio)

FM #285 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 285 in the series.

This session of the radio show shares the Franklin (MA) Board of Health meeting of Wednesday, June 4, 2020. The meeting was conducted via conference bridge to adhere to the ‘social distancing’ requirements of this pandemic period.

Board Chair Bridget Sweet opens the meeting, everyone who speaks is introduced.

The recording runs about 35 minutes, so let’s listen to Board of Health


My meeting notes:

Meeting agenda:

Board of Health - Health Dept page


We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio (wfpr.fmor 102.9 on the Franklin area radio dial.

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.

How can you help?

  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors
  • If you don't like something here, please let me know

Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.

For additional information, please visit
If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana" c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.

I hope you enjoy!

You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"

FM #285 Board of Health Meeting - 6/03/20 (audio)
FM #285 Board of Health Meeting - 6/03/20 (audio)

Finance Committee -Budget Hearing #3 - Recap of June 2, 2020

As with most meetings in this pandemic period, I took my notes via Twitter during the meeting reporting in real-time via the virtual session.

The Twitter hashtag can be found online #fincom0602

  • Real time reporting for Finance Committee June 2 underway, tagged here after as #fincom0602
  • All #fincom0602 members present for this session, tonight discussion is all things DPW. Meeting protocol and ground rules reviewed. Folks will be acknowledged to talk and identify themselves
  • #fincom0602 agenda can be found and followed in this link
  • first item = DPW Stormwater MS4 Permit Presentation #fincom0602 doc can be found
  • 2 similar presentations on storm water were conducted in Feb/Mar and available for replay via Franklin TV and Franklin Matters Radio/podcast #fincom0602
  • Key to water approach as the three are integrated, they can help each other, or hurt each other. We get all our drinking water from ground, the largest producer of such per the State #fincom0602
  • Projections in storm water utility fee #fincom0602
  • Currently spending over $1M just for storm water mitigation #fincom0602
  • Inclusion of the storm water fee on the quarterly bill along with water/sewer and trash/recycling in process. The others fees will show the applicable charge, initially the storm water would be $0. Should help to generate interest and conversation #fincom0602
  • Over time the storm water fee would free up about $1.1m of currently operational expenses covered by tax base; in future the fee would support the mitigations required #fincom0602
  • Would take time multiple years, to move the finances from the operating budget to the new storm water fee as an enterprise fund and be self sustaining #fincom0602
  • As part of the storm water fee we would get the mitigation and leaf pick up #fincom0602 
  • Tree warden session as mentioned was Sep 18, 2019 - view Franklin TV replay here #fincom0602
  • Small additions to DPW budget in anticipation of fee but needing to move forward with mitigation anyway even in these challenging times #fincom0602
  • On to water/sewer enterprise funds #fincom0602 Beaver St interceptor will be the largest build project for Franklin. TBD
  • Potential water and sewer fee increases coming down the pike, did go ahead with trash as it needed to support the contract renewal. Stay tuned for when the water sewer comes up later #fincom0602
  • Meters check water volume coming out of the ground and going into each facility (home or business) had been losing up to 20% of the water as unaccounted for, now down to about 7% very efficient #fincom0602
  • Garelick is 20% of our water and sewer usage, the bankruptcy is close to settled but the new buyer also needs to divest Garelick so the future is still unsettled. #fincom0602
  • Another full year of construction for water treatment plant on Grove St to cover the wells #3 #6 #fincom0602 before it comes online
  • Part of the ISO rating that the fire department received was partially due to the water pressure and system available from the water department #fincom0602
  • Motion to adjourn, vote via roll call 9-0; that's all for tonight, catch you Thursday #fincom0602
meeting opening - screen view captured
meeting opening - screen view captured

triadic approach to water
triadic approach to water

MS4 permit explained
MS4 permit explained

storm water mitigation expenses
storm water mitigation expenses

storm water utility fee described
storm water utility fee described

preliminary rate on storm water utility fee
preliminary rate on storm water utility fee

leaf pick up added as a service as part of storm water utility fee
leaf pick up added as a service as part of storm water utility fee

DPW Director Robert "Brutus" Cantoreggi speaking
DPW Director Robert "Brutus" Cantoreggi speaking

Board of Health - June 3, 2020 - Recap

As with most meetings in this pandemic period, I took my notes via Twitter during the meeting reporting in real-time via the virtual session.

