Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Live reporting: Hearings

F. Hearings
Hearing on Whether to Exercise the Town's First Refusal Option to Purchase Land on Washington Street - 7:10 pm

hearing opened at 7:25 PM
town has first option of refusal (map to be added)

purchasing the land would add to land already owned
future use could be open space or hiking
at least closes off access to the land

utility easement cuts through the land (power and gas)
town can meet a legitimate offer which they have

cost would be $212,000

would be purchased with 'free cash' and no limits to used from that 
if that was purchased via Conservation funds, then there could be restrictions

match the 3rd party offer or decline

would have approx 50 acres all connected for future use

hearing declared closed

G. License Transactions
British Beer Company - Change of Manager - 7:10 pm

Ryan Patrick Potter new manager of license
manager has been tipped trained
has been acting in the role
had changed manager last year

had an incident 3 years ago, Ryan was in Falmouth at the time

motion to approve, via roll call, passed 9-0

Live Reporting: Town Council - March 22, 2017

Present: Mercer (remote), Pellegri, Padula, Vallee, Kelly, Pfeffer, Bissanti, Dellorco, Jones
Absent: none

A. Approval of Minutes
Approval of March 1, 2017 Meeting Minutes

motion to approve, seconded, passed 9-0

B. Announcements
This meeting is being recorded by Franklin TV and shown on Comcast channel 11 and Verizon channel 29. This meeting may also be recorded by others.
C. Proclamations/Recognitions
D. Citizen Comments
Citizens are welcome to express their views for up to five minutes on a matter that is not on the Agenda. The Council will not engage in a dialogue or comment on a matter raised during Citizen Comments. The Town Council will give remarks appropriate consideration and may ask the Town Administrator to review the matter.

E. Appointmentsnone
F. Hearings
Hearing on Whether to Exercise the Town's First Refusal Option to Purchase Land on Washington Street - 7:10 pm
G. License Transactions
British Beer Company - Change of Manager - 7:10 pm
H. Presentations/Discussions

Melanson Heath provides an overview of the audit report
a good report (see the management letter for details)

OPEB accounting rules are changing and will be reflected in the annual statements more accurately to show the overall liability
town doing a good job of collecting taxes in a timely manner

about 10% in unassigned funds, usually about 9-10% and hence in a strong financial position

budget versus actual, the difference is the 'free cash'

revenue side of the budget came in higher than forecasted
expenses came in lower than what was budget
(the $3M difference is the 'free cash' amount used in the capital budget. The mount varies each year but the process is the same.)

OPEB Trust set up
contributions of $600,000

The financial statements are strong, the bond rating agencies look favorably on this
at high end of the range and consistent for several years which is also good

enterprise funds used for water, sewer and solid waste, all with positive balances

the better bond rating, the lower interest rate you end up paying

you were able to put $600K into the fund but it is not much, you are not alone in that deficit, many other communities are also struggling with that. They would like to see more or at least consistently do something in that end. Franklin is on the higher end of addressing the OPEB requirements

not many doing what we are doing right now

(note - video feed problems being worked by Franklin TV) will be available for rebroadcast

No material weaknesses or deficiencies

recommendation on a more formal risk assessment process
FYI - statement #75 on the OPEB accounting changes coming
FYI - reauthorizing the OPEB Trust under new legislation

Nutting - when our legislators coming this Spring, we need to request help again on the OPEB matter

Pellegri - the residents should be pleased with the reports and the way we are doing business
Melanson - thanks for all the help and preparedness, it made it easy to do

Live reporting: Economic Development Committee Meeting - Mar 22, 2017

Present: Bissanti, Padula, Pfeffer, Vallee, Padula, Halligan
Kelly, Jones, Pellegri, Vozella, Gleason and 2 others

overview of proposal on brewery, distillery, or winery production with a tasting room

the innovation is in the manufacturing of the alcohol for sale; couldn't open something and serve Sam Adams

Bob Vozella, speaks to his operation along Union St
about 6,000 bottles produced by La Cantina thus far
quality grapes and care in the process, monitoring
sharing and seeing how it is made helps

Federal permit required for brewery, State effectively acknowledges the Fed license receipt

production license by ABCC
pouring license by Town Council

Tips training, manager of record would all be the same as other liquor license applications

Would this be standard hours or advertised for specific periods?

Would be required by Special Permit to address all the other zoning type issues, parking etc.

The tasting rooms start out 1-2 days four to five hours operation
the targeted audience for this doesn't stay late

the license would be site specific, it would be an overlay for several of the commercial districts
not for any of the residential districts

the special permit requirement is key for a number of reasons
you could have trucking for the manufacturing and for the retail (tasting) would require parking

the liquid could be made one place and sold elsewhere, but not by the manufacturer

motion made to recommend to Town COuncil to start the process

FHS representatives on Hockomock All-Stars for gymnastics and wrestling

Hockomock Sports has published the All-Stars voted on by the coaches for wrestling and gymnastics.


HOCKOMOCK LEAGUE MVP = Ali Kleinebreil, Attleboro

HOCKOMOCK LEAGUE ALL STARS = Liz Traphagen, Franklin

HONORABLE MENTIONS = Chloe Barac, Franklin


HOCKOMOCK LEAGUE MVP = Matt Kelley, Foxboro


  • Ian Bakalars, Franklin
  • Jordan Carlucci, Franklin
  • Mike Racca, Franklin
  • Dylan Maclean, Franklin

HONORABLE MENTIONS = Ed Cropper, Franklin

For the complete listing of All-Stars across the Hockomock League

Franklin Agriculture Commission is looking for your help

Did you know that the Town Council needs to vote for the Franklin Agriculture Commission to become a reality? If you think that promoting and protecting the few farms we have left is a good idea give our Town Administrator, Jeff Nutting a call at (508) 520-4949 and let him know.

Need a script?
Hello Mr Nutting, This is ____ and I live at _______ in Franklin. I want you to know that I support the creation of an Agricultural Commission in Franklin. 
I believe that promoting and protecting the few farms we have left is a priority. Education about where our food comes from is important for all of our community and the Agricultural Commission will provide these things.
Feel free to use all or whatever part you agree with!

If you want to sign our petition of support and get up-dates on action you can take to advocate for our local farms and farmers sign up here:

Find out more about the Franklin Agriculture Commission on their Facebook page

Franklin Agriculture Commission looking for your help (Facebook photo)
Franklin Agriculture Commission looking for your help (Facebook photo)

"Where are they now?" - FHS graduate Sam Bohmiller part of National Championship at Babson

In the "Where are they now?"category, Sam Bohmiller, FHS graduate was the starting point guard as a senior on the Babson basketball team that just captured their first National Championship in Division III.

"Joey Flannery had one last thing to accomplish in his college career, and with the final seconds ticking down and Augustana’s Nolen Ebel threatening to take his national championship away, Flannery made one more play to make sure he could fill that final void. 
Last year’s national Division III player of the year scored 23 points and soared to block Ebel’s driving bank shot with less than 2 seconds remaining, preserving Babson’s 79-78 victory and its first men’s basketball national championship, on Saturday night. 
"He’d been getting to the rim on the right side all day and I said I’m going to meet him at the rim," Flannery said of the block. 
The Beavers rebounded with 1.5 seconds left, and after Matthew Droney missed the front end of a 1-and-1, the Vikings called time out, setting up a full-court pass for a desperate heave. It was knocked away, preserving the title."
Continue reading the article online

Babson coach Stephen Brennan holds the NCAA Division 3 men’s basketball trophy as his players celebrate in Salem, Va. (DON PETERSEN/ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Babson coach Stephen Brennan holds the NCAA Division 3 men’s basketball trophy as his players celebrate in Salem, Va. (DON PETERSEN/ASSOCIATED PRESS)

Reminder: Public Information Session on Potential Impact of Spectra Pipeline - March 26

Public Presentation on the potential impact of an additional gas pipeline on the Franklin and Norfolk communities as well as surrounding towns.

Learn about:
  • Proposed route through Franklin, Norfolk and other towns
  • Possible safety, health and environmental impacts
  • What other towns are doing nearby
  • Question and answer period following the presentation

Sunday, March 26, 2017 
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM 
First Universalist Society  
262 Chestnut Street, Franklin


For more information, contact Jim Hill, 508-528-4888
For more information, contact Jim Hill, 508-528-4888

Burning Bridget Cleary - Apr 8

Who: Celtic Concert, Burning Bridget Cleary

When: 7:30 pm, Sat., April 8

Where: Original Congregational Church, 1 East St., Wrentham, MA 02093

Description: Known for their captivating sound and engaging stage presence, Burning Bridget Cleary is currently one of the hottest young acts on the Celtic and folk music circuits. 

Over the years, they’ve garnered numerous well-earned accolades within the trad community including being nominated for “Top Traditional Group in a Pub, Festival, or Concert” by the Irish Music Association. 

They are regularly played on syndicated radio programs, are a fixture at major folk festivals, did a tour of Ireland in 2013, and perhaps most impressive of all, have put out five full-length albums since their inception. The unique name of the band is from the last woman burned for witchcraft in Ireland at the turn of the 20th century.

For more information and tickets, go to

Burning Bridget Cleary - Apr 8
Burning Bridget Cleary - Apr 8

What should the Cultural District be called?

The Franklin Cultural District Steering Committee has been organizing the Annual Cultural Festival in preparation for getting a formal designation as a "Cultural District". 

There already is a Franklin Cultural Council which primarily has been managing the cultural grant process. There are three possible names (shown below) but there may be others to consider.

Take this short poll and cast your vote for one of the three choices, OR add another possible name.

What should the Cultural District be called?
What should the Cultural District be called?

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Local Music Scene Plans Second Annual "Party For The Pantry"

On March 31st, 2017, local musicians in The Greater Milford Area Local Music Scene come together, once again, to raise much needed money for the Franklin Food Pantry at THE BLACK BOX located right next door to the pantry. Co-organizer Bill Donovan explains why he and co-organizer Ray Auger decided to raise money for the pantry. “The Franklin Food Pantry does not receive funds from the state or town. They rely ultimately on us, the community, to help keep the shelves full.”

Local Music Scene Plans Second Annual "Party For The Pantry" 1
Local Music Scene Plans Second
Annual "Party For The Pantry" 1
Auger and Donovan decided to continue hosting the party after raising $3000 last year at the inaugural Party For The Pantry. This year the tried and true format remains the same… raffles, cash bar and four great local bands. A recipe for success as last year’s Party For The Pantry proved. “We’ve got a lot of great raffle items donated by local businesses but we can always use more! Please get in touch with Bill or myself to donate. We also have some sports memorabilia including a signed Tom Brady ball!”, exclaims Auger.

Local Music Scene Plans Second Annual "Party For The Pantry" 2
Local Music Scene Plans Second
Annual "Party For The Pantry" 2
With $3001 as the goal set for this year, James puts it all into perspective, “An average bag of groceries costs $18 to put together. That’s about 167 bags of groceries that we are able to donate to those in our community in need. It feels good to do something we love as musicians while giving back. Music heals and music helps and we are looking forward to doing more great events like this.”

The night’s musical lineup is second to none with music by The Abe Froman Project, Charity Case, Karate Show and South Street Six, all musicians with ties to the Greater Franklin area. Tickets are $15 in advance and can be purchased through, or $20 at the door. The organizers also raised money and covered production costs with generous sponsorship donations from Dean Bank, Dean College, The UPS Store in Franklin, F&P Molla Inc and Elemen-Tree House.

Local Music Scene Plans Second Annual "Party For The Pantry" 3
Local Music Scene Plans Second Annual "Party For The Pantry" 3

Last call for sponsors for the 20th Annual FEF Trivia Bee

The 20th Annual Trivia Bee will be held April 12, 2017

Still time to sponsor before March 29, 2017!

The 20th Annual Trivia Bee will focus on TV trivia
The 20th Annual Trivia Bee will focus on TV trivia

The sponsor form can be found here

FHS representatives on Hockomock League Swim Team All Stars

2017 Hockomock League Boys Swimming All Stars


  • Connor Bourgeois, Franklin
  • Roy Wang, Franklin
  • Sumit Choudhury, Franklin
  • Jack Cashin, Franklin

HONORABLE MENTIONS = Patrick Juszyszn, Franklin

2017 Hockomock League Girls Swimming All Stars

HOCKOMOCK LEAGUE MVP = Ashley Loomis, Franklin


  • Ashley Loomis, Franklin
  • Helen Huang, Franklin
  • Katie McGuire, Franklin

HONORABLE MENTIONS = Leah Benoit, Franklin

FHS representatives on Hockomock League Swim Team All Stars
FHS representatives on Hockomock League Swim Team All Stars

FM #129 - Community Forum - Superintendent Search Candidates (audio)

FM #129
This internet radio show or podcast is number 129 in the series for Franklin Matters. This captured the audio recording of the Community Forum held March 20, 2017.

The Forum was hosted by the School Committee to facilitate the final two candidates for the next Superintendent of Franklin Public Schools.

There was one incident during the second candidate interview session where one member of the community was asked to leave and escorted from the Council Chambers.

Without further ado, here is the recording of the meeting


This brings the recording of the March 20 Community Forum to a close.
This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but I can't do it alone. I can use your help.
How can you help?
If you like this, please tell your friends and neighbors.
If you don't like this, please let me know.

Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements.
Thank you for listening.
For additional information, please visit
If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

I hope you enjoy!
Sarah Ahern answers a question
Sarah Ahern answers a question

Peter Light answers a question
Peter Light answers a question


Note: If you listen to this recording and want to provide feedback to the School Committee you need to contact Denise Miller at  She will send you a form via e-mail to provide your feedback on the candidates.


You can also subscribe and listen to the audio on iTunes = search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"
subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters on iTunes
subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters on iTunes

Annual Rabies Clinic - Apr 22


When: Saturday, April 22nd

Animal Control
15 Public Works Way,
Franklin (off of Fisher St.)

Fee: $20.00 (CASH ONLY)

Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm

Dogs MUST be leashed/Cats MUST be in a carrier.

INFO: Call (508)966-5823 or (508)520-4922

Written proof of previous rabies vaccine within the last 9-12 months is needed for a 3 year vaccine.

"A superintendent should also be the primary instructional leader"

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin:
"Joyce Edwards sees Wayland as a town that values education, diversity, inclusion and kindness – many of the characteristics to which she holds dear. 
But, Edwards, an assistant superintendent in Franklin who spent Monday visiting Wayland, knows she has much more to learn about Wayland and its school system if she's selected as the district's next superintendent. 
Edwards said she would "hit the ground listening," including through playground socials, open houses and other events. 
Edwards, who has worked for Franklin since 2011 and also has administrative experience in Duxbury and Sharon, is one of four finalists. The other finalists, who are also assistant superintendents in their respective districts, are Sara Ahern of the Holliston Public Schools, Patricia Kinsella of the Lincoln Public Schools and Arthur Unobskey of the Gloucester Public Schools. The committee is looking for a leader to replace Paul Stein, who is retiring at the end of the school year."

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

Monday, March 20, 2017

Hardy spirits rose to run the St Pat's 5K in Franklin (photo essay and video of race start)

Timed my Sunday walk to catch some photos and a video of the start of the Franklin Police and Fire St Patrick's 5K race/walk. 

the start and finish was on Constitution Blvd
the start and finish was on Constitution Blvd

Town Council Chair Matt Kelly with a word of thanks to the police and fire first responders  and encouragement for the runners/walkers
Town Council Chair Matt Kelly with a word of thanks to the police and fire first responders
and encouragement for the runners/walkers

the moment of silence and National Anthem before the race start
the moment of silence and National Anthem before the race start

'Old Glory" billowing on the cold Sunday  winter morning
'Old Glory" billowing on the cold Sunday  winter morning
Results of the race/walk can be found here

Economic Development Subcommittee Meeting - Agenda - March 22

Economic Development Subcommittee Meeting
March 22, 2017

6:15 PM - Room 205


1. Approval of Minutes

2. Zoning proposal:
a. Brewery, Winery, Distillery Manufacturing with Tasting Room

This was shared from the Town of Franklin webpage

how much has the snow budget been for the winter of 2016-2017?
how much has the snow budget been for the winter of 2016-2017?

FHS athletes represented on the Hockomock League Indoor Track All Stars

Below are the official 2017 Hockomock League Boys and Girls Indoor Track All Stars, selected by the coaches in the league

2017 Hockomock League Boys Indoor Track All Stars

HONORABLE MENTIONS = Paul Kroushl, Franklin

2017 Hockomock League Girls Indoor Track All Stars

  • Halle Atkinson, Franklin
  • Julia Fenerty, Franklin
  • Nicole Clermont, Franklin
  • Ella Gutkowski, Franklin
  • Emma Clifford, Franklin
  • Kate Hartnett, Franklin
  • Meghan Doherty, Franklin
HONORABLE MENTIONS = Miranda Smith, Franklin

FHS Panthers
FHS Panthers