Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Interested in wind or solar energy?

Thinking of installing a wind turbine
or solar array at your home or business? Come get all your questions answered!

Incentives for
  • Residential & Commercial
  • Solar and Wind Installations

Tyler Leeds, Project Manager, Green Building & Infrastructure
Mass Technology Collaborative

Wednesday, December 10, 7:00 p.m.

Franklin Public Library Community Room
118 Main Street, Lower Level

Massachusetts has recently developed several incentives to spur the development of renewable energy, including Commonwealth Solar Rebates, Small Renewables Initiative, and Business Expansion Incentives.
Tyler Leeds will answer your questions and help you understand the basic economics of investing in renewable energy.

This Event is of Special Interest for:
Home Owners, Business Owners, Installers, Dealers, Contractors, Electricians and Architects

Sponsored by:
Franklin Area Climate Team (FACT)
Massachusetts Climate Action Network
Massachusetts Technology Collaborative
Friends of the Franklin Library

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Franklin School Committee Meeting - agenda - 12/9/08

Franklin School Committee Meeting
December 9, 2008
Municipal Building – Council Chambers
7:00 P.M.


Call to order Mr. Roy
Pledge of Allegiance
Moment of Silence

1. Routine Business

Citizen’s Comments

Review of Agenda

Minutes: I recommend approval of the minutes from the November 25, 2008 School Committee Meeting.

Payment of Bills Mr. Kelly

Payroll Ms. Armenio

FHS Student Representatives

  • Budget to Actual
  • E-mail from Mike D’Angelo regarding modular removal

2. Guests/Presentations
  • Best Buddies

Academic Excellence Awards
  • Philip MacClellan
  • Arushi Singh

School Improvement Plans
  • Davis Thayer
  • Jefferson
  • Keller
  • Kennedy
  • Parmenter

3. Discussion Only Items

4. Action Items
  1. I recommend approval of the ASMS recurring trip to DC for the 8th Grade in May 2009 as detailed.
  2. I recommend acceptance of a check for $290.17 from the Remington PCC for a 7th grade field trip to the Christa McAuliffe Center.
  3. I recommend approval to declare books as surplus on the attached list for the JF Kennedy Elementary School.
  4. Take action to remove the modular classrooms at Davis Thayer Elementary School at a total cost of $30,000 to $35,000, (includes removal of interior walls, replacement of grass and landscape in front of building and renovations to the sub standard sized rooms on the second and third floors into normal sized classrooms).
  5. Take action to remove the modular classrooms at FHS at the cost of $25,000, (includes removal of interior walls and replacement of grass and landscape in front of building).
  6. Take action to remove the modular classrooms at Jefferson Elementary School at the cost of $15,000 to $20,000, (includes removal of interior walls and replacement of grass and landscape in front of building).

5. Information Matters

Superintendent’s Report
  • Academic Excellence Awards
  • W.A.S.T.E.D.
  • Banner Ads
School Committee Sub-Committee Reports

School Committee Liaison Reports

6. New Business
To discuss future business that may be brought before the School Committee.

7. Executive Session
  • Contractual Negotiations

8. Adjourn

Monday, December 8, 2008

Green light for decorations

Green light on decorations

The light snow that we received on Sunday dusted the evergreens and ribbons along the railroad bridge.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

the "Dean Difference"

FRANKLIN - In a higher education world often fixated on prestige, Dean College cuts against the grain, carving its niche by catering largely to students with spotty academic records.

Marketing itself as a haven for students who struggled through high school, the primarily two-year college proudly embraces its reputation as a safety school and its commitment to students who need extra attention.

"What you see is what you get," said Paula M. Rooney, college president . "There are no pretenses. We know who we are, and we know where we fit. We aren't ashamed of it, and we don't try to hide it."

Read the full article on Dean College in the Sunday Boston Globe here

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"Storm water carries remnants of chemicals"

Denise Zambrowski, environmental affairs coordinator for Franklin's Department of Public Works, said the requirements would take some pressure off municipalities trying to protect wetlands and waterways.

"Commercial developers should pay for their own storm-water management," she said. "The large commercial facilities falling under state and federal purview makes it easier for us to focus resources and energy on our own drainage systems."

In Franklin, DPW engineer Zambrowski said she is encouraged state and federal employees would enforce the regulations.
What regulations?

The regulations regarding the storm water runoff around the large commercial facilities and plazas. You can read the full article in the Boston Globe West section here.

An earlier post on this topic can be found here.
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Hat's Off to Franklin (1st snow)

A light snow dusted the sculpture this morning.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

WASTED 12/2/08 - Slideshow

A slide show of photos from the substance abuse information session put on by W.A.S.T."E".D at Franklin High School on Tuesday, December 2, 2008.

"Everyone helps out, it's a team effort. "

Posted Dec 05, 2008 @ 11:25 PM


Police officers, dispatchers, administrators, the deputy and the chief took their mission "to serve" to heart, and spent yesterday morning cooking a full turkey meal and serving more than 200 senior citizens, to their great delight.

The Franklin Police Association, which sponsors the holiday dinner every year for seniors, even hand-delivered meals to housebound elders who made the request.

"They are exceptionally wonderful to all of us - we love them all, and may God bless them always," said senior Vivian Brown, who has lived in Franklin for 47 years.

She and her friend, Franklin senior Priscilla Chesmore, were all smiles as they sat with the large Christmas centerpieces they won in the police association's raffle.

Read the full article in the Milford Daily News here

"an effort that could net roughly $30,000 per year"

Posted Dec 05, 2008 @ 11:30 PM

Several years ago, the School Committee in Hopkinton turned down a company offering a free softball scoreboard branded with its corporate logo, ruling that ads did not belong on school property.

This week, however, members reviewed a mailing that will let businesses know they can buy space on the indoor and outdoor scoreboards and on the concession stand, a move being watched by other area school committees.

"I think given what's happening with the state budget and local aid currently, people are thinking a little differently about that now," said Dave Stoldt, a Hopkinton School Committee member. "We're trying to do it in an orderly fashion and a tasteful fashion."