The Twitter hashtag can be found online #boh0603 (one exception for #boh0602)

  • Board of Health underway, real time reporting in process. Meeting tweets tagged as #boh0603 Bridget Sweet board chair opens meeting and runs through the protocol and process for remote session
  • Appreciation of work being done by Cathleen and Ginny recognized, tough conversation in some cases with Franklin business and residents #boh0602
  • Mention of CDC webinars to post to web page, steps on re-opening after period of closure, Legionaries disease; next up recreation camp guidance, 30+ pages released this week, need time to work through #boh0603 requirements seem to be quite challenging
  • First discussion on beach under pandemic process; beach gate guards only there to check for Residency. Also asked to cut those from the budget this year. There are challenges with guidance provided (12' to towel off). What are the community needs? #boh0603
  • More discussion before decision needed, #boh0603 tabling for further discussion, could test for water quality and let residents take own risk.
  • Recreation looking to re-open July 13 need time to process the guidance, training, steps, etc. #boh0603. Next up restaurant and dining establishments, requirements issued by . Working on frequently asked questions, i.e. temp outdoor dining
  • Good question on rest room any guidance issued on those? Can they be opened? Already being cleaned weekly, some of them are used by sports and with the cancellations would not be opened at some fields. #boh0603 look in the frameworks
  • Mandatory training, did for food pantry and municipal staff, Uxbridge health prepared great slide deck, being Franklinized to share broadly. Recording in process to be developed. #boh0603

The Board of Health agenda doc can be found
Board of Health - June 3, 2020 - Recap
Board of Health - June 3, 2020 - Recap


Melanie Hamblen: Remarks for "Kneel for Nine" - June 2

My thanks to Melanie for sharing her remarks that she prepared and delivered on the Town Common on Tuesday, June 2, 2020.

"Good evening, My name is Melanie Hamblen and I am one of your 9 Town Councilors, as well as a small business owner, here in Franklin.

Thank you all for being here, I would like to thank Joni and Justin for asking me to speak.

I have lived a privileged life, luckily I was raised by people who taught me and my siblings that Everyone, no matter what the circumstance they are born into, have the right to thrive. And that we should help people as best as we can.

When I was in grade school, growing up in Lexington, my parents signed us up to be a host family in the METCO program. I am not sure if they knew what a difference it would make in the life of our family at the time. And I am not sure how well it went over with some of the other folks in our family.

While I slept, safe in my bed in my white suburb, A young student would get up hours ahead of the start of school to get on the bus from Roxbury.
The amount of travel and sacrifice of time lost with his family, that he endured to get the education that I took for granted, is staggering.

I can only imagine what agony and anxiety his mother must have felt to see his small beautiful face disappear in the dark of the morning. Not sure if he would come back, not being able to protect him or know what his day was like. He got on that bus day after day through the busing riots in South Boston and so many more troubles. But her belief in the promise of a better education must have let him get on that bus.

And for that I am grateful, for this young student became my brother George. From whom I have learned a great deal. And this relationship has allowed me to look at life with a different lens than most of my counterparts. He told me recently that we did teach him something too. That not all people of one race are bad, there are just bad apples.

George has grown children of his own whose safety we cannot stop worrying about.

My son Tommy has a METCO brother as well, whom he met in School in Westwood. I think of Steven as one of my two sons.

Both Geoge and Steven are a part of us and we fear for them and weep with them. When their hearts are broken so are ours.

The past four months have not been an easy time for me. I have been afraid to take my dog for a walk,
Afraid to go for a run, I have been sworn at,

Had things thrown at me, Had my property spit on.
And now I have a better understanding of what my brother and son and all people of color must feel like and go through everyday of their lives. When will the next rude gesture come? Will it be in front on my WW2 veteran father? My friend’s children? Who will be the next person to attack me?

It could be anyone, even someone I have known for years.

How can generations of people survive this everyday without feeling unheard, unloved, disposable, less than human?

I thought I knew, oh but now I know.

But this is really what I want to say to you all:

That being nice and doing good deeds is not enough.
It is up to white people to realize that we have a lot of serious work to do.
We must accept the fact that we are perpetuating social injustice by doing nothing.
We must take the time to understand our part in the systemic racism of our culture and society. 
Please let tonight be the BEGINING of our journey together to understand and change the status quo.

We need to demand that the officers involved in the murder of innocent people are arrested and we must insist that all people of color are protected.

I will leave you with two quotes from our historical Franklin figures.
“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are”  Benjamin Franklin

“Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity” Horace Mann

Thank you."

Melanie Hamblen: Remarks for Kneel for Nine - June 2
Melanie Hamblen: Remarks for Kneel for Nine - June 2

COVID-19 UPdate by Gov Baker on Phase 2 preparations

"Today (6/3/20), Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito joined Health and Human Services Secretary Marylou Sudders, Housing and Economic Development Secretary Mike Kennealy, and Early Education & Care Commissioner Samantha Aigner-Treworgy to provide an update on COVID-19 reopening, testing, and restrictions on long-term care facilities.
Video link =

Business listing with schedule of re-opening per phases

Outdoor and recreation guidelines

Child care and summer camps guidelines

Franklin Farmers Market re-opens for the season on Friday, June 5

"The market is on schedule for opening day this Friday, June 5th!
While the farmers' market has been a great social gathering space for many years, we have to adjust to the current world climate and make it a shopping only experience for 2020.
Due to that, there are going to some changes. Please review the new shopper guidelines so that you can be prepared for shopping local this season.
When you arrive at the market on Friday, proceed to the market entrance and please be patient as we adjust to our new setup. We all look forward to bringing you the best foods and goods from our local farms and producers."

