Thursday, December 17, 2020

Franklin Residents: Winter Storm Update

Winter Storm Update
Hello Franklin,
Please make note of the following alerts and information: 
  • A full parking ban is in effect until noon today
  • No Trash/Recycling Collection today, Thursday, Dec 17th. Trash/Recycling will be delayed by one day for 12/17 and 12/18 pick-ups only.
  • The Municipal Building and all town buildings (Recreation, Museum, Senior Center, Library, and DPW Administration) will remain closed today, Thursday, December 17th. All staff will be working remotely today and are available via email and phone during regular business hours. Please do not hesitate to reach out! 
  • Town offices and buildings will reopen tomorrow, Friday, Dec 18th at 8:00 for normal business hours. 
  • Based on this morning's report from the state MEMA office and Governor Baker's directives, it's in the best interest of the community to stay off the roads and allow our incredible local DPW workers and state highway officials the chance to clear snow from all roads, sidewalks and parking lots. 
  • Visit our website for information and links.
Stay safe! 

Town of Franklin | 355 East Central Street, Franklin, MA 02038
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FM #415 Franklin Senior Center Nurse P-Collatos - 12/09/20 (audio)

FM #415 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 415 in the series.
This session of the radio show shares my conversation with Patricia (Trish) Collatos, the nurse at the Franklin Senior Center. The conversation was conducted via conference bridge to adhere to the ‘social distancing’ requirements of this pandemic period.

The recording runs almost about 23 minutes, so let’s listen to my conversation with Trish. Audio link = 

The Town of Franklin Senior Center page

Senior Center updates during this pandemic
Prior sessions with Trish
We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio ( or 102.9 on the Franklin area radio dial. 

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.

How can you help?
  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors
  • If you don't like something here, please let me know
Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.

For additional information, please visit

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana"  c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.

I hope you enjoy!

You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"

FM #415 Franklin Senior Center Nurse P-Collatos - 12/09/20 (audio)
FM #415 Franklin Senior Center Nurse P-Collatos - 12/09/20 (audio)

MMA: "New video highlights link between taxes and essential services"

From the Massachusetts Municipal Association (MMA)

"The leaders of Lawrence and Arlington share their views on the property tax and local services in a new video from the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy that highlights the connection between taxes and the ability of communities to control their own destinies.

Lawrence Mayor Daniel Rivera and Arlington Town Manager Adam Chapdelaine are interviewed in the nine-minute video, “Property Tax 101: Why the Property Tax,” which explains the importance of the property tax and the value of local government.

“I think about local government as the most important form of government,” Rivera says in the video. “It’s the closest to people. Let me tell you something: if one mayor falls down on the job, if one city council falls down on the job, you feel it immediately. And so local government and the way we fund local government is very, very important.”
Continue reading the article online
Visit the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy online

Direct link to video "Property Tax 101: Why the Property Tax" on YouTube =>

FPS Digital Learning: "Maintaining Connections during Hybrid and Remote Learning"

The FPS Digital Learning Integrationists have a new web page to help share information on what they do to support the teachers and students in the classroom environment with technology.

"In a typical school year, 8th grade ELA teacher Lauren Berolini can be found meeting one-on-one with students for writers' conferences. Ms. Berolini uses this format to provide specific, authentic feedback in a private and personal setting and values the opportunity it provides to make personal connections with students. 

In an effort to maintain these personal connections as students develop their writing skills in this hybrid and remote setting, Ms. Berolini requested help from the Digital Learning Integrationists to identify digital tools for providing feedback to students. Together they explored Mote, a google extension that enables voice note feedback within Google Classroom, Google Docs, Sheets and Slides."

Continue reading the article

Direct video link = 

FHS Boys Basketball helping Franklin Police Dept with toy drive, and you can too!

The Franklin Boys Basketball team will be collecting unwrapped toys to for the Franklin Police Department Toy Drive. If you'd like to donate, you can drive up to the FHS gym entrance on Sat, Dec 19th, from 11:30-12:00, & the players can retrieve the toy(s) from your vehicle.
FHS Boys Basketball helping Franklin Police Dept with toy drive, and you can too!
FHS Boys Basketball helping Franklin Police Dept with toy drive, and you can too!


