Friday, March 27, 2020

Tri-County RVTHS Donates Medical Supplies to Facilities in Need of PPE

Tri-County Regional Vocational Technical High School delivered medical supplies, including Clorox wipes, face masks, gowns, hand sanitizer, and safety glasses, gathered from several of its program departments to facilities in need of personal protection equipment (PPE). These PPE supplies are critical in keeping medical staff safe as they combat COVID-19. Facilities include UMass Memorial, Sturdy Memorial and Countryside Manor.

Several Tri-County graduates who are now working in the medical field have been coordinating with Health Careers instructor Suzanne Dodakian to get these medical supplies, which are in high-demand in the midst of this global pandemic, where they are needed.

“There is no doubt that our doctors, nurses and caretakers are needed now more than ever,” said Superintendent Stephen Dockray. “We are grateful to be able to help them do their jobs and do them safely. Thank you to every medical staff member who is selflessly working to take care of their communities and those who in need of treatment.”

With support from Facilities Director, Harry Takesian, Vocational Coordinator, Cathie Rebelo, and LPN teachers, Patricia Munger, Tara Lane, Maureen Johnson, Suzanne Dodakian, and Lisa Ferrigno we were able to collect, box, and deliver these supplies. From all of us at Tri-County: Stay home, stay healthy, and stay safe.

From left to right: Cathie Rebelo, Stephen Dockray, Harry Takesian
From left to right: Cathie Rebelo, Stephen Dockray, Harry Takesian

From left to right: Patricia Munger, Tara Lane, Maureen Johnson, Suzanne Dodakian, and Lisa Ferrigno
From left to right: Patricia Munger, Tara Lane, Maureen Johnson, Suzanne Dodakian, and Lisa Ferrigno

Pink bags suspended, clothing recycling program on hold

I missed an update along the way. While the trash and recycling schedule remains the same, the clothing pickups by Simply Recycling (the pink bags) have been suspended.

Shared via Facebook (and confirmed with a conversation with DPW Director Brutus Cantoreggi, that you should hear soon)

Don't put the pink bags out when you put out your trash/recycling
Don't put the pink bags out when you put out your trash/recycling

Once Upon A Town: Ray Block - Franklin MA (YouTube)

"Hosts Joe Landry and Eamon McCarthy Earls delve into the story of the Ray Block, home to a succession of banks from the 1800s into the present day in downtown Franklin, Massachusetts"


Help the Franklin Downtown Partnership get your business info out to the community

The Franklin Downtown Partnership is creating a list of business updates during this period of social distancing on our website that will be easy for the community to find in one place.

We want to encourage residents to go online to buy gift cards if your business has them available. We also want residents to know if you offer delivery or if you have new hours.

By filling out the Google form linked in the FDP's March newsletter, the FDP can update its website and get your information out to the community. If you are not an FDP member and would like to have your Franklin business information listed, please email the FDP office at and request the link to the Google form.

The Franklin Downtown Partnership is here to help during this difficult time. We will continue to promote our Franklin business members and keep the community updated as things change.

Help the Franklin Downtown Partnership
Help the Franklin Downtown Partnership

FTC: Thinking critically about Coronavirus news and information

Consumer Alerts from the Federal Trade Commission
by Jennifer Leach, Associate Director, Division of Consumer and Business Education, FTC

It's dizzying, the amount of information out there about the Coronavirus. You're dealing with story after story online and through social media, television, radio, and in newspapers and magazines — each with its own take — at all hours of the day and night, from all around the world.

So how can we sort out what's real and what's not?

Read more 

This is a free service provided by the Federal Trade Commission.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Franklin Public Schools: Extension Of Closure Update - 3/25/20

March 25, 2020

Dear Franklin Families and Faculty/Staff,

As you may know, Governor Baker announced earlier today that he signed an executive order that all Massachusetts schools will remain closed through April, opening no earlier than Monday, May 4, 2020.

