Friday, February 5, 2021

Memory Cafe - Friday - Feb. 5 at 2 PM

Please join us Friday Feb. 5  for our memory cafe with musician P.E. James!

Join Zoom Meeting Friday Feb. 5 at 2 PM

Meeting ID: 994 6998 1115
Passcode: 354632

Ariel Doggett

Virtual Program Coordinator
Respite Coordinator

"We rise by lifting others" - Robert Ingersoll
There is no act of kindness too small

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Please join us for the 4th Annual Legislative Forum - March 2, 2021

Franklin Public Schools | 355 East Central Street, Franklin, MA 02038
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Norfolk County Sheriff's Office Career Information Session - Feb 23

Norfolk County Sheriff's Office Career Information Session

Are you interested in joining a multi-talented, multi-cultural and professional organization dedicated to providing the utmost in public safety to the citizens of Norfolk County? 
Meet representatives from the Norfolk County Sheriff's office and learn how to prepare for a successful career. They will answer your questions on how to prepare for their career opportunities as a correction officer. 
Tuesday, February 23, 2021 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
This is a VIRTUAL Event

Event information page
Download a copy of the flyer

Norfolk County Sheriff's Office Career Information Session - Feb 23
Norfolk County Sheriff's Office Career Information Session - Feb 23

Both FHS girls and boys hockey teams post wins on Wednesday

From we share the FHS sports results:

Boys Hockey = Attleboro, 2 @ Franklin, 6 – Final 
– Franklin erased a pair of one-goal deficits in the first half and then pulled away from Attleboro for the win. The Bombardiers struck first but Franklin’s Dom Lampasona (from Dylan Marchand and Nolan Norton) equalized for the hosts. After Attleboro scored again, Declan Lovett tied the game with assists coming from Joe LeBlanc and Sean Connelly. Justin Abely added two more goals while Will Sheehan and Sean Connelly each scored once.

Girls Hockey = Franklin, 2 @ Mansfield/Oliver Ames, 1 – Final 
"Every game in the Hockomock League is a grind. Games are tight, chances are at a premium, and sometimes it takes the right bounces or the puck ending up on the right stick at the right time to find the back of the net.

Twice in Wednesday night’s game at the Foxboro Sports Center, the puck bounced to the stick of sophomore Lyndsay Atkinson and she buried a pair of rebounds to lift Franklin to a 2-1 victory against Mansfield/Oliver Ames in what was another even matchup between these two teams.

Following the game, both coaches talked about how happy they were to be back on the ice. Franklin had not played since Jan. 23 and had been off the ice for a week and was without its assistant coaches due to COVID protocols. MOA was missing four players on Wednesday and hadn’t played since Jan. 18.

“It’s been a very interesting year,” said Franklin coach Margie Burke. “We’re a small league and we all know each other and we’ve all been around for a long time. We can all appreciate everyone’s situation and we all get it.”
Continue reading the game recap by Josh Perry, Managing Editor of
For a Photo Gallery from this game
For other results around the Hockomock League


Lyndsay Atkinson (5) scored both goals, as Franklin pulled out a 2-1 win at Mansfield/Oliver Ames. (Josh Perry/
Lyndsay Atkinson (5) scored both goals, as Franklin pulled out a 2-1 win at Mansfield/Oliver Ames. (Josh Perry/

Historical Museum Tour (take 2) Thursday at 1 PM

Hello All,
We hope that you can join Jim Johnston and I for a tour of the new Parlour Room exhibit at the Franklin Historical Museum tomorrow at 1pm via zoom.  We will watch a 30 minute video tour of the space narrated by Jim and then have a Q & A session.  Jim is a wealth of knowledge and the Parlour is stunning. 

click below to join our Historical Museum Tour Thursday Feb. 4th at 1pm

Meeting ID: 950 7950 1127
Passcode: 821697

Dial by your location
        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 950 7950 1127
Passcode: 821697

Ariel Doggett

Virtual Program Coordinator
Respite Coordinator

"We rise by lifting others" - Robert Ingersoll
There is no act of kindness too small

Historical Museum Tour (take 2) Thursday at 1 PM
Historical Museum Tour (take 2) Thursday at 1 PM

MBTA: Commuter Rail notice for Franklin Line - facial coverings required to ride

All passengers over the age of two must wear a face covering when traveling on trains or at all railroad stations. Anyone who does not comply with this requirement will be denied boarding and could be subject to penalties under Federal Law.