St. Mary's Women's Faith Formation - Jan 2, 2021

The St. Mary's Women's Faith Formation Group invites all interested women to attend our monthly Zoom meeting, held the first Saturday of each month. The next meeting will take place on January 2nd from 9:30-10:15 AM. 

We will be viewing a short video by Bishop Barron concerning New Year's ResolutionsThere will be time at the end of the program for attendees to share your thoughts and ideas. 

If you are interested in attending, please email Deacon Guy ( to receive the link to the Zoom meeting.

St. Mary's Women's Faith Formation - Jan 2, 2021
St. Mary's Women's Faith Formation - Jan 2, 2021

MMA: "MBLC releases new space planning guide for libraries"

From the Massachusetts Municipal Association (MMA)

"The Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners in mid-November released a free, 160-page guide to planning new or reconfigured public library spaces.

“This space planning guide will not only help plan flexible and efficient library buildings that meet a community’s unique needs,” said Library Building Specialist Lauren Stara, “it will also save communities time and money as they begin exploring options for a new or reconfigured library.”

“Library Space: A Planning Resource for Librarians” creates a formal set of best practices for designing library space that may be applied to libraries across the nation, according to the Board of Library Commissioners. The guide empowers librarians, administrators, space planners and architects with tools for the planning and design of public library buildings. It takes the user through the step-by-step process of determining what to consider when designing a new library for their community, and includes illustrations of different room types, adjacencies, shelving and seating that can be considered for a building project."

Continue reading the article online
Visit the MA Board of Library Commissioners at
MMA: "MBLC releases new space planning guide for libraries"
Franklin's Library in the sun after a snow storm

Boston Globe: "The power for the public sector to mandate vaccines is clearer"

The Boston Globe has the following:
"The first shots against the coronavirus made their way into the arms of eager front line health care workers nationwide this week, providing a glimmer of hope for a post-pandemic world. But once those volunteers are all vaccinated, some workers who are less excited about the vaccine could face mandates to receive it anyway, public health and legal experts say.

For now, doses of the newly authorized Pfizer vaccine are in short supply and have not yet been approved for use in children or pregnant women, meaning any potential mandates are likely still months or more away. But while President-elect Joe Biden has said he doesn’t support a vaccine mandate, in the future, private businesses, schools, and perhaps even states and localities could require the shots for those who don’t qualify for religious or medical exemptions.

“I absolutely envisage that, say, by the fall, when students are coming back to universities and when businesses are coming back and we want to get our economy on track, that there will be requirements for students and employees to be vaccinated,” said Lawrence Gostin, a professor at Georgetown Law specializing in public health law."
Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

Boston Globe: "House rejects Baker’s changes to abortion measure"

The Boston Globe has the following:
"The Massachusetts House on Wednesday rejected Governor Charlie Baker’s amendment to their abortion measure and restored language they’d originally adopted, allowing patients as young as 16 to get abortions without parental consent.

A supermajority, 107 members, voted against the governor’s changes, while 49 voted for them.

“The House today reaffirmed its long-standing commitment to protecting reproductive rights in Massachusetts under threat by changes in the makeup of the US Supreme Court,” House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo said in a statement. ”The House acted to keep intact those provisions in Massachusetts that safeguard reproductive choices for all.”

The Democratic-led Legislature included the measure in the state’s $45.9 billion budget bill in order to guarantee abortion access in Massachusetts, in anticipation of national changes to abortion rights under a newly conservative Supreme Court. The language would codify into state law the right to an abortion, which has been guaranteed by the court’s ruling in Roe v. Wade since 1973."

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

THE HOUSE on Wednesday voted 107-49 to reject Gov. Charlie Baker’s amendment paring back a legislative proposal to expand access to abortion in Massachusetts.

The measure now goes to the Senate, which is likely to vote similarly, and from there back to the governor, who can veto it, sign it into law, or let it become law without his signature.