Both the Governor and Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) Commissioner explained how the Department has been working to develop new guidance about Remote Learning in light of this extension. Superintendents are expecting to receive this guidance tomorrow and, after reviewing it, we will follow these guidelines and work cooperatively with the Franklin Education Association to build upon our initial engagement and enrichment since last week.

Per Commissioner Riley’s announcement this afternoon, our plan will begin in early April.

We will continue to keep the community informed as we continue to navigate these unprecedented circumstances. We sincerely hope that you are feeling well and that your families are staying safe.

Kind regards,

Sara Ahern 
Superintendent of Schools

The English language link

Other language for each notification can be found online

Franklin Public Schools: Extension Of Closure Update - 3/25/20
Franklin Public Schools: Extension Of Closure Update - 3/25/20

FM #229 - Town Council Remote Mtg 3/25/20 (audio)

FM #229 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 229 in the series.

This session of the radio show shares the first Town Council meeting held remotely via a conference bridge. It may not be the last as we all adhere to the new ‘social distance’ requirements of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The meeting was held for two reasons; one a practical agenda item, to revise the current Town Council meeting schedule; and two, to practice this new format so when the next meeting comes in April, folks would be better prepared.

The meeting runs just over 30 minutes, so let’s listen to the first remote meeting of the Franklin, MA Town Council.


Notes from my real time reporting of this meeting can be found

We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio (

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.

How can you help?
  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors
  • If you don't like something here, please let me know

Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.

For additional information, please visit
If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana" c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.

I hope you enjoy!


You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"

not a great photo but an example of the live meeting format
not a great photo but an example of the live meeting format

You ask - we answer: Dean Ave Apartment complex - Questions posed

Dean Ave Apartment complex - Question posed:
"How many parking spots are there for all those apartments? Has there been a traffic study? How will the neighborhood be impacted. Will the 30 mph speed limit on Dean be reduced with the additional cars, pedestrians, dogs, kids, commuters on the street?"

Q - How many parking spots are there for all those apartments?
Answer: 495 parking areas total, this INCLUDES 10 x 6 bay garages (60) per Apr 24 notes (page 4 of 8) and
490 proposed at 1.9 per apartment per the May 22 notes (bottom of page 6)

Q - Has there been a traffic study?
Answer: The May 22 notes discuss at some length a parking study and impacts as well as mitigations. Refer to the details there

Q - Will the 30 mph speed limit on Dean be reduced with the additional cars, pedestrians, dogs, kids, commuters on the street?
Answer: no, per notes speed reduction was not discussed. Sidewalks and roadway discussed

For reference: Planning Board dates and meeting notes
Initial hearing - Apr 24, 2017

May 8, 2017 hearing requested to be continued

May 22, 2017 hearing requested to be continued

June 12, 2017 meeting notes for this and the June 26, 2017 meetings are not posted to the Town of Franklin page. The meeting notes of July 10, 2017 show the notes from both of these meetings were approved by 5-0 votes just before the meeting adjourned.

The July 10 meeting has no mention of this project so likely it was rescheduled from a prior meeting to a future one; at least to the July 24 meeting, where a record per the minutes does allow for the thread to be followed.

Updated: did get a copy of the Planning Board minutes from the Town and confirmed that the June 12 meeting the hearing was continued to July 24 with no additional discussion. The meeting notes for Jun 12 and Jun 26 will be shortly posted to the appropriate page.

July 24, 2017 hearing requested to be continued

August 7, 2017 hearing requested to be continued

August 21, 2017 hearing requested to be continued

Sep 11, 2017 hearing requested to be continued

Sep 25, 2017 - hearing finally closed off and vote made to approve

If you have a question, ask it with this form and we'll get an answer

You ask - we answer: Dean Ave Apartment complex - Questions posed
You ask - we answer: Dean Ave Apartment complex - Questions posed

State Rep Jeff Roy: Update #5 on COVID-19

COVID-19 update #5

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to test us, but our Commonwealth and communities have stepped up to the challenge. Our goals are to keep infections down and to watch out for one another. Communication is key at this time and that's why I send along these updates regularly in addition to updating my website. New information is coming out regularly and in great volume. To keep the information timely and manageable, I will continue to post only new information in these update emails. Please visit for a compilation of all of the updates. That site will be updated frequently to keep you up to speed on the latest developments. Here are the updates since my last email:

Office hours. I will be hosting office hours on Friday morning (March 27) at 8:30 AM via Zoom. Franklin Town Administrator Jamie Hellen and Town Council Chair Tom Mercer will join me this week. We will discuss state and local issues and answer your questions until 9:30 a.m. I will try to arrange a similar meeting with Medway town officials as well in the next few days. You can join the Zoom meeting at or dial in at 1-929-205-6099 (type in meeting ID: 270 806 351 when asked). I hope you can join us. We will record the meeting for re-broadcast as well.


Please look out for your friends and neighbors and stay informed with the links above.

If you have additional questions or need additional information, please let me know. I am not a medical doctor, so please contact your health care provider if you have specific health concerns. But I am happy to try and chase down any policy or state government related questions you might have. You can reach my State House office at 617-722-2030 or email me at

State Rep Jeff Roy
State Rep Jeff Roy

State Rep Jeff Roy: Update #5 on COVID-19
State Rep Jeff Roy: Update #5 on COVID-19

The newsletter was shortened for publication here. To view the full set of content

Message from the Franklin Cultural District


We hope this that email finds you well. We are navigating difficult times and so, the sharing of resources is most important.

On Thursday, Nancy Schoen and Pandora Carlucci attended a webinar hosted by the Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC) and facilitated by Anita Walker, Executive Director of the MCC. The webinar focused on COVID-19 and used the lens of those involved with culture and the arts.

Throughout the course of the webinar, the presenters shared a number of websites they thought might be helpful. This purpose of this email is to share those sites with you. This is the homepage of the MCC. It is a good place to start and contains information relating to a variety of sources. As you scroll through the homepage, you'll come to a section titled: Data Collection on the Impact of Covid-19. There are two important surveys included: one for organizations and one for artists/independent teachers. Ms. Walker noted that she and the MCC would be advocating for culture and the arts and the data collected through these surveys would help with that effort. These surveys are currently closed but Ms. Walker noted that she would continue to survey and collect supportive data. This is the Nonprofit Finance Fund. The presenter was Sandi McKinley and she spoke about unknown aspects of the pandemic. She referenced the untold timeline and the need to recognize the importance of the nonprofit sector. a representative from the Boston Public Health Commission spoke about the signs of the virus and the need for social distancing, hand washing and more. This website provides some suggestions.

Many of Franklin's musicians, visual artists, and performing artists are reaching out to the community with opportunities to participate through social media. There are private lessons on a variety of subjects using video conferencing and communication tools. Additionally, the Franklin Cultural Council hosted an elementary and middle school art competition last week and issued a high school art challenge this week. People are staying engaged. We have a thoughtful and vibrant community.

We will continue to share information as it becomes available. In the meantime, the Town of Franklin has a wonderful information portal:

Franklin Matters is a good source of information:

The Franklin Cultural District Committee wishes you good health and safety during these challenging days


Pandora Carlucci, Ed.D.
Clerk, Franklin Cultural District Committee

Message from the Franklin Cultural District
Message from the Franklin Cultural District

Once Upon A Town: Morse Opera House Block (video)

"Hosts Joe Landry and Eamon McCarthy Earls explore the history of the Morse Block in downtown Franklin, which once housed a police station, opera house and more"

In the News: Mr Barrett provides live music; Gov Baker extends schools closure until May 4

From the Milford Daily News, an article of interest for Franklin:

Mr Barrett provides live music
"When things seem bleak, there’s nothing like music to inject levity, lighten moods and make connections with others.

That’s just what Jefferson Elementary School music teacher and local musician Jamie Barrett aims to do with his newly introduced “Wake Up With Mr. Barrett” live YouTube concerts.

The concerts are his response to the reality of life in a time of social distancing resulting from the coronavirus.