Part of a financial working group's larger effort to increase revenue and trim expenses, school ads won the School Committee's approval earlier this year.

Read the full article in the Milford Daily News here

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Friday, December 5, 2008

Alina Ostrow wins Franklin Junior Miss title


Alina Kathryn Ostrow was awarded the title of Franklin’s Junior Miss 2009 at the Franklin program on Nov. 29, Along with her title, she received a $1,000 cash scholarship, the official Junior Miss Medallion, and a one-year full tuition scholarship to Dean College. Alina is a student at Franklin High School.

A panel of five judges selected her from a field of seventeen high school seniors competing in the 41st annual Franklin Junior Miss scholarship program.

In addition to being named Franklin’s Junior Miss, Ostrow also won a preliminary Scholastic award, for a total of $1,100 in cash scholarships.

Ostrow will go on to compete in the Massachusetts Junior Miss finals in Franklin, on Feb. 21 and 22, at the Thomas D. Mercer Auditorium.

Read the full article in the Gazette here.

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Financial Planning Committee - meeting notes 12/4/08

Attending: Roche, Bartlett, Zollo, Cameron, Trahan, Hardesty, Nutting
Absent: Whalen, Wilschek, Kelley

Review of the planning scenarios
a – level service for 3 years
b – “the gap”; between maintaining status quo and the available revenues
c – restored services; add backs to staff, what would it cost

The notion of what “level service” means needs to get out there. Is level service what we see this year or what it was last year before the 40 teachers were cut? The school cuts were teachers this year. Some teachers and other personnel have been cuts since 2003, totaling 80+ positions. Police and Fire still under. DPW has not added personnel in 20 years compared to what changes there have been in the Town over these last 20 years.

How do you forecast salary increases? Contracts are mostly set through 2010 but would be open for negotiation after that. If economy is down, that will be a factor to hold down increases; if economy starts turning around, that would be a factor to go for more than the 2.5/3 percent increase that there have been. Pick a number that is historically accurate and justifiable. For the model do a sensitivity analysis to show the impact range.

Fair assumption to have a stable town and school population
Assumption for salaries to be competitive
Develop listing of all the assumptions that drive the model

Break out the step and level salary changes in the school budget from the salary rate (cost of living) increase
Identify the unfunded mandate costs, i.e. fixed cost – like special education (SPED), where the costs are determined by Dept of Education at the State level and not at the local level

For next meeting 12/18/08
Hardesty has surveyed the other cities and towns that have done a similar long term planning effort. He will send out that info for review. Pick out 3-5 things from what the others have used in their presentations to say that this is something we should consider using in our package for Franklin.

How do we address innovation? A lot is already being done in small ways. Each small way adds up. We need to tell the story that innovation and creative thinking is being done all the time. If we don’t, the folks in the street will never know.

Perhaps consider an “innovation advocate” or subcommittee. Anyone could present them with their cost savings idea. The subcommittee would work with whomever it was appropriate to do so to provide an answer back. In some cases, due to legal obligations (i.e. union contract) some things can’t be done. This would at least provide someone outside the Town Administration to do the vetting of the ideas and report back.

Looking for an open forum, hearing type presentation sometime late January, early February 2009. Committee would provide a summary of what has been done thus far, based upon the tentative model and the facts to date. Lay that information out and ask for input. Incorporate that into the “final” presentation, recommendation that would be brought back to the Town Council.

If there are cuts to be made, you can equate approx 20 jobs to each million dollar shortage in the budget. Where would the budget cuts come from? There really are only 5/6 places where cuts can be made; Schools, Police, Fire, DPW, Library. Most of the Town Administration functions are state requirements and we only have one or two people doing the work required.

The minutes for the 11/20/08 meeting were accepted via vote.
The minutes for the September meetings have been posted to the website but not yet voted on as accepted. Action for next meeting.

School budget cuts likely for Milford

Posted Dec 05, 2008 @ 12:08 AM


The School Committee will soon start crunching numbers for next year's budget, and Chairwoman Lori Baranauskas last night told members not to get emotional about the prospect of cuts.

In October, Baranauskas warned the district's $36 million budget may be level-funded next year if the cash-strapped state hacks local aid as feared.

Contractual obligations and other uncontrollable expenses are expected to drive up the schools' fiscal '10 budget by about $1 million.

"I just want to caution, it could be a touchy year," Baranauskas said last night. "We're going to have to talk about cuts, I'm hoping to keep it as low-key and unemotional as we can."

Read the full article in the Milford Daily News here

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Jimmy McCarthy - Hellen Keller School Forecast

(NECN: Matt Noyes) - Jimmy McCarthy of Helen Keller Elementary in Franklin, Massachusetts is given his own personal forecast by NECN meteorologist Matt Noyes.

Jimmy can expect to look out of his classroom window at sunshine, with temperatures reaching 47 degrees. A fall jacket is recommended for today.

As for the White Christmas track -- chances have been boosted in Western Massachusetts with a higher chance in Northern New England.

It may be a day late, but the forecast will remain forever via the internet.

Now, how does the school get to look like that?

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A meeting of the Financial Planning Committee was held on October 2, 2008 at the Franklin Municipal Building. Members present were James Roche, Roberta Trahan, Doug Hardesty, Deborah Bartlett, Steve Whalen and Gwynne Wilschek. Absent were Shannon Zollo, Matt Kelly and Rebecca Cameron. Also present were Wayne Odgen, Jeffrey Nutting, Brutus Cantoreggi and Mike D'Angelo.

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.

Steve Whelan commented that the Committee needed to show the community the consequences of the Town's fiscal position for Fiscal Year 2010 as early as possible. Jim Roche stated that the information the Committee produces should be included in a forum on the Town's finances.

The Director of Public Works, Brutus Cantoreggi, presented some of the challenges faced by his Department. The major issues are snow removal costs, that are under-funded by over $500,000; the fuel budget, which is $100,000 short this year; the need for stormwater and other infrastructure improvements that are backlogged; new regulations that are in the pipeline; and the hope to contract out some services in lieu of hiring help. Finally, the Department of Public works is the only department that is expense driven and the general cost of operations (parts, supplies, etc.) continues to rise. The Town has grown over the twenty (20) years and the staff has not.