Baker refused to say what he will do on Wednesday. “We’ll see whatever happens with whatever they send back to us,” he said.
Continue reading the article online

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Urgent: Winter Storm Alerts

Winter Storm Alerts

A winter storm is approaching this evening and will be with us until tomorrow. Please make note of the following alerts: 

  • A full parking ban is in effect from 12 pm tonight until noon tomorrow
  • No Trash Collection tomorrow, Thursday, Dec 16th.  Trash will be delayed by one day.
  • The Municipal Building will be closed from 8 am-noon tomorrow.  Employees will be working remotely until noon and are available via email or voicemail.  

Stay safe! 


Urgent: Winter Storm Alerts
Urgent: Winter Storm Alerts

Franklin Public Schools: Remote Learning - December 17, 2020

December 16, 2020

Dear Franklin Families and Faculty/Staff,

We are monitoring the forecast very carefully. At this time, a long duration storm is forecasted with snow falling overnight into tomorrow and accumulating to between 10-15 inches. The snow is forecasted to be light and fluffy, which poses a lesser risk for power outages.

Given this forecast, Franklin Public Schools will have a Remote Learning day for all schools on Thursday, December 17, 2020.

In the event of a power outage, families should call their child's school office. VLA families should call the Superintendent's Office.  Voicemails will be transcribed into emails and forwarded to secretaries. Students will be marked present if they participate in school using asynchronous materials provided by their teacher.

If a staff member loses power, they should contact their building administrator. A building administrator will be in touch with families of their class(es) directly.

We will monitor power outages in the area and, in the event of widespread outages, many need to alter the plan and call a snow day.

We acknowledge that this may come as a disappointment to some who love the tradition of a snow day. At this time, we think it best to continue with the plans we set in place within the past few weeks for remote learning, a model we used early in the year with the idea that we could quickly move back to it during the school year. We will monitor the experience on remote learning days during snow events to inform future decision making.

Additional information about inclement weather can be found on our website.


Franklin Public Schools

Franklin Public Schools: Remote Learning - December 17, 2020
Franklin Public Schools: Remote Learning - December 17, 2020


FM #414 Talk Franklin - 12/11/20 (audio)

FM #414 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 414 in the series. 

This session of the radio show shares my "Talk Franklin" conversation with Town Administrator Jamie Hellen and Marketing and Communications Specialist Anne Marie Tracey. We had our conversation via conference bridge to adhere to the ‘social distancing’ requirements of this pandemic period.

We talk about: 

Business listening session
  • Holiday special edition
  • #ThinkFranklinFirst gift cards
Water ban lifted (finally – due to rain, snow…)
Town Council
  • New councilor
  • CPA comes back
  • Payment for treatment facility
COVID-19 reminder on social distance, masks, etc …

We’ll record a session of Talk Franklin each week leading to Christmas and take the holiday week off to begin again in 2021. After this session, we have one more to close out 2020.

Links to the key topics covered here are included in the show notes. The recording runs about 45 minutes, so let’s listen to my conversation with Jamie and Anne Marie.  Audio file =

#ThinkFranklinFirst gift cards 

We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio ( or 102.9 on the Franklin area radio dial. 

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.

How can you help?
  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors
  • If you don't like something here, please let me know
Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.

For additional information, please visit

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana"  c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.

I hope you enjoy!

You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"

Franklin Middle School Music Department Presents… Virtual Winter Concert 2020

Franklin Middle School Music Department Presents… 
Virtual Winter Concert 2020

Featuring music, student biographies, audio, and video performances from members of the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade Band, Choir and Orchestra!

Wednesday December 16th
6 PM Live Stream

Join us at 6:00 PM for a livestream to introduce our lesson scholarship recipients and explanation and release of our virtual concert website.

To view our live stream concert, click the link =>

Franklin Middle School Music Department Presents… Virtual Winter Concert 2020
Franklin Middle School Music Department Presents… Virtual Winter Concert 2020

Join Jamie Barrett for a Holiday Singalong - Dec 17


Please join me for a Holiday Singalong THIS Thursday at 7:00 PM!