Affected routes:
Fairmount Line
Fitchburg Line
Franklin Line
Greenbush Line
Haverhill Line
Kingston/Plymouth Line
Lowell Line
Middleborough/Lakeville Line
Needham Line
Newburyport/Rockport Line
Providence/Stoughton Line
Framingham/Worcester Line

Last Updated: Feb 03 2021 05:30 PM 

Shared from the MBTA page


MBTA: Commuter Rail notice for Franklin Line - facial coverings required to ride
MBTA: Commuter Rail notice for Franklin Line - facial coverings required to ride


Franklin Cultural District February Newsletter - deadline for submission Feb 12

Dear Franklin Cultural District Partners,

The February issue of the Franklin Cultural District newsletter is in the works. In order to streamline our publication we would love each of you to share one or two highlights of things that are happening with your organization during the month of February and the first half of March. It would be great if you could also include a link to where readers could go to learn more about your organization. We would also like you to include a logo in a jpeg or similar format. If you have a special picture highlighting one of your articles, please feel free to include that as well.

We would love to  share all of the wonderful things that are happening here in Franklin!  Please send your news, pictures, and events to:Pandora Carlucci at and we will work to include your story in the newsletter.

The February edition of the Franklin Cultural District Newsletter will be published on Thursday,  February 18th. We will need all of your news and information by Friday, February 12th. If you have any questions, please let us know. Your news and stories are important to us! We look forward to hearing from you.


Nancy Schoen
Chair, Franklin Cultural District Committee
Franklin Cultural District February Newsletter - dealine for submission Feb 12
Franklin Cultural District February Newsletter - deadline for submission Feb 12

CommonWealth Magazine: "State tax collections continue to surprise"

"JANUARY TAX COLLECTIONS  obliterated the Baker administration’s expectations, coming in almost a half-billion dollars above the Department of Revenue’s already-upgraded monthly benchmark and helping to brighten the state’s financial picture heading into a fresh round of budget deliberations.

DOR collected $3.347 billion from taxpayers last month, which is $392 million, or 13.3 percent, greater than what the state collected in January 2020 and $429 million, or 14.7 percent, above DOR’s benchmark for the month, which had already been boosted by $180 million from an earlier estimate.

“January revenue included increases in withholding, income estimated payments, regular sales tax, and ‘all other tax,’ as well as a decrease in meals tax,” Revenue Commissioner Geoffrey Snyder said. “The increase in withholding is likely related to unemployment insurance benefits and bonus related payments, and income estimated payments were strong likely because of 2020 investment-related income gains. The increase in ‘all other tax’ is primarily attributable to estate taxes, a category that tends to fluctuate.”

Continue reading the article online

Public Hearing: MADD Deli, Inc d/b/a Dacey's Market & Deli - New Wine & Malt Retail Store License

Public Hearing: MADD Deli, Inc d/b/a Dacey's Market & Deli - New Wine & Malt Retail Store License

The Franklin Town Council will hold a Public Hearing on  an application by MADD Deli,Inc. d/b/a Dacey’s Market and Deli, located at 353 Lincoln Street, Franklin, MA for a New Wine & Malt Retail Package Store License. This hearing will be held on Wednesday, February 17, 2021 at 7:10 PM.
This hearing will provide an open forum for the discussion. This meeting will be held remotely via the “ZOOM” platform. Residents can visit the Town Website ( and click on the Town Calendar for up to date information on how to access the meeting.
If you have any questions, please call the Town Administrator’s Office at (508) 520-4949.

Shared from:


Public Hearing: MADD Deli, Inc d/b/a Dacey's Market & Deli
Public Hearing: MADD Deli, Inc d/b/a Dacey's Market & Deli


“Look, I’m not happy with where we are”


"Disappointed with the state’s COVID-19 vaccination drive so far, Governor Charlie Baker on Wednesday said officials are redirecting large quantities of unused doses now sitting in freezers to doctors and pharmacies, including many in communities hardest hit by the coronavirus.

They’re also designating specific days for local residents, especially people of color, to get shots at the new mass vaccination site at the Reggie Lewis Center in Roxbury, following reports that many who booked initial appointments there were white people from surrounding communities.

The steps come as the Baker administration moves into a new phase of its vaccine rollout in which many more people will qualify for shots, starting with about 450,000 residents age 75 and over. But complaints have been mounting about the difficulty booking appointments and the relatively small percentage of people of color who have been vaccinated."
Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

The Town of Franklin vaccination information page
As noted in the Town Council meeting on Wednesday, the Town is positioned to deliver vaccines, it only needs to be supplied with the doses.

Gov Baker's press conference from Fenway Park on Wednesday => 

Legal Notice: Bylaw Amendment 21-866, Chapter 153, Stormwater Management Articles I, II, and III

Legal Notice: Bylaw Amendment 21-865, Chapter 153, Stormwater Management Article I

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Board of Health Meeting Agenda - Feb 3, 2021 - 5:00 PM

Franklin Board Of Health
Duly Scheduled Meeting And Public Hearing 
Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 5:00 P.M.


1) Reading and Acceptance of January 6, 2021 meeting minutes
COVID 19 vaccine update
Chairman opens the floor for any other new business

Full agenda doc with connection information

Board of Health Meeting Agenda - Feb 3, 2021 - 5:00 PM
Board of Health Meeting Agenda - Feb 3, 2021 - 5:00 PM

Scout Troop 126 - bottle/can drive - Feb 13 and Feb 20

Troop 126 has another bottle and can drive coming up. 
"On Saturday, February 13, and Saturday, February 20, 2021, Scouts BSA Troop 126 will be having a bottle and can drive, to raise money for new dining shelters and exciting trips like skiing. Our troop is in Franklin, which means your contributions will directly benefit the youth of your community.

If you wish to donate bottles or cans, please drop them off at the Elks parking lot, 1077 Pond Street, on February 13 or 20, between 10 A.M. and 12 P.M."

Shared from the Troop 126 page

Scout Troop 126 - bottle/can drive - Feb 13 and Feb 20
Scout Troop 126 - bottle/can drive - Feb 13 and Feb 20

FM #450 - The 'Radio Gang' recaps 2020, and looks out to 2021 (audio)

FM #450 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 450 in the series.

This session of the radio show shares the conversation that the “Radio Gang” had during the winter break. We took the time to look back at 2020 and ahead to 2021. We did have our conversation via conference bridge to adhere to the ‘social distancing’ requirements of this pandemic period.

The “Radio Gang” as you’ll hear in order of appearance,
  • Pete Fasciano (Executive Director of Franklin TV)
  • Jay Horrigan, sports announcer extraordinaire
  • Jim Derick, host of Chapters, co-host of “Talking the Blues” (with Todd Monjour) and along for the ride with Franklin Falvey on “Frank’s Music” and “Music to lift the Spirit”
  • Dr. Anne Bergen, host of “It Takes a Village”
  • Pandora Carlucci co-facilitator with Jay Horrigan on “A Priest, a Minister and a Rabbi”
The recording runs about about 1 hour and 14 minutes, so let’s listen to the “Radio Gang”   Audio file =

Note: A slightly shorter version of this will be aired on 



We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio (

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.
How can you help?

  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors
  • If you don't like something here, please let me know

Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.
For additional information, please visit 

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana"  c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.

I hope you enjoy!


You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"

FM #450 Radio Gang Recap Outlook 2020-2021 (audio)
FM #450 Radio Gang Recap Outlook 2020-2021 (audio)

FHS girls basketball extend undefeated run with win over Attleboro

From we share the FHS sports results: 

Boys Basketball = Franklin, 40 @ Attleboro, 42 – Final
"In most games, it was a run that normally wouldn’t make headlines.

But in Tuesday night’s contest between Attleboro and Franklin, with points more valuable than GameStop’s stock, an 8-0 run in the fourth quarter from the hosts made all the difference.

Attleboro senior Alec Eaton hit back-to-back three-pointers and junior Evan Houle added a jumper as the Bombardiers turned a four-point deficit into a four-point lead in the fourth quarter, an advantage they never relinquished — though it was close — in a 42-40 win over Franklin.

Franklin made it a one-point game, 39-38, with just under a minute to go before Attleboro senior Justin Daniels (10 points, four rebounds) hit a pair of free throws. The Bombardiers’ edge grew by one, 42-38, after Daniels sank another from the line following a Franklin turnover. "
Continue reading the game recap by Ryan Lanigan, founder and Editor-in-Chief of
Attleboro junior Evan Houle (1) looks to dribble past Franklin senior Zach Harvey. (Ryan Lanigan/
Attleboro junior Evan Houle (1) looks to dribble past Franklin senior Zach Harvey. (Ryan Lanigan/


Girls Basketball = Attleboro, 27 @ Franklin, 64 – Final
"Even with some of its regular starters on the bench cheering on, Franklin started Tuesday night’s game with Attleboro locked in defensively and crashing the glass. The Panthers held Attleboro scoreless in the first and to just six points in the second quarter, allowing their offense time to click into gear.

Once Franklin got going on that end of the floor, knocking down 10-of-12 threes as a team in the second half, there was no way back for the Bombardiers. Franklin rolled to a 64-27 win, extending its win streak to nine games this season and 34 games overall and clinching a third straight Kelley-Rex division title.

“We have something to win,” Franklin coach John Leighton said of his team’s focus. “Beyond Thursday, there’s nothing out there. It’s the abyss. So, this was one tangible thing that they could do and they’ve been very fired up about it.

He added, “It’s a great league. It’s a great league when we play 20 games and a great league when we play 10. There’s great balance in the league, so I’m very proud of the girls for closing that out.”
Continue reading the game recap by Josh Perry, Managing Editor of

For other results around the Hockomock League
Franklin junior Olivia Quinn (23) drives into the lane for two of her game-high 15 points in the title-clinching win against Attleboro. (Josh Perry/
Franklin junior Olivia Quinn (23) drives into the lane for two of her game-high 15 points in the title-clinching win against Attleboro. (Josh Perry/

FHS Jazz Concert: Livestream Concert - February 12

"Welcome to Franklin High School's first virtual Jazz Concert.  With band instruments prohibited indoors until recently, this performance was a challenge to put together, to say the least.  We are so happy that things are slowly coming back and that we were able to provide this performance for you this evening.  Our hopes are to have live performances in the spring, outdoors.  We will look forward to sharing our music with you once again!"

FHS Jazz Concert: Livestream Concert - February 12 - 7 PM 

Update from Diane Plouffe, Director of Visual and Performing Arts

Unfortunately, due to the snow cancellations this week, the teachers were not able to meet with students to finish up the concert recordings for the February 5th concert.  This announcement was coming out today.  They will be postponing it until next Friday, February 12th.

The link for the Concert Hour performance on February 11th is:

The link for the Jazz Concert on February 12th is:

FHS Jazz Concert: Livestream Concert - February 5
FHS Jazz Concert: Livestream Concert - February 5

350 Mass Greater Franklin Node Meeting, Thursday February 4, 7:00 PM

Hello to our members and supporters. The Greater Franklin Node of  350 Massachusetts will meet this week, Thursday, February 4, at 7:00 PM.  Here are the the Zoom details, and a preview of the meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting.
Meeting ID: 889 2460 7755
Passcode: 350ma
Audio by phone: +1 646 876 9923  
There's no need to RSVP, and we'll send a reminder on Thursday.
Meeting Agenda
The principal topics at this meeting will be: 
  • State legislative action on climate: In January the state Senate and House of Representatives passed the Next Generation Roadmap Climate Bill, only to see it vetoed by Governor Baker. The legislature proceeded to vote again and pass the same bill. It is now up to the Governor to take action by Sunday, February 7. We call on everyone to contact the Governor and urge him to sign the bill. SEE THIS TOOLKIT FOR ACTION

  • 350 Mass 2021-22 Campaign: The organization is on the verge of selecting priority projects for this year and next, to address the escalating climate crisis by eliminating greenhouse gas emissions and moving to a 100% clean, sustainable, and just energy future. We will discuss likely projects and roles for our Node within this region of the state.

  • State Legislature Transparency Campaign: 350 Mass, Act on Mass, and other organizations have advocated for rules reform in the House of Representatives to improve and make public the House's decision-making. The new Speaker of the House Ron Mariano has postponed the vote on this session's rules for several months. We will share updates and strategies.   

In addition, we will share announcements about local meetings and activities, and relevant webinars and reports so we can all be better informed.  
This year holds promise for major progress on slowing the climate crisis, led by our state legislature and the Biden Administration. There is much to be done. 350 Mass and our Greater Franklin Node will continue to inform you about developments and opportunities for your help. We hope you can attend our meetings (1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month) as your schedule allows, to learn more and to contribute to this most important cause.
Thanks for your participation and support.
Node Co-coordinators,
Carolyn Barthel
Ralph Halpern
Ralph Halpern
781-784-3839 (h)
339-203-5017 (c)
350 Mass Greater Franklin Node Meeting
350 Mass Greater Franklin Node Meeting

Franklin Public Schools: Kindergarten Registration Open for 2021-2022

"Kindergarten Registration for the Class of 2034 is now available! Franklin Public Schools are now enrolling K students for the 2021-2022 school year.
Visit our website at for details. Questions? Please reach out to Central Office at 508- 553-4819"

Franklin Public Schools: Kindergarten Registration Open for 2021-2022
Franklin Public Schools: Kindergarten Registration Open for 2021-2022

Franklin Cultural District & Massachusetts Cultural Council Grant Application

Good Morning,

Thank you all very much for your participation in the Cultural District Meeting last night (Monday). It was great to see everyone and hear your ideas for our June arts celebration.

Below you will find the link to the FCD grant application. Once you have completed the application please email it to with "Grant Application" in the subject line. All grant applications are due by February 11, 2021. We are expecting to notify all grant recipients by the end of February.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

We look forward to hearing from you.


The Franklin Cultural District Committee

Franklin Cultural District & Massachusetts Cultural Council Grant Application
Franklin Cultural District & Massachusetts Cultural Council Grant Application

"The town, using Community Preservation Act money, bought the lot"

Via the Community Preservation Coalition:
"Central Berkshire Habitat for Humanity wants to build a cluster of up to 20 homes on a sliver of town-owned land off Route 41 in Housatonic.

The project would create the town’s first homes designated as affordable — nearly half of the units would be reserved for households making 80 percent or less of the area’s median income.

The town acquired the 7.5-acre parcel, known as the Alden property, last year for $175,000, and entrusted its development to the Great Barrington Affordable Housing Trust Fund. The Habitat proposal was the only one submitted for the site.

The formal vetting of the plan got underway Friday, when the board heard details about the plan via Zoom. Habitat is proposing 14 to 20 homes at varying costs, to be built in phases, said Carolyn Valli, Habitat’s CEO. It would begin with seven homes, and more would be added gradually, in collaboration with Construct Inc. and the community."
Continue reading the article at the Berkshire Eagle:

Ben knows it is important to keep your hands clean

"Ben knows it is important to keep your hands clean, even when you aren't near a sink. Have hand sanitizer with you! 
#BenKnows #DoYourPartFranklin #CleanPaws #ItMatters" @franklinpolice
Shared from Twitter:

Ben knows it is important to keep your hands clean
Ben knows it is important to keep your hands clean

Franklin Public Schools: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee

Via Denise Spencer:

"In June, School Committees across Massachusetts found themselves debating the anti-racism resolution outlined by the Massachusetts Association of School Committees (MASC). Among the many statements in the resolution are efforts to recruit a diverse workforce, examine policies for systemic racism, and incorporate works of diverse authors into the curriculum, as well as the history of racial oppression. 

Following these discussions, and approval of the Anti-Racism Resolution, in July I was happy to hear Dr. Ahern discuss her upcoming plans to form a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee. 

Last week over 50 community stakeholders (students, faculty and staff, central office and school committee) met and began working together, taking a look at who we are and what we can do better as a school community to make sure our staff, students and families feel welcome.

Franklin Public Schools will be conducting an equity audit in the coming year. MASC members are asked to ensure that diversity and inclusion are made part of the everyday culture of schools. I am looking forward to the results of this audit and learning which areas we need to improve on."

Please click on the below link to find more information regarding the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee

Shared from Facebook: 

Franklin Public Schools: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
Franklin Public Schools: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee

"employers cut 140,000 jobs in December alone and all of them were held by women"


"WOMEN ENDED 2020 with 5.4 million fewer jobs than they had in February 2020, prior to the start of the pandemic. December unemployment figures showed that employers cut 140,000 jobs in December alone and all of them were held by women. The “shecession” of 2020 has thrown into stark relief the barriers that keep the gender/racial wage gap alive for working women. The data tells a story but what paints the picture is the decades-long reality for working women laid bare for all to see in the last year.

The overwhelming inequities that make upward mobility at work such an uneven climb for women – harassment, lack of childcare and paid leave, unequal expectations compared to their male co-workers – are not new. This time, however, they are hard to ignore. Working from home on Zoom means that women are not privately managing this tightrope act anymore. And for those whose jobs don’t allow for remote work, it has meant leaving the workforce altogether, possibly setting back improvements in the wage and racial gap for years."

Continue reading the article online

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Franklin Residents: Trash / Recycling Update

Trash / Recycling Update

Curbside trash/recycling will continue to be picked up. Waste Management has caught up from all delays caused by the snow storm and the remainder of the week will proceed as scheduled. Thank you for your patience!

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Franklin Residents: Trash / Recycling Update
Franklin Residents: Trash / Recycling Update

Tuesday, February 2nd is a Snow Day. All Franklin Public Schools are closed.

Tuesday, February 2nd is a Snow Day. All Franklin Public Schools are closed.

February 2, 2021

Dear Franklin Community,

Due to the lingering effects from the snow storm, Franklin Public Schools will be closed on February 2, 2021 for a snow day. The day will be made up at the end of the school year.

School offices will be closed. FPS Central Office will open on a delayed schedule at 10 AM. 

Thank you and stay safe and warm.

Franklin Public Schools

Tuesday, February 2nd is a Snow Day. All Franklin Public Schools are closed
Tuesday, February 2nd is a Snow Day. All Franklin Public Schools are closed

Town of Franklin: Municipal Building to Open at 10 AM

Municipal Building to Open at 10 AM

Due to the continued snow cleanup this morning, the Franklin Municipal Building and town offices will have a delayed start time. All offices will open at 10:00 AM on Tuesday, February 2, 2021.  

Shared from

Town of Franklin: Municipal Building to Open at 10 AM
Town of Franklin: Municipal Building to Open at 10 AM