The Facilities Director, Mike D'Angelo, explained that they maintain well over a million square feet of buildings; supplies this year increased by 20%; and energy costs will stay in check until the electricity contract runs out next year. There were eight (8) custodians laid off last year, which will have a long-term negative effect on school facilities. The attached memo outlines the budget drivers and the request for replacement of some of the eliminated positions.

The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeffrey D. Nutting

FinPlCom-Minutes 10-2-08

Financial Planning Committee Minutes

As single source for the official minutes of the Financial Planning Committee they can be found here (at least until such time as there is a place created on the Town website).


Update - I did find the Town site for the "official" minutes here
to navigate to this, you need to go to the Town Council, then SubCommittees and then SubCommittee minutes

Note the minutes for 9/18 are misfiled under 8/18/08.

Town Council Mtg Summary 12/03/08

The collection of posts for the Town Council meeting held on 12/3/08 are as follows:

"we can't do business as usual and survive"

Posted Dec 04, 2008 @ 12:05 AM


Town Council last night unanimously voted to create a fund to pay for repairs to buildings and infrastructure, and put $50,000 in it.

At Town Administrator Jeffrey D. Nutting's recommendation, the council voted to deposit the $50,000 - money that developer Toll Brothers donated for infrastructure improvements in exchange for accepting new streets and easements.

In other business, Nutting told the council he and leaders from other communities testified at the State House yesterday, advocating for municipal relief and reforms that would save Franklin time and money.

"We're asking the Legislature to look at a wide array of municipal relief," he said.

Read the full article in the Milford Daily News here

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Wind turbine or solar in your future?

Thinking of installing a wind turbine
or solar array at your home or business? Come get all your questions answered!

Incentives for
  • Residential & Commercial
  • Solar and Wind Installations

Tyler Leeds, Project Manager, Green Building & Infrastructure
Mass Technology Collaborative

Wednesday, December 10, 7:00 p.m.

Franklin Public Library Community Room
118 Main Street, Lower Level

Massachusetts has recently developed several incentives to spur the development of renewable energy, including Commonwealth Solar Rebates, Small Renewables Initiative, and Business Expansion Incentives.
Tyler Leeds will answer your questions and help you understand the basic economics of investing in renewable energy.

This Event is of Special Interest for:
Home Owners, Business Owners, Installers, Dealers, Contractors, Electricians and Architects

Sponsored by:
Franklin Area Climate Team (FACT)
Massachusetts Climate Action Network
Massachusetts Technology Collaborative
Friends of the Franklin Library

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The 21st Century Student - networked

How about this view of the 21st century student?

What do you think?

BTW - It is most interesting that this uses the Common Craft method of presentation. Not only did the presenters ask permission of Common Craft to do this but it was granted. Truly a good aspect of the networking opportunities available!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Live reporting - Town Administrator

Beaver St recycling to be closed on Tuesdays during the winter to save some money

Jeff at State House today to negotiate/lobby for legislative relief from items that the local communities have no control over.

2010 will be a difficult financial year, concern about getting the change, it will be hard to get. This is one side of the story but there are other sides to this as well. A wide variety of different interests are affected.

Old Business -

Listing of the gift accounts (as asked for in prior meeting by Councilor Pfeffer) was provided by Jeff

New Business -

Councilor Comments
Mason - congratulations to Tri-County
McGann - skunk story, apparently a rabid one was trapped and handled by our Tracey
Pfeffer - Senior Ctr one year anniversary party,

Live reporting - zoning bylaw amendment

Zoning Bylaw Amendment 08-628: Chapter 185-Nonconforming Uses and Structures – Public Hearing 7:10

cuts out red tape, makes it much easier to process

Moved to 1st reading
  • Approved -> 6 - 0

Moved to 2nd reading
  • Approved -> 6 - 0

Live reporting - action items

Resolution 08-81: 2009 Town Council Meeting Schedule
  • (dates to be added later)
  • approved -> 6-0

Resolution 08-82: Legal Notices
  • approved -> 6-0

Resolution 08-83: Establishment of Municipal Infrastructure/Facilities Improvement Stabilization Fund
  • approved -> 6-0
- returned to this action listing after the public hearing on the zoning bylaw amendment

Resolution 08-84: Appropriation: Municipal Infrastructure/Facilities Improvement Stabilization Fund
  • approved -> 6-0

Live reporting - 2009 license renewals

G. LICENSE TRANSACTIONS – Annual Alcohol License Renewals

a listing of establishments was read and approved

a second listing of establishments that have not passed inspections was postponed until 12/17/08 - this listing was amended to include Caso's Bar & Grill (which BTW is currently closed)

a third listing of establishments that are delinquent for taxes was also postponed for action until 12/17/08

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Live reporting - Town Council 12/3/08

Attending: Mason, Vallee, Feeley, Pfeffer, McGann, Zollo
Missing: Whalen, Bartlett, Doak






FM #25 - WASTED - Part 6

This is Franklin Matters podcast #25. The sixth and final one of the series to replay the information session on underage drinking. The session was organized by the group W.A.S.T."E".D and held at Franklin High School Tuesday December 2, 2008.

This segment covers the Q&A session (with Bill, Nick, Josh, and Nick's parents) and the closing comments (by FHS Principal Pam Gould).

Time: 25 minutes, 47 seconds

MP3 File

Session Notes

This podcast for Franklin Matters continues the special production capturing the information session on underage drinking sponsored by WASTED and held at Franklin High School Tuesday evening, Dec 2.

This series of podcasts will enable you to listen to the presentations and discussion that took place that evening.

In the first part, we listened as FHS Principal Pam Gould provided the introduction. We listened to the presentation by the FHS students from Marushka Waters’ class.

In the second part, we listened to William (Bill) Phillips, Director of New Beginnings. New Beginnings is a comprehensive wellness education program.