“I was primarily thinking of ways to stay connected to my students during this time, but also to my family and friends, as well as to anyone else who might enjoy a live concert,” he said. “It’s all about connections.”

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

there’s nothing like music to inject levity
there’s nothing like music to inject levity

Gov Baker extends schools closure until May 4
"Schools and non-emergency child care centers in Massachusetts will now be closed until at least May 4 under a new order Gov. Charlie Baker signed Wednesday afternoon.

In the meantime, Baker said, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education will work to produce in-home programming for students. Previously, schools had been ordered closed until at least April 6.

“This will allow school districts to provide the best possible opportunities for remote learning to all students,” Baker said. He added, “This is not an extended school vacation. During this long-term closure, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education will work with school districts to further develop educational programming students can use at home. This way, schools can prepare for their students’ return in May.”

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

Franklin Residents: Road work scheduled on Rt 140 - overnight on 3/30 and 3/31

Road work scheduled on Rt 140

Mass DOT will be milling and paving a section of Rt 140 in Franklin between Lewis Street and the Wrentham line. This is scheduled to occur on Monday, March 30 and Tuesday, March 31 at night

Shared from Twitter:

The section would run from about CVS on one end to the Franklin Country Club on the other end
The section would run from about CVS on one end to the Franklin Country Club on the other end

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Help Jamie Barrett write a new Song ...

Hello!  Here's my latest idea... Help Mr. Jamie Barrett write a new song Listen to this short video to find out how:

It's very simple, very easy and, hopefully, very fun for all who decide to participate! Details, again, are in the short video above!

Please share with EVERYONE you know!!! The more, the merrier!

This is time sensitive and your (very simple) end of the project will close by 5:00 p.m. tomorrow (Thursday)! The new song (that you can be a part of!!!) will be featured in my next LIVE event! Maybe even the first song? Thanks so much for your consideration! Thought this might be fun for all!

Trust me... this IS simple... and might be very entertaining for all... Looking forward to your involvement!!!



James H. Barrett
General Music K - 5
Jefferson/Davis Thayer


Please consider following me at:
Twitter: @MusicWithMrJHB and at:

Help Jamie Barrett write a new Song ...
Help Jamie Barrett write a new Song ...

Real time reporting: Town Council meeting 3/25/20

Present: Chandler, Dellorco, Hamblen, Earls, Kelly, Jones, Bissanti, Mercer Pellegri (7:04)
Absent: none
Agenda & Meeting Packet
March 25, 2020

Remote Meeting - Held on “ZOOM” platform 7:00 PM

A NOTE TO RESIDENTS: Due to the growing concerns regarding the COVID-19 virus, we will be conducting a remote/virtual Town Council Meeting. In an effort to ensure citizen engagement and comply with open meeting law regulations, citizens will be able to dial into the meeting using the provided phone number (Cell phone or Landline Required) OR citizens can participate by clicking on the attached link (Phone, Computer, or Tablet required). The attached link and phone number will be active for the duration of the meeting for citizens to ask questions/voice concerns.

Call-In Phone Number: Call 1-929-205-6099 and enter Meeting ID # 622 448 244
Link to access meeting:

a. This meeting is being recorded by Franklin TV and shown on Comcast channel 11 and Verizon Channel 29. This meeting may be recorded by others.

a. Citizens are welcome to express their views for up to five minutes on a matter that is not on the agenda. The Council will not engage in a dialogue or comment on a matter raised during Citizen Comments. The Town Council will give remarks appropriate consideration and may ask the Town Administrator to review the matter.
I did speak up to confirm that it was at least technically possible to do so and thank them for taking this new technology on under the circumstances.
a. Resolution 20-18: Update to the 2020 Town Council Meeting Schedule (Motion to approve Resolution 20-18, Majority Vote)

Motion to approve, seconded, passed 8-0-1 (Pellegri was assumed 'absent' at this point)

a. Coronavirus Update & Discussion

quick updates on the changes from the Governor's announcement

Head's up on the paving work to be done on RT 140 at night next week on the March 30 and March 31


none in the round of all councilors (except Pellegri)

most comments were around thanking the community for patience, reminders on maintaining social distance, hopefully this will be over sooner than later