You can set a reminder on this video link so that you won't forget, too!

Join Jamie Barrett for a Holiday Singalong - Dec 17
Join Jamie Barrett for a Holiday Singalong - Dec 17

Seems like it might be a snowy day that day! Perfect for a virtual singalong!

Looking forward to 'seeing' you!

Please feel free to share with everyone you know!

Thanks so much!

Jamie 

James H. Barrett
General Music K - 5
Jefferson/Davis Thayer
(508) 541-2120 ext. 1029

Franklin Downtown Partnership Plans 2021 Harvest Festival

The Board of Directors of the Franklin Downtown Partnership (FDP) has voted on the date for the 2021 Harvest Festival, a family fun, community event. It will be the first weekend in October: Saturday, October 2 with a rain date of Sunday, October 3. This is subject to change, but the FDP is optimistic and hopeful that by October, it will be able to have a huge Franklin event.

“The Franklin Downtown Partnership has worked hard throughout 2020 to support our members and local businesses with our Keep it Local and Light Up Downtown Franklin initiatives, and we’re proud that we’ve been able to promote businesses without being able to stage our signature Strawberry Stroll and Harvest Festival events,” said Scott Martin, president of the FDP Board of Directors. “With recent developments with the vaccine providing some hope for the spring and summer next year, a number of FDP members and people throughout the community are seeing some light ahead, even if it feels a long way off, and they are asking us when the Harvest Festival will be. Knowing how we all want to be together again, and how much people want to return to the kind of events that brought our community together, our FDP will move forward with planning our Harvest Festival for the first Saturday in October.”

The status of the Strawberry Stroll, normally held in June, is to be determined based on COVID-19 circumstances.

The Franklin Downtown Partnership is a nonprofit, 501©3 organization made up of more than 300 business owners, community leaders and residents working to stimulate economic development downtown and create a positive impact throughout the area.
For more about the Downtown Partnership visit

Franklin Downtown Partnership Plans 2021 Harvest Festival
Franklin Downtown Partnership Plans 2021 Harvest Festival

Franklin Public Schools: District Newsletter December 2020

The newsletter does not display well in this format. 

Franklin Public Schools: District Newsletter December 2020
Franklin Public Schools: District Newsletter December 2020

Franklin Public Schools: Policy Sub Committee Meeting - Dec 17

Policy Sub Committee Meeting

Virtual Meeting (Links in agenda)

Thursday, Dec 17   6:00 PM

I. Electronic Distribution of Approved Policies
1. JJEA - Crowdfunding Policy
2. GE - Telework Policy
3. Policy Distribution Folder
II. Discussion of Policies sent to School Committee
A. None
III. Policy Revisions & New Policies - New Discussion Item
A. Continued Review of F Policies


the snow has completely gone from when this was taken, but sounds like more is coming
the snow has completely gone from when this was taken, but sounds like more is coming

Franklin Federated Church - Christmas Services - Dec 20 and Dec 24

Franklin Federated Church will LIVESTREAM  special Christmas services via the FFC Facebook page (
Sunday, December 20 = 10:00 AM  
Story of Jesus's birth

  • Readers will be live and on video 
  • Carols
  • Jenna Van Hyning on guitar "Mary Did You Know" 
  • Grace Newton playing violin "Silent Night"

Franklin Federated Church will LIVESTREAM  special Christmas services via the FFC Facebook page (

Thursday, December 24 = 5:00 PM
Christmas Eve Worship (Live)
  • Reading of Clement Moore's "Twas the Night Before Christmas"
  • Reading from Luke 2....The story of Jesus's birth
  • Christmas Carols
  • Candle lighting 

Franklin Federated Church - Christmas Services - Dec 20 and Dec 24
Franklin Federated Church - Christmas Services - Dec 20 and Dec 24

Franklin Information Q&A - Two opportunities on Dec 17

Two opportunities to find out more about what is going on here in Franklin. 

Thursday morning at 8:30 AM (pre-registration required)
  • Join in on a virtual coffee hour with State & Local officials

Thursday afternoon at 1:00 PM (email to attend)
  • Talk Franklin Matters = Steve Sherlock answers questions and provides insights on what he reports on in and around Franklin

virtual coffee hour with State & Local officials
virtual coffee hour with State & Local officials

CommonWealth Magazine: Gov Baker gives 'mixed messages'; "DeLeo, Spilka seek to overturn Baker abortion amendment "

From CommonWealth Magazine we share two articles of interest for Franklin

Baker’s deliberate mixed message on COVID-19 

"MIXED MESSAGES are not usually held up as a quality of good leadership, but a lot of things have been different about life amid a global pandemic.

That included Gov. Charlie Baker’s State House briefing on Tuesday where he offered a very calculated mix of hope and dire warning with Christmas approaching. Baker implored Massachusetts residents not to let their guard down — even as the first coronavirus vaccines are administered and it becomes easier to imagine an end to the viral nightmare that has upended life for the past nine months.

Baker’s plea for continued vigilance against the virus came after the state experienced a resurgence of COVID-19 cases that has been tied to informal family gatherings over Thanksgiving.

“That’s where the virus thrives,” he said of casual get-togethers. “And over Thanksgiving in Massachusetts it clearly did.”

Continue reading the article online
Gov Baker's press conference on Tuesday, Dec 15, 2020 =

New info on holiday gatherings =>


DeLeo, Spilka seek to overturn Baker abortion amendment
"HOUSE SPEAKER Robert DeLeo said the House plans to overturn Gov. Charlie Baker’s amendment to an abortion provision in the state budget on Wednesday, and Senate President Karen Spilka said the Senate will act promptly once the House is finished.

The announcements by the two leaders on Tuesday set the stage for a high-stakes battle between the governor and the Legislature over the issue of abortion. Legislative leaders are characterizing the language they passed as necessary at a time when the US Supreme Court appears to be controlled by opponents of abortion, while Baker suggest his amended version goes far enough.

“The proposal we made, if enacted, would give Massachusetts some of the broadest and most significant reproductive health rights in the United States,” the governor said at a State House press conference."
Continue reading the article online 
New info on holiday gatherings =>
New info on holiday gatherings =>

"it’s an idea that’s been ruminating for 50 years"

Interesting find via the BBC on rail trail development (hat tip to Marjorie Turner Hollman for finding this to share).
"Ryan Gardill used to love backpacking. Getting into the outdoors and covering ground was one of the Lancaster, Pennsylvania, native’s favourite things to do. But as the 29-year-old former US Marine’s joints and back began struggling to carry the weight of a backpack, he decided it was time to get on a bike.

That opened up a whole new world.

“I’d always dreamed of doing a thru-hike or bike,” he said. “A guy from work talked about a trail going from Pittsburgh to DC. I said: ‘That sounds awesome!’.”

Continue reading the article online:

"Iconic Framingham hotel sells for $15M at auction"

Anyone traveling into Boston up i495 to i90 and east has likely seen on the return route, the castle like structure that is/was the Sheraton Tara Hotel.
"The famed Framingham Sheraton Hotel and Conference Center was sold for $15 million at auction Tuesday.

People’s United Bank, which owns the first mortgage on the property, was the winning bidder of the iconic 376-room hotel that is designed to look like a castle and is visible from Rte. 9 and the Mass Pike.

“It was a buy-back by the mortgager,” said Justin Manning, president of JJ Manning Auctioneers. “Nobody beat the lender.”

The facility could "possibly" remain a hotel or may be sold, said Manning."
Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

With this building being sold at half the assessed valuation, is it any wonder why the new hotel under construction off King St/Union St has halted their construction due to these economic conditions.

"Iconic Framingham hotel sells for $15M at auction"
"Iconic Framingham hotel sells for $15M at auction"

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Senior Center Parking Lot - Holiday Sing-A-Long - Dec 16


With highly accomplished soprano singer, Monica Spencer! 

Hot Chocolate, Cookies and Lyric Sheets will be handed out by the one and only… Mrs. Claus! 

A fun day to be had, but space is limited; Call to sign up today! Sound will be broadcasted right to your car stereo! 

Wednesday, December 16th at 12:30 PM  

Senior Center - Parking Lot - Holiday Sing-A-Long - Dec 16
Senior Center - Parking Lot - Holiday Sing-A-Long - Dec 16

Voices of Franklin: Karen Landers questions zoning variance request

As an abutter, I received notification that there is to be a remote public hearing on Thursday, December 17th at 7:30 pm regarding an application that is requesting a variance to build a rather large 2-unit dwelling on a lot that is smaller than the zoning laws require. Instead of the required 35% impervious coverage, the builder wants to cover 50% of the lot.  This is so that the Project can be as profitable to him/them as possible.  

This dwelling will overpower the homes adjacent to it, among other things.  I thought this town was concerned with Storm water runoff.  Why do zoning laws exist if a variance request can be had without much concern to the neighbors Involved.  According to the annual town report, from 2008 to 2018, there were 315 requests for a variance for many reasons.  Only 23 were denied. 
While I have an appreciation for our town citizens serving on boards, giving of their time and effort, perhaps there are way too many town officials who are in the real estate business, and, therefore, may have a conflict of interest.   

If any Franklin resident is concerned about how variances are reviewed and want to get informed, go to the town website and sign up to get onto Zoom for this hearing.  We are all abutters!

Karen Landers
Franklin Resident 
If you have something to say, you can find the guidelines here

United Regional Chamber issues the $50 Challenge

"I'm Issuing a $50 Dollar Challenge"

A Message from Our CEO/President Jack Lank 

Typically, right about now we'd be singing about "the most wonderful time of the year". It's an understatement to say that 2020 has had other plans. If you've replaced wonderful with some other choice words, I promise, you're not alone.

I always ask small business owners, "What keeps you up at night?" In the past, they responded that prime concerns are regulations or the ability to retain quality employees. This year, the most common response has been, "How is my business going to survive?" The corona virus has significantly hit our communities' economy. 

Jack Lank
Jack Lank

How can the chamber help? The chamber supports local business by advocating on their behalf and communicating their needs to elected officials. We work with local partners to provide a prepared workforce so that our member businesses have access to qualified employees. We hunt down resources designed to help them succeed in entrepreneurial ventures. We create networking opportunities and facilitate connections.

THIS year, especially, shopping local is what's going to keep small businesses ALIVE. The truth is we can shop and remain safe.

Shopping looks different this year, but most small businesses are still open for business. We can shop safely (masks ON please), support our community, and make a significant difference in our friends' and neighbors' lives. This isn't about politics or your opinion on wearing a mask. This is about preserving what makes our communities special before it's too late.

One study found that for every $100 spent at a local business, $68 remained in the community. However, only $43 of $100 spent at a chain retailer remains in the community.

I'll be the first to admit that I shop at the big chain retailers. Many of these businesses employ our friends and neighbors, and they're a vital part of our community. However, let's not forget the local businesses – the ones that support our children's baseball team or theater program, volunteer their time, and give to the non-profits in our community.

According to the small business support organization Independent We Stand, "If every family in the country shifted $10 a month to locally owned, independent businesses instead of national chains, over $9.3 billion would be directly returned to local economies."

I have a challenge for you: Shift $50 of your holiday budget this month to a locally owned, independent business. If you don't have $50, shift $25. If you don't feel comfortable going inside, every shop will walk products or gift cards out to your car if you'll only ask.

Post this challenge on social media with the hashtags #50 DollarChallenge, #URCC, and #Supportsmallbusiness. Check in and tag businesses on social media and post pictures to show your support.

Together we can do this. This time next year, no matter where COVID takes us, we'll all be better for it.

Jack Lank, IOM
President & CEO
The United Regional Chamber of Commerce
310 South Street
Plainville, MA 02762
Phone:  508-316-0861
"People Do Business With People They Know"