Some of the vendors will require pre-order, check out to confirm the vendor requirements to not be disappointed on Friday

Franklin Farmers Market re-opens for the season on Friday, June 5
Franklin Farmers Market re-opens for the season on Friday, June 5

“Being nice and doing good deeds are not enough"

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin:
"Ndoumbe Ndoye, 17, was in middle school when she ordered a tub of skin bleaching cream off the internet.

She bought it with a $10 Amazon gift card she was given for her birthday.

“When it came to my house, I threw that away,” she told a sea of more than 1,000 people kneeling and sitting Tuesday night on the Franklin Town Common. “On that day forward, I began to love myself again.”

The “Kneel for Nine” gathering was organized by the newly-formed Franklin Residents Confronting Racism. Spearheaded by Justin Bates, attendees knelt in memory of George Floyd, the black man who was killed on Memorial Day while in police custody in Minneapolis. The nine minutes is a response to the amount of time a Minneapolis police officer knelt on Floyd’s neck."

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

image courtesy of twitter account of Paul O'Donoghue
image courtesy of twitter account of Paul O'Donoghue

In the News: "What have Massachusetts leaders said since George Floyd’s death and the protests started in response? A recap"

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin:
For days, people across the nation have been taking to the streets to protest George Floyd’s death at the hands of Minneapolis police and the larger pattern of unarmed black men being killed by law enforcement officers. Here’s how Massachusetts’ elected officials have used their voices on Twitter.

Gov. Charlie Baker, Republican:

On Monday, June 1, he tweeted: “The murder of George Floyd at the hands of police was a horrible tragedy - one of countless tragedies to befall people of color across the United States. The vast majority of protesters today did so peacefully, toward a common goal of promoting justice and equality. I am deeply thankful for their voices and their positive, forceful message. I also want to express my gratitude to all the police officers and other first responders working to protect the people of Boston from the individuals whose violent actions, looting and property destruction was criminal and cowardly - and distracted from the powerful statement made today by thousands of Massachusetts residents.

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

Twitter logo
Twitter logo

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

FM #284 FPS Superintendent Sara Ahern 5/31/20 (audio)

FM #284 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 284 in the series.

This session of the radio show shares my conversation with Franklin Public Schools Superintendent Sara Ahern. We had our conversation via conference bridge to adhere to the ‘social distancing’ requirements of this pandemic period.

We talk about
  • School budget for FY 2021 and the decision process
  • What does school in Sept look like?
  • Remote learning to close out this school year
  • Graduation planning for June 5
Links to the key web page references we make are included in the show notes

The recording runs about 42 minutes, so let’s listen to my conversation with Sara.   Audio file =


Finance Committee budget hearing #4 and vote to recommend a budget for Town Council Jun 4, 2020

The Franklin Public Schools budget page

Details on the FY 2021 budget

Davis Thayer Facility analysis page

Next School Committee meeting scheduled for June 9, 2020

We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio ( or 102.9 on the Franklin area radio dial.

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.

How can you help?
  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors
  • If you don't like something here, please let me know

Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.

For additional information, please visit
If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana" c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.

I hope you enjoy!

You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"

FM #284 FPS Superintendent Sara Ahern 5/31/20 (audio)
FM #284 FPS Superintendent Sara Ahern 5/31/20 (audio)

FM #283 Teachers to Run Marathon for Franklin Food Pantry 5/28/20 (audio)

FM #283 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 283 in the series.

This session of the radio show shares my conversation with Franklin teachers Nick Goldman and Paul O’Donoghue. We had our conversation via conference bridge to adhere to the ‘social distancing’ requirements of this pandemic period.

We talk about how their teaching experience and schedule has changed during this pandemic period.

We talk about their plans for the fund raising effort for the Franklin Food Pantry. 

They will run a marathon on June 13 in Franklin. The community can assist in three ways:
  1. by donating and picking a mile slot to run with Paul or Nick
  2. by cheering them on along the 3 mile loop course through Franklin
  3. by donating directly to the Franklin Food Pantry

Links to the web page with additional info on the course, to sign up, or to donate are included in the show notes

The recording runs about 20 minutes, so let’s listen to my conversation with Nick and Paul    audio file =


The marathon page

Get involved

Course map


We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio (

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.

How can you help?
  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors
  • If you don't like something here, please let me know

Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.

For additional information, please visit
If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana" c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.

I hope you enjoy!