At this point Pellegri was acknowledged, she said she had joined but could not unmute herself to answer the roll call.

motion to adjourn, seconded, passed 9-0 via roll call

The full agenda doc and associated memo on council meeting schedule can be found online:

Gov Baker's Executive Order on Remote Participation:

When the video of the meeting is available for replay look for it here

FPAC Presents “Great Performances...At Home” on Facebook

The Franklin Performing Arts Company (FPAC) launched “Great Performances...At Home,” a nightly Facebook Live performance series on Facebook last week. Every night at 7:30 PM EST, a special guest goes live on the Franklin Performing Arts Company Facebook page for a mini-performance ( 

Guests so far have included Broadway’s Emily Koch (WICKED, Waitress), Christopher Rice (currently on the tour of Hamilton), Clay Thomson (Newsies, Matilda, KING KONG), Jim Hogan (tours of Waitress, Spring Awakening, Phantom of the Opera), and Liz Byrne (Baby It’s You!) as well as resident FPAC favorites Nick Paone, Hallie Wetzell, Irina Fainkichen, Shauna Martin, and Katie Gray.

FPAC Director Raye Lynn Mercer comments, “The arts community, locally and globally, has been significantly impacted, yet artists have been the first to share their talents with the world in any way possible. It is the hope of the FPAC Board of Directors that the Metro-West community will reciprocate when venues open and performers are able to go back to work. Unlike large venues that are supported by endowments and major donors, smaller organizations like FPAC and smaller venues like THE BLACK BOX, will face an enormous financial challenge on the other side of this crisis.” 

When the theater is open once again, patrons can look forward to a busy calendar of shows, concerts, and fundraising events. Currently, all are invited to join an FPAC Annual Circle in support of the company and THE BLACK BOX. For more information, visit

To tune in to these special live performances and view past videos, “like” Franklin Performing Arts Company on Facebook. Audiences can also follow FPAC on Instagram ( and Twitter (@fpac_online). 

FPAC Presents “Great Performances...At Home” on Facebook
FPAC Presents “Great Performances...At Home” on Facebook

FPS Voice: COVID-19 Closure Update with Superintendent Dr. Sara Ahern

"Steve Sherlock speaks with Sara Ahern regarding the COVID-19 District closure. Topics covered include the rationale for school closure, support available to our families and students, how our teachers are Keeping the Learning Alive, and other resources. This episode was recorded remotely with the support of Franklin TV & Radio via conference bridge."

The Official Podcast of the Franklin Public Schools, Franklin, MA. Learn more about what is happening in our school district, ask questions, hear from members of the FPS Community and special guests! Connect with us!
Submit questions and topics to

Link to the Superintendents’ messages in multiple languages

The link to the main Franklin Public schools (FPS) page

FPS Learning Resources page (be sure to explore the links available in the top right corner of this page!)

FPS Coronavirus information portal

Important Quick Contacts Guide

The Town of Franklin Coronavirus Information Portal  

FPS Voice: COVID-19 Closure Update with Superintendent Dr. Sara Ahern
FPS Voice: COVID-19 Closure Update with Superintendent Dr. Sara Ahern

Senator Rausch: COVID-19 Update #6

Tuesday, March 26, 2020


I'm sure you've all heard by now that the Governor issued a "Stay at Home Advisory" yesterday, Monday, March 23. This advisory, in place for at least two weeks, encourages people to stay home as much as possible, decreases the maximum number of people at public gatherings to 10, down from the previous limit of 25, and includes an order to close all non-essential businesses. The advisory also provides for civil or criminal penalties if any of the terms are violated, which I hope conveys the seriousness of this pandemic.

This advisory, while important, should have come at least a week ago, if not more. Last week, I and more than 30 other elected officials (a number that eventually grew to 50) called on the Governor to issue a shelter in place order. The COVID-19 pandemic is a matter of life and death, and with the exception of essential personnel, we need people to stay home to the greatest extent possible.

Extensive social distancing is not an option; it's a necessity. We must do whatever we can to flatten the curve of infection. Given that there are still reports of people having in-person social gatherings and not taking COVID-19 seriously, we need an order, not merely a suggestion that people stay home. This is not a time to party or an extended snow day.

For those who remember the Marathon bombing in 2015 and the "shelter in place" order that followed, I know the trauma of that day is still with all of us. Please note there are a number of important differences between what happened then and what we're asking for now. Grocery stores, pharmacies, and medical facilities will still be open. First responders, journalists, and those working to end the pandemic and make masks or PPEs are considered essential personnel and will continue to work. You can see a full list of essential services here.

It's critically important that all of us, to the greatest extent we can, practice extensive social distancing in order to help prevent COVID-19 from overwhelming our healthcare system. My team and I have compiled some resources below to help everyone get through this challenging time.

We will continue sending these updates and resources on Tuesdays and Fridays, so as to not overwhelm you and your inboxes. Please remember that my team and I are fully up and running remotely, and we are here to help you! Please call (617) 722-1555 or email me at if you have questions, comments or concerns.

Yours in service,

Senator Becca Rausch

The newsletter was shortened for publication here. To review the full content follow this link:

Senator Rausch: COVID-19 Update #6
Senator Rausch: COVID-19 Update #6

FHS' Lupien, Rudolph, Woelfel, Schirduan recognized as Hockomock League Gymnastics all stars

The Franklin High School selections for the Hockomock League Gymnastics all stars are shared here.

Below are the official 2020 Hockomock League Gymnastics All Stars, selected by the coaches in the league.

Hockomock League MVP
Lindsay Robinson, North Attleboro

Hockomock League All Stars
Kate Rudolph, Franklin
Caroline Woelfel, Franklin
Lexi Lupien, Franklin

Honorable Mentions
Elizabeth Schirduan, Franklin

For the full listing of gymnastics all-stars

FHS' Lupien, Rudolph, Woelfel, Schirduan recognized as Hockomock League Gymnastics all stars
FHS' Lupien, Rudolph, Woelfel, Schirduan recognized as Hockomock League Gymnastics all stars

FHS' Carlucci, Sauer, Sackley, Walker, Nawn recognized as Hockomock League Wrestling all stars

The Franklin High School selections for the Hockomock League Wrestling all stars are shared here.

Below are the official 2020 Hockomock League Wrestling All Stars, selected by the coaches in the league.

Hockomock League MVP - Kelley-Rex
CJ Glaropoulos, Mansfield

Hockomock League All Stars - Kelley-Rex Division
Jake Carlucci, Franklin
Ken Sauer, Franklin
Dominic Sackley, Franklin
Matt Walker, Franklin

Honorable Mentions
Dylan Nawn, Franklin

For the full listing of Hockomock League wrestling all-stars

FHS' Carlucci, Sauer, Sackley, Walker, Nawn recognized as Hockomock League Wrestling all stars
FHS' Carlucci, Sauer, Sackley, Walker, Nawn recognized as Hockomock League Wrestling all stars

Earth day clean up at DelCarte - April 25 - Canceled

"It is with mixed emotion I announce the cancellation of the Earth Day Clean Up at DelCarte scheduled for Saturday, April 25.  

The Conservation Commission fully understands the current situation with COVID-19 and the effect it is having on all in Franklin and around the world.

We will not place any resident at risk for the sake of any event.

We hope to celebrate Earth Day next year and will make best efforts in the meantime to keep DelCarte one of the Town's Crown Jewels.

We wish you all good health.