In the third part, we listened to Nick’s story. That could have been the story of your son or daughter.

In the fourth segment, we listened to Josh’s story. He is eighteen, a senior at North Attleboro High.

In the fifth segment, we listened to the parent’s point of view as Nick’s parents shared their experience.

In this sixth and final segment, we’ll listen to the Question and Answer period. Some of the questions might be hard to hear but you should be able to make out the question from the answer.

FHS Principal Pam Gould returns to wrap up the evening with announcements on next steps. This is just the beginning.

Listen carefully!

----- -----

This podcast has been a public service provided to my fellow citizens of Franklin, MA

For additional information, please visit Franklinmatters.blogspot.com/

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The musical intro and closing is from the Podsafe Music Network
Jon Schmidt - Powerful Exhilarating Piano Music

FM #24 - WASTED - Part 5

This is Franklin Matters podcast #24. The fifth of six podcasts to replay the information session on underage drinking. The session was organized by the group W.A.S.T."E".D and held at Franklin High School Tuesday December 2, 2008.

Nick's parents tell their side of the story in this segment.

Time: 10 minutes, 10 seconds

MP3 File

Session Notes

This podcast for Franklin Matters continues the special production capturing the information session on underage drinking sponsored by WASTED and held at Franklin High School Tuesday evening, Dec 2.

This series of podcasts will enable you to listen to the presentations and discussion that took place that evening.

In the first part, we listened as FHS Principal Pam Gould provided the introduction. We listened to the presentation by the FHS students from Marushka Waters’ class.

In the second part, we listened to William (Bill) Phillips, Director of New Beginnings. New Beginnings is a comprehensive wellness education program.

In the third part, we listened to Nick’s story. That could have been the story of your son or daughter.

In the fourth segment, we listened to Josh’s story. He is eighteen, a senior at North Attleboro High.

In this fifth segment, we’ll listen to the parent’s point of view. Nick’s parents have their say.

Listen carefully!

Come back to hear the Q&A session as the evening wraps up.

----- -----

This podcast has been a public service provided to my fellow citizens of Franklin, MA

For additional information, please visit Franklinmatters.blogspot.com/

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The musical intro and closing is from the Podsafe Music Network
Jon Schmidt - Powerful Exhilarating Piano Music

FM #23 - WASTED - Part 4

This is Franklin Matters podcast #23. The fourth of several podcasts to replay the information session on underage drinking. The session was organized by the group W.A.S.T."E".D and held at Franklin High School Tuesday December 2, 2008.

This segment covers Josh's Story. Josh is 18 years old and a senior at North Attleboro High.

Time: 17 minutes, 1 second

MP3 File

Session Notes

This podcast for Franklin Matters continues the special production capturing the information session on underage drinking sponsored by WASTED and held at Franklin High School Tuesday evening, Dec 2.

This series of podcasts will enable you to listen to the presentations and discussion that took place that evening.

In the first part, we listened as FHS Principal Pam Gould provided the introduction. We listened to the presentation by the FHS students from Marushka Waters’ class.

In the second part, we listened to William (Bill) Phillips, Director of New Beginnings. New Beginnings is a comprehensive wellness education program.

In the third part, we listened to Nick’s story. That could have been the story of your son or daughter.

In this fourth segment, we’ll listen to Josh’s story. He is eighteen, a senior at North Attleboro High.

Listen carefully!

Come back to hear the parents point of view. Nick’s parents have their say and the Q&A session as the evening wraps up.

----- -----

This podcast has been a public service provided to my fellow citizens of Franklin, MA

For additional information, please visit Franklinmatters.blogspot.com/

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The musical intro and closing is from the Podsafe Music Network
Jon Schmidt - Powerful Exhilarating Piano Music

FM #22 - WASTED - Part 3

This is Franklin Matters podcast #22. The third of six podcasts to replay the information session on underage drinking. The session was organized by the group W.A.S.T."E".D and held at Franklin High School Tuesday December 2, 2008.

In this segment, Nick tells his story.

Time: 24 minutes, 12 seconds

MP3 File

Session Notes

This podcast for Franklin Matters continues the special production capturing the information session on underage drinking sponsored by W.A.S.T."E".D and held at Franklin High School Tuesday evening, Dec 2, 2008.

This series of podcasts will enable you to listen to the presentations and discussion that took place that evening.

In the first part, we listened as FHS Principal Pam Gould provided the introduction. We then listened to the presentation by the FHS students from Marushka Waters’ class.

In the second part, we listened to William (Bill) Phillips, Director of New Beginnings. New Beginnings is a comprehensive wellness education program.

In this third segment, we’ll listen to Nick’s story. This could be the story of your son or daughter.

Listen carefully!

Come back to hear Josh’s story and then to hear the parents point of view when Nick’s parents have their say.

----- -----

This podcast has been a public service provided to my fellow citizens of Franklin, MA

For additional information, please visit Franklinmatters.blogspot.com/

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The musical intro and closing is from the Podsafe Music Network
Jon Schmidt - Powerful Exhilarating Piano Music

WASTED - Info Session - 12/02/08

This is the collection of audio files replaying the information session presented by W.A.S.T."E".D at Franklin High School on Tuesday, December 2, 2008.

FM #20 - WASTED 12/2/08 - Part 1 - Intro and FHS Student presentation

The slide show that served as the backdrop for the student presentation can be found here

FM #21 - WASTED - Part 2 - Bill Phillips tells his part of the story

FM #22 - WASTED - Part 3 - Nick tells his story

FM #23 - WASTED - Part 4 - Josh tells his story

FM #24 - WASTED - Part 5 - Nick's parents provide their point of view

FM #25 - WASTED - Part 6 - Q&A session and closing

A slideshow of photos from this evening can be found here

FM #21 - WASTED - Part 2

This is Franklin Matters podcast #21. The second of six podcasts to replay the information session on underage drinking. The session was organized by the group W.A.S.T."E".D and held at Franklin High School Tuesday December 2, 2008.