You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"

Teachers to Run Marathon for Franklin Food Pantry
Teachers to Run Marathon for Franklin Food Pantry

First found via Twitter:

Franklin Matters Radio Schedule for 6/3-6/4

Wednesday 9:00a/12:00p/3:00pm 
  • FPS Voice = 284 – FPS Superintendent Sara Ahern (45 m)

Wednesday 11:00a/2:00p/8:00pm  
  • “Talk Franklin”  = 281 - Jamie Hellen and Anne Marie Tracey -  (45 m)

Thursday: 9:00a/12:00p/6:00p

  • 282 – HMEA – Mike Moloney (27 M)
  • 283 – Teachers to Run Marathon for Franklin Food Pantry ( 20 M)

Franklin Matters Radio Schedule for 6/3-6/4
Franklin Matters Radio Schedule for 6/3-6/4

If you miss the 'on the air' schedule, you can always listen to the reply via the podcast.

Franklin, MA: Finance Committee - Budget Hearing #4 - June 4

Town Of Franklin
Finance Committee Meeting

Tuesday, June 4, 2020 at 6:30 PM

Link to access meeting:
Call in Number: 1-929-205-6099 enter Meeting ID: 894 9927 5801 then press #

To view or download the FY21 Budget Message, Budget Proposal and all materials, please visit the Town’s Budget Website


1. Call to Order
2. Public Comments
3. Approval of Minutes
4. FY21 Budget Presentations:
  • Health 510/525 Human Services
  • Council on Aging 541 Human Services
  • Veterans 543/692 Human Services
  • Library 610 Culture and Recreation
  • Recreation 630 Culture and Recreation
  • Historical Museum 690 Culture and Recreation 
  • Historical Commission 691 Culture and Recreation 
  • Cultural Council 695 Culture and Recreation 
  • Cultural District Committee 695 Culture and Recreation 
  • Debt Service 710/750 General Government
  • Employee Benefits 910 General Government
  • Liability Insurance 945 General Government

5. Final FY21 Budget Recommendation - Voting Document Appendix A

6. Capital Program Adjustments (Requested Vote of Recommendation)

7. Municipal Borrowing Authorization (Requested Vote of Recommendation)

8. Adjournment

Trust Fund Balances Update as of 4/30/20
General Stabilization $ 6,137,832
● Recreation Fields 455,151
● Open Space Acquisition 2,349,513
● Budget Stabilization 6,583
● Free Cash 834,296
● Fire Truck Stabilization 309,733
● OPEB 5,833,461
● Property Acquisition 269,958 
OPEB Obligation as of 6/30/19 (PAYGO): 68,554,870

PDF of agenda

Franklin, MA: Finance Committee - Budget Hearing #4 - June 4
Franklin, MA: Finance Committee - Budget Hearing #4 - June 4

Watch "Parade Invitation To FPS Faculty" on YouTube

Slight change in time for the graduation parade on Friday. Now slatted to start at 2:00 PM (not 1:30 as previously shared).

Video link =

June 2020 = Graduation Broadcasts 6PM:
FHS Graduation YouTube Channel (

Comcast TV viewersAccess Channel= 8, Educational Channel =98
Verizon TV viewersAccess Channel =26, Educational Channel =28
Franklin Radio: 102.9 FM-car parade (approx 2PM)

Other Graduation Info:

FHS "Keeping Music Alive" #11

Happy Tuesday,

This Tuesday, we will be featuring two cellists from the Franklin High School Orchestra.  Freshman, Kyle Formato and Senior Miles Reed took it upon themselves to arrange a song from a popular video game "Scourge of the Universe" for two celli.  They performed it as a duet remotely and sent it along.  

Also, Sophomore Prem Pendkar has recorded his jazz rendition of "All the Things You Are". 


Kyle Formato and Miles Reed
"My friend and I did this in about 3-4 months, we were originally going to record it live and play for a recital but when corona happened that plan was impossible. We eventually decided to individually record our parts and put them together in a recording, and this is the result. It took us a month or two to finish the recording, but we are glad it is finished. Some parts don't sound great, but that's just a result of us not actually playing together in person. 
Thank you DM Dokuro for this awesome piece of music, we really enjoyed arranging it and it is a blast to play on the cello!" Kyle

Prem Pendkar - Sophomore at FHS and is a member of the Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band.  This year and last, Prem was accepted to the CDMMEA Jazz Band.

All the Things You Are

Diane M. Plouffe
Director of Music
Franklin Public Schools
Franklin High School
218 Oak Street
Franklin, MA 02038
Twitter - @ FranklinHSOrch

Department Spotlight: Town Clerk

"Our latest spotlight- Town Clerk!
Learn more about the responsibilities of the Clerk's office, including handling of elections, record keeping, as well as how the office has adapted to continue to fulfill their duties to the community during the pandemic."

Department Spotlight: Town Clerk
Department Spotlight: Town Clerk

Shared via Twitter: