Monday, May 4, 2020

The Announcer: "Gymnastics in the House: Paula and Lexi Lupien Score a Perfect 10 Together"

From The Announcer, we find this good write up on the Lupien's

"On January 31, 2003, Paula Lupien brought her daughter Lexi into the world.

Paula Lupien is now the gymnastics coach at Franklin High, while Lexi Lupien is one of the gymnasts on the team.

“Never in my wildest imagination did I think she was destined for gymnastics. Her dad is 6′ 7″ and she grew very fast and even when we started out in the gym when she was two, I thought maybe we would stay in recreational gymnastics for just a few years,” Paula Lupien said. “I was impressed with her drive at such a young age. No one could tell her she couldn’t do something. Even though her fast growing height was a challenge to her throughout the sport of gymnastics, she always worked hard to overcome whatever challenge came her way. She’s been a fighter her whole life.”
Continue reading the article online

Paula and Lexi Lupien
Paula and Lexi Lupien

"The MS4 permit is an important step to reduce the harmful impact of polluted stormwater"

From the MA Municipal Association, we find this update on the storm water issue:
"The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced on April 23 that it is proposing targeted modifications to the 2016 Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) general permit for Massachusetts communities.

An EPA statement said that the proposed modifications would give municipalities more tools and flexibility for permit implementation while also ensuring that the water quality goals of the Clean Water Act are met.

The proposed modifications were developed through a multi-year mediation between the EPA and parties who challenged the underlying 2016 permit.

Last December, the EPA announced that a settlement agreement had been reached between the agency and the permit litigants – including municipalities, environmental groups and other stakeholders – and initiated a public comment period. The settlement agreement was executed in mid-April. According to the EPA, the proposed modifications to the permit are identical to those contained in the settlement."

Continue reading the article online

The MS4 permit is the driver behind the storm water utility fee being developed. As reported and shared here over the years, Franklin has been a leader in storm water management preparing for the day when the fee take effect. The story of what Franklin accomplished over the years is summarized in the Information Session Presentation.

The first two sessions were held but the third storm water information session (March 22) was canceled as the coronavirus shutdown took place. In the new normal world we will go forward with, there will be additional sessions. The schedule at this time is not yet available.

You can listen to each of the first two session recordings

FM #223 - Stormwater Utility Fee Info Session 1 - March 6, 2020 (audio)

FM #225 Stormwater Utility Session 2 - March, 11, 2020 (audio)

The presentation doc was updated for the second session and available here. 

The second session was held at the Franklin TV studio
The second session was held at the Franklin TV studio

MassDPH video on how to cover your face (video)

"Social distancing and staying at home are the best ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19. But if you must go out, be sure to cover your face. Here's how. For more information, visit"
Video link =

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"Leaping Into Kindergarten" - rescheduled to May 20 via YouTube Live

"Our Leaping Into Kindergarten event has been rescheduled for Wednesday, May 20 at 6 PM.
It will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel, which is available here

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Our Leaping Into Kindergarten - rescheduled to May 20 via YouTube Live
Our Leaping Into Kindergarten - rescheduled to May 20 via YouTube Live

"factory plans to produce three levels of medical gowns"

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin:
"The previously-vacant Clark-Cutler-McDermott Company building in Franklin will be brought back to life next week when it starts producing its first round of personal protective equipment (PPE).

“It’s coming along - they’re getting very close (to starting production),” said Town Council Chairman Tom Mercer of the factory building on Fisher Street, which will begin production of medical gowns on Tuesday or Wednesday.

The facility, which has the potential to make more than 100,000 gowns weekly for first responders and hospital workers throughout Massachusetts and Rhode Island, will deliver its first batch of gowns to Milford Regional Medical Center.

The factory expects to receive its last materials on Monday to begin production, but likely won’t start operating at full capacity immediately, said Mercer."
Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

The scale house in the rear of the Clark Cutler McDermott site
The scale house in the rear of the Clark Cutler McDermott site

How to Decode the Different "Get My Payment" Status Messages

From CNN, information on how to decode the IRS error messages
"The IRS has sent 122 million payments for a total of $207 billion, according to the National Taxpayer Advocate service. But that leaves about 28 million people who are still waiting.

Some who have used the Get My Payment tool and are frustrated after receiving a cryptic status message and have no one to call for help since the agency shut down its call center during the pandemic. The tool is updated daily, so it's worth checking back.

Here's how to decode the different status messages you might receive:"
Continue reading the article online

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How to Decode the Different "Get My Payment" Status Messages
How to Decode the Different "Get My Payment" Status Messages

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Franklin, MA: Town Council - Agenda - May 6, 2020

Agenda: Meeting Date  - May 6, 2020

A NOTE TO RESIDENTS: Due to the growing concerns regarding the COVID-19 virus, we will be conducting a remote/virtual Town Council Meeting. In an effort to ensure citizen engagement and comply with open meeting law regulations, citizens will be able to dial into the meeting using the provided phone number (Cell phone or Landline Required) OR citizens can participate by clicking on the attached link (Phone, Computer, or Tablet required). The attached link and phone number will be active for the duration of the meeting for citizens to ask questions/voice concerns. 

Link to access meeting: May 6, 2020 Town Council Meeting Link HERE -- Then click “Open Zoom”

Or copy and paste this URL into your browser:

Call-In Phone Number: Call 1-929-205-6099 and enter Meeting ID # 861 7390 9783 --Then press #


This meeting is being recorded by Franklin TV and shown on Comcast channel 11 and Verizon Channel 29. This meeting may be recorded by others.


Citizens are welcome to express their views for up to five minutes on a matter that is not on the agenda. The Council will not engage in a dialogue or comment on a matter raised during Citizen Comments. The Town Council will give remarks appropriate consideration and may ask the Town Administrator to review the matter.

March 25, 2020

- None Scheduled

- None Scheduled 

6. HEARINGS - 7:10pm
Zoning Bylaw Amendment 20-854: Changes to §185-40. Water Resource District

Dean College: New Section 12 All Alcoholic Beverages License, Located at 135 Emmons Street, Franklin, MA.

a. Coronavirus Update
b. Community Preservation Act (CPA)

a. Capital Budget Subcommittee
b. Budget Subcommittee
c. Economic Development Subcommittee

Resolution 20-20: Community Preservation Act, G.L. Chapter 44B, Sections 3-7 Authorization for Ballot Question (Motion to Approve Resolution 20-20, CPA Ballot Initiative - Majority Vote)

Resolution 20-21: Gift Acceptance - Recreation Department - $75,000 from the Boston Bruins Foundation (Motion to Approve Resolution 20-21 - Majority Vote)

Bylaw Amendment 20-857: Chapter 82, Trash and Recycling Fee Increase - Second Reading (Motion to Adopt Bylaw Amendment 20-857 - Majority Roll Call Vote)

Resolution 20-22: Ratification of the Memorandum of Agreement Between Department of Public Works, AFSCME Council 93, Local 1298 Employees and the Town of Franklin (Motion to Approve Resolution 20-22 - Majority Vote)

Resolution 20-23: Amendment - Library Union Contract (Motion to Approve Resolution 20-23 - Majority Vote)

Resolution 20-24: Amendment - Facilities/Trades Union Contact (Motion to Approve Resolution 20-24 - Majority Vote)

Resolution 20-25: Amendment - Custodians Union Contract (Motion to Approve Resolution 20-25 - Majority Vote)

Resolution 20-26: Amendment - Firefighters Union Contract (Motion to Approve Resolution 20-26 - Majority Vote)




- None Scheduled


Two-Thirds Vote: requires 6 votes
Majority Vote: requires majority of members present and voting

Franklin, MA: Town Council - Agenda - May 6, 2020
Franklin, MA: Town Council - Agenda - May 6, 2020

FM #259 Board of Health: C Liberty, B Sweet 4/29/20 (audio)

FM #259 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 259 in the series.

This session of the radio show shares my conversation with Board of Health Chair Bridget Sweet and Health Director Cathleen Liberty on April 29, 2020. We had our conversation via virtual conference bridge to adhere to the ‘social distancing’ requirements of this pandemic period.

We discussed the recent Board of Health meeting, the new Emergency Order on facial coverings, the feedback that led to this step, additional feedback will be monitored at the next meeting for possible revision to take a further step if necessary.

We discuss the hierarchy of the MA health departments and how it has been brought to the frontlines with this pandemic. The relationship of the Executive Order by Governor Baker, the Department of Public Health that sets regulations for all MA communities and our local Board of Health that has the ground level responsibility.

The recording runs about 36 minutes, so let’s listen to my conversation with Cathleen and Bridget. Audio file -

Note: on Friday, May 1, Gov Baker issued an executive order effective May 6, 2020 that will supercede the Franklin order and render moot the discussion on further extensions. The conversation on the rationale and CDC guidelines is still very much relative as we live in this 'new normal'

April 27 Board of Health Emergency Order

Attorney General Office guidance referenced

Health Dept page
Board of Health page

Franklin Portal page

Portal page on “Best Practices”

Prior podcasts with Cathleen
March 27
March 13
January 28

We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio (

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.

How can you help?
  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors
  • If you don't like something here, please let me know

Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.

For additional information, please visit
If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana" c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.

I hope you enjoy!


You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"

FM #259 Board of Health: C Liberty, B Sweet 4/29/20 (audio)
FM #259 Board of Health: C Liberty, B Sweet 4/29/20 (audio)

FM #258 Economic Dev Subcomm Mtg - 4/27/20 (audio)

FM #258 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 258 in the series.

This session of the radio show shares the Economic Development Subcommittee Meeting held April 27, 2020 via virtual conference bridge to adhere to the ‘social distancing’ requirements of this pandemic period.

The meeting was led by Subcommittee Chair Melanie Hamblen. Each person is identified as they speak for this virtual meeting. The one agenda item for discussion was an inclusionary zoning bylaw proposal.

As you listen to the meeting the presentation of the proposal, then discussion, and comments by members of the committee, Planning Board, and others. Ultimately, the feedback will be incorporated into some tweaks for the measure to be brought back to the committee before going to the Town Council to begin the formal approval process sometime in the near future.

For reference, the process at the Town Council would be first to refer it to the Planning Board. They would hold a public hearing, take comments and vote on a recommendation to send back to the Council. The Council would also schedule a public hearing, and if moving forward would require two readings before the vote on the bylaw. Technically the proposal could fall out in this process but given the consensus expressed thus far, it will likely be modified to ensure approval.

The recording runs almost an hour and 20 minutes, so let’s listen to the Economic Development Subcommittee meeting of April 27, 2020.  Audio file =


The agenda doc for the meeting can be found

We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio (

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.

How can you help?
  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors
  • If you don't like something here, please let me know
Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.

For additional information, please visit
If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana" c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.

I hope you enjoy!


You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"

The Dean Ave apartment complex was used as an example in the inclusionary zoning bylaw material
The Dean Ave apartment complex was used as an example in the inclusionary zoning bylaw material

Town of Franklin - Department Re-entry Update - May 1, 2020

Every department across the Town of Franklin has an update in this document

or on the Town of Franklin page

Town of Franklin - Department Re-entry Update - May 1, 2020
Town of Franklin - Department Re-entry Update - May 1, 2020

Update to GoFUndMe for FHS Wrestling Coach Carmine Colace

"Hello, This is Coach C (Coach Colace) I want to thank everyone, some again and some who have recently donated. What you have done with your donations will enable us to save all that we have established at New England Gold. As all of you know how much I love the sport of wrestling and all of the wrestlers, along with our coaches and parents.  
I don't know how long this Pandemic will last. Remember, there is no social distancing in wrestling. There may not be a New England Gold when all this is over. The money raised will help keep us going.  
When are able to get back, we will be taking precautions. We have invested in thermometers so when we can take the temps of wrestlers as they come in. We have also invested in installing an Airphx Machine that will help keep our facility safe and virus free. Rent, insurance and utilities will be paid As you have figured out, the money raised will be going back to wrestling.  
Thank You very much, Coach C"

Update to GoFUndMe for FHS Wrestling Coach Carmine Colace
This is Coach C (Coach Colace)

Contribute to the cause

"In a time of a tragic pandemic, small businesses are struggling to pay their bills. One of these businesses, New England Gold Wrestling Club, is owned by legendary Franklin High School wrestling coach, Carmine Colace. Carmine has transformed hundreds of lives not only in the town of Franklin but all over the New England region.
In these troubling times, we hope to help support Carmine pay for rent and prepare for when he re-opens. Carmine’s significant other Kathy has been recently diagnosed with breast cancer. Kathy has embraced the lifestyle of wrestling and has a smile on her face every time we see her.
Carmine has taught all of his wrestler’s life long lessons such as hard work, dedication and to just keep on wrestling. Carmine’s hard work and dedication has led to not only our success but his success as well. We know this time is difficult for everyone but please consider helping Carmine and New England Gold wrestling during a difficult financial time.
We want to see Carmine continue to change people’s lives. Just like Carmine supports us in following our dreams, we want to do the same."
GoFundMe link

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GoFundMe for FHS wrestling coach: Carmine Colace
GoFundMe for FHS wrestling coach: Carmine Colace

FSPA Broadway Faculty Brings Performing Arts Education to the Public

Over their observed April Vacation, the Franklin School for the Performing Arts (FSPA) presented a series of Master Classes and Industry Q&As to students as well as the general public free of charge on Facebook Live. The week kicked off with a Jazz Dance Master Class with Broadway’s Christopher Rice (Hamilton, The Book of Mormon, Pretty Woman) and Clay Thomson (WICKED, Newsies, Matilda, King Kong). The Broadway performers led students in a warmup and then taught a combination to “All That Jazz” from the musical Chicago.

On Tuesday, attendees enjoyed a live question and answer session with Broadway Digital Marketing Professional Ali Wondely. Wonderly has worked on many Broadway shows including Hamilton, Moulin Rouge, Be More Chill, and Escape to Margarittaville. She discussed with students the business of Broadway and many “off-stage” theatrical career options.

Wednesday continued with a Ballet Master Class with FSPA Ballet Conservatory Director Cheryl Madeux. Madeux received her training at the Nutmeg Conservatory For The Arts and has enjoyed a long professional career, dancing with such venerable companies as the Joffrey Ballet and American Ballet Theatre, and as principal dancer with the Hartford Ballet. She is a summer faculty member for the ABT® Young Dancers Program in NY and an examiner for the ABT® National Training Curriculum.

The week continued with a Theater Dance Master Class with NYC actor, director, and choreographer Chaz Wolcott. Wolcott is known for his roles in the touring companies of Newsies and CATS as well as his stint on So You Think You Can Dance. He led the virtual class in a warmup and then taught his own choreography to “Dancin’ In the Street.” 

Chaz Wolcott (Newsies, So You Think You Can Dance) teaching Theater Dance for FSPA via Facebook Live
Chaz Wolcott (Newsies, So You Think You Can Dance) teaching 
Theater Dance for FSPA via Facebook Live

FSPA April Break finished on Friday with a live Q&A with Broadway’s Christopher Rice discussing Swings, Understudies, and Standbys. Rice informed the attendees on the different kinds of “coverage” roles that exist within the cast of a show and answered questions on how an actor prepares for that challenge.

The students at FSPA have long benefited from the school’s Broadway connection, as the school consistently brings in guest teachers from New York. Tony Award winner Beth Leavel comments, “I wish I had a Franklin School for the Performing Arts in my life when I was growing up. It’s invaluable.” FSPA students have even gone on to perform on the Great White Way themselves, noting the school as a major part of their success. Dan Gleason (‘06) of the Broadway cast of WICKED says, “I owe a lot of my consistent vocal health and technique to my years at FSPA. Healthy singing habits were ingrained in my body and it has become second nature.”

Fall registration is now open at the Franklin School for the Performing Arts. Call 508-528-8668 or visit for more information. Follow FSPA on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Dean Foods Completes Sale of Assets to Dairy Farmers of America

Dean Foods Company (“Dean Foods” or the “Company”) today announced that it has completed the previously announced sales of substantially all of its assets, including the sale of the assets, rights, interests and properties relating to 44 of the Company’s fluid and frozen facilities to subsidiaries of Dairy Farmers of America (“DFA”)

Dean Foods also announced that it has completed the sale of the assets, rights, interests and properties relating to eight facilities, two distribution branches and certain other assets to Prairie Farms Dairy. The Company also completed the sale of its facility in Reno, Nevada and its “Berkeley Farms” trademark and related intellectual property to Producers Dairy Foods. 

“We are pleased to complete these transactions, which maximize value for our stakeholders and will enable substantially all of our businesses to continue operating and serving customers across the country,” said Eric Beringause, President and Chief Executive Officer of Dean Foods. “Our team has put in considerable work over the last several months to find the right partners for our assets that would enable them to continue to succeed while preserving the most jobs possible and to ensure a smooth transition for our customers and partners. The completion of these sales is a testament to our employees’ efforts. I also want to thank our entire team for their commitment and dedication to Dean Foods not only over the last several months, but over the past several years. Their hard work has helped Dean Foods build and grow brands and products that customers love, and I feel fortunate to have had the chance to work side by side with this extraordinary group.” 

The Company also announced that as part of the U.S. Department of Justice’s (“DOJ”) approval of Dean Foods’ transaction with DFA, DFA has entered into a Consent Decree with the DOJ under which DFA has committed to hold separate and ultimately divest the dairy processing plants located in DePere, WI, Franklin, MA and Harvard, IL together with certain assets related to the operations at each plant. 

Upon closing of these sales, Mr. Beringause has stepped down from his role as President and CEO. 

As previously announced on April 4, 2020, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Texas (the “Court”) also approved the sale of Dean Foods’ facility in Miami, Florida to Mana Saves McArthur, LLC for $16.5 million. The Company anticipates completing the transaction early next week. 

As previously announced on April 30, 2020, Dean Foods completed the sales of the Company’s Uncle Matt’s business to Harmoni, Inc., and of its Hilo facility and related distribution branches on the Big Island, Kauai and Maui, as well as a license to the Meadow Gold Hawaii brand name and related intellectual property, to MGD Acquisition, LLC.

Additional information is available on the restructuring page of the Company’s website, In addition, Court filings and other information related to the proceedings are available on a separate website administered by the Company’s claims agent, Epiq Bankruptcy Solutions LLC, at, or by calling Epiq representatives toll-free at 1-833-935-1362 or 1-503-597-7660 for calls originating outside of the U.S. 

Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP and Norton Rose Fulbright are serving as legal advisors to the Company, Evercore is serving as its investment banker and Alvarez & Marsal is serving as its financial advisor. 

Above shared from:

Related from Courthouse News Service

a view of the facility at Garelick Farms
a view of the facility at Garelick Farms

MassBudget: COVID-19 - Updates: Progressive Revenue Amid the Pandemic

"In this week's video update, our President, Marie-Frances Rivera, discusses shorter and longer-term policy solutions to ensure just recovery from the pandemic's impact on the Commonwealth, with Senior Policy Analysts, Phineas Baxandall and Kurt Wise, and Communications Director, Reggie Williams."

For more from MassBudget:

MBTA Notices: Franklin/Dean - Forge Park shuttle Sunday; face coverings required May 6

Beginning on Wednesday, May 6 all riders will be required to wear face coverings.

In line with our efforts to help slow the spread of COVID-19, we’ve further postponed all subway diversions through Thursday, May 7. Subway, bus, and Commuter Rail will continue to run at reduced service levels.

This is an ongoing situation, and for the latest information, riders should check


Franklin – Forge Park/495 - Saturdays, May 2 and 9

Shuttle buses replace Franklin Line service between Franklin and Forge Park/495 to allow for track maintenance.

Shuttle buses replace Franklin Line service between Franklin and Forge Park/495
Shuttle buses replace Franklin Line service between Franklin and Forge Park/495

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Franklin, MA: Budget Subcommittee Meeting - May 4

Budget Subcommittee Meeting
Municipal Building
355 East Central Street, Room 205 (Second Floor) Franklin, MA
May 4, 2020 - 4:30 PM

Link to access the meeting: Click here then click “Open Zoom”
Call-In Phone Number: Call 1-929-205-6099 and enter Meeting ID: 938 246 4834 then press “#”


1. FY21 Budget Update Discussion


DATE: April 22, 2020

TO: Town Council Budget Subcommittee 

FROM: Jamie Hellen, Town Administrator 


Through Chairman Kelly, I am requesting a Budget Subcommittee of the Town Council on May 4th, 2020 at 4:30 PM, or at a time convenient for the members.

We must now refocus our attention to the FY21 Budget process and make some difficult decisions. The Finance Director and I have discussed our revenue assumptions. At this time, we are estimating at least a $3 million shortage in revenues than were assumed in the March 4th budget model discussed at the Town Council meeting.

The following are estimates and the data in a budget will be altered as new information becomes available. The following reductions in revenue estimates are as follows:

● The New Growth estimate will be reduced by $450,000;

● Local Receipts (excise tax, meals tax, licenses, permits, etc) will take approximately a 25% reduction, or $2.4 million; and

● At this point, State Aid is budgeted at $121,000 less than FY20. This is the Governor's Budget proposal released in late January. While the budget will be revised, it's the best data we have right now. We have no prospect for a FY21 budget to be completed by the state anytime earlier than Labor Day (is my best guess). The Town will likely need to come back again in the Fall or Winter to revise the budget based on state decisions.

There is still much work and discussion at the staff level that needs to happen over the next month. But, it would be a good time to gather the subcommittee to get on the same page as we continue to aim for a post-Memorial Day set of Finance Committee budget hearings on May 27, 28 and June 2, 4. I will provide a more in depth budget update memo and working budget model at your meeting for discussion.

The PDF of this doc can be found

Supporting Documents
Franklin, MA: Budget Subcommittee Meeting - May 4
Franklin, MA: Budget Subcommittee Meeting - May 4


Franklin Residents: May 2020 E-Newsletter

The Town of Franklin E-Newsletter for May 2020 can be found online

@FranklinHS Message for the Class of 2020

"Tonight (Friday May 1), at 8:20 (20:20 military time), we send this message."

The lights at FHS on May 1 between 8:00 and 8:20
The lights at FHS on May 1 between 8:00 and 8:20