Bill Phillips, Director of New Beginnings tells his part of the story in this segment.

Time: 24 minutes, 46 seconds

MP3 File

Session Notes

This podcast for Franklin Matters continues the special production capturing the information session on underage drinking sponsored by WASTED and held at Franklin High School Tuesday evening, Dec 2.

If you were unable to attend, this series of podcasts will enable you to listen to the presentations and discussion that took place.

In the first part, we listened as FHS Principal Pam Gould introduces the problem, the formation of the WASTED group and outlined the presentations for the evening including the presentation by students from Marushka Waters’ class.

In this second part, we’ll listen to Principal Gould as she introduces William (Bill) Phillips, Director of New Beginnings. A comprehensive wellness education program.

Bill talks about his background and experience as a counselor for underage drinking and substance abuse.

Listen carefully!

----- -----

This podcast has been a public service provided to my fellow citizens of Franklin, MA

For additional information, please visit Franklinmatters.blogspot.com/

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The musical intro and closing is from the Podsafe Music Network
Jon Schmidt - Powerful Exhilarating Piano Music

FM #20 - WASTED 12/2/08 - Part 1

This is Franklin Matters podcast #20. The first of several podcasts to replay the information session on underage drinking. The session was organized by the group W.A.S.T."E".D and held at Franklin High School Tuesday December 2, 2008.

Time: 23 minutes, 10 seconds

MP3 File

Session Notes

This podcast for Franklin Matters will a special production capturing the information session on underage drinking sponsored by W.A.S.T."E".D and held at Franklin High School Tuesday evening, Dec 2, 2008.

If you were unable to attend, this series of podcasts will enable you to listen to the presentations and discussion that took place.

In this first part, we listen as FHS Principal Pam Gould introduces the problem, the formation of the WASTED group and outlines the presentations for the evening.

We’ll then listen to the presentation by students from Marushka Waters’ class.

The slide show that served as the backdrop for the presentation can be found here.

For me, there are two key quotes to remember. Both come from student voices at the end of this presentation. One is hard to hear as the student did not have the microphone to talk into, the second is more clearly heard. Both of which I have transcribed as follows:

1 – How come in Health class they teach us not to drink but they don’t teach us what to do in situations where people are drinking?

2 – Everyone of these stories you heard were written by someone on the stage. No one read their own monologue to protect their identities but we all wanted to share our stories because they’re real.

Listen carefully!


This podcast has been a public service provided to my fellow citizens of Franklin, MA

For additional information, please visit Franklinmatters.blogspot.com/
If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The musical intro and closing is from the Podsafe Music Network

Jon Schmidt - Powerful Exhilarating Piano Music

"saved the town about $25,000"

Posted Dec 02, 2008 @ 11:17 PM


Emergency repairs to a partially collapsed culvert on Lincoln Street are slated for completion by Dec. 12, said Brutus Cantoreggi, director of the town's Department of Public Works.

The culvert was severely compromised after heavy rains in early August, Cantoreggi said.

The damaged culvert posed a potentially major hazard to cars and pedestrians on Lincoln Street, which is a main road connecting Franklin and Medway, Cantoreggi said.

Read the full article in the Milford Daily News here

"Everybody today must get a prize"

Posted Dec 03, 2008 @ 12:17 AM


What are we teaching kids about life?

There are a few things that must be clearly understood today. The rise and fall of our economic system depends on what we teach our children.

If we do not assume our roles as adults, teachers and mentors and teach a few absolutes, we are setting ourselves up for generations of failure on the world stage. First, greed is bad. Second, the inability to defer gratification is bad. Third, in life, somebody wins and somebody loses at different times. Fourth, to win with grace is good. Fifth, to lose with grace may be better. Sixth, laziness is bad. Seventh, there is a social contract to care for all members of society and to respect their equality as members of the human race.

Read the full article in the Milford Daily News here

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

In the News - stabilization fund, bridge closure

Town Council may set up infrastructure stabilization fund

By Joyce Kelly/Daily News staff

Tomorrow night, Town Council will likely establish a stabilization fund for municipal infrastructure and facilities improvement.

The council will also vote whether to appropriate $50,000 for the new account, money that will come from a legal settlement with Toll Brothers of Huntingdon Valley, Pa., a luxury home developer, Town Administrator Jeffrey D. Nutting has said.


Bridge in troubled water

By Joyce Kelly/Daily News staff

Based on inspections indicating drivers may not be safe, the Massachusetts Highway Department today will indefinitely close an old wooden bridge over the commuter rail line that once served Rte. 140 West, according to Klark Jessen, director of communications with the Executive Office of Transportation.

MassHighway's District 3 Bridge Maintenance team found some of the stones in the walls supporting the timbers appear to have moved, raising concerns about the stability of the walls under heavy traffic, Jessen said. The bridge has a timber deck on timber supports situated on stone abutments.

Town Council - Agenda - 12/3/08

December 3, 2008
7:00 PM






Zoning Bylaw Amendment 08-628: Chapter 185-Nonconforming Uses and Structures – Public Hearing 7:10

G. LICENSE TRANSACTIONS – Annual Alcohol License Renewals



  1. Resolution 08-81: 2009 Town Council Meeting Schedule
  2. Resolution 08-82: Legal Notices
  3. Resolution 08-83: Establishment of Municipal Infrastructure/Facilities Improvement Stabilization Fund
  4. Resolution 08-84: Appropriation: Municipal Infrastructure/Facilities Improvement Stabilization Fund





O. EXECUTIVE SESSION – Negotiations, Litigation, Real Property, as May Be Required


Please don't litter - Franklin matters!

Please don't litter - Franklin matters!

I have written previously of the bottles and cans I pick up on my weekend walks around Franklin here.

One possible explanation for such alcohol related litter could be the teenage drinking that appears to be prevalent in the area.

If you are concerned about the teenage alcohol problem, then come to the WASTED meeting tonight at Franklin High School, 7:00 PM.

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Monday, December 1, 2008

MBTA-Forge Pkwy Bridge Closure

Message sent - 12/1/2008
MBTA-Forge Pkwy Bridge Closure

Hello. This is the Franklin Police Department calling with an important message from Deputy Chief Semerjian. We want to advise the citizens and businesses in town of a significant traffic pattern change. Effective tomorrow, December 2 2008, the old wooden bridge on W Central Street, near the MBTA station, will close permanently.

Traffic to the MBTA lower lot and residences up to the bridge will flow as usual.

Traffic northbound of the bridge, including Garelick Farms and the MBTA upper lot, will be accessed using the Route 140 Bypass Bridge.


September 4, 2008
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm

Members present: Finance Committee Chair James Roche,
Councilors Deborah Bartlett, Steve Whalen and Shannon Zollo (arrived at 8:09pm)
Finance Committee member Rebecca Cameron,
Residents, Doug Hardesty and Gwynne Wilschek.

Members not in attendance: School Committee Members, Roberta Trahan and Matt

Also present were Town Administrator Jeff Nutting, and School Superintendent Wayne
Ogden and residents Jim Gianotti, Stacey Bower and Steve Sherlock.

Minutes reviewed by Committee for June 11, 2008, July 10, 2008 and August 7, 2008

Motion by Councilor Bartlett to Approve
Vote: Yes 9
No 0

Goal Discussion:

The Committee discussed:
  • Maintaining same level of service may require an override
  • Override – What it is going to cost

The group discussed the budget and decided to look at large expense drivers such as
  • General Government
  • Education
  • DPW
  • Questionnaire from Jeff Nutting to Departments

Jeff Nutting will meet with Department Heads to discuss budget and arrange for them to
meet with the Committee. (two per meeting)

The Committee also discussed cost of living percentage, inflation, health insurance. They
agreed that local government not sustainable in current mode.

Schools discussion:
  • School had more layoffs than other departments
  • School Choice Funds
  • High School Renovations
  • Enrollment
  • SPED
Range of Decisions for School Committee:
  • 2-3 yr Commitment other spending
  • Are fixed costs coming up
  • High School trajectory is toward probation (NEASC)
  • Resources into High School

Other Departments that need funding discussed:
  • Police
  • Fire
  • Library
  • DPW

Next meeting will have budget spreadsheets and two Department heads will attend.

Comments from visitors:
  • Good ideas to review Department Heads budget (metric w?
  • Stick with main points
  • Like to see more residents involved and at meetings
  • Commends Committee for efforts

Next Meeting scheduled for September 18, 2008

Next Agenda – (tentatively)
  • Public Safety
  • DPW and Facilities
  • Fixed Costs
  • Library

Meeting adjourned

Jeff Nutting


September 18, 2008

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm by Vice Chair Doug Hardesty.

Members present:
Councilors Deborah Bartlett and Steve Whalen, Finance Committee member Rebecca
Cameron, School Committee Members, Roberta Trahan and Matt Kelley. Residents,
Doug Hardesty and Gwynne Wilschek.

Members not in attendance: Finance Chair Jim Roche and Councilor Shannon Zollo.

Town Administrator Jeff Nutting handed out a spreadsheet of the fiscal model and
reviewed the initial assumptions.

Fire Chief McCarraher presented his model for the department. He explained that his
model is based on response time and trends in the number of times the department
responds to emergencies in a given year. The model is based on a 4% growth rate, but
currently, the trends are flat so that his proposal could be moved out a few years.

He explained the attempted regionalization of dispatch and the barriers that prevented a
successful implementation. He also discussed staffing the department both in terms of
firefighting and ambulance calls. The ambulance produces about $700,000 a year in
revenue. $125,000 is set aside for ambulance replacement and the rest is turned over to
the general fund.

Police Chief Williams discussed his request for additional staffing that would return the
department to 2000 levels. The department has been able to “hold their own” with the use
of technology and the hard work of the staff. However, demand is increasing on all
fronts. Franklin’s staffing is well below comparative communities, as well as our per
capita spending on police. On any given shift, they can be shorthanded when an
emergency arises. They do belong to a regional police group for large-scale issues but
have insufficient staff for the daily demands on the department.

He requested two additional officers in FY 10 and on additional officer the following two

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm

Take the civics quiz

Are you more knowledgeable than the average citizen? The average score for all 2,508 Americans taking the following test was 49%; college educators scored 55%. Can you do better? Questions were drawn from past ISI surveys, as well as other nationally recognized exams.

The 35 question quiz can be found here

Let me know how you did and we can compare scores.

Send an email to me (shersteve at gmail dot com) or leave a comment.

Do your teens drink?

Would you know if your teens drink?

That the local police are on the alert to watch for teen drinking given the Taylor Meyer tragedy is quite appropriate.

A traffic stop on King St Saturday evening resulted in five arrests for drinking and possession of liquor by 17 and 18 year-olds. The MetroWest Health Survey was good in detailing how pervasive drinking is amongst the teenagers.

What we as a community will do about this problem to prevent additional tragedies remains to be seen.

One effort underway is WASTED, When Alcohol Starts To Effect Decisions, is being held Tuesday evening, December 2, 7:00 PM at Franklin High School.

Be there.
The teens in Franklin matter!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

"This is really the kickoff with Franklin"

Town officials are forging ahead with plans to renovate Franklin's aging high school building, while realizing that the economy's downturn could affect their ability to pay for the project.

The town submitted a refreshed proposal to the Massachusetts School Building Authority this month, specifying problems with the 37-year-old building and providing additional details on enrollment projections, the educational goals of a potential renovation, and past examples of the town's commitment to building maintenance.

In addition, several Franklin officials, including Town Administrator Jeffrey Nutting and Town Council chairman Chris Feeley, met with the building authority's executive director, Katherine Craven, to identify Franklin's most pressing needs. Craven called the encounter "very positive."

Read the full article in the Boston Sunday Globe West section here

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"We have to be faithful to our basics"

An earsplitting clanging echoed from the stone bell tower of Mount St. Mary's Abbey in Wrentham, calling to prayer about a dozen nuns ending their morning shift in the convent's Candy House.