William Batchelor

Conservation Commission

Shared from the Facebook post:

the floating walkway at DelCarte recently
the floating walkway at DelCarte recently

Once Upon A Town: Bob Catalano World War II Veteran (video)

Eamon McCarthy Earls interviews Bob Catalano 
"World War II veteran, Bob Catalano, recalls growing up in Franklin, Massachusetts, serving in the Navy, working for GM, and a fire in 2012 that nearly consumed his house--some of the key memories from a life spanning nine decades."
Video link =

In the News: college refund plans monitored; delay of local elections due to COVID-19

From the Milford Daily News, an article of interest for Franklin:

Monitoring of college refund plans amid coronavirus underway

"With many college students now learning remotely off-campus or while living with their families, refunding the room and board payments for those students while they’re away is going to be a “huge issue,” according to the House chair of the Higher Education Committee.

But, state Rep. Jeffrey Roy said, it’s not one where there’s necessarily an across-the-board solution.

The new online learning surge is one of the cascading effects flowing from the coronavirus pandemic, and it’s being driven by the fact that thousands of students were abruptly sent packing from campuses mid-semester.

Massachusetts is home to more than 100 colleges and universities, including the state’s 15 community colleges, which do not have on-campus housing, nine public universities and the five-campus University of Massachusetts system.

Dorm and meal payments are unique to each school, and campus officials will need to consider the needs of their student populations as well as their own budgetary dynamics as they make unprecedented decisions around whether and how to reimburse room and board for off-campus time."

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

MA allows delay of local elections due to COVID-19

"Towns can postpone local elections this spring to help residents avoid the coronavirus, thanks to a law signed Monday night by Gov. Charlie Baker.

Spring is local election season for towns throughout Massachusetts, and town officials have been keeping a wary eye on the trajectory of the pandemic as the time to cast ballots – not typically an action associated with worldwide social distancing recommendations – looms closer.

Elections scheduled on or before May 30 may be postponed, according to a notice from the Secretary of State’s Office, and ballots printed with the original date may be used. Elections must be held by June 30.

Several voting rights activists praised the idea, but criticized the law for not going far enough."

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

Business & Employee Support during COVID-19 Restrictions

The Town of Franklin recognizes the impact the COVID-19 restrictions and closures are having on businesses and their employees. We have compiled a list of resources to guide you through the changing landscape. This document will be updated as new information and updates become available.

● Department of Unemployment Insurance (Department of Labor Relations). Read all of the information, latest updates and apply for unemployment assistance here

Find the unemployment application here

● Guidance and Directives for Businesses & Employers: Updated information regarding unemployment resources can be found here:

● The Rapid Response Program works closely with companies to avoid layoffs and keep a skilled workforce engaged in the existing regional economy or industry. To find out more about how the Rapid Response Team can help businesses visit this link:

● SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) are available statewide. Massachusetts received approval for the disaster declaration for small businesses and private non-profits to apply for the SBA EIDL loan program. Visit the SBA’s Disaster guidance web page: Applicants may apply online, receive additional disaster assistance information and download applications to mail in forms here Applicants may also call SBA’s Customer Service Center at (800) 659-2955 or email for more information on SBA disaster assistance.

● MA Growth Capital Corporation:$10 million Small Business Recovery Loan Fund will provide emergency capital up to $75,000 to Massachusetts-based businesses impacted by COVID-19 with under 50 full- and part-time employees, including nonprofits. Loans are immediately available to eligible businesses with no payments due for the first 6 months. Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation (MGCC) has capitalized on the fund and will administer it. Here is a link:
How to Apply: Please complete the application found on MGCC’s website,

● The IRS extended the tax deadline to July 15, 2020. Find details here

● The Center for Disease Control: CDC’s Guidance for Business during the
COVID-19 Outbreak

● Massachusetts Department of Revenue COVID-19 Information: Important updates from the Massachusetts Department of Revenue

● The Federal Reserve Board announced a Market Mutual Liquidity Fund

Bulletin 2020-05; Flexibility in the Issuance and Administration of Insurance during COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Public Health Crisis; Issued 3/23/2020

● Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office: Resources during COVID-19 Outbreak

● National Grid Information for Business customers regarding the COVID-19 Outbreak

Shared from the Town of Franklin page:

Business & Employee Support during COVID-19 Restrictions
Business & Employee Support during COVID-19 Restrictions