The sisters, wrapped in work clothes and aprons, walked down a wooded path and through a clearing as they made their silent way home. By noon, they were wearing the crisp, white robes of their contemplative Cistercian order, and had joined 40 others to chant and pray inside the abbey's airy church.

Up at 3, pray and work all day, retire at 8.

So it goes for these nuns and others in the order that for 900 years has emulated St. Benedict in relying on one's hands for daily sustenance.

Here in Wrentham, off a country lane not far from Interstate 495, that means tending a flock of sheep for wool to make blankets and growing a bounty of fresh vegetables in the summer, and, for these sisters who are rarely seen in public, making Trappistine Quality Candy - and lots of it.

Read the full article in the Boston Sunday Globe West section here

The Abbey web site can be found here

You can order candy via their online web store or make a donation via PayPal.

Postings about the Abbey's wind turbine can be found here

Whoosh Whoosh

Modern wind energy plant in rural scenery.Image via Wikipedia
What if some nuns in Wrentham decided to put up a wind turbine? And then high school officials in Worcester? And a Canton bank chairman? And pretty soon, the question wasn't where do wind farms belong, but how many windmills can we squeeze in to every last available space? That day is coming.

"Wind power is part of that," Schulte says. "It seems to be peppered all over society right now: green, green, green. Well, this is green. This is clean energy. This is 20 years of energy with no emissions. Twenty years of energy with no pollution you have to bury in the ground. I think that's all right."


Remember the nuns? Their turbine -- another SED project -- is scheduled to be built this winter. And Sister Mariann Garrity, for one, can't wait for the moment she sees those pearly white blades spinning. "The wind is just something that we've let caress our faces," she says. "It was not something, up until now, that we had learned how to harness. And when we see that turbine go up, we'll know that we are using a gift of creation in a much more effective way."

It's just like the nuns pray on Sundays. Gathered together, all 50 of them, they thank the Lord for the rain and the dew, for the heat of summer and the cold of winter. They give thanks for the seas and the rivers and the beasts, wild and tame. And they give thanks, of course, for the wind blowing outside the abbey, just waiting for a turbine to spin. "All you winds," they say together, quoting from the book of Daniel, "bless the Lord."

Read the full article in the Boston Globe Magazine here

Previous posting about the Abbey's wind project can be found here and here

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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Junior Miss Program


41st Franklin Junior Miss Scholarship Program.

7 p.m.

Thomas D. Mercer Auditorium, Horace Mann Middle School, Oak Street, Franklin.

Tickets available at the door: $15

This year’s theme is "Friends."

Friday, November 28, 2008

"he knows of parents who allow underage drinking"

Posted Nov 26, 2008 @ 07:32 PM


Outraged that some parents think it's OK for their children and friends to drink alcohol at home, a coalition of concerned residents is shedding light on the problem of underage drinking.

Franklin High School Principal Pamela Gould has helped form a group called WASTED, or When Alcohol Starts To Effect Decisions. The group will host a meeting for parents on Tuesday, Dec. 2, at 7 p.m. at the high school, to share ideas to keep kids from drinking.

Many parents don't believe their children drink, but the problem is pervasive, Gould said.

Read the full article in the Milford Daily News here.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Defaced already

Defaced_already, originally uploaded by shersteve.

Yes, Dolores and I found a sticker placed on the base of the "Hat's Off to Franklin" sculpture on our walk this morning.

It didn't take long for some inconsiderate soul to deface this brand new Franklin gem.

Fortunately, it removed fairly easily.

Hat's Off to Franklin - slideshow

Franklin has much to be thankful for this year. I think the "Hat's Off to Franklin" sculpture helps to summarize all the goodness that the people, businesses, organizations and local government that make up this town is capable of.

Happy thanksgiving!

"you want to help him out"

FRANKLIN - When Gabriel Dut Bethou fled his remote village in southern Sudan 14 years ago, after a raid by soldiers of the faction that controlled the country at the time, it was with fear for his own life and grief for a family he thought had been killed.

Fourteen years later, the 24-year-old is preparing to return to his homeland — this time, with unimaginable joy.

Bethou, a student and employee at Dean College in Franklin, will be reunited with his mother, Ayen Aleer, and 20-year-old sister Akuot Bethou, both of whom he spent more than a decade believing to have been killed in the attack.

He will also meet for the first time two younger sisters born after Akuot and his parents — his father was later killed in other strife — relocated to the Sudanese city of Juba: Aluong, 10, and Nyakong, 14.

Read the full article in the Gazette here

Earlier this year, Franklin Matters had posted on the story as reported in the Boston Globe

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

live reporting - remaining items

Reminder that the ConnectED is to be used for more than just emergencies
The reminder on the completing the survey yielded 800 additional responses, it is a powerful tool.

Subcommittee reports

building use met earlier

communications need to met to review some advertising and to prepare the enxt steps on the EdNets

Liaison reports

A small group from the DOE will visit the high school on Dec 18th to visit and assess the needs as submitted in the recent statement of interest

Wasted - lecture on Dec 7th, impact of alcohol on students at Franklin High School

live reporting - action items

4. Action Items
  1. I recommend approval of the budget transfers as listed on the attached. - covered earlier
  2. I recommend approval of the Horace Mann Middle School’s School Improvement Plan - approved 6-0
  3. I recommend approval of the Remington Middle School’s School Improvement Plan - approved 6-0
  4. I recommend approval of the Annie Sullivan Middle School’s School Improvement Plan- approved 6-0
  5. I recommend approval of the request of the FHS Music Dept. for the April 18-20, 2009 field trip to New York City as detailed.- approved 6-0
  6. I recommend acceptance of the donation of science equipment valued at $8,000 from Vacumet Corp. for the FHS Science Department. - approved 6-0
  7. I recommend approval of the authorization of the Superintendent to create and administer the FPS 403B Plan document in accordance with the IRS Regulations as detailed in the attached memo. covered earlier
  8. I recommend acceptance of the annual donation of $50.00 from Leuder’s Environmental, Inc to be used for library books for Davis Thayer Elementary School. - approved 6-0
  9. I recommend approval of the MS Trip to NY City on May 9, 2009 as detailed on the attached. approved 5-0, 1 abstain

live reporting - modulars

Are you going to vote to give any direction to Paula and Ed to take to the Building Committee?

Take modular down because
  • of the condition of the modular
  • you have space within the building to absorb the students
  • you want to restore the building to a good condition
Davis Thayer, FHS and Remington-Jefferson

The action item should be an all inclusive package (removal of modular, restoration of grounds, re-wiring, etc. within the facilities).

live reporting - school calendar survey

The top part of the table reflects the survey responses by percent, the bottom part by number of responses. The highlights in green show agreement between the staff and the parents/guardians. The highlights in yellow show the disagreements between the staff and the parents/guardians.

The summary will go out with the school newsletters after the Thanksgiving break.

There are three points of disagreement between staff and parents.
  • Teachers want start before Labor Day, parents want to start post Labor Day
  • Teachers support the current calendar scheduling of professional day, parents do not
  • Teachers want professional development days during school year, parents want professional development days scheduled during the summer

There was agreement on the other five questions on the survey.

The administrator team will incorporate these findings into the next calendar when they bring that before you next Feb/Mar.

live reporting - technology capital

Tim Raposa presenting the technology capital for the Town and the Public Schools

Looking at a sharing laptop project for the high school

The document for the Technology Update can be found here.

The Technology department now covers all Town functions except for the Police Department.

Food service revenues would cover cafeteria automation software.
Nursing software avoids paper copies, integrates into student record keeping system.

Halleluiah! The Cable Commission is bringing streaming video within 3-4 months for all meetings, indexed and archived.

Hopefully close to resolving the legal issue with EdNets and should be able to bring that in within a couple of months.

approx 18-20 smart boards district wide about to be purchased with money already approved.

Armenio - can we get software where a parent can check their students homework or grades from yesterday's test?

Raposa - that software would be about $15,000 per year. I can consider moving it up in the priority listing.

Cafasso - I would echo Sharon Jackson's memo, I hear no complaints from the consumers.

Raposa - Thank you!

Rohrbach -What about the number of smart boards? Is there really a need in the elementary levels?

Raposa - If I could bring in more of them, I would.

Rohrbach - I have been to other high schools where they have multiple smart boards, why do they only have one?

Raposa - It is not a technical limitation at the high school. I was spreading the money around to be fair.

Ogden - You answered it but may not have made the point fully, the survey of the faculty of the high school for what they needed did not reveal smart boards. They do want the wireless and the networking. We may need to do some familiarization amongst the high school faculty to bring their familiarity with smart board technology.

Roy - with regards to the laptops at the high school, about 200 for loan, would also be able to get a deal for parents?

Raposa - It is an option, I can do that, need to work out how to buy them and then in turn sell them within the School Department finances.

Roy - is a laptop in the hands of every student on the radar?

Raposa - the amount of money is the problem, even at the high school with 400 incoming students and a $400 system that adds up. I have focused less on providing the laptop and more on focusing to provide the network to let them access the systems.

live reporting - MCAS Q&A

Cafasso - what about the difference in the longitudinal studies?

Kingsland-Smith - remember that longitudinal looks at different populations of students, so as long as we stay within a small range of variance we are okay.

Cafasso - the cohort numbers are increasing

Kingsland-Smith - the population is also a factor here with significant students moving into ot out of the district, the numbers in the aggregate can change reflecting that. To really be sure of cohort progrsss, you need to look at an individual level and see how they have progressed within the district.

Gerlits - The DOE database next year will provide the analysis for a true cohort study, focusing on students who have been in Franklin for all their education

Kingsland-Smith - an 8th grade ISSP will follow the student through to the High school. The transfer of information occurs between the teachers at the transition time.

EPP educational proficiency plan is specific to the 10th grade test results

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Live reporting - MCAS

Michelle Kingsland-Smith
Bobbi Gerlits

AYP - adequate yearly progress is a state measurement towards the overall target; four status category; no status, improvement (no improvement for 2 years running), corrective action (state interaction to provide assistance), state restructuring

performance highlights
  • district vs. State
  • 98 Adams scholarship recipients
  • school recognitions
  • grade level recognitions
Biology, a new standard, the only one where Franklin did not score high, first time for this test

Davis Thayer, top five performance in Grade 4 mathematics
Helen Keller, grade 5 mathematics, 94% of the students scored high
Grade 3, 4, 5 received very high scores in mathematics

Elementary made AYP in all groups and rankings

Middle School did not make AYP in subgroups
  • Horace Mann made AYP
  • Remington ELA improvement year 1 - subgroups
  • Annie Sullivan ELA improvement year 1 - subgroups
FHS made AYP

Middle schools
  • Math, Science - Low Income in subgroup
  • Math -Very Low in special education subgroup
possible factors for this
1 - idea of developmental learning process, state identifies a constant rate of change, we know from research and experience that students do not learn at a constant rate of change, compound that with the social and emotional challenges of the middle school age group

2 - when we talk about subgroups we usually talk about students with learning disabilities, progress usually is one year of growth per year, students with disabilities however need more time to make the development step; by the time they finish high school they meet the standards, having taken the time necessary to develop

3 - the test materials, learning standards increase exponentially in the middle school over the levels in the elementary schools. There is a ceiling in the 10th grade testing material, at an adult reading level.

High School
  • Math - low income made moderate improvement
  • Biology for both Low income and Special Education subgroups, they were in the Low performance rating category
Addressing the issues, mostly talked to in the Middle School improvement plans discussed earlier this evening

RTI - response to intervention, a framework to identify readers and reading levels

ISSP - individual student success plans, any student with a score between 220 and 238 has a plan to focus on their instruction and progress

Graduation requirements are changing for the students graduating in 2010, the passing score increases from 220 to 240 for both Math and English

Class of 2012 in addition to the Math, English and Science, they will also be required to pass a US History test